The OASIS Coupler Forum


Corner points and areas on tripolar grids

Up to Specific issues in real coupled models

Posted by Anonymous at May 30 2018


A colleague would like to couple an ice sheet model to a NEMO ocean which uses the ORCA025 tripolar grid.

This entails generating conservative remapping weights in the Antarctic region, a considerable distance into the area of the land mass (which would normally be masked in standard ocean-atmosphere coupling). However, the ORCA025 grid is highly distorted in the Antarctic region, in the sense that it is not possible to simply adopt F-points as the corners of T-points in these regions since in many cases the location of the T point at (i,j) lies outside of a cell defined from corners using F at (i,j), (i,j-1), (i-1,j-1) and (i-1,j).

I suspect the cell area calculations will be similarly problematic. Does anyone have any thoughts about the viability of this and how we might define sensible corner locations? Or is it a complete non-starter?

Regards, Richard
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