OpenPALM, a dynamic parallel code coupler
Multi-component code couplingOpenPALM, a dynamic parallel code coupler
Multi-physic code couplingOpenPALM, a dynamic parallel code coupler
Data assimilationDue to internal organisation issues at CERFACS, no training session are scheduled. If you need support on OpenPALM (PALM and CWIPI), contact Florent Duchaine.
To efficiently represent complex systems, numerical modelling has to rely on many physical models at a time: an ocean model coupled with an atmospheric model is at the basis of climate modelling;
a turbulent reactive fluid model coupled with a radiation and conduction models allows the computation of a combustion chamber temperature. The continuity of the solution is granted only if these models can constantly exchange information.
OpenPALM is a software allowing the concurrent execution and the intercommunication of programs based on in-house as well as commercial codes.
The OpenPALM team is composed of Cerfacs and Onera people.
Don't hesitate to contact us directly ( and if you want informations on the coupler, on training sessions, on the instrumentations on the code to couple as well as on coupling algorithms.