Up to Specific issues in real coupled models
Hi Laure, We are right now working on a new EC-Earth version, which (among other things) couples atmospheric chemistry (TM5 model) and vegetation (LPJ-GUESS) processes. As you know we have introduced a new coupling interface in IFS that can handle multi-category and multi-level fields by giving them generic names like field.C003.L001. On the OASIS side, these fields are "bundled" in the namcouple file. Now this leads to the question: How long are lines in the namcouple files allowed to be? Because, for multi-level fields you easily get *very* long lines. Note that the namcouple file is not edited by hand but generated automatically at run time, which takes care of the number of categories/levels for the fields. Is the line length a problem? Best regards, Uwe.
Hi Uwe, The maximal length of a line in the namcouple is 1000 characters for the moment (this will change with OASIS3-MCT_3.0 as it will become 5000 characters). Best regards, Laure