Up to Transformations and interpolations
Hi, I’m trying to use the OASIS interpolation with a weight file created by XIOS. While XIOS weight file uses only three variables (which seem to be similar to src_address, dst_address, and remap_matrix), OASIS uses 16 other variables. Are those supplementary variables really used by OASIS? If so, in which cases? I’ve already tried to use an XIOS weight file in the OASIS tutorial, and it seemed to work fine. I’m wondering if it’s just “by luck”. Thanks! Best wishes, Lilia
Hi Lilia, Which remapping (interpolation) do you use ? Could you send to me your remapping file ? Could you also send to me the remapping file you used in the tutorial if it is different ? (coquart (a++) cerfacs.fr Thanks, Best regards, Laure
Hi Laure, I use a first order conservative interpolation. I also used an XIOS file converted into an OASIS file inside a modipsl simulation. It seems to be read correctly. I would like to know if every variables written in interpolation files are read? Some of them can seem redundant, as OASIS also uses masks.nc, area.nc, and grids.nc. Thanks! Lilia