!MNH_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- special set of characters for RCS information !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Source: /home/cvsroot/MNH-VX-Y-Z/src/MNH/sunposn.f90,v $ $Revision: $ ! MASDEV4_7 rad 2006/05/18 13:07:25 !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! #################### MODULE MODI_SUNPOS_n ! #################### ! INTERFACE ! SUBROUTINE SUNPOS_n (PZENITH, PCOSZEN, PSINZEN, PAZIMSOL) ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PZENITH ! Solar zenithal angle REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PCOSZEN ! Cosine of the solar zenithal angle REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSINZEN ! Sinus of the solar zenithal angle REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PAZIMSOL ! Solar azimuthal angle ! END SUBROUTINE SUNPOS_n ! END INTERFACE ! END MODULE MODI_SUNPOS_n ! ! ! ######################################################### SUBROUTINE SUNPOS_n (PZENITH, PCOSZEN, PSINZEN, PAZIMSOL) ! ######################################################### ! !!**** *SUNPOS_n * - routine to compute the position of the sun !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- !! The purpose of this routine is to compute the cosine and sinus of the !! solar zenithal angle (angle defined by the local vertical at the position !! XLAT, XLON and the direction of the sun) and the azimuthal solar !! angle (angle between an horizontal direction (south or north according !! to the terrestrial hemisphere) and the horizontal projection of the !! direction of the sun. !! !!** METHOD !! ------ !! The cosine and sinus of the zenithal solar angle and the azimuthal !! solar angle are computed from the true universal time, valid for the (XLAT, !! XLON) location, and from the solar declination angle of the day. There !! is a special convention to define the azimuthal solar angle. !! !! EXTERNAL !! -------- !! NONE !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! "Radiative Processes in Meteorology and Climatology" !! (1976) Paltridge and Platt !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! J.-P. Pinty * Laboratoire d'Aerologie* !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 16/10/94 !! Revised 12/09/95 !! (J.Stein) 01:04/96 bug correction for ZZEANG !! (K. Suhre) 14/02/97 bug correction for ZLON0 !! (V. Masson) 01/03/03 add zenithal angle output !! (V. Masson) 04/01/12 standard definition of Azimuthal angle !! (from North, clockwise) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! USE MODD_CONF, ONLY : LCARTESIAN USE MODD_CST, ONLY : XPI USE MODD_GRID, ONLY : XLAT0, XLON0 USE MODD_GRID_n, ONLY : XLAT, XLON USE MODD_PARAM_RAD_n, ONLY : XDTRAD USE MODD_RADIATIONS_n, ONLY : XSINDEL, XCOSDEL, XTSIDER USE MODD_TIME_n, ONLY : TDTRAD_FULL ! USE MODD_IBM_PARAM_n ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !* 0.1 Declarations of dummy arguments : ! ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PZENITH ! Solar zenithal angle REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PCOSZEN ! Cosine of the solar zenithal angle REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSINZEN ! Sinus of the solar zenithal angle REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PAZIMSOL ! Solar azimuthal angle ! ! (radian, from North, clockwise) ! !* 0.2 declarations of local variables ! ! REAL :: ZTIME ! Centered current time for radiation calculations REAL :: ZUT ! Universal Time ! REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PZENITH,1),SIZE(PZENITH,2)) :: ZTUT ,&! True (absolute) ! Universal Time ZSOLANG ,&! Hourly solar angle ZSINAZI ,&! Sine of the solar azimuthal angle ZCOSAZI ,&! Cosine of the solar azimuthal angle ZLAT, & ZLON, &! Array of latitudes and longitudes ZSINZEN, &!Sine of zenithal angle ZCOSZEN, &!Cosine of zenithal angle ZAZIMSOL !azimuthal angle ! REAL , ALLOCATABLE :: ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT ! test to know if evolution of the solar angle ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 1. LOADS THE ZLAT, ZLON ARRAYS ! --------------------------- ! IF(LCARTESIAN) THEN ZLAT(:,:) = XLAT0*(XPI/180.) ZLON(:,:) = XLON0*(XPI/180.) ELSE ZLAT(:,:) = XLAT(:,:)*(XPI/180.) ZLON(:,:) = XLON(:,:)*(XPI/180.) END IF ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. COMPUTES THE TRUE SOLAR TIME ! ---------------------------- ! ZTIME = TDTRAD_FULL%TIME + 0.5*XDTRAD ZUT = MOD( 24.0+MOD(ZTIME/3600.,24.0),24.0 ) ! ZTUT(:,:) = ZUT - XTSIDER + ZLON(:,:)*((180./XPI)/15.0) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 3. COMPUTES THE COSINE AND SINUS OF THE ZENITHAL SOLAR ANGLE ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! ZSOLANG(:,:) = (ZTUT(:,:)-12.0)*15.0*(XPI/180.) ! hour angle in radians ! ZCOSZEN(:,:) = SIN(ZLAT(:,:))*XSINDEL + &! Cosine of the zenithal COS(ZLAT(:,:))*XCOSDEL*COS(ZSOLANG(:,:)) ! solar angle ! ZSINZEN(:,:) = SQRT( 1. - ZCOSZEN(:,:)*ZCOSZEN(:,:) ) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 4. ZENITHAL SOLAR ANGLE ! -------------------- ! PZENITH(:,:) = ACOS(ZCOSZEN(:,:)) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 5. COMPUTE THE AZIMUTHAL SOLAR ANGLE (PAZIMSOL) ! -------------------------------------------- ! WHERE (ZSINZEN(:,:)/=0.) ZSINAZI(:,:) = - XCOSDEL * SIN(ZSOLANG(:,:)) / ZSINZEN(:,:) ZCOSAZI(:,:) = (-SIN(ZLAT(:,:))*XCOSDEL*COS(ZSOLANG(:,:)) & +COS(ZLAT(:,:))*XSINDEL & ) / ZSINZEN(:,:) ZAZIMSOL(:,:) = ATAN2(ZSINAZI(:,:),ZCOSAZI(:,:)) ELSEWHERE ZAZIMSOL(:,:) = XPI END WHERE ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 6. COMPUTE THE NEW SOLAR ANGLE FOR IBM IF NECESSARY ! ------------------------------------------------ ! IF (LIBM) THEN ! ALLOCATE(ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT) ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX = ZSINZEN(2,2)*SIN(ZAZIMSOL(2,2)) ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY = ZSINZEN(2,2)*COS(ZAZIMSOL(2,2)) ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ = -COS(ZAZIMSOL(2,2)) ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT = (ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX**2.+ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY**2.+ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ**2.)**0.5 IF (ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT.GT.XIBM_EPSI) THEN ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX = ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX/ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY = ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY/ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ = ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ/ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT ENDIF XIBM_SOLAR_ANX = ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX XIBM_SOLAR_ANY = ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY XIBM_SOLAR_ANZ = ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ DEALLOCATE(ZIBM_SOLAR_ANX,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANY,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANZ,ZIBM_SOLAR_ANT) ENDIF ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (PRESENT(PCOSZEN )) PCOSZEN =ZCOSZEN IF (PRESENT(PSINZEN )) PSINZEN =ZSINZEN IF (PRESENT(PAZIMSOL)) PAZIMSOL=ZAZIMSOL !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END SUBROUTINE SUNPOS_n