1 | !     =================================================================!
   2 | ! Temperature profile for the walls of the domain     !
   3 | !                  patch numbers are the same as in .asciBound file    !
   4 | !     variables  : x, y, z - position of the face in 'patch'           !
   5 | !                  T       - Temperature of the face in 'patch'        !
   6 | !                  emissivityon - Emissivity of the face in 'patch'    !
   7 | !     available auxiliary variables: L_ref, R_ref, x_ref, y_ref, z_ref !
   8 | !                  you can use this variables as auxiliary data to     !
   9 | !                  create the profiles.                                !
  10 | !     how to     : Give T and emmisivity profiles for each 'patch'     !
  11 | !                  using the face's coordinates x, y and z. This is    !
  12 | !                  NOT an automatic generated file: add or erase       !
  13 | !                  the needed patches at the IF statements.            !
  14 | !     =================================================================!
  15 | 
  16 |       T = 300.
  17 |       emissivity = 0.
  18 | 
  19 |       IF (patch.eq.2) THEN
  20 |         emissivity = 1.
  21 |       ENDIF