pmm_readinput.F [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | include(
   2 | 
   3 |       SUBROUTINE pmm_readinput(end_prog)
   4 | 
   5 | !       ================================================================!
   6 | !                                                                       !
   7 | !       read_data.F   : Reads and stores data from input.dat file.      !
   8 | !                                                                       !
   9 | !       out           : Global I/O options for PRISSMA.                 !
  10 | !                                                                       !
  11 | !       author        : J. AMAYA (september 2007)                       !
  12 | !                                                                       !
  13 | !       ================================================================!
  14 | 
  15 |         USE mod_inout
  16 | #ifdef USEPALM
  17 |         USE palm_user_param
  18 | #endif
  19 | 
  20 |         IMPLICIT NONE
  21 | 
  22 |         include 'dom_constants.h'
  23 | 
  24 | !       IN
  25 |         DOM_INT   :: end_prog, ios
  26 |         DOM_STR80 :: choicefile
  27 | 
  28 | #ifdef USEPALM
  29 |         DOM_STR80 :: wkin, wkout, wkspec
  30 | #endif
  31 | 
  32 | !       --------------------!
  33 | !       Read input.dat file !
  34 | !       --------------------!
  35 | 
  36 | #ifdef USEPALM
  37 |         choicefile = trim(rundomdir)//'/prissma.choices'
  38 | #else
  39 |         choicefile = 'prissma.choices'
  40 | #endif
  41 |         OPEN(UNIT=1,FILE=choicefile, STATUS='old',IOSTAT=ios)
  42 | 
  43 | #ifdef USEPALM
  44 |         READ(1,*) wkin
  45 |         path = trim(rundomdir)//'/'//wkin
  46 |         READ(1,*) wkspec
  47 |         pathspec = trim(rundomdir)//'/'//wkspec
  48 |         READ(1,*) wkout
  49 |         outpath = trim(rundomdir)//'/'//wkout
  50 | #else
  51 |         READ(1,*) path
  52 |         READ(1,*) pathspec
  53 |         READ(1,*) outpath
  54 | #endif
  55 |         READ(1,*) spascheme
  56 |         READ(1,*) nb_base
  57 |         READ(1,*) mediumtype
  58 |         READ(1,*) Nq_kabs
  59 |         READ(1,*) critconv
  60 |         READ(1,*) homosyst
  61 |         READ(1,*) i_dom_inter
  62 |         READ(1,*) i_dom_npart
  63 |         READ(1,*) i_dom_nthread
  64 | 
  65 |         CLOSE(1)
  66 | 
  67 | !       -----------------------------------------!
  69 | !       -----------------------------------------!
  70 | 
  71 |         IF (spascheme==DMFS) THEN
  72 |           alpha=0.5
  73 |           I_SCHEME=1
  74 |         ELSE IF (spascheme==SMFS) THEN
  75 |           alpha=1.0
  76 |           I_SCHEME=1
  77 |         ELSE IF (spascheme==EXPON) THEN
  78 |           alpha=0.0
  79 |           I_SCHEME=2
  80 |         ELSE IF (spascheme=='DERI') THEN
  81 |           I_SCHEME=-1
  82 |         ELSE
  83 |           end_prog=1
  84 |         ENDIF
  85 | 
  86 |         IF ((mediumtype.eq.'FSCK').or.(mediumtype.eq.'TFSCK')) THEN
  87 |           OPEN(UNIT=1,FILE=choicefile,STATUS='old',IOSTAT=ios)
  88 |           READ(1,*)
  89 |           READ(1,*)
  90 |           READ(1,*)
  91 |           READ(1,*)
  92 |           READ(1,*)
  93 |           READ(1,*,IOSTAT=ios) mediumtype, i_refstate, s_Tp
  94 |           CLOSE(1)
  95 | 
  96 |           IF( THEN
  97 |             i_refstate = 1
  98 |             s_Tp       = 0
  99 |           ENDIF
 100 |         ENDIF
 101 | 
 102 |       END SUBROUTINE pmm_readinput

pmm_readinput.F could be called by:
Makefile [SOURCES] - 123
mpiprissma.F [SOURCES/MAIN] - 32