Up to Specific issues in real coupled models
Hello, everyone Are there any scholarly seniors who are also planning to use or have oasis-mct coupled to fvcom? I have successfully installed and compiled oasis-mct, and successfully tried to run the example, and currently planning to couple fvcom and swan, and have no clue on the fvcom part, for example need to modify which source files in fvcom, keyword abbreviation of fvcom related coupling fields, etc.I sincerely pray for your guidance, and I hope to get your relevant pointers.
Hello, If you send me your e-mail address at oasis-help@cerfacs.fr , I could forward your request to the oasis user mailing list. Regards, Sophie
Hi, Based on your previous oasis-mct error log I strongly recommend that you first run ADCIRC+SWAN coupled. If you are interested then I will share that. After that, we will go for FVCOM+SWAVE (SWAN). can you share with me some example input files? for FVCOM (standalone). for testing the model. I have already done a make test in FVCOM. Based on my search I find that FVCOM+SWAN already has a coupled script. We together work on it. if you are interested. I hope that it helps you :) Thanks Subhadeep Maishal Email: subhadeepmaishal@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur