Up to Specific issues in real coupled models
Hi all, I have been trying to couple WRF and ROMS using OASIS3-MCT. Before that, I checked that each individual model ran well. I have followed the tutorial of croco for coupling (https://github.com/miguelrdzflores/croco/tree/master/OASIS). However, I still do not achieve that models create the output files. I'm trying to run two months, with ROMS and WRF time step of 120s and 180s, respectively. The coupled system was run during 120 hours, but I didn't get any result. Does someone know what is the reason for this trouble? I add the namcouple file used to coupling with OASIS. Thanks in advance. NAMCOUPLE: ################################################################### # Input file for OASIS3-MCT ################################################################### $NFIELDS 6 $END ################################################################### $JOBNAME TOY $END ################################################################### $NBMODEL 2 wrfexe roms3d $END ################################################################### $RUNTIME 5356800 $END ################################################################### $NLOGPRT 2 $END ################################################################### $STRINGS ################################################################### # (Parent ROMS - Parent WRF) # OCEAN --->>> ATMOS ################################################################### # Field 1 : Weighted sea surface temperature (o->a 1) SRMSSTV0 WRF_d01_EXT_d01_SST 1 360 1 sstoc.nc EXPOUT 55 24 57 25 rrn0 wrp0 LAG=0 R 0 R 0 SCRIPR BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 1 ################################################################### # (Parent WRF - Parent ROMS) # ATMOSPHERE --->>> OCEAN ################################################################### # Field 1 : solar heat flux on ocean (a->o flx 2) WRF_d01_EXT_d01_SURF_NET_SOLAR RRMSRFL0 7 360 2 flxat.nc EXPOUT 57 25 55 24 wrp0 rrp0 LAG=120 R 0 R 0 LOCTRANS SCRIPR AVERAGE BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 1 ################################################################### # Field 2 : emp = emp_oce = evap_oce - ( rain_oce + snow_oce ) (a->o flx 9) WRF_d01_EXT_d01_EVAP-PRECIP RRMEVPR0 29 360 2 flxat.nc EXPOUT 57 25 55 24 wrp0 rrp0 LAG=120 R 0 R 0 LOCTRANS SCRIPR AVERAGE BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 1 ################################################################### # Field 3 : Non solar heat flux on ocean (a->o flx 4) WRF_d01_EXT_d01_SURF_NET_NON-SOLAR RRMSTFL0 6 360 2 flxat.nc EXPOUT 57 25 55 24 wrp0 rrp0 LAG=120 R 0 R 0 LOCTRANS SCRIPR AVERAGE BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 1 ################################################################### # Field 4 : stress along X axis (a->o tau 1) WRF_d01_EXT_d01_TAUX RRMTAUX0 23 360 2 flxat.nc EXPOUT 57 25 55 24 wrp0 rrp0 LAG=120 R 0 R 0 LOCTRANS SCRIPR AVERAGE BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 1 ################################################################### # Field 5 : stress along Y axis (a->o tau 1) WRF_d01_EXT_d01_TAUY RRMTAUY0 24 360 2 flxat.nc EXPOUT 57 25 55 24 wrp0 rrp0 LAG=120 R 0 R 0 LOCTRANS SCRIPR AVERAGE BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 1 ################################################################### $END
Hi, The time step of WRF is 180s so you should put LAG=180s for the fields sent from the atmosphere to the ocean. Le me know if this help. Best regards, Laure
Hi, Laure. I tried what you suggested me. But the output files were not created. Further, when I run the coupled system, the WRF (rsl.error.XXXX and rsl.out.xxxx) and ROMS (roms.log) error files are empty. That makes me think that the model components are not running. Do you have any idea to fix this problem? Thanks for your help. Luisa.
Hi Luisa, Do you have any debug files of OASIS3-MCT (nout*, debug*). Could you run again the model with NLOGPRT=30 and send to me the files ? My email is coquart(a++)cerfacs.fr Thanks, Best regards, Laure
Hi Luisa, did you ever get anywhere coupling ROMS and WRF using OASIS? We are at the beginning of a project to couple ROMS to a sea ice model using OASIS, and we wondered if there are any sensible approaches out there which we could build on. Thanks Stefan
Dear all, Some "outdated" information could be found on the deprecated ROMS Forum pages at https://www.myroms.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=18734&hilit=oasis#p18734 or https://www.myroms.org/wiki/Model_Coupling I'm unsure if this information is helpful. Anyhow, please note that the system providing this help might be turned off soon (end of the year 2024). Best, Christian