!MNH_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- special set of characters for RCS information !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Source: /srv/cvsroot/MNH-VX-Y-Z/src/MNH/Attic/conresolz.f90,v $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2014/01/09 15:01:55 $ !----------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! #################### MODULE MODI_CONRESOLZ2 ! #################### ! INTERFACE ! SUBROUTINE CONRESOLZ2(HLBCX,HLBCY,PDXX,PDYY,PDZX,PDZY,PDZZ,PRHODJ,PRHODREF,PTHETAV, & PDXHATM,PDYHATM,PRHOM,PAF,PBF,PCF,PTRIGSX,PTRIGSY,KIFAXX,KIFAXY, & KITR,KTCOUNT,PY,PPHI, & PBFB,& PBF_SXP2_YP1_Z) !JUAN Z_SPLITING ! IMPLICIT NONE ! CHARACTER (LEN=4), DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN) :: HLBCX ! x-direction LBC type CHARACTER (LEN=4), DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN) :: HLBCY ! y-direction LBC type ! ! Metric coefficients: REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDXX ! d*xx REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDYY ! d*yy REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDZX ! d*zx REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDZY ! d*zy REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDZZ ! d*zz ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODJ ! density of reference * J REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODREF ! density of reference REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTHETAV ! virtual pot. temp. at time t ! REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PDXHATM ! mean grid increment in the x ! direction REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PDYHATM ! mean grid increment in the y ! direction ! REAL, DIMENSION (:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHOM ! XRHODJ mean on the X Y plane ! localized at a mass level ! REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: PAF,PCF ! vectors giving the nonvanishing REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PBF ! elements of the tri-diag. ! matrix in the pressure eq. ! ! arrays of sin or cos values ! for the FFT : REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: PTRIGSX ! - along x REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: PTRIGSY ! - along y ! ! decomposition in prime ! numbers for the FFT: INTEGER, DIMENSION(19), INTENT(IN) :: KIFAXX ! - along x INTEGER, DIMENSION(19), INTENT(IN) :: KIFAXY ! - along y ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KITR ! number of iterations for the ! pressure solver INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KTCOUNT ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PY ! RHS of the equation ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PPHI ! solution of the equation ! !JUAN Z_SPLITING REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PBFB ! elements of the tri-diag. b-slide ! matrix in the pressure eq. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PBF_SXP2_YP1_Z ! elements of the tri-diag. SXP2_YP1_Z-slide ! matrix in the pressure eq. !JUAN Z_SPLITING END SUBROUTINE CONRESOLZ2 ! END INTERFACE ! END MODULE MODI_CONRESOLZ2 ! ! ! ! ######################################################################### SUBROUTINE CONRESOLZ2(HLBCX,HLBCY,PDXX,PDYY,PDZX,PDZY,PDZZ,PRHODJ,PRHODREF,PTHETAV, & PDXHATM,PDYHATM,PRHOM,PAF,PBF,PCF,PTRIGSX,PTRIGSY,KIFAXX,KIFAXY, & KITR,KTCOUNT,PY,PPHI, & PBFB,& PBF_SXP2_YP1_Z) !JUAN Z_SPLITING ! ######################################################################### ! !!**** *CONRESOLZ * - solve an elliptic equation by the conjugate residual !! method !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! The purpose of this routine is to solve an elliptic equation using ! the preconditioned conjugate residual (CR) method. This is a version ! of the scheme proposed by Skamarock, Smolarkiewicz and Klemp (MWR, 1997). ! !!** METHOD !! ------ !! The equation to be solved reads: !! !! Q (PHI) = Y !! !! where Q is the quasi-Laplacian ( subroutine QLAP ) and PHI the pressure !! function. !! We precondition the problem by the operator F : !! -1 -1 !! F * Q (PHI) = F (Y) !! F represents the flat Laplacian ie. without orography. Its inversion is !! realized in the routine FLAT_INVZ. This equation is solved with a Conjugate !! Residual method. !! The initial guess is given by the pressure at the previous time step. !! The resolution stops after ITR iterations of the solver. !! !! EXTERNAL !! -------- !! Subroutine GDIV: compute J times the divergence of 1/J times a vector !! Function QLAP: compute the complete quasi-Laplacian Q !! Subroutine FLAT_INVZ : invert the flat quasi-laplacien F !! Function DOTPROD: compute the dot product of 2 vectors !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! Module MODI_GDIV: interface for the subroutine GDIV !! Module MODI_QLAP: interface for the function QLAP !! Module MODI_FLAT_INVZ: interface for the subroutine FLAT_INVZ !! Module MODI_DOTPROD: interface for the function DOTPROD !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! Book2 of documentation (routine CONRESOL) !! Skamarock, Smolarkiewicz and Klemp (1997) MWR !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! J.-P. Pinty *Laboratoire d'Aerologie* !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 25/08/99 !! J.-P. Pinty & P. Jabouille !! 11/07/00 bug in ZALPHA !! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! USE MODI_SECOND_MNH USE MODE_ll USE MODE_IO_ll USE MODI_GDIV USE MODI_QLAP USE MODI_FLAT_INVZ USE MODI_DOTPROD USE MODD_VAR_ll, ONLY: IP USE MODD_IBM_PARAM_n USE MODD_CONF ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !* 0.1 declarations of arguments ! ! CHARACTER (LEN=4), DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN) :: HLBCX ! x-direction LBC type CHARACTER (LEN=4), DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN) :: HLBCY ! y-direction LBC type ! ! Metric coefficients: REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDXX ! d*xx REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDYY ! d*yy REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDZX ! d*zx REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDZY ! d*zy REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDZZ ! d*zz ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODJ ! density of reference * J REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODREF ! density of reference REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTHETAV ! virtual pot. temp. at time t ! REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PDXHATM ! mean grid increment in the x ! direction REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PDYHATM ! mean grid increment in the y ! direction ! REAL, DIMENSION (:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHOM ! mean of XRHODJ on the plane x y ! localized at a mass level ! REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: PAF,PCF ! vectors giving the nonvanishing REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PBF ! elements of the tri-diag. ! matrix in the pressure eq. ! ! arrays of sin or cos values ! for the FFT : REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: PTRIGSX ! - along x REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: PTRIGSY ! - along y ! ! decomposition in prime ! numbers for the FFT: INTEGER, DIMENSION(19), INTENT(IN) :: KIFAXX ! - along x INTEGER, DIMENSION(19), INTENT(IN) :: KIFAXY ! - along y ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KITR ! number of iterations for the ! pressure solver INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KTCOUNT ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PY ! RHS of the equation ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PPHI ! solution of the equation !JUAN Z_SPLITING REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PBFB ! elements of the tri-diag. b-slide ! matrix in the pressure eq. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PBF_SXP2_YP1_Z ! elements of the tri-diag. SXP2_YP1_Z-slide ! matrix in the pressure eq. !JUAN Z_SPLITING ! !* 0.2 declarations of local variables ! INTEGER :: JM ! loop index ! REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PPHI,1),SIZE(PPHI,2),SIZE(PPHI,3)) :: ZDELTA, ZKSI ! array containing the auxilary fields DELTA and KSI of the CR method REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PPHI,1),SIZE(PPHI,2),SIZE(PPHI,3)) :: ZP, ZQ ! array containing the auxilary fields P and Q of the CR method REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PPHI,1),SIZE(PPHI,2),SIZE(PPHI,3)) :: ZRESIDUE,ZWORK ! array containing the error field at each iteration Q(PHI) - Y ! REAL :: ZALPHA, ZLAMBDA ! amplitude of the descent in the Conjugate ! directions REAL :: ZDOT_DELTA ! dot product of ZDELTA by itself REAL :: ZMAX_RESIDUE,ZMAX_RESIDUE1,ZMAX_RESIDUE2,ZMAX_RESIVAR,ZMAX_RESIVAR1,ZMAX_RESIVAR2,ZMAX_Y REAL :: ZTIME,ZTIME1,ZTIME2,ZTIME3,ZTIME4 INTEGER :: IINFO_ll INTEGER :: ILUIBMPRES,IRESPIBMPRES ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ILUIBMPRES = 101!FORT IF ((KTCOUNT==0.and.IP==1).OR.(IP==1.AND.KTCOUNT==1.AND.CCONF=='RESTA')) THEN OPEN(UNIT=ILUIBMPRES , FILE='ibm_resi.dat', IOSTAT=IRESPIBMPRES , FORM='FORMATTED' , & STATUS='NEW', POSITION='APPEND', ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', ACTION='WRITE') ELSEIF (mod(KTCOUNT,50)==0.and.IP==1) THEN OPEN(UNIT=ILUIBMPRES , FILE='ibm_resi.dat', IOSTAT=IRESPIBMPRES , FORM='FORMATTED' , & STATUS='OLD', POSITION='APPEND', ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', ACTION='WRITE') ENDIF !* 1. INITIALIZATIONS ! --------------- ! !CALL SECOND_MNH(ZTIME1) ZMAX_Y = MAX_ll(ABS(PY),IINFO_ll) ZMAX_Y = ZMAX_Y/XIBM_DIV ! !* 1.1 compute the vector: r^(0) = Q(PHI) - Y ! ZRESIDUE = QLAP(HLBCX,HLBCY,PDXX,PDYY,PDZX,PDZY,PDZZ,PRHODJ,PTHETAV,PPHI) - PY ! ZMAX_RESIDUE2 = MAX_ll(ABS(ZRESIDUE),IINFO_ll) ZMAX_RESIDUE = 1. ZMAX_RESIVAR = ZMAX_RESIDUE2/XIBM_DIV JM = 1 ! !CALL SECOND_MNH(ZTIME2) IF (IP==1.and.mod(KTCOUNT,50)==0) WRITE(UNIT=ILUIBMPRES,FMT='(5(1X,E16.8))') KTCOUNT*1.-1.,JM*1.-1.,ZMAX_Y,ZMAX_RESIVAR,ZMAX_RESIDUE !CALL SECOND_MNH(ZTIME3) ! IF (ZMAX_Y.lt.XIBM_RES .or. KITR==0) RETURN ! !* 1.2 compute the vector: p^(0) = F^(-1)*( Q(PHI) - Y ) ! CALL FLAT_INVZ(HLBCX,HLBCY,PDXHATM,PDYHATM,PRHOM,PAF,PBF,PCF, & PTRIGSX,PTRIGSY,KIFAXX,KIFAXY,ZRESIDUE,ZP,& PBFB,& PBF_SXP2_YP1_Z) !JUAN Z_SPLITING ! !* 1.3 compute the vector: delta^(0) = Q ( p^(0) ) ! ZDELTA = QLAP(HLBCX,HLBCY,PDXX,PDYY,PDZX,PDZY,PDZZ,PRHODJ,PTHETAV,ZP) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. ITERATIVE LOOP ! -------------- ! !CALL SECOND_MNH(ZTIME4) !ZTIME=ZTIME4+ZTIME2-ZTIME3-ZTIME1 DO WHILE ((ZMAX_RESIVAR.gt.XIBM_RES) .and. (ZMAX_RESIDUE.gt.XIBM_RES) .and. (JM