avbp_conn.F [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | include(dom.inc)
   2 | !     ===============================================================
   3 | !     Copyright (c) CERFACS (all rights reserved)
   4 | !     ===============================================================
   5 | 
   6 | 
   7 | !     ================================================================
   8 | !     ================================================================
   9 |       module avbp_conn
  10 | 
  11 |         implicit none
  12 | 
  13 |         character*80  connfile
  14 | 
  15 |         DOM_INT, parameter                        :: conn_maxtype  = 8
  16 | 
  17 |         DOM_INT, dimension(:),allocatable         :: ielno
  18 |         DOM_INT, dimension(1:8)                   :: nclength
  19 |         DOM_INT, dimension(1:8)                   :: ncbegin
  20 |         DOM_INT, dimension(1:8)                   :: ncbeg
  21 |         DOM_INT, dimension(1:8)                   :: ncvert
  22 |         DOM_INT, dimension(1:2,1:8)               :: ieltype
  23 |         DOM_INT conn_ndim,                                              &
  24 |      &          conn_nblock,                                            &
  25 |      &          conn_ntcell,                                            &
  26 |      &          conn_ndum,                                              &
  27 |      &          conn_ntvert
  28 | 
  29 |         logical :: conn_itexists = .false.
  30 |         logical :: conn_show     = .true.
  31 | 
  32 |         data  ieltype  /  1,3,   2,4,   3,4,   4,5,   5,6,   6,8,       &
  33 |      &                    7,5,   8,0  /
  34 | 
  35 |         contains
  36 | !     ================================================================
  37 | 
  38 | 
  39 | !     ================================================================
  40 |         subroutine destroyconnmemory
  41 | 
  42 |         if(allocated(ielno)) deallocate(ielno)
  43 | 
  44 |         end subroutine destroyconnmemory
  45 | !     ================================================================
  46 | 
  47 | 
  48 | !     ================================================================
  49 |       subroutine getconninfo
  50 | 
  51 |       implicit none
  52 |       DOM_INT n
  53 | 
  54 |       inquire(file=connfile,exist=conn_itexists)
  55 | 
  56 |       if(conn_itexists) then 
  57 |            open( unit=2, file=connfile, form='unformatted' )
  58 |         
  59 |            read(2) conn_nblock, conn_ntcell, conn_ndum
  60 | 
  61 |            close(2)
  62 |       else
  63 |            n = len_trim(connfile)
  64 |            write(*,*) ' could not find the file ',connfile(1:n)
  65 |       endif
  66 | 
  67 |       end subroutine getconninfo
  68 | !     ================================================================
  69 | 
  70 | 
  71 | !     ================================================================
  72 |         subroutine readconn
  73 | !
  74 | !     -----------------------------------
  75 | !     Read in the connectivity 
  76 | !     -----------------------------------
  77 | !
  78 | !     Since we have no idea about the number of vertices
  79 | !     per cell we read the connectivity file twice,
  80 | !     once to count the number of cells and their vertices,
  81 | !     and a second time to read the pointers.
  82 | 
  83 |         implicit none
  84 |         DOM_INT n
  85 |         DOM_INT ndcell,neltype,nvert,ncbegin0,nclength0
  86 |         DOM_INT nlen,nbeg
  87 |         DOM_INT iel,k,startn,endn
  88 |         DOM_INT dummysize
  89 |         DOM_INT, dimension(:),allocatable  :: intdummy
  90 | 
  91 | !     -------------------------------------------
  92 | !     Read in the elements to count them
  93 | !     -------------------------------------------
  94 | 
  95 |         dummysize    = 10000
  96 | 
  97 |         inquire(file=connfile,exist=conn_itexists)
  98 | 
  99 |         if ((connfile.ne.'nofile').AND.conn_itexists) then
 100 | 
 101 |            n = len_trim(connfile)
 102 |            if (conn_show) then
 103 |              write(*,*) ' >>>> Reading connectivity file ',connfile(1:n)
 104 |            end if
 105 | 
 106 |            open( unit=2, file=connfile, form='unformatted' )
 107 |            
 108 |            if(allocated(intdummy)) then
 109 |               deallocate(intdummy)
 110 |            endif
 111 | 
 112 |            allocate(intdummy(1:dummysize))
 113 | 
 114 |            read(2) conn_nblock, conn_ntcell, conn_ndum
 115 |                
 116 |            nbeg   = 0
 117 |            conn_ntvert = 0
 118 |                       
 119 |            do iel=1,conn_maxtype
 120 |               nclength(iel) = 0
 121 |            end do
 122 |       
 123 |            do k=1,conn_ndum+2
 124 |               read(2) ndcell, neltype
 125 | 
 126 |               do iel=1,neltype
 127 |                  read(2) nvert,ncbegin0,nclength0
 128 |                  ncvert(iel)   = nvert
 129 |                  ncbegin(iel)  = ncbegin0
 130 |                  nclength(iel) = nclength0
 131 |                  nlen   = nclength0*nvert
 132 |                  conn_ntvert = conn_ntvert+nlen
 133 |                                   
 134 |                  if(nlen.GE.dummysize) then
 135 |                     if(allocated(intdummy)) then
 136 |                        deallocate(intdummy)
 137 |                     endif
 138 |                     dummysize = nlen + 1
 139 |                     allocate(intdummy(1:dummysize))
 140 |                  endif
 141 | 
 142 |                  read(2) (intdummy(n),n=1,nlen)
 143 |                  
 144 |                  nbeg = nbeg+nlen                 
 145 |               end do
 146 |            end do
 147 | 
 148 |            if(allocated(intdummy)) then
 149 |               deallocate(intdummy)
 150 |            endif
 151 | 
 152 |            close(2)
 153 | 
 154 | !
 155 | !     ------------------------------------------------
 156 | !     Allocate sufficient memory for the vertices
 157 | !     ------------------------------------------------
 158 | !
 159 |            if(allocated(ielno)) then
 160 |               deallocate(ielno)
 161 |            endif
 162 | 
 163 |            allocate(ielno(1:conn_ntvert))
 164 | !
 165 | !     ------------------------------------------------
 166 | !     Read in the elements to place them into an array
 167 | !     ------------------------------------------------
 168 | !
 169 | 
 170 |            open( unit=2, file=connfile, form='unformatted' )
 171 |            
 172 |            read(2) conn_nblock, conn_ntcell, conn_ndum
 173 |                
 174 |            nbeg   = 0
 175 |            conn_ntvert = 0
 176 |                       
 177 |            do iel=1,conn_maxtype
 178 |               nclength(iel) = 0
 179 |            end do
 180 |       
 181 |            do k=1,conn_ndum+2
 182 |               read(2) ndcell, neltype
 183 | 
 184 |               do iel=1,neltype
 185 |                  read(2) nvert,ncbegin0,nclength0
 186 |                  nlen   = nclength0*nvert
 187 |                  conn_ntvert = conn_ntvert+nlen
 188 |                  
 189 | 
 190 |                  if ( conn_ndim.eq.2 .and. nvert.eq.3 ) then
 191 |                      nclength(1) = nclength0
 192 |                      ncvert(1)   = nvert
 193 |                      ncbegin(1)  = ncbegin0
 194 |                      ncbeg(1)    = nbeg
 195 |                  else if ( conn_ndim.eq.2 .and. nvert.eq.4 ) then
 196 |                      nclength(2) = nclength0
 197 |                      ncvert(2)   = nvert
 198 |                      ncbegin(2)  = ncbegin0
 199 |                      ncbeg(2)    = nbeg
 200 |                  else if ( conn_ndim.eq.3 .and. nvert.eq.4 ) then
 201 |                      nclength(3) = nclength0
 202 |                      ncvert(3)   = nvert
 203 |                      ncbegin(3)  = ncbegin0
 204 |                      ncbeg(3)    = nbeg
 205 |                  else if ( conn_ndim.eq.3 .and. nvert.eq.5 ) then
 206 |                      nclength(4) = nclength0
 207 |                      ncvert(4)   = nvert
 208 |                      ncbegin(4)  = ncbegin0
 209 |                      ncbeg(4)    = nbeg
 210 |                  else if ( conn_ndim.eq.3 .and. nvert.eq.6 ) then
 211 |                      nclength(5) = nclength0
 212 |                      ncvert(5)   = nvert
 213 |                      ncbegin(5)  = ncbegin0
 214 |                      ncbeg(5)    = nbeg
 215 |                  else if ( conn_ndim.eq.3 .and. nvert.eq.8 ) then
 216 |                      nclength(6) = nclength0
 217 |                      ncvert(6)   = nvert
 218 |                      ncbegin(6)  = ncbegin0
 219 |                      ncbeg(6)    = nbeg
 220 |                  endif
 221 | 
 222 |                  read(2) (ielno(n),n=nbeg+1,nbeg+nlen) 
 223 | 
 224 |                  nbeg = nbeg+nlen                 
 225 |               end do
 226 |            end do
 227 | 
 228 |            close(2)
 229 |               
 230 |         else
 231 |            n = len_trim(connfile)
 232 |            write(*,*) ' could not find the file ',connfile(1:n)           
 233 |         endif
 234 | 
 235 |         if(allocated(intdummy)) then
 236 |            deallocate(intdummy)
 237 |         endif
 238 |  
 239 |         end subroutine readconn
 240 | !     ================================================================
 241 | 
 242 | 
 243 |       end module avbp_conn
 244 | !     ================================================================
 245 | !     ================================================================

avbp_conn.F could be called by:
avbp2dom.F [TOOLS/PREDATAS/INOUT] - 21
ensightgold_geometry.F [TOOLS/EXTERNAL] - 17
makefile [TOOLS/AVBP2PRISSMA] - 15
Makefile [TOOLS/PREDATAS] - 67
Makefile [TOOLS/VISU] - 60