Trainings & Langages


- Latex2html, pdfmerge, pdfunite, ps2pdf

- Linux & vi

- NCO 



- Data management

Trainings, Seminars

- 2023 : 

NASA Earthdata WebinarDemystifying the Cloud: Simple Workflows for Accessing NSIDC DAAC Data in the Cloud, August 2 2023

- 2021 :

* Training on XIOS using Gather Town and a virtual machine, May 15-19 2021 

- 2019 :

* Bocal Climaf/C-ESM-EP : every Thursday afternoon at CNRM (Meteo-France) in visioconf with IPSL (Paris)

* Training on Scientific Python Libraries (Iform, Toulouse) : 12-13/12/2019

* Training "CALCUL2020" on Belenos - 02/03 December 2019 - IT-BULLADP, Meteo-France

* Training Python II (Iform, Toulouse) : 25-26-27/11/2019

* Training Python I (Iform, Toulouse) : 09-10-11/09/2019

- 2018 :

* Bocal Climaf/C-ESM-EP : every Thursday afternoon at CNRM (Meteo-France) in visioconf with IPSL (Paris) : 15/11/208 - 15/12/2019

* Participation to the RoadMap Data Driven Modelling day with Cerfacs shareholders: 11/06/2018

* Participation to the RoadMap Exascale day with Cerfacs shareholders: 07/06/2018

* Participation to the RoadMap Coupling day with Cerfacs shareholders: 12/04/2018

* Seminar 06/06/2018 : Eric Petit (Intel Corp.) et François Févotte (EDF), Vérification de la qualité numérique des codes en arithmétique flottantes avec Verificarlo et Verrou, Cerfacs

* Seminar 02/05/2018, Comment réaliser une simulation CNRM-CM6, Marie-Pierre Moine, Cerfacs

* Seminar HPC 26/04/2018, Cerfacs : "Introduction au calcul quantique", A. Suau , CSG/COOP

- 2017 :

* Semniar, 29/11/2017, Faire un run CNRM-CM6 pour CMIP6, Stephane Senesi, Meteo-France

* Deep Learning : 27/06/2017, Cerfacs

- 2015 :

* Training C and C++ (Cerfacs) : 15-16/06/2015

* Training Cerfacs web (Cerfacs) : 11-12/06/2015
* Training Python (Cerfacs) : 5/02/2015
* Training OpenPALM (Cerfacs) : 14-16/01/2015

- 2014 :

* 17-18 April 2014 : Training on PERL at Cerfacs
* 16 April 2014 : Training on Python at Cerfacs
* 27 of March 2014 : Training on GIT at Cerfacs (half day)
* 17 of February 2014 : Training on C-SHELL

- 2013 :

* 18-20 of December 2013 : Training on C3SM, Cerfacs, Toulouse
* 15 of October 2013 : presentation + demonstration of ECLIS, the script of submission of the coupled model of CNRM-CERFACS, at Meteo-France, Toulouse
* 10 of September 2013 : presentation of the profiler MPI MAP of Alinea at Cerfacs, Toulouse
* 19-20 June 2013 : C3SM training at Cerfacs, Toulouse to learn how to create a graphical interface for OASIS3-MCT.

* Training on python : April 30 2013, Cerfacs, Toulouse.
* Meeting MORCE at LMD, "Ecole Polytechnique", Paris : 04 April 2013
* Training on the the new computer BULL of Météo-France : 12 and 13 of February 2013, Toulouse
* Training "Creation of a web page": 8 January 2013, Cerfacs, Toulouse

- 2012 : 

* 20 January 2012 morning : training on the software GIT at CERFACS

- 2011 :

* 28 september 2011 morning : presentation of DDT and OPT by Allinea at CERFACS

- 2010 :

* 5-6 may 2010 : training on eLearning at CERFACS (see to create some pages for the toy tutorial1

* 2010 : Architecture des calculateurs et optimisation, CERFACS, Toulouse 31
* 2010 : Training on Tcl/Tk, CERFACS, Toulouse 31

- 2009 : 

* 2009 : Training on the NEC-SX9 at Meteo-France, Toulouse 31

- 2008 :

* 2008 : Training on "Principles and tools in scientific computing" at CERFACS, Toulouse 31

- 2007 :

* 2007 : Training on NEC at Meteo-France, Toulouse 31
* 2007 : Training on F90/F95 at IDRIS, Orsay 91
* 2007 : Training on PALM (Projet d'Assimilation par Logiciel Multi-methodes) in CERFACS, Toulouse 
* 2007 : Training on Subversion (SVN) in CERFACS, Toulouse 31
* 2007 : Training on scientific oral presentations (given in english) in CERFACS, Toulouse 31
* 2007  : Training on MPI1-2 in CERFACS, Toulouse 31 

* 2007 : Training at CCRT on the BULL computer PLATINE, Saclay 91                                                  

Published on  April 4th, 2024