!MNH_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- special set of characters for RCS information !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Source: /home/cvsroot/MNH-VX-Y-Z/src/MNH/set_cstn.f90,v $ $Revision: $ !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! #################### MODULE MODI_SET_CSTN ! #################### ! INTERFACE ! SUBROUTINE SET_CSTN(HEXPRE,HFUNU,HFUNV,KILOC,KJLOC,OBOUSS,OPV_PERT,ORMV_BL,PJ,OSHIFT,PCORIOZ) ! CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HEXPRE ! name of input data file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HFUNU ! type of variation of U ! in y direction CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HFUNV ! type of variation of V ! in x direction INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KILOC ! I Localisation of vertical profile INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KJLOC ! J Localisation of vertical profile LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OBOUSS ! logical switch for Boussinesq version LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OPV_PERT! logical switch for PV inversion LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ORMV_BL! logical switch for remouve boundary layer REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PJ ! jacobien LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OSHIFT ! logical switch for vertical shift ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: PCORIOZ ! Coriolis parameter ! (exceptionnaly 3D array) ! END SUBROUTINE SET_CSTN ! END INTERFACE ! END MODULE MODI_SET_CSTN ! ! ! ! ################################################################################## SUBROUTINE SET_CSTN(HEXPRE,HFUNU,HFUNV,KILOC,KJLOC,OBOUSS,OPV_PERT,ORMV_BL,PJ,OSHIFT,PCORIOZ) ! ################################################################################## ! !!**** *SET_CSTN * - routine to initialize mass and wind fields from a Nv=cste !! profile !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- ! The purpose of this routine is to initialize the mass (theta,r, ! thetavrefz,rhorefz) and the wind fields on model grid from a ! vertical profile ( ILEVEL - 1 layers of Nv=cste) located at point ! (KILOC,KJLOC) : ! ! ! |------ Z(ILEVEL),U(ILEVEL),V(ILEVEL),Hu(ILEVEL) ! | ! | Nv(ILEVEL-1) ! | ! |------ Z(ILEVEL-1),U(ILEVEL-1),V(ILEVEL-1),Hu(ILEVEL-1) ! | . ! | . ! | . ! | . ! |------ Z(2),U(2),V(2),Hu(2) ! | ! |Nv(1) ! | ! | ! Pground Thvground |------ Z(1), U(1),V(1),Hu(1) ---------------ground level ! ! (KILOC,KJLOC) ! ! ! ! The free-format part of EXPRE file contains the vertical profile.The data ! are stored in the following order : ! ! - number of data levels ( variable ILEVEL) ! - Thetav at ground ! - Pressure at ground ! - height of the ILEVEL levels ! - U-wind component of the ILEVEL levels ! - V-wind component of the ILEVEL levels ! - Relative humidity of the ILEVEL levels ! - Moist Brunt Vaisala frequency of the ILEVEL-1 layers ! ! !!** METHOD !! ------ !! Firstly, the vertical profile is read, then the virtual potential !! temperature Thetav is retrieved from the integrated form of the Brunt !! Vaisala frequency definition : !! !! thetav(k+1) = thetav(k) exp( Nv(k) * Nv(k) (z(k+1)-z(k))/ g) !! !! Then, Thetav and the humidity are interpolated on a vertical grid which !! is which is a mixed grid calaculated with VERT_COORD from the vertical levels of MNH !! grid and with a constant ororgraphy equal to the altitude of the vertical !! profile (ZZGROUND) (It permits to keep low levels information with a !! shifting function (as in PREP_REAL_CASE)) !! For the vapor mixing ratio computation, the pressure is first determined !! from the hydrostatic relation (done by PRESS_HEIGHT) and the virtual !! temperature is computed from the virtual potential temperature : !! P Rd/Cpd !! Tv = Thetav ( ---- ) !! P00 !! !! The vapor mixing ratio is determined by an iterative procedure from !! pressure,humidity and virtual temperature (done by SM_PMR_HU) !! !! Then, the horizontal structures of the 3D mass fields are deduced !! in SET_MASS !! !! EXTERNAL !! -------- !! Module MODE_THERMO : contains thermodynamic routines !! SM_PMR_HU : to compute vapor mixing ratio from pressure, virtual !! temperature and relative humidity !! PRESS_HEIGHT : to compute pressure from height and potentail virtual !! temperature !! !! SET_MASS : to compute mass and wind fields on the 3D-model grid !! !! Module MODI_PRESS_HEIGHT : interface for function PRESS_HEIGHT !! Module MODI_SET_MASS : interface for subroutine SET_MASS !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! Module MODD_CST : contains physical constants !! XG : Gravity constant !! XP00 : reference pressure !! XRD : Gas constant for dry air !! XCPD : Specific heat for dry air at constant pressure !! !! Module MODD_LUNIT1 : contains logical unit names !! CLUOUT : name of output-listing !! !! Module MODD_CONF : contains configuration variables for all models. !! NVERB : verbosity level for output-listing !! !! Module MODD_GRID1 : contains grid variables !! XZHAT : height of w-levels of vertical model grid without orography !! !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! Book2 of MESO-NH documentation (routine SET_CSTN) !! !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! V. Ducrocq * Meteo France * !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 25/08/94 !! change the call to SET_MASS 5/11/94 (J.Stein) !! change the computation of Rv in function of Hu 25/2/95 (J.Stein) !! J.Stein 30/01/96 use the RS ground pressure to initialize the !! hydrostatic pressure computation !! G. Tanguy 26/10/10 change the interpolation of the RS : we use now a !! mixed grid (PREP_REAL_CASE method) !! V.Masson 12/08/13 Parallelization of the initilization profile !! J.Escobar : 15/09/2015 : WENO5 & JPHEXT <> 1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! USE MODD_CST ! declarative modules USE MODD_LUNIT_n USE MODD_CONF USE MODD_GRID_n ! USE MODE_FM USE MODE_THERMO ! executive modules ! USE MODI_PRESS_HEIGHT ! interface modules USE MODI_SET_MASS USE MODI_VERT_COORD USE MODI_SHUMAN ! USE MODE_ll USE MODD_PARAMETERS, ONLY : JPHEXT ! USE MODE_MPPDB ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! !* 0.1 Declarations of arguments : ! CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HEXPRE ! name of input data file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HFUNU ! type of variation of U ! in y direction CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HFUNV ! type of variation of V ! in x direction INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KILOC ! I Localisation of vertical profile INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KJLOC ! J Localisation of vertical profile LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OBOUSS ! logical switch for Boussinesq version LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OPV_PERT! logical switch for PV inversion LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ORMV_BL! logical switch for remouve boundary layer REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PJ ! jacobien LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OSHIFT ! logical switch for vertical shift ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: PCORIOZ ! Coriolis parameter ! (exceptionnaly 3D array) ! !* 0.2 Declarations of local variables : ! ! ! fields and data on the sounding levels ! INTEGER :: ILUPRE,IRESP ! logical unit number of the ! EXPRE and FM return code INTEGER :: ILUOUT ! Logical unit number for ! output-listing INTEGER :: ILEVEL ! number of levels INTEGER :: ILAYER ! number of layers REAL :: ZPGROUND ! pressure at the ground level REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZHEIGHT ! Height of levels REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZU,ZV ! wind components REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZHU ! relative humidity REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZNV ! Moist Brunt Vaisala frequency ! for layers REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZTHV ! Thetav INTEGER :: JK,JKLEV ! Loop indexes ! ! variables on the grid without orography ! REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZZHATM ! Height of mass model grid levels ! without orography REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZTHVM ! Virtual potential Temperature ! at mass model grid levels REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZTVM ! Virtual Temperature at mass model ! grid levels REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZUW,ZVW ! Wind at w model grid levels REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZHUM ! humidity at mass model ! grid levels REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZMRM ! mixing ratio at mass model ! grid levels REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZPM ! pressure at mass model ! grid levels REAL :: ZRDSCPD ! Rd/Cpd REAL :: ZDZSDH,ZDZ1SDH,ZDZ2SDH ! interpolation ! working arrays REAL :: ZEXNGRDM, ZPGRDM ! Exner function and ! pressure at z = -delta z /2 INTEGER :: IKU ! Upper bound in z direction of model ! arrays ! REAL,DIMENSION(SIZE(XXHAT),SIZE(XYHAT)) ::ZZS_LS REAL,DIMENSION(SIZE(XXHAT),SIZE(XYHAT),SIZE(XZHAT)) ::ZZFLUX_MX,ZZMASS_MX ! mixed grid REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZZFLUX_PROFILE ! altitude of flux points on the initialization columns REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(XZHAT)) :: ZZMASS_PROFILE ! altitude of mass points on the initialization columns ! INTEGER :: IIB, IIE, IJB, IJE INTEGER :: IXOR_ll, IYOR_ll INTEGER :: IINFO_ll LOGICAL :: GPROFILE_IN_PROC ! T : initialization profile is in current processor ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 1. PROLOGUE : RETRIEVE LOGICAL UNIT NUMBERS AND INITIALIZE SOME ! CONSTANTS ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! CALL FMLOOK_ll(CLUOUT,CLUOUT,ILUOUT,IRESP) CALL FMLOOK_ll(HEXPRE,CLUOUT,ILUPRE,IRESP) ! CALL GET_INDICE_ll(IIB,IJB,IIE,IJE) CALL GET_OR_ll('B',IXOR_ll,IYOR_ll) ! ZRDSCPD = XRD / XCPD !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. READ DATA ! --------- ! !* 2.1 Read levels number of and allocate memory ! READ(ILUPRE,*) ILEVEL ILAYER = ILEVEL -1 ALLOCATE(ZNV(ILAYER)) ALLOCATE(ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL),ZU(ILEVEL),ZV(ILEVEL),ZHU(ILEVEL)) ALLOCATE(ZTHV(ILEVEL)) ! !* 2.2 Read data ! READ(ILUPRE,*) ZTHV(1) ! The first level is at the ground READ(ILUPRE,*) ZPGROUND READ(ILUPRE,*) ZHEIGHT READ(ILUPRE,*) ZU READ(ILUPRE,*) ZV READ(ILUPRE,*) ZHU READ(ILUPRE,*) ZNV ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 3. COMPUTE THETAV ! -------------- ! DO JK = 2,ILEVEL ZTHV(JK) = ZTHV(JK-1) * EXP((ZNV(JK-1)**2) * (ZHEIGHT(JK)-ZHEIGHT(JK-1))/XG) END DO ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 4. INTERPOLATE ON THE VERTICAL MIXED MODEL GRID ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! IKU=SIZE(XZHAT) ! !* 4.1 Compute mixed grid ! IF (PRESENT(PCORIOZ)) THEN ! LGEOSBAL=T (no shift allowed, MNH grid without ororgraphy) ZZS_LS(:,:)=0 ELSE ZZS_LS(:,:)=ZHEIGHT(1) ENDIF CALL VERT_COORD(LSLEVE,ZZS_LS,ZZS_LS,XLEN1,XLEN2,XZHAT,ZZFLUX_MX) ZZMASS_MX(:,:,:)=MZF(1,IKU,1,ZZFLUX_MX) ZZMASS_MX(:,:,IKU)=1.5*ZZFLUX_MX(:,:,IKU)-0.5*ZZFLUX_MX(:,:,IKU-1) ! CALL MPPDB_CHECK3D(ZZMASS_MX,"SET_CSTN::ZZMASS_MX",PRECISION) ! !* vertical grid at initialization profile location GPROFILE_IN_PROC=(KILOC+JPHEXT-IXOR_ll+1>=IIB .AND. KILOC+JPHEXT-IXOR_ll+1<=IIE ) & & .AND. (KJLOC+JPHEXT-IYOR_ll+1>=IJB .AND. KJLOC+JPHEXT-IYOR_ll+1<=IJE) ! IF (GPROFILE_IN_PROC) THEN ZZMASS_PROFILE(:) = ZZMASS_MX(KILOC+JPHEXT-IXOR_ll+1,KJLOC+JPHEXT-IYOR_ll+1,:) ZZFLUX_PROFILE(:) = ZZFLUX_MX(KILOC+JPHEXT-IXOR_ll+1,KJLOC+JPHEXT-IYOR_ll+1,:) ELSE ZZMASS_PROFILE(:) = 0. ZZFLUX_PROFILE(:) = 0. END IF DO JK = 1,IKU CALL REDUCESUM_ll(ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK), IINFO_ll) CALL REDUCESUM_ll(ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK), IINFO_ll) END DO ! !* 4.2 Interpolate and extrapolate U and V on w-mixed grid levels : ! DO JK = 1,IKU IF (ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK) <= ZHEIGHT(1)) THEN ! extrapolation below the first level ZDZSDH = (ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(1)) / (ZHEIGHT(2) - ZHEIGHT(1)) ZUW(JK) = ZU(1) + (ZU(2) - ZU(1)) * ZDZSDH ZVW(JK) = ZV(1) + (ZV(2) - ZV(1)) * ZDZSDH ELSE IF (ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK) > ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL) ) THEN ! extrapolation above the last ZDZSDH = (ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL)) & ! level / (ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL) - ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL-1)) ZUW(JK) = ZU(ILEVEL) + (ZU(ILEVEL) -ZU(ILEVEL -1)) * ZDZSDH ZVW(JK) = ZV(ILEVEL) + (ZV(ILEVEL) -ZV(ILEVEL -1)) * ZDZSDH ELSE ! interpolation between the first and last levels DO JKLEV = 1,ILEVEL-1 IF ( (ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK) > ZHEIGHT(JKLEV)).AND.(ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK) <= ZHEIGHT(JKLEV+1))) THEN ZDZ1SDH = (ZZFLUX_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(JKLEV)) & / (ZHEIGHT(JKLEV+1)-ZHEIGHT(JKLEV)) ZDZ2SDH = 1.- ZDZ1SDH ZUW(JK) = (ZU(JKLEV) * ZDZ2SDH) + (ZU(JKLEV+1) *ZDZ1SDH) ZVW(JK) = (ZV(JKLEV) * ZDZ2SDH) + (ZV(JKLEV+1) *ZDZ1SDH) END IF END DO END IF END DO ! ! !* 4.3 Interpolate and extrapolate Thetav and Hu on mass mixed grid levels ! DO JK = 1,IKU IF (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) <= ZHEIGHT(1)) THEN ! extrapolation below the first ZDZSDH = (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(1)) / (ZHEIGHT(2) - ZHEIGHT(1)) ! level ZTHVM(JK) = ZTHV(1) * EXP((ZNV(1)**2) * (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(1))/XG) ZHUM(JK) = ZHU(1) + (ZHU(2) - ZHU(1)) * ZDZSDH ELSE IF (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) > ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL) ) THEN ! extrapolation above the last ZDZSDH = (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL)) & ! level / (ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL) - ZHEIGHT(ILEVEL-1)) ZTHVM(JK) = ZTHV(ILEVEL) + (ZTHV(ILEVEL) -ZTHV(ILEVEL -1)) * ZDZSDH ZHUM(JK) = ZHU(ILEVEL) + (ZHU(ILEVEL) -ZHU(ILEVEL -1)) * ZDZSDH ELSE ! interpolation between the first and last levels DO JKLEV = 1,ILEVEL-1 IF ( (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) > ZHEIGHT(JKLEV)).AND. & (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) <= ZHEIGHT(JKLEV+1)) ) THEN ! ! a linear interpolation is used for the humidity field and the ! logarithmic variation law (Nv = cst) is used for THV ZDZ1SDH = (ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(JKLEV)) & / (ZHEIGHT(JKLEV+1)-ZHEIGHT(JKLEV)) ZDZ2SDH = 1. -ZDZ1SDH ZHUM(JK) = (ZHU(JKLEV) * ZDZ2SDH) + (ZHU(JKLEV+1) *ZDZ1SDH) ZTHVM(JK) = ZTHV(JKLEV) * EXP & ( (ZNV(JKLEV)**2) * ( ZZMASS_PROFILE(JK) - ZHEIGHT(JKLEV) ) /XG ) END IF END DO END IF END DO ! ! !* 4.3 Compute Mixing ratio ! ! determines the pressure under the ground ZEXNGRDM= ( ZPGROUND / XP00) ** ZRDSCPD & - XG/XCPD / (0.5*(ZTHV(1)+ZTHVM(1))) * (ZZMASS_PROFILE(1) - ZHEIGHT(1)) ZPGRDM = XP00 * ZEXNGRDM ** (1./ZRDSCPD) ZPM(:) = PRESS_HEIGHT(ZZMASS_PROFILE(:),ZTHVM,ZPGRDM,ZTHVM(1),ZZMASS_PROFILE(1)) ! compute P ZTVM(:) = ZTHVM(:) * (ZPM(:) / XP00) ** ZRDSCPD ! compute Tv ZMRM(:) = ZHUM(:) !ZMRM(:) = SM_PMR_HU(CLUOUT,ZPM(:),ZTVM(:),ZHUM(:), & ! SPREAD(ZMRM(:),2,1)) ! compute vapor ! mixing ratio !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 5. COMPUTE FIELDS ON THE MODEL GRID (WITH OROGRAPHY) ! ------------------------------------------------- ! IF (PRESENT(PCORIOZ)) THEN CALL SET_MASS(GPROFILE_IN_PROC, ZZFLUX_PROFILE, & KILOC+JPHEXT,KJLOC+JPHEXT,ZZS_LS,ZZMASS_MX,ZZFLUX_MX,ZPGROUND,& ZTHVM,ZMRM,ZUW,ZVW,OSHIFT,OBOUSS,PJ,HFUNU,HFUNV,PCORIOZ=PCORIOZ) ELSE CALL SET_MASS(GPROFILE_IN_PROC, ZZFLUX_PROFILE, & KILOC+JPHEXT,KJLOC+JPHEXT,ZZS_LS,ZZMASS_MX,ZZFLUX_MX,ZPGROUND,& ZTHVM,ZMRM,ZUW,ZVW,OSHIFT,OBOUSS,PJ,HFUNU,HFUNV) ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END SUBROUTINE SET_CSTN