1 | include(dom.inc)
2 | SUBROUTINE link_neighbour_cell(i,s,ndirs)
3 |
4 | ! ================================================================!
5 | ! !
6 | ! link_neighbour_cell.F : Detects and links the neighbour cell !
7 | ! in the given direction !
8 | ! !
9 | ! in : The directions number 'i' !
10 | ! The direction components 's(3)' !
11 | ! The 'current_cell' must be pointing at !
12 | ! the evaluated cell. !
13 | ! out : The linked cell in the direction 'i' !
14 | ! !
15 | ! author : J. AMAYA (april 2007) !
16 | ! !
17 | ! ================================================================!
18 |
19 | USE datas
20 |
22 |
23 | ! IN
24 | DOM_REAL :: s(3)
25 | DOM_INT :: i, ndirs
26 |
27 | ! LOCAL
28 | type(cell), pointer :: this_cell
29 | type(cell), pointer :: neigh_ptr
30 | type(face), pointer :: face_pt
31 | DOM_INT :: neighbour_cell
32 | DOM_INT :: faceout, k
33 | DOM_INT :: thiscell_id
34 | DOM_INT :: parent, ierr, j
35 | DOM_REAL :: proj, last_proj
36 | DOM_REAL :: n(3)
37 |
38 | this_cell => current_cell
39 |
40 | ! ---------------------------------------------------------!
41 | ! Outface = face with the biggest normal projection on s_i !
42 | ! ---------------------------------------------------------!
43 |
44 | last_proj = 0.0d0
45 | faceout = 0
46 | thiscell_id = this_cell%cell_id
47 |
48 |
49 | DO j=1, this_cell%i_nbfaces
50 |
51 | face_pt => this_cell%cell_face(j)%face_ptr
52 |
53 | parent = 1
54 | IF (face_pt%parent_cell(1).ne.thiscell_id) parent = 2
55 |
56 | n(1:3) = face_pt%face_normal(1:3,parent)
57 |
58 | CALL projection(n,s,proj)
59 |
60 | IF (proj > last_proj) THEN
61 | faceout = j
62 | last_proj = proj
63 | ENDIF
64 |
65 | ENDDO
66 |
67 | ! print*, " > Cell ", this_cell%cell_id
68 | ! print*, " outface: ", faceout
69 |
70 | IF (faceout.ne.0) THEN
71 |
72 | face_pt => this_cell%cell_face(faceout)%face_ptr
73 |
74 | ! ------------------------------------------!
75 | ! Detect wich of the cells is the neighbour !
76 | ! ------------------------------------------!
77 |
78 | IF (face_pt%parent_cell(1).eq.thiscell_id) THEN
79 |
80 | IF (face_pt%parent_cell(2).ne.0) THEN
81 |
82 | neighbour_cell = face_pt%parent_cell(2)
83 | neigh_ptr => face_pt%parent2_ptr
84 | this_cell%cell_dir (i)%cell_ptr => neigh_ptr
85 | IF (.not.ALLOCATED(neigh_ptr%cell_udir)) THEN
86 | ALLOCATE(neigh_ptr%cell_udir(ndirs))
87 | DO k=1, ndirs
88 | NULLIFY(neigh_ptr%cell_udir(k)%cell_ptr)
89 | ENDDO
90 | ENDIF
91 | neigh_ptr%cell_udir(i)%cell_ptr => this_cell
92 |
93 | ELSE
94 |
95 | NULLIFY(this_cell%cell_dir(i)%cell_ptr)
96 |
97 | ENDIF
98 |
99 | ELSE
100 |
101 | neighbour_cell = face_pt%parent_cell(1)
102 | neigh_ptr => face_pt%parent1_ptr
103 | this_cell%cell_dir (i)%cell_ptr => neigh_ptr
104 | IF (.not.ALLOCATED(neigh_ptr%cell_udir)) THEN
105 | ALLOCATE(neigh_ptr%cell_udir(ndirs))
106 | DO k=1, ndirs
107 | NULLIFY(neigh_ptr%cell_udir(k)%cell_ptr)
108 | ENDDO
109 | ENDIF
110 | neigh_ptr%cell_udir(i)%cell_ptr => this_cell
111 |
112 | ENDIF
113 |
114 | ELSE
115 |
116 | NULLIFY(this_cell%cell_dir(i)%cell_ptr)
117 |
118 | ENDIF
119 |
120 | ! ----------------------------------------------------!
121 | ! And set back 'current_cell' pointer to initial cell !
122 | ! ----------------------------------------------------!
123 |
124 | ! current_cell => this_cell
125 |
126 | END SUBROUTINE link_neighbour_cell
link_neighbour_cell.F could be called by: