!MNH_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier !MNH_LIC This is part of the Meso-NH software governed by the CeCILL-C licence !MNH_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt !MNH_LIC for details. version 1. ! ################ MODULE MODI_TURB ! ################ ! INTERFACE ! SUBROUTINE TURB(KKA, KKU, KKL, KMI,KRR,KRRL,KRRI,HLBCX,HLBCY, & KSPLIT,KMODEL_CL, & OCLOSE_OUT,OTURB_FLX,OTURB_DIAG,OSUBG_COND,ORMC01, & HTURBDIM,HTURBLEN,HTOM,HTURBLEN_CL,HCLOUD,PIMPL, & PTSTEP,HFMFILE,HLUOUT,PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDZX,PDZY,PZZ, & PDIRCOSXW,PDIRCOSYW,PDIRCOSZW,PCOSSLOPE,PSINSLOPE, & PRHODJ,PTHVREF,PRHODREF, & PSFTH,PSFRV,PSFSV,PSFU,PSFV, & PPABST,PUT,PVT,PWT,PTKET,PSVT,PSRCT, & PBL_DEPTH, PSBL_DEPTH, & PCEI,PCEI_MIN,PCEI_MAX,PCOEF_AMPL_SAT, & PTHLT,PRT, & PRUS,PRVS,PRWS,PRTHLS,PRRS,PRSVS,PRTKES,PRTKEMS,PSIGS, & PFLXZTHVMF,PWTH,PWRC,PWSV,PDYP,PTHP,PTR,PDISS,PLEM,KTCOUNT) !===>FA ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KTCOUNT INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKA !near ground array index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKU !uppest atmosphere array index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKL !vert. levels type 1=MNH -1=AR INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KMI ! model index number INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KRR ! number of moist var. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KRRL ! number of liquid water var. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KRRI ! number of ice water var. CHARACTER(LEN=*),DIMENSION(:),INTENT(IN):: HLBCX, HLBCY ! X- and Y-direc LBC INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KSPLIT ! number of time-splitting INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KMODEL_CL ! model number for cloud mixing length LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OCLOSE_OUT ! switch for syncronous ! file opening LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OTURB_FLX ! switch to write the ! turbulent fluxes in the syncronous FM-file LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OTURB_DIAG ! switch to write some ! diagnostic fields in the syncronous FM-file LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OSUBG_COND ! switch for SUBGrid ! CONDensation LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ORMC01 ! switch for RMC01 lengths in SBL CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTURBDIM ! dimensionality of the ! turbulence scheme CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTURBLEN ! kind of mixing length CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTOM ! kind of Third Order Moment CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTURBLEN_CL ! kind of cloud mixing length ! surface friction flux REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PIMPL ! degree of implicitness CHARACTER (LEN=4), INTENT(IN) :: HCLOUD ! Kind of microphysical scheme REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PTSTEP ! timestep CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HFMFILE ! Name of the output ! FM-file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HLUOUT ! Output-listing name for ! model n ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDZX,PDZY ! metric coefficients REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PZZ ! physical distance ! between 2 succesive grid points along the K direction REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDIRCOSXW, PDIRCOSYW, PDIRCOSZW ! Director Cosinus along x, y and z directions at surface w-point REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PCOSSLOPE ! cosinus of the angle ! between i and the slope vector REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSINSLOPE ! sinus of the angle ! between i and the slope vector REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODJ ! dry density * Grid size REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTHVREF ! Virtual Potential ! Temperature of the reference state REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODREF ! dry density of the ! reference state ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSFTH,PSFRV, & ! normal surface fluxes of theta and Rv PSFU,PSFV ! normal surface fluxes of (u,v) parallel to the orography REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSFSV ! normal surface fluxes of Scalar var. ! ! prognostic variables at t- deltat REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PPABST ! Pressure at time t REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PUT,PVT,PWT ! wind components REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTKET ! TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSVT ! passive scal. var. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSRCT ! Second-order flux ! s'rc'/2Sigma_s2 at time t-1 multiplied by Lambda_3 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PBL_DEPTH ! BL depth for TOMS REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PSBL_DEPTH ! SBL depth for RMC01 ! ! ! variables for cloud mixing length REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PCEI ! Cloud Entrainment instability ! index to emphasize localy ! turbulent fluxes REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PCEI_MIN ! minimum threshold for the instability index CEI REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PCEI_MAX ! maximum threshold for the instability index CEI REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PCOEF_AMPL_SAT ! saturation of the amplification coefficient ! thermodynamical variables which are transformed in conservative var. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PTHLT ! conservative pot. temp. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRT ! water var. where ! PRT(:,:,:,1) is the conservative mixing ratio ! ! sources of momentum, conservative potential temperature, Turb. Kin. Energy, ! TKE dissipation REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRUS,PRVS,PRWS,PRTHLS,PRTKES ! Source terms for all water kinds, PRRS(:,:,:,1) is used for the conservative ! mixing ratio REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRTKEMS REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRRS ! Source terms for all passive scalar variables REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRSVS ! Sigma_s at time t+1 : square root of the variance of the deviation to the ! saturation REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PSIGS REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PFLXZTHVMF ! MF contribution for vert. turb. transport ! used in the buoy. prod. of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PWTH ! heat flux REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PWRC ! cloud water flux REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),INTENT(OUT) :: PWSV ! scalar flux REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PDYP ! Dynamical production of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PTHP ! Thermal production of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT):: PTR ! Transport production of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT):: PDISS ! Dissipation of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PLEM ! Mixing length ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END SUBROUTINE TURB ! END INTERFACE ! END MODULE MODI_TURB ! ! ################################################################# SUBROUTINE TURB(KKA,KKU,KKL,KMI,KRR,KRRL,KRRI,HLBCX,HLBCY,KSPLIT,KMODEL_CL, & OCLOSE_OUT,OTURB_FLX,OTURB_DIAG,OSUBG_COND,ORMC01, & HTURBDIM,HTURBLEN,HTOM,HTURBLEN_CL,HCLOUD,PIMPL, & PTSTEP,HFMFILE,HLUOUT,PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDZX,PDZY,PZZ, & PDIRCOSXW,PDIRCOSYW,PDIRCOSZW,PCOSSLOPE,PSINSLOPE, & PRHODJ,PTHVREF,PRHODREF, & PSFTH,PSFRV,PSFSV,PSFU,PSFV, & PPABST,PUT,PVT,PWT,PTKET,PSVT,PSRCT, & PBL_DEPTH,PSBL_DEPTH, & PCEI,PCEI_MIN,PCEI_MAX,PCOEF_AMPL_SAT, & PTHLT,PRT, & PRUS,PRVS,PRWS,PRTHLS,PRRS,PRSVS,PRTKES,PRTKEMS,PSIGS, & PFLXZTHVMF,PWTH,PWRC,PWSV,PDYP,PTHP,PTR,PDISS,PLEM,KTCOUNT ) !===>FA ! ################################################################# ! ! !!**** *TURB* - computes the turbulent source terms for the prognostic !! variables. !! !! PURPOSE !! ------- !!**** The purpose of this routine is to compute the source terms in !! the evolution equations due to the turbulent mixing. !! The source term is computed as the divergence of the turbulent fluxes. !! The cartesian fluxes are obtained by a one and a half order closure, based !! on a prognostic equation for the Turbulence Kinetic Energy( TKE ). The !! system is closed by prescribing a turbulent mixing length. Different !! choices are available for this length. ! !!** METHOD !! ------ !! !! The dimensionality of the turbulence parameterization can be chosen by !! means of the parameter HTURBDIM: !! * HTURBDIM='1DIM' the parameterization is 1D but can be used in !! 3D , 2D or 1D simulations. Only the sources associated to the vertical !! turbulent fluxes are taken into account. !! * HTURBDIM='3DIM' the parameterization is fully 2D or 3D depending !! on the model dimensionality. Of course, it does not make any sense to !! activate this option with a 1D model. !! !! The following steps are made: !! 1- Preliminary computations. !! 2- The metric coefficients are recovered from the grid knowledge. !! 3- The mixing length is computed according to its choice: !! * HTURBLEN='BL89' the Bougeault and Lacarrere algorithm is used. !! The mixing length is given by the vertical displacement from its !! original level of an air particule having an initial internal !! energy equal to its TKE and stopped by the buoyancy forces. !! The discrete formulation is second order accurate. !! * HTURBLEN='DELT' the mixing length is given by the mesh size !! depending on the model dimensionality, this length is limited !! with the ground distance. !! * HTURBLEN='DEAR' the mixing length is given by the mesh size !! depending on the model dimensionality, this length is limited !! with the ground distance and also by the Deardorff mixing length !! pertinent in the stable cases. !! * HTURBLEN='KEPS' the mixing length is deduced from the TKE !! dissipation, which becomes a prognostic variable of the model ( !! Duynkerke formulation). !! 3'- The cloud mixing length is computed according to HTURBLEN_CLOUD !! and emphasized following the CEI index !! 4- The conservative variables are computed along with Lv/Cp. !! 5- The turbulent Prandtl numbers are computed from the resolved fields !! and TKE !! 6- The sources associated to the vertical turbulent fluxes are computed !! with a temporal scheme allowing a degree of implicitness given by !! PIMPL, varying from PIMPL=0. ( purely explicit scheme) to PIMPL=1. !! ( purely implicit scheme) !! The sources associated to the horizontal fluxes are computed with a !! purely explicit temporal scheme. These sources are only computed when !! the turbulence parameterization is 2D or 3D( HTURBDIM='3DIM' ). !! 7- The sources for TKE are computed, along with the dissipation of TKE !! if HTURBLEN='KEPS'. !! 8- Some turbulence-related quantities are stored in the synchronous !! FM-file. !! 9- The non-conservative variables are retrieved. !! !! !! The saving of the fields in the synchronous FM-file is controlled by: !! * OTURB_FLX => saves all the turbulent fluxes and correlations !! * OTURB_DIAG=> saves the turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers, the !! source terms of TKE and dissipation of TKE !! !! EXTERNAL !! -------- !! SUBROUTINE PRANDTL : computes the turbulent Prandtl number !! SUBROUTINE TURB_VER : computes the sources from the vertical fluxes !! SUBROUTINE TURB_HOR : computes the sources from the horizontal fluxes !! SUBROUTINE TKE_EPS_SOURCES : computes the sources for TKE and its !! dissipation !! SUBROUTINE BUDGET : computes and stores the budgets !! !! IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS !! ------------------ !! !! MODD_PARAMETERS : JPVEXT number of marginal vertical points !! !! MODD_CONF : CCONF model configuration (start/restart) !! L1D switch for 1D model version !! L2D switch for 2D model version !! !! MODD_CST : contains physical constants !! XG gravity constant !! XRD Gas constant for dry air !! XRV Gas constant for vapor !! !! MODD_CTURB : contains turbulence scheme constants !! XCMFS,XCED to compute the dissipation mixing length !! XTKEMIN minimum values for the TKE !! XLINI,XLINF to compute Bougeault-Lacarrere mixing !! length !! Module MODD_BUDGET: !! NBUMOD !! CBUTYPE !! NBUPROCCTR !! LBU_RU !! LBU_RV !! LBU_RW !! LBU_RTH !! LBU_RSV1 !! LBU_RRV !! LBU_RRC !! LBU_RRR !! LBU_RRI !! LBU_RRS !! LBU_RRG !! LBU_RRH !! !! REFERENCE !! --------- !! Book 2 of documentation (routine TURB) !! Book 1 of documentation (Chapter: Turbulence) !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! Joan Cuxart * INM and Meteo-France * !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 05/10/94 !! Modifications: Feb 14, 1995 (J.Cuxart and J.Stein) !! Doctorization and Optimization !! Modifications: March 21, 1995 (J.M. Carriere) !! Introduction of cloud water !! Modifications: June 1, 1995 (J.Cuxart ) !! take min(Kz,delta) !! Modifications: June 1, 1995 (J.Stein J.Cuxart) !! remove unnecessary arrays and change Prandtl !! and Schmidt numbers localizations !! Modifications: July 20, 1995 (J.Stein) remove MODI_ground_ocean + !! TZDTCUR + MODD_TIME because they are not used !! change RW in RNP for the outputs !! Modifications: August 21, 1995 (Ph. Bougeault) !! take min(K(z-zsol),delta) !! Modifications: Sept 14, 1995 (Ph Bougeault, J. Cuxart) !! second order BL89 mixing length computations + add Deardorff length !! in the Delta case for stable cases !! Modifications: Sept 19, 1995 (J. Stein, J. Cuxart) !! define a DEAR case for the mixing length, add MODI_BUDGET and change !! some BUDGET calls, add LES tools !! Modifications: Oct 16, 1995 (J. Stein) change the budget calls !! Modifications: Feb 28, 1996 (J. Stein) optimization + !! remove min(K(z-zsol),delta)+ !! bug in the tangential fluxes !! Modifications: Oct 16, 1996 (J. Stein) change the subgrid condensation !! scheme + temporal discretization !! Modifications: Dec 19, 1996 (J.-P. Pinty) update the budget calls !! Jun 22, 1997 (J. Stein) use the absolute pressure and !! change the Deardorf length at the surface !! Modifications: Apr 27, 1997 (V. Masson) BL89 mix. length computed in !! a separate routine !! Oct 13, 1999 (J. Stein) switch for the tgt fluxes !! Jun 24, 1999 (P Jabouille) Add routine UPDATE_ROTATE_WIND !! Feb 15, 2001 (J. Stein) remove tgt fluxes !! Mar 8, 2001 (V. Masson) forces the same behaviour near the surface !! for all mixing lengths !! Nov 06, 2002 (V. Masson) LES budgets !! Nov, 2002 (V. Masson) implement modifications of !! mixing and dissipative lengths !! near the surface (according !! Redelsperger et al 2001) !! Apr, 2003 (V. Masson) bug in Blackadar length !! bug in LES in 1DIM case !! Feb 20, 2003 (J.-P. Pinty) Add reversible ice processes !! May,26 2004 (P Jabouille) coef for computing dissipative heating !! Sept 2004 (M.Tomasini) Cloud Mixing length modification !! following the instability !! criterium CEI calculated in modeln !! May 2006 Remove KEPS !! Sept.2006 (I.Sandu): Modification of the stability criterion for !! DEAR (theta_v -> theta_l) !! Oct 2007 (J.Pergaud) Add MF contribution for vert. turb. transport !! Oct.2009 (C.Lac) Introduction of different PTSTEP according to the !! advection schemes !! October 2009 (G. Tanguy) add ILENCH=LEN(YCOMMENT) after !! change of YCOMMENT !! 06/2011 (J.escobar ) Bypass Bug with ifort11/12 on HLBCX,HLBC !! 2012-02 Y. Seity, add possibility to run with reversed !! vertical levels !! 10/2012 (J. Colin) Correct bug in DearDoff for dry simulations !! 10/2012 J.Escobar Bypass PGI bug , redefine some allocatable array inplace of automatic !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! USE MODD_IBM_PARAM_n !===>FA USE MODI_IBM_MIXINGLENGTH ! USE MODD_PARAMETERS, ONLY: JPVEXT_TURB USE MODD_CST USE MODD_CTURB USE MODD_CONF USE MODD_BUDGET USE MODD_LES USE MODD_NSV ! USE MODI_BL89 USE MODI_TURB_VER USE MODI_ROTATE_WIND USE MODI_TURB_HOR_SPLT USE MODI_TKE_EPS_SOURCES USE MODI_SHUMAN USE MODI_GRADIENT_M USE MODI_BUDGET USE MODI_LES_MEAN_SUBGRID USE MODI_RMC01 USE MODI_GRADIENT_W USE MODI_TM06 USE MODI_UPDATE_LM USE MODI_GET_HALO ! USE MODE_SBL USE MODE_FMWRIT ! USE MODI_EMOIST USE MODI_ETHETA ! USE MODI_SECOND_MNH ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! !* 0.1 declarations of arguments ! ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KTCOUNT !===>FA ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKA !near ground array index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKU !uppest atmosphere array index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KKL !vert. levels type 1=MNH -1=ARO INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KMI ! model index number INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KRR ! number of moist var. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KRRL ! number of liquid water var. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KRRI ! number of ice water var. CHARACTER(LEN=*),DIMENSION(:),INTENT(IN):: HLBCX, HLBCY ! X- and Y-direc LBC INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KSPLIT ! number of time-splitting INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KMODEL_CL ! model number for cloud mixing length LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OCLOSE_OUT ! switch for syncronous ! file opening LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OTURB_FLX ! switch to write the ! turbulent fluxes in the syncronous FM-file LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OTURB_DIAG ! switch to write some ! diagnostic fields in the syncronous FM-file LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: OSUBG_COND ! switch for SUBGrid ! CONDensation LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ORMC01 ! switch for RMC01 lengths in SBL CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTURBDIM ! dimensionality of the ! turbulence scheme CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTURBLEN ! kind of mixing length CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTOM ! kind of Third Order Moment CHARACTER*4 , INTENT(IN) :: HTURBLEN_CL ! kind of cloud mixing length REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PIMPL ! degree of implicitness CHARACTER (LEN=4), INTENT(IN) :: HCLOUD ! Kind of microphysical scheme REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PTSTEP ! timestep CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HFMFILE ! Name of the output ! FM-file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: HLUOUT ! Output-listing name for ! model n ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDZX,PDZY ! metric coefficients REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PZZ ! physical distance ! between 2 succesive grid points along the K direction REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PDIRCOSXW, PDIRCOSYW, PDIRCOSZW ! Director Cosinus along x, y and z directions at surface w-point REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PCOSSLOPE ! cosinus of the angle ! between i and the slope vector REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSINSLOPE ! sinus of the angle ! between i and the slope vector REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODJ ! dry density * Grid size REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTHVREF ! Virtual Potential ! Temperature of the reference state REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRHODREF ! dry density of the ! reference state ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSFTH,PSFRV, & ! normal surface fluxes of theta and Rv PSFU,PSFV ! normal surface fluxes of (u,v) parallel to the orography REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSFSV ! normal surface fluxes of Scalar var. ! ! prognostic variables at t- deltat REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PPABST ! Pressure at time t REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PUT,PVT,PWT ! wind components REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PTKET ! TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSVT ! passive scal. var. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PSRCT ! Second-order flux ! s'rc'/2Sigma_s2 at time t-1 multiplied by Lambda_3 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PBL_DEPTH ! BL height for TOMS REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PSBL_DEPTH ! SBL depth for RMC01 ! ! variables for cloud mixing length REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PCEI ! Cloud Entrainment instability ! index to emphasize localy ! turbulent fluxes REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PCEI_MIN ! minimum threshold for the instability index CEI REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PCEI_MAX ! maximum threshold for the instability index CEI REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PCOEF_AMPL_SAT ! saturation of the amplification coefficient ! ! thermodynamical variables which are transformed in conservative var. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PTHLT ! conservative pot. temp. REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRT ! water var. where ! PRT(:,:,:,1) is the conservative mixing ratio ! ! sources of momentum, conservative potential temperature, Turb. Kin. Energy, ! TKE dissipation REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRUS,PRVS,PRWS,PRTHLS,PRTKES ! Source terms for all water kinds, PRRS(:,:,:,1) is used for the conservative ! mixing ratio REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PRTKEMS REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRRS ! Source terms for all passive scalar variables REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PRSVS ! Sigma_s at time t+1 : square root of the variance of the deviation to the ! saturation REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PSIGS REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PFLXZTHVMF ! MF contribution for vert. turb. transport ! used in the buoy. prod. of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PWTH ! heat flux REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PWRC ! cloud water flux REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),INTENT(OUT) :: PWSV ! scalar flux REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PDYP ! Dynamical production of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PTHP ! Thermal production of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT):: PTR ! Transport production of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT):: PDISS ! Dissipation of TKE REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT):: PLEM ! Mixing length ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 0.2 declaration of local variables ! REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::& ZCP, & ! Cp at t-1 ZEXN, & ! EXN at t-1 ZT, & ! T at t-1 ZLOCPEXNM, & ! Lv/Cp/EXNREF at t-1 ZLM, & ! Turbulent mixing length ZLEPS, & ! Dissipative length ZDP,ZTP, ZTRH, & ! Dynamic and Thermal Production of TKE ZATHETA,ZAMOIST, & ! coefficients for s = f (Thetal,Rnp) ZCOEF_DISS, & ! 1/(Cph*Exner) for dissipative heating ZFRAC_ICE, & ! ri fraction of rc+ri ZMWTH,ZMWR,ZMTH2,ZMR2,ZMTHR,& ! 3rd order moments ZFWTH,ZFWR,ZFTH2,ZFR2,ZFTHR,& ! opposite of verticale derivate of 3rd order moments ZTHLM, ZTR, ZDISS ,& ! initial potential temp. ZUT,ZVT,ZWT,Z_TKE,Z_TKZ ! velocity field (temporary) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: & ZRM ! initial mixing ratio REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ZTAU11M,ZTAU12M, & ZTAU22M,ZTAU33M, & ! tangential surface fluxes in the axes following the orography ZUSLOPE,ZVSLOPE, & ! wind components at the first mass level parallel ! to the orography ZCDUEFF, & ! - Cd*||u|| where ||u|| is the module of the wind tangential to ! orography (ZUSLOPE,ZVSLOPE) at the surface. ZUSTAR, ZLMO, & ZRVM, ZSFRV ! friction velocity, Monin Obuhkov length, work arrays for vapor ! ! Virtual Potential Temp. used ! in the Deardorff mixing length computation REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & ZLVOCPEXNM,ZLSOCPEXNM, & ! Lv/Cp/EXNREF and Ls/Cp/EXNREF at t-1 ZATHETA_ICE,ZAMOIST_ICE ! coefficients for s = f (Thetal,Rnp) ! REAL :: ZEXPL ! 1-PIMPL deg of expl. REAL :: ZRVORD ! RV/RD ! INTEGER :: IKB,IKE ! index value for the ! Beginning and the End of the physical domain for the mass points INTEGER :: IKT ! array size in k direction INTEGER :: IKTB,IKTE ! start, end of k loops in physical domain INTEGER :: JRR,JK,JSV ! loop counters INTEGER :: JI,JJ ! loop counters INTEGER :: IRESP ! Return code of FM routines INTEGER :: IGRID ! C-grid indicator in LFIFM file INTEGER :: ILENCH ! Length of comment string in LFIFM file CHARACTER (LEN=100) :: YCOMMENT ! comment string in LFIFM file CHARACTER (LEN=16) :: YRECFM ! Name of the desired field in LFIFM file REAL :: ZL0 ! Max. Mixing Length in Blakadar formula REAL :: ZALPHA ! proportionnality constant between Dz/2 and ! ! BL89 mixing length near the surface ! REAL :: ZTIME1, ZTIME2 REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PUT,1),SIZE(PUT,2),SIZE(PUT,3)):: ZTT,ZEXNE,ZLV,ZLS,ZCPH ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALLOCATE ( & ZCP(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZEXN(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZT(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZLOCPEXNM(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZLM(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZLEPS(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZDP(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZTP(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZTRH(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZATHETA(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZAMOIST(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZCOEF_DISS(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZFRAC_ICE(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZMWTH(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZMWR(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZMTH2(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZMR2(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZMTHR(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZFWTH(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZFWR(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZFTH2(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZFR2(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZFTHR(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZUT(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & !===>FA ZVT(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZWT(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)), & ZTHLM(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)) ) ALLOCATE ( ZRM(SIZE(PRT,1),SIZE(PRT,2),SIZE(PRT,3),SIZE(PRT,4)) ) ALLOCATE ( & ZTAU11M(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZTAU12M(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZTAU22M(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZTAU33M(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZUSLOPE(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZVSLOPE(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZCDUEFF(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZUSTAR(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZLMO(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZRVM(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)), & ZSFRV(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2)) ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !* 1.PRELIMINARIES ! ------------- ! !* 1.1 Set the internal domains, ZEXPL ! ! IKT=SIZE(PTHLT,3) IKTB=1+JPVEXT_TURB IKTE=IKT-JPVEXT_TURB IKB=KKA+JPVEXT_TURB*KKL IKE=KKU-JPVEXT_TURB*KKL ! ZEXPL = 1.- PIMPL ZRVORD= XRV / XRD ! ! ZTHLM(:,:,:) = PTHLT(:,:,:) ZRM(:,:,:,:) = PRT(:,:,:,:) ! ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. COMPUTE CONSERVATIVE VARIABLES AND RELATED QUANTITIES ! ----------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2.1 Cph at t ! ZCP=XCPD ! IF (KRR > 0) ZCP(:,:,:) = ZCP(:,:,:) + XCPV * PRT(:,:,:,1) DO JRR = 2,1+KRRL ! loop on the liquid components ZCP(:,:,:) = ZCP(:,:,:) + XCL * PRT(:,:,:,JRR) END DO ! DO JRR = 2+KRRL,1+KRRL+KRRI ! loop on the solid components ZCP(:,:,:) = ZCP(:,:,:) + XCI * PRT(:,:,:,JRR) END DO ! !* 2.2 Exner function at t ! ZEXN(:,:,:) = (PPABST(:,:,:)/XP00) ** (XRD/XCPD) ! !* 2.3 dissipative heating coeff a t ! ZCOEF_DISS(:,:,:) = 1/(ZCP(:,:,:) * ZEXN(:,:,:)) ! ! ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:) = 0.0 ZATHETA(:,:,:) = 0.0 ZAMOIST(:,:,:) = 0.0 ! IF (KRRL >=1) THEN ! !* 2.4 Temperature at t ! ZT(:,:,:) = PTHLT(:,:,:) * ZEXN(:,:,:) ! !* 2.5 Lv/Cph/Exn ! IF ( KRRI >= 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE(ZLVOCPEXNM(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3))) ALLOCATE(ZLSOCPEXNM(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3))) ALLOCATE(ZAMOIST_ICE(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3))) ALLOCATE(ZATHETA_ICE(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3))) ! CALL COMPUTE_FUNCTION_THERMO(XALPW,XBETAW,XGAMW,XLVTT,XCL,ZT,ZEXN,ZCP, & ZLVOCPEXNM,ZAMOIST,ZATHETA) CALL COMPUTE_FUNCTION_THERMO(XALPI,XBETAI,XGAMI,XLSTT,XCI,ZT,ZEXN,ZCP, & ZLSOCPEXNM,ZAMOIST_ICE,ZATHETA_ICE) ! WHERE(PRT(:,:,:,2)+PRT(:,:,:,4)>0.0) ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:) = PRT(:,:,:,4) / ( PRT(:,:,:,2)+PRT(:,:,:,4) ) END WHERE ! ZLOCPEXNM(:,:,:) = (1.0-ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:))*ZLVOCPEXNM(:,:,:) & +ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:) *ZLSOCPEXNM(:,:,:) ZAMOIST(:,:,:) = (1.0-ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:))*ZAMOIST(:,:,:) & +ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:) *ZAMOIST_ICE(:,:,:) ZATHETA(:,:,:) = (1.0-ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:))*ZATHETA(:,:,:) & +ZFRAC_ICE(:,:,:) *ZATHETA_ICE(:,:,:) DEALLOCATE(ZAMOIST_ICE) DEALLOCATE(ZATHETA_ICE) ELSE CALL COMPUTE_FUNCTION_THERMO(XALPW,XBETAW,XGAMW,XLVTT,XCL,ZT,ZEXN,ZCP, & ZLOCPEXNM,ZAMOIST,ZATHETA) END IF ! ! IF (OCLOSE_OUT .AND. OTURB_DIAG) THEN YRECFM ='ATHETA' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_ATHETA (M)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH=LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',ZATHETA,IGRID,ILENCH,YCOMMENT,IRESP) ! YRECFM ='AMOIST' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_AMOIST (M)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH=LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',ZAMOIST,IGRID,ILENCH,YCOMMENT,IRESP) END IF ! ELSE ZLOCPEXNM=0. END IF ! loop end on KRRL >= 1 ! ! computes conservative variables ! IF ( KRRL >= 1 ) THEN IF ( KRRI >= 1 ) THEN ! Rnp at t PRT(:,:,:,1) = PRT(:,:,:,1) + PRT(:,:,:,2) + PRT(:,:,:,4) PRRS(:,:,:,1) = PRRS(:,:,:,1) + PRRS(:,:,:,2) + PRRS(:,:,:,4) ! Theta_l at t PTHLT(:,:,:) = PTHLT(:,:,:) - ZLVOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRT(:,:,:,2) & - ZLSOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRT(:,:,:,4) PRTHLS(:,:,:) = PRTHLS(:,:,:) - ZLVOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRRS(:,:,:,2) & - ZLSOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRRS(:,:,:,4) ELSE ! Rnp at t PRT(:,:,:,1) = PRT(:,:,:,1) + PRT(:,:,:,2) PRRS(:,:,:,1) = PRRS(:,:,:,1) + PRRS(:,:,:,2) ! Theta_l at t PTHLT(:,:,:) = PTHLT(:,:,:) - ZLOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRT(:,:,:,2) PRTHLS(:,:,:) = PRTHLS(:,:,:) - ZLOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRRS(:,:,:,2) END IF END IF ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 3. MIXING LENGTH : SELECTION AND COMPUTATION ! ----------------------------------------- ! ! SELECT CASE (HTURBLEN) ! !* 3.1 BL89 mixing length ! ------------------ CASE ('BL89') CALL BL89(KKA,KKU,KKL,PZZ,PDZZ,PTHVREF,ZTHLM,KRR,ZRM,PTKET,ZLM) ! !* 3.2 Delta mixing length ! ------------------- ! CASE ('DELT') CALL DELT(ZLM) ! !* 3.3 Deardorff mixing length ! ----------------------- ! CASE ('DEAR') CALL DEAR(ZLM) ! !* 3.4 Blackadar mixing length ! ----------------------- ! CASE ('BLKR') ZL0 = 100. ZLM(:,:,:) = ZL0 ZALPHA=0.5**(-1.5) ! DO JK=IKTB,IKTE ZLM(:,:,JK) = ( 0.5*(PZZ(:,:,JK)+PZZ(:,:,JK+KKL)) - & & PZZ(:,:,KKA+JPVEXT_TURB*KKL) ) * PDIRCOSZW(:,:) ZLM(:,:,JK) = ZALPHA * ZLM(:,:,JK) * ZL0 / ( ZL0 + ZALPHA*ZLM(:,:,JK) ) END DO ZLM(:,:,IKTB-1) = ZLM(:,:,IKTB) ZLM(:,:,IKTE+1) = ZLM(:,:,IKTE) ! CASE ('AUGU') CALL DELT(ZLM) ALLOCATE(Z_TKE(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3))) ALLOCATE(Z_TKE(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3))) Z_TKE(:,:,:) = 0. Z_TKZ(:,:,:) = 0. DO JK=IKB,IKE Z_TKE(:,:,JK) = PTKET(:,:,JK) + Z_TKE(:,:,JK-1) Z_TKZ(:,:,JK) = PTKET(:,:,JK)*(PZZ(:,:,JK)+PZZ(:,:,JK+1)) + Z_TKZ(:,:,JK-1) END DO ZLEPS(:,:,IKB:IKE) = XKARMAN*(PZZ(:,:,IKB:IKE)+PZZ(:,:,IKB+1:IKE+1))/& (1.+(PZZ(:,:,IKB:IKE)+PZZ(:,:,IKB+1:IKE+1))/& (Z_TKZ(:,:,IKB:IKE)/Z_TKE(:,:,IKB:IKE))) DEALLOCATE(Z_TKE) DEALLOCATE(Z_TKZ) ZLEPS(:,:,IKB-1) = ZLEPS(:,:,IKB) ZLEPS(:,:,IKE+1) = ZLEPS(:,:,IKE) ZLM = MIN(ZLM,ZLEPS) ZLEPS = ZLM ! END SELECT ! !* 3.5 Mixing length modification for cloud ! ----------------------- IF (KMODEL_CL==KMI .AND. HTURBLEN_CL/='NONE') CALL CLOUD_MODIF_LM ! ! !* 3.4 IBM mixing length ! ------------------ ! ZUT = PUT ZVT = PVT ZWT = PWT IF (LIBM) CALL IBM_MIXINGLENGTH(ZLM,ZLEPS,XIBM_XMUT,XIBM_LS(:,:,:,1),PTKET) IF (LIBM.AND.XIBM_TKE0) THEN ZLMO=LMO(ZUSTAR,ZTHLM(:,:,IKB),ZRM(:,:,IKB,1),PSFTH,PSFRV) ELSE ZRVM=0. ZSFRV=0. ZLMO=LMO(ZUSTAR,ZTHLM(:,:,IKB),ZRVM,PSFTH,ZSFRV) END IF CALL RMC01(HTURBLEN,KKA,KKU,KKL,PZZ,PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDIRCOSZW,PSBL_DEPTH,ZLMO,ZLM,ZLEPS) END IF ! !* 3.8 Mixing length in external points (used if HTURBDIM="3DIM") ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (HTURBDIM=="3DIM") THEN CALL UPDATE_LM(HLBCX,HLBCY,ZLM,ZLEPS) END IF !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 4. GO INTO THE AXES FOLLOWING THE SURFACE ! -------------------------------------- ! ! !* 4.1 rotate the wind at time t ! ! ! IF (CPROGRAM=='AROME ') THEN ZUSLOPE=ZUT(:,:,KKA) ZVSLOPE=ZVT(:,:,KKA) ELSE CALL ROTATE_WIND(ZUT,ZVT,ZWT, & PDIRCOSXW, PDIRCOSYW, PDIRCOSZW, & PCOSSLOPE,PSINSLOPE, & PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ, & ZUSLOPE,ZVSLOPE ) ! CALL UPDATE_ROTATE_WIND(ZUSLOPE,ZVSLOPE) END IF ! ! !* 4.2 compute the proportionality coefficient between wind and stress ! ZCDUEFF(:,:) =-SQRT ( (PSFU(:,:)**2 + PSFV(:,:)**2) / & (XMNH_TINY + ZUSLOPE(:,:)**2 + ZVSLOPE(:,:)**2 ) & ) ! !* 4.6 compute the surface tangential fluxes ! ZTAU11M(:,:) =2./3.*( (1.+ (PZZ (:,:,IKB+KKL)-PZZ (:,:,IKB)) & /(PDZZ(:,:,IKB+KKL)+PDZZ(:,:,IKB)) & ) *PTKET(:,:,IKB) & -0.5 *PTKET(:,:,IKB+KKL) & ) ZTAU12M(:,:) =0.0 ZTAU22M(:,:) =ZTAU11M(:,:) ZTAU33M(:,:) =ZTAU11M(:,:) ! !* 4.7 third order terms in temperature and water fluxes and correlations ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ZMWTH = 0. ! w'2th' ZMWR = 0. ! w'2r' ZMTH2 = 0. ! w'th'2 ZMR2 = 0. ! w'r'2 ZMTHR = 0. ! w'th'r' IF (HTOM=='TM06') CALL TM06(KKA,KKU,KKL,PTHVREF,PBL_DEPTH,PZZ,PSFTH,ZMWTH,ZMTH2) ! ZFWTH = -GZ_M_W(KKA,KKU,KKL,ZMWTH,PDZZ) ! -d(w'2th' )/dz ZFWR = -GZ_M_W(KKA,KKU,KKL,ZMWR, PDZZ) ! -d(w'2r' )/dz ZFTH2 = -GZ_W_M(KKA,KKU,KKL,ZMTH2,PDZZ) ! -d(w'th'2 )/dz ZFR2 = -GZ_W_M(KKA,KKU,KKL,ZMR2, PDZZ) ! -d(w'r'2 )/dz ZFTHR = -GZ_W_M(KKA,KKU,KKL,ZMTHR,PDZZ) ! -d(w'th'r')/dz ! ZFWTH(:,:,IKTE:) = 0. ZFWTH(:,:,:IKTB) = 0. ZFWR (:,:,IKTE:) = 0. ZFWR (:,:,:IKTB) = 0. ZFTH2(:,:,IKTE:) = 0. ZFTH2(:,:,:IKTB) = 0. ZFR2 (:,:,IKTE:) = 0. ZFR2 (:,:,:IKTB) = 0. ZFTHR(:,:,IKTE:) = 0. ZFTHR(:,:,:IKTB) = 0. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 5. TURBULENT SOURCES ! ----------------- ! CALL TURB_VER(KKA,KKU,KKL,KRR, KRRL, KRRI, & OCLOSE_OUT,OTURB_FLX, & HTURBDIM,HTOM,PIMPL,ZEXPL, & PTSTEP,HFMFILE,HLUOUT, & PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDZX,PDZY,PDIRCOSZW,PZZ, & PCOSSLOPE,PSINSLOPE, & PRHODJ,PTHVREF, & PSFTH,PSFRV,PSFSV,PSFTH,PSFRV,PSFSV, & ZCDUEFF,ZTAU11M,ZTAU12M,ZTAU33M, & ZUT,ZVT,ZWT,ZUSLOPE,ZVSLOPE,PTHLT,PRT,PSVT, & PTKET,ZLM,ZLEPS, &!ZLEPS BEFORE ZLOCPEXNM,ZATHETA,ZAMOIST,PSRCT,ZFRAC_ICE, & ZFWTH,ZFWR,ZFTH2,ZFR2,ZFTHR,PBL_DEPTH, & PSBL_DEPTH,ZLMO, & PRUS,PRVS,PRWS,PRTHLS,PRRS,PRSVS, & ZDP,ZTP,PSIGS,PWTH,PWRC,PWSV ) ! IF (LBUDGET_U) CALL BUDGET (PRUS,1,'VTURB_BU_RU') IF (LBUDGET_V) CALL BUDGET (PRVS,2,'VTURB_BU_RV') IF (LBUDGET_W) CALL BUDGET (PRWS,3,'VTURB_BU_RW') IF (LBUDGET_TH) THEN IF ( KRRI >= 1 .AND. KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS+ ZLVOCPEXNM * PRRS(:,:,:,2) + ZLSOCPEXNM * PRRS(:,:,:,4),4,'VTURB_BU_RTH') ELSE IF ( KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS+ ZLOCPEXNM * PRRS(:,:,:,2),4,'VTURB_BU_RTH') ELSE CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS,4,'VTURB_BU_RTH') END IF END IF IF (LBUDGET_SV) THEN DO JSV = 1,NSV CALL BUDGET (PRSVS(:,:,:,JSV),JSV+12,'VTURB_BU_RSV') END DO END IF IF (LBUDGET_RV) THEN IF ( KRRI >= 1 .AND. KRRL >= 1) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,1)-PRRS(:,:,:,2)-PRRS(:,:,:,4),6,'VTURB_BU_RRV') ELSE IF ( KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,1)-PRRS(:,:,:,2),6,'VTURB_BU_RRV') ELSE CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,1),6,'VTURB_BU_RRV') END IF END IF IF (LBUDGET_RC) CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,2),7,'VTURB_BU_RRC') IF (LBUDGET_RI) CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,4),9,'VTURB_BU_RRI') ! ! IF (HTURBDIM=='3DIM') THEN CALL TURB_HOR_SPLT(KSPLIT, KRR, KRRL, KRRI, PTSTEP, & HLBCX,HLBCY,OCLOSE_OUT,OTURB_FLX,OSUBG_COND, & HFMFILE,HLUOUT, & PDXX,PDYY,PDZZ,PDZX,PDZY,PZZ, & PDIRCOSXW,PDIRCOSYW,PDIRCOSZW, & PCOSSLOPE,PSINSLOPE, & PRHODJ,PTHVREF, & PSFTH,PSFRV,PSFSV, & ZCDUEFF,ZTAU11M,ZTAU12M,ZTAU22M,ZTAU33M, & ZUT,ZVT,ZWT,ZUSLOPE,ZVSLOPE,PTHLT,PRT,PSVT, & PTKET,ZLM,ZLEPS, &!ZLEPS BEFORE ZLOCPEXNM,ZATHETA,ZAMOIST,PSRCT,ZFRAC_ICE, & ZDP,ZTP,PSIGS, & ZTRH, & PRUS,PRVS,PRWS,PRTHLS,PRRS,PRSVS ) END IF ! ! IF (LBUDGET_U) CALL BUDGET (PRUS,1,'HTURB_BU_RU') IF (LBUDGET_V) CALL BUDGET (PRVS,2,'HTURB_BU_RV') IF (LBUDGET_W) CALL BUDGET (PRWS,3,'HTURB_BU_RW') IF (LBUDGET_TH) THEN IF ( KRRI >= 1 .AND. KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS+ZLVOCPEXNM*PRRS(:,:,:,2)+ZLSOCPEXNM*PRRS(:,:,:,4) & ,4,'HTURB_BU_RTH') ELSE IF ( KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS+ ZLOCPEXNM * PRRS(:,:,:,2),4,'HTURB_BU_RTH') ELSE CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS,4,'HTURB_BU_RTH') END IF END IF IF (LBUDGET_SV) THEN DO JSV = 1,NSV CALL BUDGET (PRSVS(:,:,:,JSV),JSV+12,'HTURB_BU_RSV') END DO END IF IF (LBUDGET_RV) THEN IF ( KRRI >= 1 .AND. KRRL >= 1) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,1)-PRRS(:,:,:,2)-PRRS(:,:,:,4),6,'HTURB_BU_RRV') ELSE IF ( KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,1)-PRRS(:,:,:,2),6,'HTURB_BU_RRV') ELSE CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,1),6,'HTURB_BU_RRV') END IF END IF IF (LBUDGET_RC) CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,2),7,'HTURB_BU_RRC') IF (LBUDGET_RI) CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,4),9,'HTURB_BU_RRI') ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 6. EVOLUTION OF THE TKE AND ITS DISSIPATION ! ---------------------------------------- ! ! 6.1 Contribution of mass-flux in the TKE buoyancy production if ! cloud computation is not statistical ZTP = ZTP + XG / PTHVREF * MZF(KKA,KKU,KKL, PFLXZTHVMF ) ! 6.2 TKE evolution equation CALL TKE_EPS_SOURCES(KKA,KKU,KKL,KMI,PTKET,ZLM,ZLEPS,ZDP,ZTRH, & PRHODJ,PDZZ,PDXX,PDYY,PDZX,PDZY,PZZ, & PTSTEP,PIMPL,ZEXPL, & HTURBLEN,HTURBDIM, & HFMFILE,HLUOUT,OCLOSE_OUT,OTURB_DIAG, & ZTP,PRTKES,PRTKEMS,PRTHLS,ZCOEF_DISS,PTR,PDISS ) ! PDYP = ZDP PTHP = ZTP ! IF (LBUDGET_TH) THEN IF ( KRRI >= 1 .AND. KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS+ZLVOCPEXNM*PRRS(:,:,:,2)+ZLSOCPEXNM*PRRS(:,:,:,4) & ,4,'DISSH_BU_RTH') ELSE IF ( KRRL >= 1 ) THEN CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS+ZLOCPEXNM* PRRS(:,:,:,2),4,'DISSH_BU_RTH') ELSE CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS,4,'DISSH_BU_RTH') END IF END IF ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 7. STORES SOME INFORMATIONS RELATED TO THE TURBULENCE SCHEME ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! PLEM = ZLM ! IF ( OTURB_DIAG .AND. OCLOSE_OUT ) THEN YCOMMENT=' ' ! ! stores the mixing length ! YRECFM ='LM' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_LM (M)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH=LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',ZLM,IGRID,ILENCH,YCOMMENT,IRESP) ! IF (KRR /= 0) THEN ! ! stores the conservative potential temperature ! YRECFM ='THLM' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_THLM (KELVIN)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH=LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',PTHLT,IGRID,ILENCH,YCOMMENT,IRESP) ! ! stores the conservative mixing ratio ! YRECFM ='RNPM' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_RNPM (KG/KG)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH=LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',PRT(:,:,:,1),IGRID,ILENCH, & YCOMMENT,IRESP) END IF END IF ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 8. RETRIEVE NON-CONSERVATIVE VARIABLES ! ----------------------------------- ! IF ( KRRL >= 1 ) THEN IF ( KRRI >= 1 ) THEN PRT(:,:,:,1) = PRT(:,:,:,1) - PRT(:,:,:,2) - PRT(:,:,:,4) PRRS(:,:,:,1) = PRRS(:,:,:,1) - PRRS(:,:,:,2) - PRRS(:,:,:,4) PTHLT(:,:,:) = PTHLT(:,:,:) + ZLVOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRT(:,:,:,2) & + ZLSOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRT(:,:,:,4) PRTHLS(:,:,:) = PRTHLS(:,:,:) + ZLVOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRRS(:,:,:,2) & + ZLSOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRRS(:,:,:,4) ! DEALLOCATE(ZLVOCPEXNM) DEALLOCATE(ZLSOCPEXNM) ELSE PRT(:,:,:,1) = PRT(:,:,:,1) - PRT(:,:,:,2) PRRS(:,:,:,1) = PRRS(:,:,:,1) - PRRS(:,:,:,2) PTHLT(:,:,:) = PTHLT(:,:,:) + ZLOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRT(:,:,:,2) PRTHLS(:,:,:) = PRTHLS(:,:,:) + ZLOCPEXNM(:,:,:) * PRRS(:,:,:,2) END IF END IF IF ((HCLOUD == 'KHKO') .OR. (HCLOUD == 'C2R2')) THEN ZEXNE(:,:,:)= (PPABST(:,:,:)/XP00)**(XRD/XCPD) ZTT(:,:,:)= PTHLT(:,:,:)*ZEXNE(:,:,:) ZLV(:,:,:)=XLVTT +(XCPV-XCL) *(ZTT(:,:,:)-XTT) ZLS(:,:,:)=XLSTT +(XCPV-XCI) *(ZTT(:,:,:)-XTT) ZCPH(:,:,:)=XCPD +XCPV*PRT(:,:,:,1) ! CALL GET_HALO(PRRS(:,:,:,2)) ! CALL GET_HALO(PRSVS(:,:,:,2)) ! CALL GET_HALO(PRSVS(:,:,:,3)) WHERE (PRRS(:,:,:,2) < 0. .OR. PRSVS(:,:,:,2) < 0.) PRSVS(:,:,:,1) = 0.0 END WHERE DO JSV = 2, 3 WHERE (PRRS(:,:,:,JSV) < 0. .OR. PRSVS(:,:,:,JSV) < 0.) PRRS(:,:,:,1) = PRRS(:,:,:,1) + PRRS(:,:,:,JSV) PRTHLS(:,:,:) = PRTHLS(:,:,:) - PRRS(:,:,:,JSV) * ZLV(:,:,:) / & ZCPH(:,:,:) / ZEXNE(:,:,:) PRRS(:,:,:,JSV) = 0.0 PRSVS(:,:,:,JSV) = 0.0 END WHERE END DO ! IF (LBUDGET_TH) CALL BUDGET (PRTHLS(:,:,:), 4,'NETUR_BU_RTH') IF (LBUDGET_RV) CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,1), 6,'NETUR_BU_RRV') IF (LBUDGET_RC) CALL BUDGET (PRRS(:,:,:,2), 7,'NETUR_BU_RRC') END IF ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 9. LES averaged surface fluxes ! --------------------------- ! IF (LLES_CALL) THEN CALL SECOND_MNH(ZTIME1) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(PSFTH,X_LES_Q0) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(PSFRV,X_LES_E0) DO JSV=1,NSV CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(PSFSV(:,:,JSV),X_LES_SV0(:,JSV)) END DO CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(PSFU,X_LES_UW0) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(PSFV,X_LES_VW0) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID((PSFU*PSFU+PSFV*PSFV)**0.25,X_LES_USTAR) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 10. LES for 3rd order moments ! ------------------------- ! CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZMWTH,X_LES_SUBGRID_W2Thl) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZMTH2,X_LES_SUBGRID_WThl2) IF (KRR>0) THEN CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZMWR,X_LES_SUBGRID_W2Rt) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZMTHR,X_LES_SUBGRID_WThlRt) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZMR2,X_LES_SUBGRID_WRt2) END IF ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 11. LES quantities depending on in "1DIM" mode ! ------------------------------------------------ ! IF (HTURBDIM=="1DIM") THEN CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(2./3.*PTKET,X_LES_SUBGRID_U2) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(2./3.*PTKET,X_LES_SUBGRID_V2) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(2./3.*PTKET,X_LES_SUBGRID_W2) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(2./3.*PTKET*MZF(KKA,KKU,KKL,& & GZ_M_W(KKA,KKU,KKL,PTHLT,PDZZ)),X_LES_RES_ddz_Thl_SBG_W2) IF (KRR>=1) & CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(2./3.*PTKET*MZF(KKA,KKU,KKL,& & GZ_M_W(KKA,KKU,KKL,PRT(:,:,:,1),PDZZ)),X_LES_RES_ddz_Rt_SBG_W2) DO JSV=1,NSV CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(2./3.*PTKET*MZF(KKA,KKU,KKL,& & GZ_M_W(KKA,KKU,KKL,PSVT(:,:,:,JSV),PDZZ)),X_LES_RES_ddz_Sv_SBG_W2(:,:,:,JSV)) END DO END IF !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 12. LES mixing end dissipative lengths, presso-correlations ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZLM,X_LES_SUBGRID_LMix) CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZLEPS,X_LES_SUBGRID_LDiss) ! !* presso-correlations for subgrid Tke are equal to zero. ! ZLM = 0. CALL LES_MEAN_SUBGRID(ZLM,X_LES_SUBGRID_WP) ! CALL SECOND_MNH(ZTIME2) XTIME_LES = XTIME_LES + ZTIME2 - ZTIME1 END IF ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CONTAINS ! ! ! ############################################## SUBROUTINE UPDATE_ROTATE_WIND(PUSLOPE,PVSLOPE) ! ############################################## !! !!**** *UPDATE_ROTATE_WIND* routine to set rotate wind values at the border ! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! !! P Jabouille *CNRM METEO-FRANCE !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 24/06/99 !! J.Escobar 21/03/2013: for HALOK comment all NHALO=1 test !! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ USE MODE_ll USE MODD_ARGSLIST_ll, ONLY : LIST_ll USE MODD_CONF ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !* 0.1 Declarations of dummy arguments : ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: PUSLOPE,PVSLOPE ! tangential surface fluxes in the axes following the orography ! !* 0.2 Declarations of local variables : ! INTEGER :: IIB,IIE,IJB,IJE ! index values for the physical subdomain TYPE(LIST_ll), POINTER :: TZFIELDS_ll ! list of fields to exchange INTEGER :: IINFO_ll ! return code of parallel routine ! !* 1 PROLOGUE ! NULLIFY(TZFIELDS_ll) ! CALL GET_INDICE_ll (IIB,IJB,IIE,IJE) ! ! 2 Update halo if necessary ! !!$IF (NHALO == 1) THEN CALL ADD2DFIELD_ll(TZFIELDS_ll,PUSLOPE) CALL ADD2DFIELD_ll(TZFIELDS_ll,PVSLOPE) CALL UPDATE_HALO_ll(TZFIELDS_ll,IINFO_ll) CALL CLEANLIST_ll(TZFIELDS_ll) !!$ENDIF ! ! 3 Boundary conditions for non cyclic case ! IF ( HLBCX(1) /= "CYCL" .AND. LWEST_ll()) THEN PUSLOPE(IIB-1,:)=PUSLOPE(IIB,:) PVSLOPE(IIB-1,:)=PVSLOPE(IIB,:) END IF IF ( HLBCX(2) /= "CYCL" .AND. LEAST_ll()) THEN PUSLOPE(IIE+1,:)=PUSLOPE(IIE,:) PVSLOPE(IIE+1,:)=PVSLOPE(IIE,:) END IF IF ( HLBCY(1) /= "CYCL" .AND. LSOUTH_ll()) THEN PUSLOPE(:,IJB-1)=PUSLOPE(:,IJB) PVSLOPE(:,IJB-1)=PVSLOPE(:,IJB) END IF IF( HLBCY(2) /= "CYCL" .AND. LNORTH_ll()) THEN PUSLOPE(:,IJE+1)=PUSLOPE(:,IJE) PVSLOPE(:,IJE+1)=PVSLOPE(:,IJE) END IF ! END SUBROUTINE UPDATE_ROTATE_WIND ! ! ######################################################################## SUBROUTINE COMPUTE_FUNCTION_THERMO(PALP,PBETA,PGAM,PLTT,PC,PT,PEXN,PCP,& PLOCPEXN,PAMOIST,PATHETA ) ! ######################################################################## !! !!**** *COMPUTE_FUNCTION_THERMO* routine to compute several thermo functions ! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! !! JP Pinty *LA* !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 24/02/03 !! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ USE MODD_CST ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !* 0.1 Declarations of dummy arguments ! REAL :: PALP,PBETA,PGAM,PLTT,PC REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: PT,PEXN,PCP ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PLOCPEXN REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PAMOIST,PATHETA ! !* 0.2 Declarations of local variables ! REAL :: ZEPS ! XMV / XMD REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PEXN,1),SIZE(PEXN,2),SIZE(PEXN,3)) :: ZRVSAT REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PEXN,1),SIZE(PEXN,2),SIZE(PEXN,3)) :: ZDRVSATDT ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ZEPS = XMV / XMD ! !* 1.1 Lv/Cph at t ! PLOCPEXN(:,:,:) = ( PLTT + (XCPV-PC) * (PT(:,:,:)-XTT) ) / PCP(:,:,:) ! !* 1.2 Saturation vapor pressure at t ! ZRVSAT(:,:,:) = EXP( PALP - PBETA/PT(:,:,:) - PGAM*ALOG( PT(:,:,:) ) ) ! !* 1.3 saturation mixing ratio at t ! ZRVSAT(:,:,:) = ZRVSAT(:,:,:) * ZEPS / ( PPABST(:,:,:) - ZRVSAT(:,:,:) ) ! !* 1.4 compute the saturation mixing ratio derivative (rvs') ! ZDRVSATDT(:,:,:) = ( PBETA / PT(:,:,:) - PGAM ) / PT(:,:,:) & * ZRVSAT(:,:,:) * ( 1. + ZRVSAT(:,:,:) / ZEPS ) ! !* 1.5 compute Amoist ! PAMOIST(:,:,:)= 0.5 / ( 1.0 + ZDRVSATDT(:,:,:) * PLOCPEXN(:,:,:) ) ! !* 1.6 compute Atheta ! PATHETA(:,:,:)= PAMOIST(:,:,:) * PEXN(:,:,:) * & ( ( ZRVSAT(:,:,:) - PRT(:,:,:,1) ) * PLOCPEXN(:,:,:) / & ( 1. + ZDRVSATDT(:,:,:) * PLOCPEXN(:,:,:) ) * & ( & ZRVSAT(:,:,:) * (1. + ZRVSAT(:,:,:)/ZEPS) & * ( -2.*PBETA/PT(:,:,:) + PGAM ) / PT(:,:,:)**2 & +ZDRVSATDT(:,:,:) * (1. + 2. * ZRVSAT(:,:,:)/ZEPS) & * ( PBETA/PT(:,:,:) - PGAM ) / PT(:,:,:) & ) & - ZDRVSATDT(:,:,:) & ) ! !* 1.7 Lv/Cph/Exner at t-1 ! PLOCPEXN(:,:,:) = PLOCPEXN(:,:,:) / PEXN(:,:,:) ! END SUBROUTINE COMPUTE_FUNCTION_THERMO ! ! #################### SUBROUTINE DELT(PLM) ! #################### !! !!**** *DELT* routine to compute mixing length for DELT case ! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! !! M Tomasini *Meteo-France !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 01/05 !! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! !* 0.1 Declarations of dummy arguments ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PLM ! !* 0.2 Declarations of local variables ! REAL :: ZD ! distance to the surface ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO JK = IKTB,IKTE ! 1D turbulence scheme PLM(:,:,JK) = PZZ(:,:,JK+KKL) - PZZ(:,:,JK) END DO PLM(:,:,KKU) = PLM(:,:,IKE) PLM(:,:,KKA) = PZZ(:,:,IKB) - PZZ(:,:,KKA) IF ( HTURBDIM /= '1DIM' ) THEN ! 3D turbulence scheme IF ( L2D) THEN PLM(:,:,:) = SQRT( PLM(:,:,:)*MXF(PDXX(:,:,:)) ) ELSE PLM(:,:,:) = (PLM(:,:,:)*MXF(PDXX(:,:,:))*MYF(PDYY(:,:,:)) ) ** (1./3.) END IF END IF ! ! mixing length limited by the distance normal to the surface ! (with the same factor as for BL89) ! IF (.NOT. ORMC01) THEN ZALPHA=0.5**(-1.5) ! DO JJ=1,SIZE(PUT,2) DO JI=1,SIZE(PUT,1) DO JK=IKTB,IKTE ZD=ZALPHA*(0.5*(PZZ(JI,JJ,JK)+PZZ(JI,JJ,JK+KKL))& -PZZ(JI,JJ,IKB)) *PDIRCOSZW(JI,JJ) IF ( PLM(JI,JJ,JK)>ZD) THEN PLM(JI,JJ,JK)=ZD ELSE EXIT ENDIF END DO END DO END DO END IF ! PLM(:,:,KKA) = PLM(:,:,IKB ) PLM(:,:,KKU ) = PLM(:,:,IKE) ! END SUBROUTINE DELT ! ! #################### SUBROUTINE DEAR(PLM) ! #################### !! !!**** *DELT* routine to compute mixing length for DEARdorff case ! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! !! M Tomasini *Meteo-France !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 01/05 !! I.Sandu (Sept.2006) : Modification of the stability criterion !! (theta_v -> theta_l) !! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! !* 0.1 Declarations of dummy arguments ! REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: PLM ! !* 0.2 Declarations of local variables ! REAL :: ZD ! distance to the surface REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ZWORK2D ! REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PTHLT,1),SIZE(PTHLT,2),SIZE(PTHLT,3)) :: & ZDTHLDZ,ZDRTDZ, &!dtheta_l/dz, drt_dz used for computing the stablity ! ! criterion ZETHETA,ZEMOIST !coef ETHETA and EMOIST !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize the mixing length with the mesh grid DO JK = IKTB,IKTE ! 1D turbulence scheme PLM(:,:,JK) = PZZ(:,:,JK+KKL) - PZZ(:,:,JK) END DO PLM(:,:,KKU) = PLM(:,:,IKE) PLM(:,:,KKA) = PZZ(:,:,IKB) - PZZ(:,:,KKA) IF ( HTURBDIM /= '1DIM' ) THEN ! 3D turbulence scheme IF ( L2D) THEN PLM(:,:,:) = SQRT( PLM(:,:,:)*MXF(PDXX(:,:,:)) ) ELSE PLM(:,:,:) = (PLM(:,:,:)*MXF(PDXX(:,:,:))*MYF(PDYY(:,:,:)) ) ** (1./3.) END IF END IF ! compute a mixing length limited by the stability ! ALLOCATE(ZWORK2D(SIZE(PUT,1),SIZE(PUT,2))) ! ZETHETA(:,:,:) = ETHETA(KRR,KRRI,PTHLT,PRT,ZLOCPEXNM,ZATHETA,PSRCT) ZEMOIST(:,:,:) = EMOIST(KRR,KRRI,PTHLT,PRT,ZLOCPEXNM,ZAMOIST,PSRCT) ! DO JK = IKTB+1,IKTE-1 ZDTHLDZ(:,:,JK)= 0.5*((PTHLT(:,:,JK+KKL)-PTHLT(:,:,JK))/PDZZ(:,:,JK+KKL)+ & (PTHLT(:,:,JK)-PTHLT(:,:,JK-KKL))/PDZZ(:,:,JK)) ! For dry simulations IF (KRR>0) THEN ZDRTDZ(:,:,JK)= 0.5*((PRT(:,:,JK+KKL,1)-PRT(:,:,JK,1))/PDZZ(:,:,JK+KKL)+ & (PRT(:,:,JK,1)-PRT(:,:,JK-KKL,1))/PDZZ(:,:,JK)) ELSE ZDRTDZ(:,:,JK)=0 ENDIF ZWORK2D(:,:)=XG/PTHVREF(:,:,JK)* & (ZETHETA(:,:,JK)*ZDTHLDZ(:,:,JK)+ZEMOIST(:,:,JK)*ZDRTDZ(:,:,JK)) ! WHERE(ZWORK2D(:,:)>0.) PLM(:,:,JK)=MAX(XMNH_EPSILON,MIN(PLM(:,:,JK), & 0.76* SQRT(PTKET(:,:,JK)/ZWORK2D(:,:)))) END WHERE END DO ! special case near the surface ZDTHLDZ(:,:,IKB)=(PTHLT(:,:,IKB+KKL)-PTHLT(:,:,IKB))/PDZZ(:,:,IKB+KKL) ! For dry simulations IF (KRR>0) THEN ZDRTDZ(:,:,IKB)=(PRT(:,:,IKB+KKL,1)-PRT(:,:,IKB,1))/PDZZ(:,:,IKB+KKL) ELSE ZDRTDZ(:,:,IKB)=0 ENDIF ! ZWORK2D(:,:)=XG/PTHVREF(:,:,IKB)* & (ZETHETA(:,:,IKB)*ZDTHLDZ(:,:,IKB)+ZEMOIST(:,:,IKB)*ZDRTDZ(:,:,IKB)) WHERE(ZWORK2D(:,:)>0.) PLM(:,:,IKB)=MAX(XMNH_EPSILON,MIN( PLM(:,:,IKB), & 0.76* SQRT(PTKET(:,:,IKB)/ZWORK2D(:,:)))) END WHERE ! DEALLOCATE(ZWORK2D) ! ! mixing length limited by the distance normal to the surface (with the same factor as for BL89) ! IF (.NOT. ORMC01) THEN ZALPHA=0.5**(-1.5) ! DO JJ=1,SIZE(PUT,2) DO JI=1,SIZE(PUT,1) DO JK=IKTB,IKTE ZD=ZALPHA*(0.5*(PZZ(JI,JJ,JK)+PZZ(JI,JJ,JK+KKL))-PZZ(JI,JJ,IKB)) & *PDIRCOSZW(JI,JJ) IF ( PLM(JI,JJ,JK)>ZD) THEN PLM(JI,JJ,JK)=ZD ELSE EXIT ENDIF END DO END DO END DO END IF ! PLM(:,:,KKA) = PLM(:,:,IKB ) PLM(:,:,IKE ) = PLM(:,:,IKE-KKL) PLM(:,:,KKU ) = PLM(:,:,KKU-KKL) ! END SUBROUTINE DEAR ! ! ######################### SUBROUTINE CLOUD_MODIF_LM ! ######################### !! !!*****CLOUD_MODIF_LM routine to: !! 1/ change the mixing length in the clouds !! 2/ emphasize the mixing length in the cloud !! by the coefficient ZCOEF_AMPL calculated here !! when the CEI index is above ZCEI_MIN. !! !! !! ZCOEF_AMPL ^ !! | !! | !! ZCOEF_AMPL_SAT - ---------- Saturation !! (XDUMMY1) | - !! | - !! | - !! | - !! | - Amplification !! | - straight !! | - line !! | - !! | - !! | - !! | - !! | - !! 1 ------------ !! | !! | !! 0 -----------|------------|----------> PCEI !! 0 ZCEI_MIN ZCEI_MAX !! (XDUMMY2) (XDUMMY3) !! !! !! !! AUTHOR !! ------ !! M. Tomasini *CNRM METEO-FRANCE !! !! MODIFICATIONS !! ------------- !! Original 09/07/04 !! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 0. DECLARATIONS ! ------------ ! IMPLICIT NONE ! REAL :: ZPENTE ! Slope of the amplification straight line REAL :: ZCOEF_AMPL_CEI_NUL! Ordonnate at the origin of the ! amplification straight line REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PUT,1),SIZE(PUT,2),SIZE(PUT,3)) :: ZCOEF_AMPL ! Amplification coefficient of the mixing length ! when the instability criterium is verified REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(PUT,1),SIZE(PUT,2),SIZE(PUT,3)) :: ZLM_CLOUD ! Turbulent mixing length in the clouds ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 1. INITIALISATION ! -------------- ! ZPENTE = ( PCOEF_AMPL_SAT - 1. ) / ( PCEI_MAX - PCEI_MIN ) ZCOEF_AMPL_CEI_NUL = 1. - ZPENTE * PCEI_MIN ! ZCOEF_AMPL(:,:,:) = 1. ! !* 2. CALCULATION OF THE AMPLIFICATION COEFFICIENT ! -------------------------------------------- ! ! Saturation ! WHERE ( PCEI(:,:,:)>=PCEI_MAX ) ZCOEF_AMPL(:,:,:)=PCOEF_AMPL_SAT ! ! Between the min and max limits of CEI index, linear variation of the ! amplification coefficient ZCOEF_AMPL as a function of CEI ! WHERE ( PCEI(:,:,:) < PCEI_MAX .AND. & PCEI(:,:,:) > PCEI_MIN ) & ZCOEF_AMPL(:,:,:) = ZPENTE * PCEI(:,:,:) + ZCOEF_AMPL_CEI_NUL ! ! !* 3. CALCULATION OF THE MIXING LENGTH IN CLOUDS ! ------------------------------------------ ! IF (HTURBLEN_CL == HTURBLEN) THEN ZLM_CLOUD(:,:,:) = ZLM(:,:,:) ELSE SELECT CASE (HTURBLEN_CL) ! !* 3.1 BL89 mixing length ! ------------------ CASE ('BL89') CALL BL89(KKA,KKU,KKL,PZZ,PDZZ,PTHVREF,ZTHLM,KRR,ZRM,PTKET,ZLM_CLOUD) ! !* 3.2 Delta mixing length ! ------------------- CASE ('DELT') CALL DELT(ZLM_CLOUD) ! !* 3.3 Deardorff mixing length ! ----------------------- CASE ('DEAR') CALL DEAR(ZLM_CLOUD) ! END SELECT ENDIF ! !* 4. MODIFICATION OF THE MIXING LENGTH IN THE CLOUDS ! ----------------------------------------------- ! ! Impression before modification of the mixing length IF ( OTURB_DIAG .AND. OCLOSE_OUT ) THEN YRECFM ='LM_CLEAR_SKY' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_LM CLEAR SKY (M)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH = LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',ZLM,IGRID,ILENCH,YCOMMENT,IRESP) ENDIF ! ! Amplification of the mixing length when the criteria are verified ! WHERE (ZCOEF_AMPL(:,:,:) /= 1.) ZLM(:,:,:) = ZCOEF_AMPL(:,:,:)*ZLM_CLOUD(:,:,:) ! ! Cloud mixing length in the clouds at the points which do not verified the CEI ! WHERE (PCEI(:,:,:) == -1.) ZLM(:,:,:) = ZLM_CLOUD(:,:,:) ! ! !* 5. IMPRESSION ! ---------- ! IF ( OTURB_DIAG .AND. OCLOSE_OUT ) THEN YRECFM ='COEF_AMPL' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_COEF AMPL (-)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH = LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',ZCOEF_AMPL,IGRID,ILENCH,YCOMMENT,IRESP) ! YRECFM ='LM_CLOUD' YCOMMENT='X_Y_Z_LM CLOUD (M)' IGRID = 1 ILENCH = LEN(YCOMMENT) CALL FMWRIT(HFMFILE,YRECFM,HLUOUT,'XY',ZLM_CLOUD,IGRID,ILENCH,YCOMMENT,IRESP) ! ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE CLOUD_MODIF_LM ! END SUBROUTINE TURB