1 | /* -*- Mode: c -*-
2 | *
3 | * $Id: ensightgold_writecbin.c,v 1.1 2007/01/30 10:43:12 avbp Exp $
4 | *
5 | * AUTHOR: Charles MARTIN
6 | * ORG: CERFACS (http://www.cerfacs.fr)
7 | * E-MAIL: martin@cerfacs.fr
8 | *
9 | * ORIG-DATE: 8-Sep-04 at 17:56:04
10 | * LAST-MOD: 11-2006 by J. Amaya, O. CabritA>, A. Roux
11 | *
14 | */
15 |
16 | #include <stdlib.h>
17 | #include <stdio.h>
18 | #include <math.h>
19 | #include <string.h>
20 |
21 | #define STRINGLEN 80
22 | #define TRUE 1
23 | #define FALSE 0
24 |
25 | /* Swtich to BigEndian if necessary */
26 | #if defined (SEKHMET)
27 | # define FWRITE fwrite_byteswap
28 | # define BYTESWAPIO TRUE
29 | #elif defined (IMHOTEP)
30 | # define FWRITE fwrite_byteswap
31 | # define BYTESWAPIO TRUE
32 | #elif defined (CORAIL)
33 | # define FWRITE fwrite_byteswap
34 | # define BYTESWAPIO TRUE
35 | #elif defined (PCLINUX)|defined(KALI)
36 | # define FWRITE fwrite_byteswap
37 | # define BYTESWAPIO TRUE
38 | #else
39 | # define FWRITE fwrite
40 | # define BYTESWAPIO FALSE
41 | #endif
42 |
43 |
44 | #if defined (NO_UNDERSCORE)
45 | # define ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOCOOR_BIN ensightgold_write_geocoor_bin
46 | # define ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOELT_BIN ensightgold_write_geoelt_bin
47 | # define WRITE_REAL_SCALAR_BIN write_real_scalar_bin
48 | # define WRITE_REAL_VECTOR_BIN write_real_vector_bin
49 | #else
50 | # define ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOCOOR_BIN ensightgold_write_geocoor_bin_
51 | # define ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOELT_BIN ensightgold_write_geoelt_bin_
52 | # define WRITE_REAL_SCALAR_BIN write_real_scalar_bin_
53 | # define WRITE_REAL_VECTOR_BIN write_real_vector_bin_
54 | #endif
55 |
56 |
57 | /*#define ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOCOOR_BIN ensightgold_write_geocoor_bin_
58 | #define ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOELT_BIN ensightgold_write_geoelt_bin_ */
59 | /*===========================================================================*/
60 | int fwrite_byteswap ( const void* pTo, size_t size, int mItems, FILE *binFile ) {
61 | /* Thanks to Jens Muller for this Routine */
62 | /* It does not swap when it's a character string */
63 | static char *pData ;
64 | static int k ;
65 |
66 | if ( size%2 )
67 | /* Size is odd. No swapping. The only case I could see is 1 for char. */
68 | return ( fwrite ( pTo, size, mItems, binFile ) ) ;
69 | else {
70 | /* Perform swapping. */
71 | for ( pData = ( char * ) pTo ;
72 | pData < ( char * ) pTo + size*mItems ; pData += size )
73 | for ( k = size-1 ; k >= 0 ; k-- )
74 | if ( !fwrite ( pData+k, 1, 1, binFile ) )
75 | /* FWRITE failed. */
76 | return ( 0 ) ;
77 |
78 | return ( mItems ) ;
79 | }
80 | }
81 |
82 | /*=================================================================*/
83 | void clearstring(char *string2clear, int stringlength)
84 | {
85 | int i;
86 | for (i=0; i<stringlength; i++)
87 | string2clear[i]=0;
88 | return;
89 | }
90 |
91 | /*=================================================================*/
92 | void ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOCOOR_BIN (const char filename[STRINGLEN],
93 | const int* ln,
94 | const int* nnode,
95 | float *coorx,
96 | float *coory,
97 | float *coorz)
98 | {
99 | int i;
100 | char cfilename[STRINGLEN+1];
101 | char buffer[80];
102 | int int_bufel;
103 | FILE *fptr;
104 |
105 | /* string conversion Fortran -> C */
106 | for (i=0; i<STRINGLEN; i++)
107 | cfilename[i]=filename[i];
108 | cfilename[*ln]='\0';
109 | /* if (BYTESWAPIO)
110 | printf("****** Warning Swapping I/O Endianess *******\n"); */
111 |
112 | /* opening file */
113 | fptr = fopen(cfilename,"wb");
114 |
115 | /* writing header */
116 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
117 | strcpy(buffer,"C binary");
118 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
119 |
120 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
121 | strcpy(buffer,"Ensight Gold Geometry File");
122 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
123 |
124 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
125 | strcpy(buffer,"Generated by a2gold translator");
126 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
127 |
128 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
129 | strcpy(buffer,"node id assign");
130 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
131 |
132 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
133 | strcpy(buffer,"element id assign");
134 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
135 |
136 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
137 | strcpy(buffer,"part");
138 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
139 |
140 | int_bufel= 1;
141 | FWRITE(&int_bufel,sizeof(int),1,fptr);
142 |
143 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
144 | strcpy(buffer,"First part");
145 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
146 |
147 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
148 | strcpy(buffer,"coordinates");
149 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
150 |
151 | int_bufel= *nnode;
152 | FWRITE(&int_bufel,sizeof(int),1,fptr);
153 | /* Write node coordinates */
154 | FWRITE(coorx,sizeof(float),*nnode,fptr);
155 | FWRITE(coory,sizeof(float),*nnode,fptr);
156 | FWRITE(coorz,sizeof(float),*nnode,fptr);
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 | /* closing file */
162 | fclose(fptr);
163 |
164 | return;
165 | }
166 |
167 | /*=================================================================*/
168 | void ENSIGHTGOLD_WRITE_GEOELT_BIN (const char filename[STRINGLEN],
169 | const int* ln,
170 | const char elt_type[STRINGLEN],
171 | const int* ln_etyp,
172 | const int* nodeperelt,
173 | const int* nelement,
174 | const int *iel2nod)
175 | {
176 | int i;
177 | char cfilename[STRINGLEN+1];
178 | char celt_type[STRINGLEN+1];
179 | char buffer[80];
180 | int int_bufel;
181 | FILE *fptr;
182 |
183 | /* string conversion Fortran -> C */
184 | for (i=0; i<STRINGLEN; i++)
185 | {
186 | cfilename[i]=filename[i];
187 | celt_type[i]=elt_type[i];
188 | }
189 | cfilename[*ln]='\0';
190 | celt_type[*ln_etyp]='\0';
191 |
192 | /* opening file */
193 | fptr = fopen(cfilename,"ab");
194 |
195 | /* Element section */
196 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
197 | strcpy(buffer,celt_type);
198 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
199 |
200 | int_bufel= *nelement;
201 | FWRITE(&int_bufel,sizeof(int),1,fptr);
202 | /* swaping if necessary and cast int4 to long8 */
203 | for (i=0;i<(*nelement)*(*nodeperelt);i++)
204 | {
205 | int_bufel= iel2nod[i];
206 | FWRITE(&int_bufel,sizeof(int),1,fptr);
207 | }
208 |
209 | fclose(fptr);
210 | return;
211 | }
212 |
213 | void WRITE_REAL_SCALAR_BIN (const char filename[STRINGLEN],
214 | const int* ln,
215 | const char field_name[STRINGLEN],
216 | const int* fln,
217 | float *scalarfield,
218 | const int* nnode)
219 | {
220 | int i;
221 | char cfilename[STRINGLEN+1];
222 | char cfield_name[STRINGLEN+1];
223 | char buffer[80];
224 | int int_bufel;
225 | FILE *fptr;
226 |
227 | /* string conversion Fortran -> C */
228 | for (i=0; i<STRINGLEN; i++)
229 | {
230 | cfilename[i]=filename[i];
231 | cfield_name[i]=field_name[i];
232 | }
233 | cfilename[*ln]='\0';
234 | cfield_name[*fln]='\0';
235 |
236 | /* opening file */
237 | fptr = fopen(cfilename,"wb");
238 | /* write field name */
239 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
240 | strcpy(buffer,cfield_name);
241 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
242 |
243 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
244 | strcpy(buffer,"part");
245 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
246 |
247 | int_bufel= 1;
248 | FWRITE(&int_bufel,sizeof(int),1,fptr);
249 |
250 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
251 | strcpy(buffer,"coordinates");
252 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
253 |
254 | FWRITE(scalarfield,sizeof(float),*nnode,fptr);
255 |
256 | fclose(fptr);
257 | return;
258 | }
259 | /*===========================================================================*/
260 | void WRITE_REAL_VECTOR_BIN (const char filename[STRINGLEN],
261 | const int* ln,
262 | const char field_name[STRINGLEN],
263 | const int* fln,
264 | float *component1,
265 | float *component2,
266 | float *component3,
267 | const int* nnode)
268 | {
269 | int i;
270 | char cfilename[STRINGLEN+1];
271 | char cfield_name[STRINGLEN+1];
272 | char buffer[80];
273 | int int_bufel;
274 | FILE *fptr;
275 |
276 | /* string conversion Fortran -> C */
277 | for (i=0; i<STRINGLEN; i++)
278 | {
279 | cfilename[i]=filename[i];
280 | cfield_name[i]=field_name[i];
281 | }
282 | cfilename[*ln]='\0';
283 | cfield_name[*fln]='\0';
284 |
285 | /* opening file */
286 | fptr = fopen(cfilename,"wb");
287 | /* write field name */
288 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
289 | strcpy(buffer,cfield_name);
290 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
291 |
292 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
293 | strcpy(buffer,"part");
294 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
295 |
296 | int_bufel= 1;
297 | FWRITE(&int_bufel,sizeof(int),1,fptr);
298 |
299 | clearstring(buffer,STRINGLEN);
300 | strcpy(buffer,"coordinates");
301 | FWRITE(buffer,sizeof(char),STRINGLEN,fptr);
302 |
303 | FWRITE(component1,sizeof(float),*nnode,fptr);
304 | FWRITE(component2,sizeof(float),*nnode,fptr);
305 | FWRITE(component3,sizeof(float),*nnode,fptr);
306 |
307 | fclose(fptr);
308 | return;
309 | }
310 |
311 |
312 |