Up to Transformations and interpolations
Hi I'm trying to using OASIS3-MCT2.8 to couple the OpenIFS model (reduced Gaussian N80 grid) to the NEMO ocean model (tripolar ORCA05 grid). I've been using the following settings in namcouple # Field 11 Atmosphere heat flux to ocean (globally conserved) A_QsrMix:A_QnsMix O_QsrMix:O_QnsMix 7 10800 4 flxatmos EXPOUT 35718 1 722 511 atmo opat LAG=3600 SEQ=1 P 0 P 2 LOCTRANS SCRIPR MAPPING CONSERV INSTANT BILINEAR D SCALAR LATITUDE 40 FRACNNEI FIRST rmp_atmo_to_opat_BILINEAR_FRACNNEI_D_TL159_ORCA05.nc src GLBPOS The model runs fine, but when I compare the output files, I find that neither variable is conserved during the remapping. Global sum of A_QsrMix is very close to global sum of O_QsrMix, but for A_QnsMix and O_QnsMix theres a clear offset. I tried setting # Field 11 Atmosphere heat flux to ocean (globally conserved) A_QsrMix:A_QnsMix O_QsrMix:O_QnsMix 7 10800 4 flxatmos EXPOUT 35718 1 722 511 atmo opat LAG=3600 SEQ=1 P 0 P 2 LOCTRANS SCRIPR MAPPING CONSERV INSTANT CONSERV D SCALAR LATITUDE 1 FRACNNEI FIRST rmp_atmo_to_opat_CONSERV_FRACNNEI_D_TL159_ORCA05.nc src GLBPOS but this caused the model to crash. No error message from OASIS, but the traceback points me to "float invalid" on the line grid1_centroid_lat = grid1_centroid_lat/grid1_area in libscrip/remap_conserv.F, so I'm guessing grid1_area becomes 0 for some reason? Does anyone have an idea about what the problem could be? Is there some setting I have overlooked? Is there a way to get the fields to be globally conserved without conservative remapping? Any help is much appreciated! Best regards Joakim
Hi, The comment below was blocked on the web site and never arrived to the moderator of the site until last tuesday. We are trying to understand what happened. Did you solve your problem ? Best regards, Laure