Up to Specific issues in real coupled models
Dear Laure, we use Oasis3-mct for our climate model, MPI-ESM 1. The $runtime field in the namcouple file is set in seconds. Due to faster computing machinery, we extended our model runs from 1 to 4 years. With this, the model run ended prematurely because the number of seconds (126,230,400) was not read properly (only 12,623,040 seconds were read). When we looked into this, it turned out that the Fortran reading format was restricted to 8 digit integers, although the target variable is a 4 byte integer, which can hold 10 digit numbers (at least until 2,147,483,648). So we changed the input format to I10 which solved our problem. So I would like to ask if this change may be put into the official code version? A patch for mod_oasis_namcouple.F90 - based on the current 3.0 branch - is provided below. Please let me know what you think. Best regards, Karl
Hi Karl, We modified the mod_oasis_namcouple.F90 file in the official version OASIS3-MCT_3.0 and put : 1004 FORMAT(I12) Best regards, Laure