1 | \chapter{Guide du développeur}\label{chap_dev}
2 | \section{Format des fichiers}
3 | Dans cette partie, nous allons détailler la structure des fichiers binaires d'entrée et de sortie de \code.
4 | \subsection{les fichiers d'entrée}
5 | In this page you’ll find a brief explanaition of the
6 | format of each one of the files used by \code as an input.
7 |
8 | An explanation of the words used to presents the formats are presented next:
9 |
10 | icell : id number of the cell
11 | nfaces : number of faces of this cell
12 | ncell : total number of cells in the domain
13 | nbfaces : total number of faces belonging to the boundary patch
14 | nnodes : total number of nodes in this cell
15 | ntcells : total number of cells in the mesh
16 | ntnodes : total number of nodes in the mesh
17 | ntfaces : total number of faces in the mesh
18 | [..] n times : expressions between brackets are repeated n times
19 | {..} n times : expression between brackets are writen in n different records
20 |
21 | integer data is writen in blue
22 | real data is writen in black
23 |
24 |
25 | Cell2cells.in
26 |
27 | { icell | nfaces | [ neighbour cell | neighbour's adjacent face ] nfaces times } ncell times
28 |
29 | Global.in
30 |
31 | { ntcells, ntnodes, ntfaces, nmaxfaces, ndirs }
32 |
33 | Centercells.in
34 |
35 | { icell | xc | yc | zc } ncell times
36 |
37 | Centerfaces.in
38 |
39 | { icell | nfaces | [ x | y | z ] nfaces times } ncell times
40 |
41 | Properties.in
42 |
43 | { icell | T | P | XH20 | XCO2 | XCO | XO2 | XN2 | XSOOT } ncell times
44 |
45 | Normals.in
46 |
47 | { icell | nfaces | [ nx | ny | nz ] nfaces times } ncell times
48 |
49 | Volumesareas.in
50 |
51 | { icell | nfaces | volume | [ surface area ] nfaces times } ncell times
52 |
53 | Emissivities.in
54 |
55 | { icell | nfaces | [ epsilon ] nfaces times } ncell times
56 |
57 | K_Extinction.in
58 |
59 | { icell | k_absorption | k_scattering } ncell times
60 |
61 | Quadrature.in
62 |
63 | { mu | eta | ksi | omega } ndir times
64 |
65 | Cell2faces.in
66 |
67 | { icell | nfaces | [ iface ] nfaces times } nnodes times
68 |
69 | Progress.in
70 |
71 | { [ icell ] ncell times } ndir times
72 |
73 | Nodelist.in
74 |
75 | { inode | x | y | z } nnodes times
76 |
77 | Facelist.in
78 |
79 | { iface | fnnodes | [ inode ] fnnodes times } ntfaces times
80 |
81 | Cellnodes.in
82 |
83 | { icell | cellnnodes | [ inode ] cellnnodes times } ncells times
84 |
85 | CLProperties.in
86 |
87 | { icell | nfaces | [ temperature | patch ] nfaces times } ncell times
88 |
89 | CLFaces.in
90 |
91 | nbfaces
92 |
93 |
94 | \subsection{les fichiers de sortie}
95 |
96 | In this page you’ll find a brief explanaition of the format of
97 | each one of the files created by \code.
98 |
99 | The next is a list of the abreviations used in the description
100 |
101 | ncell : total number of cells in the domain
102 | Gtot : Total incident radiation (w/m3)
103 | Srtot : Radiative source term (w/m3)
104 | Htot : Total incident surface radiation at the wall (w/m2)
105 | Qw : Total net radiative flux at the wall (w/m2)
106 | Qr : Radiative flux vector (w/m2)
107 | [..] if face at wall : expression is writen only if the face is in the wall
108 | {..} n times : expression between brackets are writen in n different records
109 |
110 | integer data is writen in blue
111 | real data is writen in black
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 | G.out
118 |
119 | { x | y | z | Gtot } ncell times
120 |
121 | Sr.out
122 |
123 | { x | y | z | Srtot } ncell times
124 |
125 | H.out
126 |
127 | { [ x | y | z | Htot ] if face at wall } ncell times
128 |
129 | Qw.out
130 |
131 | { [ x | y | z | Qw ] if face at wall } ncell times
132 |
133 | Qr.out
134 |
135 | { { x | y | z | Qr(x) | Qr(y) | Qr(z) } ncell times
136 | \section{Déroulement d'un calcul}
137 |
138 |
139 | %\section{Les boucles}
140 | %\subsection{Sur les noeuds}
141 |
142 | %\subsection{Sur les cellules}
143 |
144 | %\subsection{Sur les faces aux conditions limites}
145 |
146 | %\section{Les recettes pour accéder aux différents indices}