Up to Specific issues in real coupled models
Hi, I'm trying to apply the post-processing CONSERV option at OASIS3-MCT vn4.0 to multiple fields which are bundled into a single namcouple record. e.g. something like the following mini example (we actually have 85 fields per line): flds1:flds2:flds3 fldr1:fldr2:0fldr3 1 3600 2 atmos_restart.nc EXPORTED 192 144 96 72 snru jnru SEQ=+1 P 0 P 0 MAPPING CONSERV rmp_snru_to_jnru_BILINEAR.nc GLBPOS This appears to be failing in a deallocation somewhere in OASIS with errors of the type: "An argument in the DEALLOCATE statement is a disassociated pointer, an unallocated array, or a pointer not allocated as a pointer." Are there any known problems with the CONSERV post-processing option? Thanks. Richard
Hi, I will try to reproduce your problem with one of my toy. I will let you know. Best regards, Laure