1 | include(dom.inc)
2 |
3 | SUBROUTINE FIND_IBND(cell,face, index)
4 | ! ================================================================!
5 | ! !
6 | ! findibnd.F : Find the boundary face number from the !
7 | ! number of the cell and the number of the face !
8 | ! with a dichotomy !
9 | ! !
10 | ! author : D. Poitou (sept2011) !
11 | ! !
12 | ! ================================================================!
13 |
14 | use mod_slave
15 |
17 |
18 | ! IN
19 | DOM_INT :: cell, face
20 |
21 | ! LOCAL
22 | DOM_INT :: imin, imax, di
23 |
24 | ! OUT
25 | DOM_INT :: index
26 |
27 | ! ---------------!
28 | ! Initialisation !
29 | ! ---------------!
30 | ! index = 1
31 |
32 | ! --------------------------------------------!
33 | ! Test des cellules par itérations dichotomie !
34 | ! --------------------------------------------!
35 | imin = 0
36 | imax = is_nbfaces
37 | di = 1
38 |
39 | DO WHILE (ts_boundary(index)%icell.ne.cell)
40 |
41 | IF(ts_boundary(di)%icell.le.cell) THEN
42 | imin = di + 1
43 | ELSE
44 | imax = di
45 | ENDIF
46 |
47 | di = int(imax + imin)/2
48 |
49 | IF(ts_boundary(di)%icell.eq.cell) THEN
50 | index = di
51 | ENDIF
52 | ! PRINT*, "loop", imax, imin, di
53 | ! PRINT*, "cell",cell, ts_boundary(di)%icell
54 | ! PRINT*, index
55 | ENDDO
56 |
57 | di = 0
58 | DO WHILE ((ts_boundary(index)%iface.ne.face).and. &
59 | & ((index.le.is_nbfaces)))
60 |
61 | IF(ts_boundary(index+di)%iface.eq.face) THEN
62 | index = index + di
63 | ELSEIF(ts_boundary(index-di)%iface.eq.face) THEN
64 | index = index - di
65 | ELSE
66 | di = di + 1
67 | ENDIF
68 | ENDDO
69 |
70 | ! PRINT*, cell, face
71 | ! PRINT*, "index with dichotomy :", index
72 |
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