!MNH_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- special set of characters for RCS information !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Source: /srv/cvsroot/MNH-VX-Y-Z/src/MNH/ver_interp_lin.f90,v $ $Revision: $ ! masdev4_7 BUG1 2007/06/15 17:47:18 !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ##################### MODULE MODI_IBM_1DINT ! ##################### ! INTERFACE ! FUNCTION IBM_1DINT(PLOCATI,PVALUEI,HINTERP) RESULT(PVALUEG) REAL, DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN) :: PLOCATI REAL, DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN) :: PVALUEI CHARACTER(LEN=3) , INTENT(IN) :: HINTERP REAL :: PVALUEG END FUNCTION IBM_1DINT ! END INTERFACE ! END MODULE MODI_IBM_1DINT ! ! ########################################################### FUNCTION IBM_1DINT(PLOCATI,PVALUEI,HINTERP) RESULT(PVALUEG) ! ########################################################### ! !!**** *IBM_INTER_1DINT* - Classical Lagrange interpolation 1D !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! This function interpolates the 1D fields from the image(s) point ! to the mirror point associated to each ghost nodes. The interpolation ! weighting is based on the Lagrange polynomials between the image point ! F(X,Y,Z) and each N selected nearest nodes F(Xi,Yi,Zi). The number of ! nodes is depending on the interpolation order. The direction of the ! interpolation is normal to the interface. ! !! !! METHOD !! ------ !! ! F(X,Y,Z)= sum(i=1toN)sum(j=1toN)sum(k=1toN)[[[Li(x)Lj(y)Lz(k)F(Xi,Yi,Zi)]]] ! where La(B)=prod(l=1toN,l/=a) (B-Bl)/(Bb-Bl) ! ! Three interpolations type is implemented. Each type uses respectively ! MIRROR : computation of the mirror of the ghost ! IMAGE1 : one image point with an imposed distance to the interface (1.V_cell**1/3) ! IMAGE2 : a secund image with an imposed distance to the interface (2.V_cell**1/3) ! !! INDEX !! ----- !! ! PLOCATI(1) (resp. PVALUEI(1)) is the image 1 location (resp. value) === CL0 === ! PLOCATI(2) (resp. PVALUEI(2)) is the image 2 location (resp. value) === CL1 === ! PLOCATI(3) (resp. PVALUEI(3)) is the mirror location (resp. value) === CL2 === ! PVALUEI(4) is the bound value !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! !! Franck Auguste * CERFACS(AE) * !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 01/01/2015 !! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !**** 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------------ ! ! module ! ! declaration USE MODD_IBM_PARAM_n ! ! interface ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 0.1 Declaration of arguments REAL, DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN) :: PLOCATI REAL, DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN) :: PVALUEI CHARACTER(LEN=3) , INTENT(IN) :: HINTERP REAL :: PVALUEG ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 0.2 Declaration of local variables ! REAL :: Z_PLAG_G0,Z_PLAG_I1,Z_PLAG_I2 REAL :: Z_CINT_G0,Z_CINT_I1,Z_CINT_I2 REAL :: Z_CINT_GG,Z_CINT_II REAL :: Z_PLAG_GG,Z_PLAG_II REAL :: ZVALUEMIN,ZVALUEMAX ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !**** 1. PRELIMINARIES ! ---------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !**** 2. EXECUTIONS ! ------------- ! IF (HINTERP=='CL3') THEN ! Lagrange polynomials Z_PLAG_G0 = (-PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(1))/(0. -PLOCATI(1))*& (-PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(2))/(0. -PLOCATI(2)) Z_PLAG_I1 = (-PLOCATI(3)-0. )/(+PLOCATI(1)- 0.)*& (-PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(2))/(+PLOCATI(1)-PLOCATI(2)) Z_PLAG_I2 = (-PLOCATI(3)-0. )/(+PLOCATI(2)- 0.)*& (-PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(1))/(+PLOCATI(2)-PLOCATI(1)) ! ! Interpolation coeffs Z_CINT_G0 = Z_PLAG_G0 Z_CINT_I1 = Z_PLAG_I1 Z_CINT_I2 = Z_PLAG_I2 ! ! Mirror value computation PVALUEG = Z_CINT_G0*PVALUEI(4)+Z_CINT_I1*PVALUEI(1)+Z_CINT_I2*PVALUEI(2) ENDIF IF (HINTERP=='CL2') THEN ! Lagrange polynomials Z_PLAG_G0 = (PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(1))/(-PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(1))*& (PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(2))/(-PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(2)) Z_PLAG_I1 = (PLOCATI(3)+PLOCATI(3))/(+PLOCATI(1)+PLOCATI(3))*& (PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(2))/(+PLOCATI(1)-PLOCATI(2)) Z_PLAG_I2 = (PLOCATI(3)+PLOCATI(3))/(+PLOCATI(2)+PLOCATI(3))*& (PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(1))/(+PLOCATI(2)-PLOCATI(1)) ! ! Interpolation coeffs Z_CINT_G0 = 1./(1.+Z_PLAG_G0)*(2.*Z_PLAG_G0) Z_CINT_I1 = 1./(1.+Z_PLAG_G0)*(1.*Z_PLAG_I1) Z_CINT_I2 = 1./(1.+Z_PLAG_G0)*(1.*Z_PLAG_I2) ! ! Mirror value computation PVALUEG = Z_CINT_G0*PVALUEI(4)+Z_CINT_I1*PVALUEI(1)+Z_CINT_I2*PVALUEI(2) ! ! Value limitation ZVALUEMIN = +XIBM_IEPS ZVALUEMAX = -XIBM_IEPS ZVALUEMIN = MIN(ZVALUEMIN,PVALUEI(1)) ZVALUEMIN = MIN(ZVALUEMIN,PVALUEI(2)) ZVALUEMIN = MIN(ZVALUEMIN,PVALUEI(4)) ZVALUEMAX = MAX(ZVALUEMAX,PVALUEI(1)) ZVALUEMAX = MAX(ZVALUEMAX,PVALUEI(2)) ZVALUEMAX = MAX(ZVALUEMAX,PVALUEI(4)) PVALUEG = MAX(PVALUEG,ZVALUEMIN) PVALUEG = MIN(PVALUEG,ZVALUEMAX) ENDIF IF (HINTERP=='CL1') THEN ! Lagrange polynomials Z_PLAG_GG = (PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(1))/(-PLOCATI(3)-PLOCATI(1)) Z_PLAG_II = (PLOCATI(3)+PLOCATI(3))/(+PLOCATI(3)+PLOCATI(1)) ! ! Interpolation coeffs Z_CINT_GG = 1./(1.+Z_PLAG_GG)*(2.*Z_PLAG_GG) Z_CINT_II = 1./(1.+Z_PLAG_GG)*(1.*Z_PLAG_II) ! ! Mirror value computation PVALUEG = Z_CINT_GG*PVALUEI(4)+Z_CINT_II*PVALUEI(1) ENDIF IF (HINTERP=='CL0') THEN PVALUEG = PVALUEI(3) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION IBM_1DINT