Up to Specific issues in real coupled models
Hi All! I’m facing similar problem as Richard but of course, it is not the same. When I am trying to compile oasis3.3 on IBM idataplex sandybridge processor having linux OS and intel compilers the build seems to be alright except for some warnings. And also, when I am trying to run the tutorial it is doing fine but when I am trying to run ‘toyoasis3’it is calling MPI_Abbort and exiting. I am attaching here my make file, the mpi output file and the mpi error file for reference. Here I would also like to mention that when I am trying to run the coupled model GC2 at N96 resolution (having UM8.6, JULES, NEMO3.4 and CICE4m1) with this oasis3 build the run gets submitted to the machine and it stays there in the run mode till the wall clock time gets over. The compilation, reconfiguration, etc. seems to be correct and it is neither giving any error nor it is doing anything while in the run state. This is the reason why I thought of back tracking the error and found the above error in oasis3 (of course, I am not sure this error is the culprit). The oasis3 problem is with every netcdf use, that is, from 3.6.2 to but the coupled model (NEMO etc.) gets compiled only with netcdf-3.6.2. Thanks for any idea regarding this. Kind regards, Debasis
Dear Debasis, I am sorry but we do not give support on OASIS3 anymore. You should download instead the last version of OASIS3-MCT. You can download OASIS3-MCT by register on the OASIS web site (https://oasis.cerfacs.fr/en/) under Download OASIS3-MCT sources (https://oasis.cerfacs.fr/en/download-oasis3-mct-sources/). When you get the sources : cd oasis3-mct ; git checkout OASIS3-MCT_3.0 Only bug fixes will be included in this version until the next official release. Best regards, Laure PS: If you do use OASIS3-MCT and publish papers based on the resulting coupled model, we would appreciate that you cite the following reference: Sophie Valcke, Tony Craig, Laure Coquart, 2015: OASIS3-MCT User Guide, OASIS3-MCT 3.0, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/15/38, May 2015, CERFACS/CNRS SUC URA No1875, Toulouse, France