1 | include(dom.inc)
2 | ! ===============================================================
3 | ! Copyright (c) CERFACS (all rights reserved)
4 | ! ===============================================================
5 |
6 | !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7 | !
8 | ! Subroutine for finding the indices of the cells nearest to a list
9 | ! of points in space. Output is written to 'Track.in' that is
10 | ! used for track_cellsing nodal values in time by AVBP.
11 | !
12 | ! Author: T. PEDOT
13 | ! Based on track_cells TOOLS of AVBP
14 | !
15 | !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16 | program prog_track_cells
17 |
18 | implicit none
19 | include 'dom_constants.h'
20 |
21 | CHARACTER*160 :: path,outpath, ccfile,gdatfile,trackfile
22 | CHARACTER*160 :: FMT
23 | DOM_INT :: ntcells,ntnodes,ntfaces,nnmaxfaces,ndirs,axis
24 | DOM_INT
25 | & n,npmax,npts,index,np,i
27 | & xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,
28 | & xn,yn,zn,xp,yp,zp,
29 | & r,big,zero
30 |
31 | DOM_INT ,dimension(:),allocatable::
32 | & inear
33 | DOM_REAL,dimension(:),allocatable::
34 | & x,y,z,xpt,ypt,zpt,rmin
35 | ! DOM_REAL,dimension(3) ::
36 | ! & norm
37 |
38 |
39 | big = 1.0d+15
40 | zero = 0.d0
41 | ! **********************************
42 | ! Reading of the input file
43 | ! For dynamic memory allocation
44 | ! **********************************
45 | write(*,*)
46 | write(*,*) 'I - First reading the input file'
47 | n = 0
48 | open( unit=1, file='track_cells.choices', form='formatted' )
49 | read(1,*) path
50 | 1 read(1,*,end=99)
51 | n = n+1
52 | goto 1
53 | 99 close(1)
54 | npts = n
55 | write(*,*) 'Found ',npts,' points'
56 | ! **********************************
57 |
58 | ! **********************************
59 | ! Local Dynamic memory allocation
60 | ! **********************************
61 | allocate(xpt(1:npts))
62 | allocate(ypt(1:npts))
63 | allocate(zpt(1:npts))
64 | allocate(rmin(1:npts))
65 | allocate(inear(1:npts))
66 | ! **********************************
67 |
68 | ! **********************************
69 | ! Reading of the input file
70 | ! **********************************
71 | open( unit=1, file='track_cells.choices', form='formatted' )
72 | read(1,*) path
73 | do n = 1, npts
74 | read(1,*) xpt(n),ypt(n),zpt(n)
75 | enddo
76 | close(1)
77 | ! **********************************
78 | ccfile = trim(path)//'/Centercells.in'
79 | gdatfile = trim(path)//'/Global.in'
80 | ! **********************************
81 | ! Reading the coordinates
82 | ! **********************************
83 | write(*,*)
84 | write(*,*) 'II - Reading node coordinates'
85 |
87 | READ(FILE_GDATA) ntcells,ntnodes,ntfaces,nnmaxfaces,ndirs
88 |
89 | allocate(x(1:ntcells))
90 | allocate(y(1:ntcells))
91 | allocate(z(1:ntcells))
93 |
95 |
96 | do n =1,ntcells
97 | READ(FILE_CCELL) i, x(i),y(i),z(i)
98 | enddo
100 |
101 | ! **********************************
102 |
103 |
104 | write(*,*)
105 | write(*,*) 'III - Finding nearest nodes'
106 |
107 |
108 | xmin = big
109 | xmax = -big
110 | ymin = big
111 | ymax = -big
112 | zmin = big
113 | zmax = -big
114 |
115 | do np=1,npts
116 | inear(np) = -1
117 | rmin(np) = big
118 | enddo
119 |
120 |
121 | do n=1,ntcells
122 | xn=x(n)
123 | yn=y(n)
124 | zn=z(n)
125 | ! else
126 | ! zn=zero
127 | ! endif
128 |
129 | xmin=min(xmin,xn)
130 | xmax=max(xmax,xn)
131 | ymin=min(ymin,yn)
132 | ymax=max(ymax,yn)
133 | zmin=min(zmin,zn)
134 | zmax=max(zmax,zn)
135 |
136 | do np=1,npts
137 |
138 | xp=xpt(np)
139 | yp=ypt(np)
140 | ! if (ndirs.eq.3) then
141 | zp=zpt(np)
142 | ! else
143 | ! zp=zero
144 | ! endif
145 |
146 | r=dsqrt((xp-xn)**2+(yp-yn)**2+(zp-zn)**2)
147 |
148 | if ( r.lt.rmin(np) ) then
149 |
150 | rmin (np) = r
151 | inear(np) = n
152 | endif
153 |
154 | enddo
155 |
156 | enddo
157 |
158 | write(*,*) ' Mesh extent'
159 | write(*,*) ' x ',xmin,xmax
160 | write(*,*) ' y ',ymin,ymax
161 | ! if (ndirs.eq.3) then
162 | write(*,*) ' z ',zmin,zmax
163 | ! endif
164 |
165 | !
166 | ! -----------------------
167 | ! Write output file
168 | ! -----------------------
169 | !
170 |
171 | write(*,*)
172 | write(*,*) 'IV - Writing output for AVBP'
173 | trackfile = trim(path)//'/Track.in'
174 | open(10,file=trackfile,form='formatted')
175 | ! write(10,FMT) npts,
176 | ! +'! Number of nodes/node coor. + dist.to tracking cell'
177 | FMT ='(I3,32X,A)'
178 | WRITE(10,FMT) npts, 'index Norm_X Norm_Y Norm_Z X Y Z dist_track'
179 | FMT ='(I3,2X,I7.7,2X,A30,2X,4(1X,E15.6))'
180 | do np=1,npts
181 | index = inear(np)
182 | xn = x(index)
183 | yn = y(index)
184 | zn = z(index)
185 |
186 | write(10,FMT) np,index,'0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0',
187 | + xn,yn,zn,rmin(np)
188 |
189 |
190 | enddo
191 | close(10)
192 |
193 |
194 | end program prog_track_cells
195 |
196 |
track_cells.F could be called by:
Makefile | [TOOLS/TRACK_CELLS] | - 46 - 51 - 57 - 91 |
track_cells | [TOOLS/SCRIPTS] | - 26 - 27 - 30 - 31 - 32 |