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Thank you very much Dr. Richard Hill! It also worked for me. Now, I can test the coupler! Thank you, once again! With regards, Debasis
Hi! I was trying to install and test OASIS3-MCT on our IBM P6 (AIX) for future use. Following the tutorial, I could able to build all the required libraries, i.e., libmct.a, libmpeu.a, libpsmile.MPI1.a and libscrip.a. But when I was trying to build the tutorial example I am encountering some problem. If I remember correctly, I was facing the same problem with OASIS3 tutorial, however, then I could able to test with other examples like toyoasis3. I would appreciate if anyone could offer any help in this matter. With best regards, Debasis
If it's any help, I run on AIX (power7) and have to be careful to convert all the CPP key settings to use "-WF,-D" in place of the existing "-D" e.g. in the tutorial Makefile: CPPLOCAL_M1 = -WF,-D${CPPKEYDECOMP_M1} -WF,-D${CPPKEYDP} CPPLOCAL_M2 = -WF,-D${CPPKEYDECOMP_M2} -WF,-D${CPPKEYDP} Instead of the original CPPLOCAL_M1 = -D${CPPKEYDECOMP_M1} -D${CPPKEYDP} CPPLOCAL_M2 = -D${CPPKEYDECOMP_M2} -D${CPPKEYDP} I also have to edit the read_grid.F90 and model1.F90 files to use REAL instead of DOUBLE PRECISION, but that may me more related to my local default programming environment settings than anything else. Richard Hill