The OASIS Coupler Forum



Up to Transformations and interpolations

Posted by Anonymous at March 6 2023

Hello Oasis team,

I'm currently reworking the OpenIFS-FESOM2 (AWI-CM3) coupling interface. One of a number of proposed changes is to switch the atm->oce flux coupling from GAUSWGT + GSSPOS conservative postprocessing to SCRIPR CONSERV FRACNNEI + GSSPOS. The other is to calculate the SCRIPR CONSERV FRACNNEI weights in the direction oce -> atm and to use them as basis for stochastic selection of coupled points.

I have a implemented a prototype stochastic coupling in MCT that works with GAUSWGT weights. In also introduced the oasis_write_corner routine in FESOM2 to write the cla and clo fields into

I have two issues with my conservative rmp_ files. Firstly, they take a long time to compute. Between our low res 126k oce and 40k atm surface point grids I can compute the GAUSWGT serially in ~6min. For CONSERV weights I used the offline tool with 40 MPI * 48 OMP and it took ~4 min. Assuming the typically linear scaling of the parallel SCRIPR implementation, it would have taken ~7680 min = 5.3 days to calculate these serially. Is this normal or an indication of something going wrong? I tried 1, 40 and 500 bins, and found it was expensive regardless, and in contrast to [Piacentini 2018]. If I want to scale this up the high resolution, it would be slow even with the parallel scripr. 

Secondly: The offline remapping tool does a unit test and writes the result in The maximum error is 3515433.4 %. Obviously using this remapping weight results in model blowup (I tested it and indeed got a model blowup). I assume I did something wrong with the corner lat/lon? I followed your advice from a few years ago, and always use the maximum number of corners on our  unstructured mesh, repeating the last one a few times where the actual number of corners is smaller than the maximum one.

I have uploaded the namcouples, the grids, areas, masks, and the computed remapping weight files on the dkrz swift server:

Cheers, Jan

[Piacentini 2018]:
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