The OASIS Coupler Forum


OASIS3-MCT error: oasis_io_write_array

Up to Specific issues in real coupled models

Posted by Anonymous at September 9 2014


I am still working with our new model version including OASIS3-MCT (NEMO3.6alpha, new IFS coupling interface, multi-category coupling fields, ...).

After about nine days into the run, OASIS stops the model with this message:

> oasis_io_write_array ERROR: iarray dlen ne ncnt 1 5

> oasis_io_write_array abort by model : 2 proc : 0

I haven't really a good idea what to do about it. The OASIS revision is 1025 from OASIS3-MCT_2.0_branch.

Best regards, Uwe.

Posted by Anonymous at September 10 2014

Hi Uwe,

You have a LOCTRANS operation mixed with grouped fields and single fields for the ocean in your namcouple (see the attached namcouple file).

If you are using the LOCTRANS transformation for some of your coupling fields, there are some loctrans restart fields that are now written automatically in the restart files. Your error comes from the fact that you are using the same restart file for all your fields (single and grouped).

I would recommend to use a different restart file for each grouped fields and for each single field with LOCTRANS operation for safety, but it ban be heavy !

In your particular case, you can put all your single fields in the same restart as they have the same LOCTRANS transformation, and you can put all your grouped fields in a second restart as they are the same number for each group and as their LOCTRANS transformation is the same (the loctrans restart fields depends also of the number of fields in your group).

Be also aware that if you are sending one source field to a multiple target field with different transformations and interpolations you must use different restart files for each target field to be sure to get the good field in the restart file (see the conversation on the forum
Best regards, Laure

Posted by Anonymous at December 30 2015


I got the toy test in the oasis3-mct coupler and unfortunatately, there has an error like below in the debug.root.01 does anyone has any idea heloing me solve this problem?

(oasis_coupler_setup) ERROR: namcouple variable not used: FSENDATM (oasis_coupler_setup)

ERROR: namcouple variable not used: FSENDOCN

(oasis_abort) ABORT: on model = model1

(oasis_abort) ABORT: on global rank = 0

(oasis_abort) ABORT: on local rank = 0


Posted by Anonymous at April 26 2016


It is not permitted to define a variable in the namcouple without calling the corresponding oasis_def_var, which is probably what is happening here.

If you don't want to send a coupling field defined in the namcouple you must still call the oasis_def_var but you may not call the oasis_put/oasis_get for this variable.

Regards, Sophie
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