!SURFEX_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 Meteo-France !SURFEX_LIC This is part of the SURFEX software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !SURFEX_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !SURFEX_LIC for details. version 1. SUBROUTINE INI_CTURBS !! !!**** *INI_CTURBS* - routine to initialize the turbulence scheme !! constants. !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! The purpose of this routine is to initialize the turbulence ! scheme constants that are stored in module MODD_CTURB ! !! METHOD !! ------ !! The constants are set to their numerical values !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! V. Masson * Meteo-France * !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! USE MODD_CSTS, ONLY : XKARMAN USE MODD_CANOPY_TURB, ONLY : XTKEMIN, XCEP, XCED, XALPSBL, XA0, XCMFS, XASBL,& XCSHF, XCTP ! ! USE YOMHOOK ,ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPRB ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 1. SETTING THE NUMERICAL VALUES ! ---------------------------- ! ! 1.1 Constant for dissipation of Tke ! REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE REAL :: ZCDI,ZCNU ZCNU=0.055 IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('INI_CTURBS',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) XCED = 0.85 ! Redelsperger-Sommeria (1981) = 0.70 ! Schmidt-Schumann (1989) = 0.845 ! Cheng-Canuto-Howard (2002) = 0.845 ! ! ZCDI = XCED/ZCNU**0.75 ! 1.2 Constant for wind pressure-correlations ! XCEP = 8./15.*ZCDI ! Redelsperger-Sommeria (1981) = 4. ! Schmidt-Schumann (1989) = 3.5 ! Cheng-Canuto-Howard (2002) = 2.11 ! ! ! 1.3 Constant a0 for wind pressure-correlations ! XA0 = 0.6 ! Redelsperger-Sommeria (1981) = 0.6 ! Schmidt-Schumann (1989) = 0.55 ! Cheng-Canuto-Howard (2002) = 0.6 ! ! ! 1.4 Constant for temperature and vapor pressure-correlations ! XCTP = 4.65 ! Redelsperger-Sommeria (1981) = 4. ! Schmidt-Schumann (1989) = 3.25 ! Cheng-Canuto-Howard (2002) = 4.65 ! ! ! 1.5 Value related to the TKE universal function within SBL ! XALPSBL = 4.63 ! Redelsperger et al 2001 = 4.63 ! Wyngaard et al. 1974 = 3.75 ! Stull 1988 = 4.75 ! ! ! ! 2. Derivated constants ! ------------------- ! ! 2.1 Constant in fluxes equations ! XCMFS= 2./3./XCEP*(1.-XA0) !Constant for the momentum flux due to shear (RS) ! ! Redelsperger-Sommeria (1981) ......... 0.066 ! Schmidt-Schumann (1989) ......... 0.086 ! Cheng-Canuto-Howard (2002) ......... 0.126 ! XCSHF= 2./3./XCTP !Constant for the sensible heat flux(RS) ! ! Redelsperger-Sommeria (1981) ......... 0.167 ! Schmidt-Schumann (1989) ......... 0.204 ! Cheng-Canuto-Howard (2002) ......... 0.143 ! ! ! 2.2 Value related to the TKE universal function within SBL ! ! XASBL = 0.5*( XALPSBL**(3./2.)*XKARMAN*XCED + XKARMAN/SQRT(XALPSBL)/XCMFS ) ! Redelsperger et al 2001 ! ! ! ! 3. MINIMUM VALUES ! -------------- ! XTKEMIN=1.E-10 IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('INI_CTURBS',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! END SUBROUTINE INI_CTURBS