master_integrate.F [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | include(
   2 | 
   3 |       SUBROUTINE master_integrate(s_Gtot, s_Htot, s_Lotot, s_Lbtot,     &
   4 |      &                            s_Q_rtot,iproc)
   5 | 
   6 | !       ================================================================!
   7 | !                                                                       !
   8 | !       master_integrate.F: Copy resulting vectors to master            !
   9 | !                                                                       !
  10 | !       out               :                                             !
  11 | !                                                                       !
  12 | !       author            : J. AMAYA (october 2007)                     !
  13 | !                                                                       !
  14 | !       ================================================================!
  15 | 
  16 |         USE mod_prissma
  17 | 
  18 |         IMPLICIT NONE
  19 | 
  20 | !       IN
  21 |         DOM_INT    :: iproc, i
  22 |         DOM_REAL,DIMENSION(3,i_dom_ncells) :: s_Q_rtot
  23 |         DOM_REAL,DIMENSION(i_dom_ncells)   :: s_Gtot, s_Lbtot
  24 |         DOM_REAL,DIMENSION(i_dom_nfacesmax,i_dom_ncells)                  &
  25 |      &                                     :: s_Lotot
  26 |         DOM_REAL,DIMENSION(i_dom_nfacesmax,i_dom_ncells)                  &
  27 |      &                                     :: s_Htot
  28 |         DOM_REAL :: Gmax, Gmin, Lmax, Lmin, Hmax, Hmin
  29 | 
  30 | !       --------------!
  31 | !       Printing data !
  32 | !       --------------!
  33 | 
  34 |         Gmax = MAXVAL(s_Gtot)
  35 |         Gmin = MINVAL(s_Gtot)
  36 |         Lmax = MAXVAL(s_Lbtot)
  37 |         Lmin = MINVAL(s_Lbtot)
  38 |         Hmax = MAXVAL(s_Htot)
  39 |         Hmin = MINVAL(s_Htot)
  40 | 
  41 | !       print*, " ---------------------"
  42 | !       print*, " Procesor: ", iproc
  43 | !       print*, " Gmax from (",iproc,") = ", Gmax
  44 | !       print*, " Gmin from (",iproc,") = ", Gmin
  45 | !       print*, " Lmax from (",iproc,") = ", Lmax
  46 | !       print*, " Lmin from (",iproc,") = ", Lmin
  47 | !       print*, " Hmax from (",iproc,") = ", Hmax
  48 | !       print*, " Hmin from (",iproc,") = ", Hmin
  49 | !       print*, " "
  50 | 
  51 | !       ---------------------------------------!
  52 | !       Adding iproc results to master vectors !
  53 | !       ---------------------------------------!
  54 | 
  55 |         Q_rtot = Q_rtot + s_Q_rtot
  56 |         Gtot   = Gtot   + s_Gtot
  57 |         Lotot  = Lotot  + s_Lotot
  58 |         Htot   = Htot   + s_Htot
  59 | 
  60 |         DO i=1, i_dom_ncells
  61 |           IF (Lbtot(i).eq.0.) Lbtot(i) = s_Lbtot(i)
  62 |         ENDDO
  63 | 
  64 | !       IF (iproc.eq.0) THEN
  65 | !         Lbtot(:) = s_Lbtot(:)
  66 | !       ENDIF
  67 | 
  68 | !       print*, " max Sr = ", MAXVAL(Srtot)
  69 | !       print*, " ---------------------"
  70 | 
  71 |       END SUBROUTINE master_integrate

master_integrate.F could be called by:
Makefile [SOURCES] - 136 - 212
pmm_returnvectors.F [SOURCES/MAIN] - 66
slave_return.F [SOURCES/MAIN/SLAVE] - 63