prissma.choices [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | './INFILES'            ! Path to *.in files
   2 | './SPECTRAL'           ! Path to spectral data
   3 | './OUTFILES'           ! Output path
   4 | DMFS                   ! Spatial discrtization        [ DMFS | SMFS | EXPON ]
   5 | SNB                    ! Narrow band data base        [ SNB | NBKM ]
   6 | CK                     ! Spectral model               [ CK | (T)FSCK | (T)FSK | WSGG | GRAY ]
   7 | 5                      ! Spectral quadrature points   (CK:5, FS(C)K:5->15)
   8 | 1.e-2                  ! Convergence criterion        (Reflection and subdomains)
   9 | NO                     ! Homogeneous system           [ NO | YES ]
  10 | 0                      ! Print directions             [ 1 | 0 ]
  11 | 1                      ! Number of subdomains         (Ndomains < Nprocs)
  12 | 1                      ! Number of threads            (Nthreads < Ndirs )