readstructure.F [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | include(
   2 |       SUBROUTINE readstructure(path)
   3 | 
   4 | !       ===============================================================!
   5 | !                                                                      !
   6 | !       readatas.F : Reads the data base of the geometry.              !
   7 | !                    Format: V2.X                                      !
   8 | !                                                                      !
   9 | !       in         : The complete Data Base                            !
  10 | !                                                                      !
  11 | !       author     : J. AMAYA (june 2007)                              !
  12 | !                                                                      !
  13 | !       ===============================================================!
  14 | 
  15 |         USE datas
  16 | 
  17 |         IMPLICIT NONE
  18 | 
  19 |         INCLUDE 'predatas_const.h'
  20 |         INCLUDE 'dom_constants.h'
  21 | 
  22 | !       IN
  23 |         CHARACTER*80           :: path
  24 | 
  25 | !       OUT
  26 | 
  27 | !       LOCAL
  28 |         DOM_INT, allocatable, dimension(:)  :: fatnodelist
  29 |         DOM_INT                :: i, i_fatnodes
  30 |         DOM_INT                :: parent1, parent2
  31 |         character*80           :: nodesfile, cellsfile, facesfile
  32 |         type(cell),    pointer :: pt_cell
  33 |         type(face),    pointer :: pt_face, pv_face
  34 |         type(fatnode), pointer :: pt_fatnode
  35 | 
  36 | !       --------------------------------------!
  37 | !       Set file names and open them to write !
  38 | !       --------------------------------------!
  39 | 
  40 |         nodesfile = path(1:len_trim(path))//''
  41 |         cellsfile = path(1:len_trim(path))//''
  42 |         facesfile = path(1:len_trim(path))//''
  43 | 
  44 |         OPEN(FILE_NODES, FILE=nodesfile, FORM='UNFORMATTED')
  45 |         OPEN(FILE_CELLS, FILE=cellsfile, FORM='UNFORMATTED')
  46 |         OPEN(FILE_FACES, FILE=facesfile, FORM='UNFORMATTED')
  47 | 
  48 | !       ---------------------------!
  49 | !       Reconstruct the faces list !
  50 | !       ---------------------------!
  51 | 
  52 |         READ(FILE_FACES) i_nfaces
  53 |         IF (ASSOCIATED(face_list)) NULLIFY(face_list)
  54 |         NULLIFY(pv_face)
  55 | 
  56 |         DO i=1, i_nfaces
  57 | 
  58 |           i_buffer = 0
  59 |           ALLOCATE(pt_face)
  60 | 
  61 |           IF (i.eq.1) face_list => pt_face
  62 | 
  63 |           READ(FILE_FACES) pt_face%face_id,                             &
  64 |      &                     pt_face%i_nbnodes,                           &
  65 |      &                     pt_face%face_normal(1:4,1),                  &
  66 |      &                     pt_face%area,                                &
  67 |      &                     i_buffer(1:MAX_INTS),                        &
  68 |      &                     parent1,                                     &
  69 |      &                     parent2
  70 | 
  71 |           NULLIFY(pt_face%next_face)
  72 |           pt_face%prev_face => pv_face
  73 |           pv_face => pt_face
  74 | 
  75 |         ENDDO
  76 | 
  77 | !       --------------------------!
  78 | !       Reconstruct the node list !
  79 | !       --------------------------!
  80 | 
  81 |         READ(FILE_NODES) i_nnodes
  82 | 
  83 |         IF (ALLOCATED(node_list)) DEALLOCATE(node_list)
  84 |         ALLOCATE(node_list(3,i_nnodes))
  85 | 
  86 |         DO i=1, i_nnodes
  87 |           ALLOCATE(fatnodelist(1:i_fatnodes))
  88 |           READ(FILE_NODES) node_list(1:3,i), i_fatnodes,                &
  89 |      &                      fatnodelist(1:i_fatnodes)
  90 |           print*, node_list(1:3,i)
  91 | 
  92 |           DEALLOCATE(fatnodelist)
  93 |         ENDDO
  94 | 
  95 | !       ------------------------------------!
  96 | !       Reconstruct the 'facesatnode' array !
  97 | !       ------------------------------------!
  98 | 
  99 |         IF (ALLOCATED(facesatnode)) DEALLOCATE(facesatnode)
 100 |         ALLOCATE(facesatnode(1:i_nnodes))
 101 | 
 102 | !       ----------------!
 103 | !       Close all files !
 104 | !       ----------------!
 105 | 
 106 |         CLOSE(FILE_NODES)
 107 |         CLOSE(FILE_CELLS)
 108 |         CLOSE(FILE_FACES)
 109 | 
 110 |       END SUBROUTINE readstructure

readstructure.F could be called by:
Makefile [TOOLS/PREDATAS] - 103