predatas.choices [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | './GRID/testmesh'            ! Mesh file name
   2 | './QUADRA'                   ! Quadrature definition directory
   3 | 1                            ! Mesh type (1=AVBP, 2=GAMBIT)
   4 | './INFILES/'                 ! Output path
   5 | SNDOM                        ! Quadrature [SNDOM|FVM|TNDOM|PERSO|2D]
   6 | 4                            ! [ Quadrature order | ndir for 2D ]
   7 | 2                            ! Number of directions if PERSO quadrature
   8 | 1. 0. 0. 0.5                 ! 1st direction and weight for PERSO quad.
   9 | -1. 0. 0. 0.5                ! 2nd direction and weight ...