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Dear all, When I compiled the NEMO4.2+Xios2-trunk with OASIS3MCT_4.0 using the intelmpi 2017 and netcdf_parallel. I encountered the following errors at the last step: touch /../src/nemo-branch_4.2/cfgs/ORCA2_testx/BLD/done/nemogcm.done mpiifort -o nemo.o -I/../src/nemo-branch_4.2/cfgs/ORCA2_testx/BLD/inc -i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -xHost -fno-alias -I/../src/xios-2.5/inc -I/../src/oasis3mct_par/include -I/public/software/mathlib/libs-intel/netcdf/4.7.4/include -I/public/software/mathlib/libs-intel/pnetcdf/1.12.3/include -c /public/home/elpt_2023_000203/liuyong/coupling/ciesm/src/nemo-branch_4.2/cfgs/ORCA2_testx/WORK/nemo.f90 fcm_internal load:F nemo nemo.o nemo.exe ar: creating /../src/nemo-branch_4.2/cfgs/ORCA2_testx/BLD/tmp/lib__fcm__nemo.a mpiifort -o nemo.exe /../src/nemo-branch_4.2/cfgs/ORCA2_testx/BLD/obj/nemo.o -L/public/home/elpt_2023_000203/liuyong/coupling/ciesm/src/nemo-branch_4.2/cfgs/ORCA2_testx/BLD/lib -l__fcm__nemo -lstdc++ -L/../src/xios-2.5/lib -lxios -lstdc++ -L/../src/oasis3mct_par/lib -lpsmile -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip -L/public/software/mathlib/libs-intel/netcdf/4.7.4/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -L/public/software/mathlib/libs-intel/pnetcdf/1.12.3/lib -lpnetcdf -L/public/software/mathlib/libs-intel/hdf5/1.10.3/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 /../src/nemo-branch_4.2/cfgs/ORCA2_testx/BLD/lib/lib__fcm__nemo.a(cpl_oasis3.o): In function `cpl_oasis3_mp_cpl_freq_': cpl_oasis3.f90:(.text+0x456a): undefined reference to `oasis_get_freqs_' fcm_internal load failed (256) make: *** [nemo.exe] Error 1 and the arch.fcm is as follows: %NCDF_INC -I%NCDF_F_PREFIX/include -I%PNCDF_PREFIX/include %NCDF_LIB -L%NCDF_F_PREFIX/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -L%PNCDF_PREFIX/lib -lpnetcdf -L%HDF5_PREFIX/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 %XIOS_INC -I%XIOS_PREFIX/inc %XIOS_LIB -L%XIOS_PREFIX/lib -lxios -lstdc++ %OASIS_INC -I%OASIS_PREFIX/include %OASIS_LIB -L%OASIS_PREFIX/lib -lpsmile -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip %CPP cpp %FC mpiifort #-c -cpp %FCFLAGS -i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -xHost -fno-alias ### comment out the following line if you want to use the debugging compilation options #%FCFLAGS -i4 -r8 -g -O0 -debug all -traceback -fp-model strict -ftrapuv -check all,noarg_temp_created -fpe-all0 -ftz -init=arrays,snan,huge #%FCFLAGS -march=core-avx2 -i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model strict -fno-alias -align array64byte #%FCFLAGS -fno-alias -O3 -ip -align -DTREAT_OVERLAY -Duse_netCDF -Duse_comm_MPI1 -i4 -r8 -O3 -fp-model precise -fno-alias -traceback -convert big_endian -assume byterecl %FFLAGS %FCFLAGS %LD mpiifort %LDFLAGS -lstdc++ %FPPFLAGS -P -traditional %AR ar %ARFLAGS rs %MK make %USER_INC %XIOS_INC %OASIS_INC %NCDF_INC %USER_LIB %XIOS_LIB %OASIS_LIB %NCDF_LIB %CC mpiicc %CFLAGS -O0 Can anyone show me some advice to fixed these errors?
This looks like a NEMO problem, not an OASIS problem. oasis_get_freqs is a subroutine in OCE/SBC/cpl_oasis3.F90. The way I'd start debugging this is to look at the ppsrc files for the build to make sure the subroutine is being compiled and is being used properly in cpl_oasis3.f90. Nick
Hi, This is indeed a problem in NEMO but oasis_get_freqs is an oasis API routine. It is in oasis3-mct/lib/psmile/src/mod_oasis_auxiliary_routines.F90. From what I see above, you are linking with the psmile library ("-L/../src/oasis3mct_par/lib"). The psmile library should contain the oasis_get_freqs routine unless you use an oasis version olde than OASIS3-MCT_3.0 (into which oasis_get_freqs was reintroduced). Can you check that? Regards, Sophie
Dear Sophie, Thank you so much for your reply. You are right. It is indeed a NEMO problem that is related to the calling of the oasis_get_freqs function in the file cpl_oasis3.F90, which may be a bug for the model. I am very appreciated for your kindness and advice. Yong