Up to Specific issues in real coupled models
Hi all, I am using the adaptative time step in WRF (so that WRF adapts its time step as a function of the CFL).The time step of ROMS is 720 s and the coupling period is CPL=3600. At t=0, ROMS sends its SST (SRMSSTV0, LAG=0) to WRF (WRF_d01_EXT_d01_SST) which receives it correctly. I would like then that WRF (WRF_d01_EXT_d01_SURF_NET_SOLAR, LAG=-3600) sends to ROMS the average field (TOYSRFL0). But LAG=-3600=-CPL is impossible with OASIS3-MCT ! I have the error : mod_oasis_advance:' ERROR lag out of dt range (-dt < LAG < dt)' For the moment I put LAG=-3599 and I define oasis_time=-1 in oasis_put. What can I do to have a proper coupling ? Thanks, Best regards, Serena
Hi Serena, We discussed about your problem with Sophie and the condition LAG>-CPL in mod_oasis_advance is too strict in your case as your coupling has a physical meaning with LAG=-3600=-CPL . Could you replace line 92 in mod_oasis_advance : IF (lag > dt .OR. lag <= -dt) THEN by IF (lag > dt .OR. lag < -dt) THEN Let us know if everything is still ok with this modification. Best regards, Laure