1 | @PHDTHESIS{th_poitou,
2 | author = {D. Poitou},
3 | title = {Modélisation du rayonnement dans la simulation aux grandes échelles
4 | de la combustion turbulente},
5 | school = {Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse},
6 | year = {2009},
7 | month = {Décembre},
8 | keywords = {Combustion turbulente, Simulations aux Grandes 'Echelles, Transfert
9 | radiatif, Mod`eles spectraux globaux, Ordonnées discr`etes, Couplage,
10 | Interaction Rayonnement-Turbulence
11 |
12 |
13 | Turbulent combustion, Large Eddy Simulation, Radiative transfer, Global
14 | spectral models, Discrete ordinate, Coupling, Turbulence-Radiation
15 | Interaction},
16 | owner = {poitou},
17 | timestamp = {2010.02.09}
18 | }
19 |
20 |
21 | @article{Stanford,
22 | author = "Jensen, K.A. and Ripoll, J.F. and Wray, A.A. and Joseph, D. and El Hafi, M.",
23 | title = "On various modeling approaches for radiative heat transfer in pool fires",
24 | journal = "Combustion and Flame",
25 | volume = "148",
26 | number = "4",
27 | pages = "263--279",
28 | year = "2007"
29 | }
30 |
31 | @article{Liu00c,
32 | author = "Liu, J. and Shang, H.M. and Chen, Y.S. and Wang, T.S.",
33 | title = "Development of an unstructured radiation model applicable for two dimensional planar, axisymmetric and 3-dimensional geometries",
34 | journal = "J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer",
35 | volume = "66",
36 | pages = "17--33",
37 | year = "2000"
38 | }
39 |
40 | @article{IJTS,
41 | author = "Joseph, D. and El Hafi, M. and Fournier, R. and Cuenot, B.",
42 | title = "Comparison of three spatial differencing schemes in Discrete Ordinates Method using three-dimensional unstructured meshes",
43 | journal = "Int. J. Thermal Sci.",
44 | volume = "44",
45 | number = "9",
46 | pages = "851--864",
47 | year = "2005"
48 | }
49 |
50 | @article{Sou97,
51 | author = "Soufiani, A. and Taine, J.",
52 | title = "High temperature gas radiative property parameters of statistical narrow band model for H$_2$O, CO$_2$ and CO and correlated-K model for H$_2$O and CO$_2$",
53 | journal = "Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer",
54 | volume = "40",
55 | number = "4",
56 | pages = "987--991",
57 | year = "1997"
58 | }
59 |
60 | @book{Cha50,
61 | author = "Chandrashekhar, S.",
62 | title = "Radiative transfer",
63 | publisher = "Clarendon Press",
64 | address = "Oxford",
65 | year = "1950"
66 | }
67 |
68 | @inProceedings{Koc03,
69 | author = "Koch, R. and Becker, R.",
70 | title = "Evaluation of the Quadrature Schemes for the Discrete Ordinates Method",
71 | pages = "59--74",
72 | crossref = "ET73"
73 | }
74 |
75 | @proceedings{ET73,
76 | title = "Proceedings of Eurotherm73 on Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media",
77 | editor = "Lybaert, P. and Feldheim, V. and Lemonnier, D. and Selçuk, N.",
78 | booktitle = "Proceedings of Eurotherm73 on Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media, Eurotherm Series 11",
79 | publisher = "Elsevier",
80 | address = "Paris, France",
81 | year = "2003"
82 | }
83 |
84 | @inProceedings{Str01,
85 | author = "Ströhle, J. and Schnell, U. and Hein, K.R.G.",
86 | title = "A Mean Flux Discrete Ordinates Interpolation scheme for general coordinates",
87 | booktitle = "3rd International Conference on Heat Transfer",
88 | address = "Antalya, Turkey",
89 | year = "2001"
90 | }
91 |
92 | @article{Liu00b,
93 | author = "Liu, F. and Smallwood, G.J. and Gülder, Ö.L.",
94 | title = "Application of the statistical narrow-band correlated-k method to low-resolution spectral intensity and radiative heat transfer calculations - Effects of the quadrature scheme",
95 | journal = "Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer",
96 | volume = "43",
97 | pages = "3119-3135",
98 | year = "2000"
99 | }
100 |
101 | @article {Liu01,
102 | author = "Liu, F. and Smallwood, G.J. and Gülder, Ö.L.",
103 | title = "Application of the statistical narrow-band correlated-k method to non-grey gas radiation in CO$_2$-H$_2$O mixtures: approximate treatments of overlapping bands",
104 | journal = "J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer",
105 | volume = "68",
106 | pages = "401-417",
107 | year = "2001"
108 | }
109 |
110 | @phdthesis{phdJoseph,
111 | author = "Joseph, D.",
112 | title = "Modélisation des transferts radiatifs en combustion par méthode aux ordonnées discrètes sur des maillages non structurés tridimensionnels",
113 | school = "Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse",
114 | year = "2004"
115 | }
116 |
117 | @inProceedings{Poi09,
118 | author = "Poitou, D. and Amaya, J. and Bhushan Singh, C. and Joseph, D., El Hafi, M. and Cuenot, B.",
119 | title = "Validity limits for the global model FS-SNBcK for combustion applications",
120 | booktitle = "Proceedings of Eurotherm83 - Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media III",
121 | address = "Lisbon, Portugal",
122 | year = "2009"
123 | }
124 |
125 | @article{Sou94,
126 | author = "Soufiani, A. and Djavdan, E.",
127 | title = "A comparison between Weighted Sum of Gray Gases and Statistical Narrow Band radiation models for combustion applications",
128 | journal = "Combustion and Flame",
129 | volume = "47",
130 | number = "2",
131 | pages = "240--250",
132 | year = "1994"
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | }
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 | @Article{Edw76,
141 | author = {D.K. Edwards},
142 | title = {Molecular gas band radiation},
143 | journal = {Advances in Heat Transfer},
144 | year = {1976},
145 | OPTkey = {},
146 | volume = {12},
147 | OPTnumber = {},
148 | pages = {115-193},
149 | OPTmonth = {},
150 | OPTnote = {},
151 | OPTannote = {}
152 | }
153 |
154 |
155 | @Article{Liu99,
156 | author = {F. Liu and G.J. Smallwood and O.L. Gukder},
157 | title = {Radiation Heat Transfer Calculations Using the SNBCK Method},
158 | journal = {33rd Thermophysics conference},
159 | year = {1999},
160 | OPTkey = {},
161 | OPTvolume = {},
162 | OPTnumber = {},
163 | OPTpages = {},
164 | OPTmonth = {},
165 | OPTnote = {},
166 | OPTannote = {}
167 | }
168 |
169 | @Article{Liu00c,
170 | author = {Liu J. and Shang H.M. and Chen Y.S. and Wang T.S.},
171 | title = {Development of an unstructured radiation model applicable for two dimensional planar, axisymmetric and 3-dimensional geometries},
172 | journal = {J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer},
173 | year = {(2000)},
174 | OPTkey = {},
175 | volume = {66},
176 | OPTnumber = {},
177 | pages = {17-33},
178 | OPTmonth = {},
179 | OPTnote = {},
180 | OPTannote = {}
181 | }
182 |
183 |
184 | @Article{Liu98,
185 | author = {F. Liu and H.A. Becker and Y. Bindar},
186 | title = {A comparative study of radiative heat transfer modelling in gas-fired furnaces using the simple grey gas and the weighted-sum-of-gray-gases models},
187 | journal = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer},
188 | year = {1998},
189 | OPTkey = {},
190 | volume = {41},
191 | OPTnumber = {},
192 | pages = {3357-3371},
193 | OPTmonth = {},
194 | OPTnote = {},
195 | OPTannote = {}
196 | }
197 |
198 |
199 | @Article{Gout02,
200 | author = {V. Gouti\`ere and A. Charette and L. Kiss},
201 | title = {Comparative performance of nongray gas modeling techniques},
202 | journal = {Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B},
203 | year = {2002},
204 | OPTkey = {},
205 | volume = {41},
206 | OPTnumber = {},
207 | pages = {361-381},
208 | OPTmonth = {},
209 | OPTnote = {},
210 | OPTannote = {}
211 | }
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 | @Article{IJTS,
217 | author = {Joseph D.and El Hafi M. and Fournier R. and Cuenot B.},
218 | title = {Comparison of three spatial differencing schemes in Discrete Ordinates Method using three-dimensional unstructured meshes},
219 | journal = {Int. J. Thermal Sci.},
220 | year = {(2005)},
221 | OPTkey = {},
222 | volume = {44},
223 | number = {9},
224 | pages = {851-864},
225 | OPTmonth = {},
226 | OPTnote = {},
227 | OPTannote = {}
228 | }
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 | @Article{NHT1,
233 | author = {Coelho P.J. and Perez P. and El Hafi M.},
234 | title = {Benchmark numerical solutions for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional nongray sooting media},
235 | journal = {Numer. Heat Transfer B-Fund.},
236 | year = {(2003)},
237 | OPTkey = {},
238 | volume = {43},
239 | OPTnumber = {},
240 | pages = {425-444},
241 | OPTmonth = {},
242 | OPTnote = {},
243 | OPTannote = {}
244 | }
245 |
246 | @Article{NHT2,
247 | author = {Perez P. and El Hafi M. and Coelho P.J. and Fournier R.},
248 | title = {Accurate solutions for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional axisymetric enclosures with gas radiation and reflective surfaces.},
249 | journal = {Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B-Fund.},
250 | year = {(2005)},
251 | OPTkey = {},
252 | volume = {46},
253 | OPTnumber = {},
254 | pages = {39-63},
255 | OPTmonth = {},
256 | OPTnote = {},
257 | OPTannote = {}
258 | }
259 |
260 |
261 | @Article{Tesse,
262 | author = {Tess\'e L. and Dupoirieux F. and Taine J.},
263 | title = {Monte Carlo Modeling of radiative transfer in a turbulent sooty flame},
264 | journal = {Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer},
265 | year = {(2004)},
266 | OPTkey = {},
267 | volume = {47},
268 | OPTnumber = {},
269 | pages = {555-572},
270 | OPTmonth = {},
271 | OPTnote = {},
272 | OPTannote = {}
273 | }
274 |
275 | @Article{Mal67,
276 | author = {W. Malkmus},
277 | title = {Random Lorentz band model with exponential-tailed S-1
278 | line-intensity distribution function},
279 | journal = {Journal of Optical Society of America},
280 | year = {(1967)},
281 | volume = {57},
282 | pages = {323-329},
283 | }
284 |
285 | @Article{JHT1,
286 | author = {Cherkaoui, M. and Dufresne J.L. and Fournier R. and Grandpeix, J.Y. and LahellecA>, A.},
287 | title = {{M}onte {C}arlo simulation of radiation in gases with a narrow-band model and a net-exchange formulation},
288 | journal = {Jour. of Heat Transfer},
289 | year = {(1996)},
290 | OPTkey = {},
291 | volume = {118},
292 | OPTnumber = {},
293 | pages = {401-407},
294 | OPTmonth = {},
295 | OPTnote = {},
296 | OPTannote = {}
297 | }
298 |
299 |
300 | @Article{JQSRT1,
301 | author = {de LatailladeA> A. and Dufresne J.L. and El Hafi M. and Eymet V. and Fournier R.},
302 | titleA> = {A net exchange {M}onte {C}arlo approach to radiation in optically thick systems},
303 | journal = {Jour. of Quant. Spectrosc. and Radiat.Transfer},
304 | year = {(2002)},
305 | OPTkey = {},
306 | volume = {74},
307 | number = {5},
308 | pages = {563-584},
309 | OPTmonth = {},
310 | OPTnote = {},
311 | OPTannote = {}
312 | }
313 |
314 | @InProceedings{shalock,
315 | author = {Lockwood, F. C. and Shah, N.G.},
316 | titleA> = {A new radiation solution method for incorporation in general combustion prediction procedures},
317 | booktitle = {Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute},
318 | OPTcrossref = {},
319 | OPTkey = {},
320 | pages = {1405-1409},
321 | year = {(1981)},
322 | OPTeditor = {},
323 | OPTvolume = {},
324 | OPTnumber = {},
325 | OPTseries = {},
326 | OPTaddress = {},
327 | OPTmonth = {},
328 | OPTorganization = {},
329 | OPTpublisher = {},
330 | OPTnote = {},
331 | OPTannote = {}
332 | }
333 |
334 | @Article{Roux,
335 | author = {Roux S. and Lartigue G. and Poinsot T. and Meier U. and B\'erat. C.},
336 | title = {Studies of mean and unsteady flow in a swirled combustor using experiments, acoustic analysis and large eddy simulations},
337 | journal = {Combustion and Flame},
338 | year = {(2005)},
339 | OPTkey = {},
340 | volume = {141},
341 | OPTnumber = {},
342 | pages = {40-54},
343 | OPTmonth = {},
344 | OPTnote = {},
345 | OPTannote = {}
346 | }
347 |
348 | @Article{Stanford,
349 | author = {Jensen K.A. and Ripoll J.F. and Wray A. A. and Joseph D. and El Hafi M.},
350 | title = {On various modeling approaches for radiative heat transfer in pool fires},
351 | journal = {accepted in Combustion and Flame},
352 | year = {(2006)},
353 | OPTkey = {},
354 | OPTvolume = {},
355 | OPTnumber = {},
356 | OPTpages = {},
357 | OPTmonth = {},
358 | OPTnote = {},
359 | OPTannote = {}
360 | }
361 |
362 | @Article{Liu99,
363 | author = {Liu F.},
364 | title = {Numerical Solutions of Three-Dimensional Non-Grey Gas Radiative Transfer Using the Statistical narrow-Band Model},
365 | journal = {Jour. Heat transfer},
366 | year = {(1999)},
367 | OPTkey = {},
368 | volume = {121},
369 | OPTnumber = {200-203},
370 | OPTpages = {},
371 | OPTmonth = {},
372 | OPTnote = {},
373 | OPTannote = {}
374 | }
375 |
376 | @Article{Sou94,
377 | author = {A. Soufiani and E. Djavdan},
378 | title = {A {C}omparison between {W}eighted {S}um of {G}ray {G}ases and {S}tatistical {N}arrow-{B}and {R}adiation {M}odels for {C}ombustion {A}pplications},
379 | journal = {Combustion and Flame},
380 | year = {1994},
381 | OPTkey = {},
382 | volume = {47},
383 | number = {2},
384 | pages = {240-250},
385 | OPTmonth = {},
386 | OPTnote = {},
387 | OPTannote = {}
388 | }
389 |
390 | @Article{Sou97,
391 | author = {Soufiani A. and Taine J.},
392 | title = {High temperature gas radiative property parameters of statistical narrow band model for H$_2$O, CO$_2$ and CO and correlated-K model for H$_2$O and CO$_2$},
393 | journal = {Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer},
394 | year = {(1997)},
395 | OPTkey = {},
396 | volume = {40},
397 | number = {4},
398 | pages = {987-991},
399 | OPTmonth = {},
400 | OPTnote = {},
401 | OPTannote = {}
402 | }
403 |
404 | @Article{Pie99a,
405 | author = {L. Pierrot and A. Soufiani and J. Taine},
406 | title = {Accuracy of narrow-band and global models for radiative
407 | transfer in $H_2O$, $CO_2$, and $H_2O-CO_2$ mixtures at high temperature},
408 | journal = {Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer},
409 | year = {1999},
410 | volume = {62},
411 | pages = {523-548},
412 | }
413 |
414 | @InProceedings{Liu04a,
415 | author = {F. Liu and M. Yang and G.J. Smallwood and H. Zhang},
416 | title = {Evaluation of the SNB based full-spectrum {CK} method for thermal radiation calculations in $CO_2-H_2O$ mixtures},
417 | booktitle = {Proceedings of ICHMT 2004},
418 | OPTcrossref = {},
419 | OPTkey = {},
420 | OPTpages = {},
421 | year = {2004},
422 | OPTeditor = {},
423 | OPTvolume = {},
424 | OPTnumber = {},
425 | OPTseries = {},
426 | OPTaddress = {},
427 | OPTmonth = {},
428 | OPTorganization = {},
429 | OPTpublisher = {},
430 | OPTnote = {},
431 | OPTannote = {}
432 | }
433 |
434 |
435 | @Article{Koc03,
436 | author = {Koch R. and Becker R.},
437 | title = {Evaluation of the {Q}uadrature Schemes for the {D}iscrete {O}rdinates {M}ethod},
438 | journal = {Lybaert P., Feldheim V., Lemonnier D., Sel\c cuk N. (Eds), Proceedings of Eurotherm73 on Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media, Eurotherm Series 11, Elsevier, Paris, France},
439 | year = {(2003)},
440 | OPTkey = {},
441 | OPTvolume = {},
442 | OPTnumber = {},
443 | pages = {59-74},
444 | OPTmonth = {},
445 | OPTnote = {},
446 | OPTannote = {}
447 | }
448 | @Book{Cha50,
449 | ALTauthor = {Chandrashekhar S.},
450 | ALTeditor = {Clarendon Press},
451 | title = {Radiative transfer},
452 | publisher = {Oxford},
453 | year = {(1950)},
454 | OPTkey = {},
455 | OPTvolume = {},
456 | OPTnumber = {},
457 | OPTseries = {},
458 | OPTaddress = {},
459 | OPTedition = {},
460 | OPTmonth = {},
461 | OPTnote = {},
462 | OPTannote = {}
463 | }
464 |
465 | @InProceedings{Str01,
466 | author = {Strohle J. and Schnell U. and Hein K.R.G.},
467 | title = {A Mean Flux Discrete Ordinates Interpolation scheme for general coordinates},
468 | booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Antalya},
469 | OPTcrossref = {},
470 | OPTkey = {},
471 | OPTpages = {},
472 | year = {(2001)},
473 | OPTeditor = {},
474 | OPTvolume = {},
475 | OPTnumber = {},
476 | OPTseries = {},
477 | OPTaddress = {},
478 | OPTmonth = {},
479 | OPTorganization = {},
480 | OPTpublisher = {},
481 | OPTnote = {},
482 | OPTannote = {}
483 | }
484 |
485 | @Article{Liu00b,
486 | author = {F. Liu and G.J. Smallwood and O.L. Gulder },
487 | title = {Application of the statistical narrow-band correlated-k method to low-resolution spectral intensity and radiative heat transfer calculations - Effects of the quadrature scheme},
488 | journal = {International Journal for Heat and Mass Transfer},
489 | year = {(2000)},
490 | OPTkey = {},
491 | volume = {43},
492 | OPTnumber = {},
493 | pages = {3119-3135},
494 | OPTmonth = {},
495 | OPTnote = {},
496 | OPTannote = {}
497 | }
498 |
499 | @Article{Liu01,
500 | author = {Liu F. and Smallwood G.J. and Gulder O.L.},
501 | title = {Application of the statistical narrow-band correlated-k method to non-grey gas radiation in CO$_2$-H$_2$O mixtures: approximate treatments of overlapping bands},
502 | journal = {Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiatine Transfer},
503 | year = {(2001)},
504 | OPTkey = {},
505 | volume = {68},
506 | OPTnumber = {},
507 | pages = {401-417},
508 | OPTmonth = {},
509 | OPTnote = {},
510 | OPTannote = {}
511 | }
512 | @Book{Hottel,
513 | ALTauthor = { Hottel H.C. and Sarofim A.F.},
514 | ALTeditor = {McGraw-Hill Book Company},
515 | title = {Radiative transfer},
516 | OPTpublisher = {},
517 | year = {(1967)},
518 | OPTkey = {},
519 | OPTvolume = {},
520 | OPTnumber = {},
521 | OPTseries = {},
522 | OPTaddress = {},
523 | OPTedition = {},
524 | OPTmonth = {},
525 | OPTnote = {},
526 | OPTannote = {}
527 | }
528 |
529 | @Article{Green,
530 | author = {Green, J.S.A.},
531 | title = {Division of radiative streams into internal transfer and cooling to space},
532 | journal = {Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society},
533 | year = {(1967)},
534 | OPTkey = {},
535 | volume = {93},
536 | OPTnumber = {},
537 | pages = {371-372},
538 | OPTmonth = {},
539 | OPTnote = {},
540 | OPTannote = {}
541 | }
542 |
543 | @Article{Farm98,
544 | author = {Farmer J.T. and Howell J.R.},
545 | title = {Comparison of {M}onte {C}arlo strategies for radiative transfer in participating media},
546 | journal = {Advances in Heat transfer},
547 | year = {(1998)},
548 | OPTkey = {},
549 | volume = {31},
550 | OPTnumber = {},
551 | OPTpages = {333-429},
552 | OPTmonth = {},
553 | OPTnote = {},
554 | OPTannote = {}
555 | }
556 |
557 | @Article{Duf99,
558 | author = {Dufresne J-L. and Fournier R. and Grandpeix J-Y.},
559 | title = {Inverse Gaussian K-distributions},
560 | journal = {J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer},
561 | year = {(1999)},
562 | OPTkey = {},
563 | volume = {61},
564 | OPTnumber = {},
565 | OPTpages = {433-441},
566 | OPTmonth = {},
567 | OPTnote = {},
568 | OPTannote = {}
569 | }
570 |
571 | @Article{SCHON,
572 | author = {Schonfeld T. and Rudgyard. M.},
573 | title = {Steady and unsteady flows simulations using the hybrid flow solver AVBP},
574 | journal = {AIAA Journal},
575 | year = {(1999)},
576 | OPTkey = {},
577 | volume = {37},
578 | number = {11},
579 | pages = {1378-1385},
580 | OPTmonth = {},
581 | OPTnote = {},
582 | OPTannote = {}
583 | }
584 |
585 | @PhdThesis{thesepat,
586 | author = {Perez P.},
587 | title = {Algorithmes de synth\`ese d'images et propri\'et\'es spectrales des gaz de combustion : m\'ethode de {M}onte {C}arlo pour la simulation des transferts radiatifs dans les proc\'ed\'es \`a haute temp\'erature.},
588 | school = {Institut {N}ational {P}olytechnique de {T}oulouse},
589 | year = {(2003)},
590 | OPTkey = {},
591 | OPTtype = {},
592 | OPTaddress = {},
593 | OPTmonth = {},
594 | OPTnote = {},
595 | OPTannote = {}
596 | }
597 |
598 | @PhdThesis{thesemarty,
599 | author = {Marty P.},
600 | title = {Proc\'ed\'e et dispositif de g\'en\'eration d'hydrog\`ene par conversion \'a haute temp\'erature avec vapeur d'eau},
601 | school = {Universit\'e de {P}erpignan},
602 | year = {(2002)},
603 | OPTkey = {},
604 | OPTtype = {},
605 | OPTaddress = {},
606 | OPTmonth = {},
607 | OPTnote = {},
608 | OPTannote = {}
609 | }
610 |
611 |
612 |
613 | @PhdThesis{thesedav,
614 | author = {Joseph D.},
615 | title = {Mod\'elisation des transferts radiatifs en combustion par m\'ethode aux ordonn\'ees discr\`etes sur des maillages non structur\'es tridimensionnels.},
616 | school = {Institut {N}ational {P}olytechnique de {T}oulouse},
617 | year = {(2004)},
618 | OPTkey = {},
619 | OPTtype = {},
620 | OPTaddress = {},
621 | OPTmonth = {},
622 | OPTnote = {},
623 | OPTannote = {}
624 | }
625 |
626 | @Article{lataillade,
627 | author = {Lataillade A. and Blanco S. and Clergent Y. and Dufresne J.L. and El Hafi M. and Fournier R.},
628 | title = {Monte Carlo Methods and sensitivity Estimations.},
629 | journal = {Journal of Quantitative Spect. and Rad. Transfer},
630 | year = {(2002)},
631 | OPTkey = {},
632 | volume = {75},
633 | OPTnumber = {},
634 | pages = {529-538},
635 | OPTmonth = {},
636 | OPTnote = {},
637 | OPTannote = {}
638 | }
639 |
640 | @Article{Maxime,
641 | author = {Roger M. and Blanco S. and El Hafi M. and Fournier R.},
642 | title = {Monte Carlo Estimates of Domain Deformation Sensitivities},
643 | journal = {Phys. Review Letter},
644 | year = {(2005)},
645 | OPTkey = {},
646 | volume = {95},
647 | number = {180601},
648 | OPTpages = {},
649 | OPTmonth = {},
650 | OPTnote = {},
651 | OPTannote = {}
652 | }
653 |
654 | @Book{Modest,
655 | author = {Modest M.F.},
656 | OPTeditor = {},
657 | title = {Radiative heat transfer.},
658 | publisher = {McGraw-Hill 3rd ed.},
659 | year = {(2003)},
660 | OPTkey = {},
661 | OPTvolume = {},
662 | OPTnumber = {},
663 | OPTseries = {},
664 | OPTaddress = {},
665 | OPTedition = {},
666 | OPTmonth = {},
667 | OPTnote = {},
668 | OPTannote = {}
669 | }
670 |