Thierry Poinsot

Research Director
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, CNRS

Université de Toulouse
1 Allee du Professeur Camille SOULA
Toulouse 31400 Cedex , France


  • Research director at Institut de Mecanique des Fluides de Toulouse (CNRS).
  • Member of the french Academy of Sciences (2020)
  • Scientific advisor for the Computational Fluid Dynamics group at CERFACS (Center for Research and Formation for Advanced Scientific Computations, Toulouse) :
  • Editor in Chief of Combustion and Flame (with Pr Egolfopoulos, USC).
  • Senior fellow at Center for Turbulence Research (Stanford University and NASA Ames) during summer months since 1991.

Research Interests

  • Laminar and turbulent combustion, theory, simulations and experiments
  • Combustion instabilities: theory, simulations and experiments
  • Hydrogen combustion, explosions
  • Simulation and control of two-phase reacting flows using unsteady approaches (DNS and LES).
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (DNS, LES): numerical methods, boundary conditions, unsteady solvers
  • High-performance computing for CFD and multiphysics
  • Passive and active control methods for flow and combustion instabilities


  • Ingenieur de l'Ecole Centrale Paris, June 1980
  • DEA (master) in heat transfer, Ecole Centrale Paris, July 1980
  • PhD Thesis (Docteur Ingenieur), Ecole Centrale Paris, June 1983 (Supervisor : Pr Jacques HUETZ, Topic: heat transfer in mixtures of water vapor and air near walls)
  • These d'Etat: University of Orsay (Paris XI) 1987 (Supervisor : Pr Sebastien CANDEL, Topic: experimental and numerical studies of combustion instabilities in turbulent premixed combustors)
  • Post doctoral student at the Stanford Center for Turbulence Research 1988-1990 (DNS of turbulent flames).


Refereed papers


  • T. Poinsot. "Experimental and theoretical study of heat and mass transfer in mixtures of vapor and non-condensable gas" Ph.D. Thesis, Docteur Ingenieur (in french), Ecole Centrale de Paris (1983). Funding: Michelin Co.
  • T. Poinsot. "Experimental and theoretical analysis of combustion instability in premixed turbulent combustors. " Ph.D. Thesis, These d'Etat (in french), Universite d'Orsay (1987), Funding: DRET (French Army Research Organization), SNECMA.

Papers in refereed journals

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        List of refereed journal papers:  

      • Balazs Vincze, Clement Mocquard, Jerome Dombard, Laurent Gicquel, Thierry Poinsot. Models for Large-Eddy Simulation of reheat combustion, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105216.
      • G. Uhl, S. Taileb and S. Zurbach, N. Odier, T. Poinsot et M. Bellenoue. Phenomenological Aerodynamic Analysis of an Ejector Exposed to Large Inlet Pulsations. J. Prop. Power. 2024. 10.2514/1.B39526.
      • Magnes, H., Vilespy, M., Selle, L., Poinsot, T., and Schuller, T. (November 25, 2024). "Interplay Between Unburned Emissions and NOx Emissions From a Dual Swirl Hydrogen Air Injector." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. June 2025; 147(6): 061013.
      • S. Marragou, T. Guiberti, T. Poinsot and T. Schuller. Near?Field Mixing in a Coaxial Dual Swirled Injector. Flow, Turb. Comb. 2024.
      • Justin Bertsch, Thierry Poinsot, Nicolas Bertier, Jiangheng Loic Ruan. Stabilization regimes and flame structure at the flame base of a swirled lean premixed hydrogen-air injector with a pure hydrogen pilot injection, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105660.
      • Clement Mocquard, Davide Laera, Jerome Dombard, Thierry Poinsot. Introduction of auto-ignition in the Thickened Flame model for Large Eddy Simulations of reheat systems, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105454.
      • Antony Cellier, Florent Duchaine, Thierry Poinsot, Emilien Brodu, Bastien Boust, Marc Bellenoue, Gizem Okyay, Matthieu Leyko, Maxime Pallud. Large eddy simulation of lithium-ion battery vent gases flame ignition and anchoring, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105632.
      • N. Detomaso, D. Laera, O. Dounia, C. Mocquard, F. Duchaine, T. Poinsot, Thickened Flame LES methodology for turbulent propagating flames in non-homogeneous mixtures: application to a constant volume chamber, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105237.
      • Strempfl, P., Dounia, O., Laera, D. and Poinsot, T. (2024) Effects of mixing assumptions and models for LES of Hydrogen-fueled Rotating Detonation Engines, Int. J. Hyd. Energy, 62, pp. 1-16. `
      • Loic De Nardi, Hector Jose Vargas Ruiz, Quentin Douasbin, Omar Dounia, Thierry Poinsot, LES Modeling of High-Pressure Nitrogen Cross-Flow Jet Impact on Hydrogen-Air Deflagration, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105263.
      • Anthony Dupuy, Quentin Douasbin, Thierry Poinsot, Control of Intrinsic ThermoAcoustic instabilities for methane and hydrogen air flames: DNS and network analysis, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105217.
      • Pierre-Antoine Baranger, Thierry Poinsot,On the stabilization mechanisms of a diffusion edge flame in a cross-flow configuration, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024, 105264.
      • Jessica Gaucherand, Corinna Schulze-Netzer, Davide Laera, Thierry Poinsot, A subgrid-scale model to account for thermo-diffusive effects in artificially thickened LES models for lean turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen flames, Proc. Comb. Inst., 40, 1-4, 2024,105198.
      • Y. Gentil, G. Daviller, S. Moreau and T. Poinsot. Multispecies Flow Indirect-Noise Modeling Re-Examined with a Helicopter-Engine Application. AIAA J. 1-14, 2024.
      • Y. Gentil, G. Daviller, S. Moreau, N. Treleaven and T. Poinsot. Theoretical analysis and numerical validation of the mechanisms controlling composition noise. J. Sound Vib. 585, 118463, 2024.
      • Magnes, H, Marragou, S, Aniello, A, Selle, L, Poinsot, T, & Schuller, T. "Impact of Preheating on Flame Stabilization and NOx Emissions From a Dual Swirl Hydrogen Injector." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 3B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 26-30, 2023. V03BT04A064.
      • A. Aniello, D. Laera, S. Marragou, T. Poinsot, T. Schuller, L. Selle. Influence of pilot H2 injection on methane-air swirled flame stabilization and acoustic response. Comb. Flame, 253, 2023,112749.
      • V. Coulon, J. Gaucherand, D. Laera, C. Netzer, and T. Poinsot. Direct numerical simulations of methane, ammonia-hydrogen and hydrogen turbulent premixed flames. Comb. Flame, 256, 112933, 2023.
      • T. Moriniere, L. Selle, T. Poinsot & T. Schuller (2023) A Thermoacoustic Instability Precursor Based on the Acoustic Flux at the Combustion Chamber Inlet, Comb. Sci. Tech. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2023.2261673.
      • N. Detomaso, J.J. Hok, O. Dounia, D. Laera and T. Poinsot. A generalization of the Thickened Flame model for stretched flames. Comb. Flame, 258, 113080, 2023. J. Gaucherand, D. Laera, C. Schulze-Netzer and T. Poinsot. Intrinsic instabilities of hydrogen and hydrogen/ammonia premixed flames: Influence of equivalence ratio, fuel composition and pressure. Comb. Flame, 256, 2023, 112986.
      • A. Cellier, F. Duchaine, T. Poinsot, G. Okyay, M. Leyko, M. Pallud. An analytically reduced chemistry scheme for large eddy simulation of lithium-ion battery fires. Comb. Flame 250, 112648, 2023.
      • L. Drozda, P. Mohanamuraly, L. Cheng, C. Lapeyre, G. Daviller, Y. Realpe, A. Adler, G. Staffelbach and T. Poinsot. Learning an optimised stable Taylor-Galerkin convection scheme based on a local spectral model for the numerical error dynamics. J. Comp. Phys. 493, 112430, 2023.
      • S. Marragou, H. Magnes, A. Aniello, T. Guiberti, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, T. Schuller. Modeling of H2/air flame stabilization regime above coaxial dual swirl injectors. Comb. Flame 2023.
      • A. Aniello, D. Laera, S. Marragou, H. Magnes, L. Selle, T. Schuller, T. Poinsot. Experimental and numerical investigation of two flame stabilization regimes observed in a dual swirl H2-air coaxial injector. Comb. Flame 249, 112595, 2023.
      • C. Mocquard, D. Laera, J. Dombard et T. Poinsot. A two-step chemical scheme for auto-igniting and propagating kerosene flames at reheat conditions. Comb. Flame. 2023.
      • Pasquale W. Agostinelli, Davide Laera, Ianko Chterev, Isaac Boxx, Laurent Gicquel, Thierry Poinsot. Large eddy simulations of mean pressure and H2 addition effects on the stabilization and dynamics of a partially-premixed swirled-stabilized methane flame, Comb. Flame, 249, 2023, 112592,
      • A. Aniello, T. Poinsot, L. Selle, T. Schuller. Hydrogen substitution of natural-gas in premixed burners and implications for blow-off and flashback limits. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2022.
      • S. Marragou, H. Magnes, T. Poinsot, L. Selle, T. Schuller, Stabilization regimes and pollutant emissions from a dual fuel CH4/H2 and dual swirl low NOx burner. Int. J. Hyd. Energy, 47, 44, 2022, 19275-19288.
      • N. Detomaso, D. Laera, P. Pouech, F. Duchaine et T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of a Pistonless Constant Volume Combustor: A New Concept of Pressure Gain Combustion. J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power GTP-22-1524.
      • S. Marragou, H. Magnes, A. Aniello, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, T. Schuller. Experimental analysis and theoretical lift-off criterion for H2/air flames stabilized on a dual swirl injector, Proc. Comb. Inst., 2022. 10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.255
      • Treleaven, N. C. W., Laera, D., Carmona, J., Odier, N., Gentil, Y., Dombard, J., Daviller, G., Gicquel, L. Y. M. and Poinsot, T. Coupling of Combustion Simulation with Atomisation and Filming Models for LES in Swirled Spray Flames. Flow Turbulence Combust 109, 759 - 789 (2022).
      • P.W. Agostinelli, D. Laera, I. Chterev, I. Boxx, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot. On the impact of H2-enrichment on flame structure and combustion dynamics of a lean partially-premixed turbulent swirling flame. Comb. Flame, 2022,Volume 241, 112120.
      • A. Aniello, D. Schuster, P. Werner, J.F. Boussuge, M. Gatti, C. Mirat, L. Selle, T. Schuller, T. Poinsot, U. Rude. Comparison of a finite volume and two Lattice Boltzmann solvers for swirled confined flows. Computers & Fluids, 241, 2022, 105463.
      • P. W. Agostinelli, D. Laera, I. Chterev, I. Boxx, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot. Impact of wall heat transfer in Large Eddy Simulation of flame dynamics in a swirled combustion chamber. Comb. Flame, 2022.
      • T. Schuller, S. Marragou, G. Oztarlik, T. Poinsot and L. Selle. Influence of hydrogen content and injection strategy on the describing function of swirled flames. 240, 111974, Comb. Flame, 2022.
      • V. Xing, C. Lapeyre, T. Jaravel and T. Poinsot. Generalization Capability of Convolutional Neural Networks for Progress Variable Variance and Reaction Rate Subgrid-Scale Modeling. Energies 2021, 14, 5096.
      • Q. Male, O. Vermore, F. Ravet and T. Poinsot. Int. J. of Engine Research. May 2021. Jet ignition prediction in a zero- dimensional pre-chamber engine model. DOI: 10.1177/14680874211015002.
      • A. Cellier, C.J. Lapeyre, G. Oztarlik, T. Poinsot, T. Schuller, L. Selle. 2021. Detection of precursors of combustion instability using convolutional recurrent neural networks, Comb. Flame, 233, 111558. 10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111558.
      • Q. Male, O. Vermorel and T. Poinsot Comb. Flame, 407-422, 2021. Direct numerical simulations and models for hot burnt gases jet ignition. 407-422,
      • E. Lo Schiavo, D. Laera, E. Riber, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot. On the impact of fuel injection angle in Euler-Lagrange Large Eddy Simulations of swirling spray flames exhibiting thermoacoustic instabilities. Comb. Flame, 227, 359-370, 2021. 10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.01.009
      • D. Laera, W. Agostinelli, L. Selle, Q. Cazeres, G. Oztarlik, T. Schuller, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot. Stabilization mechanisms of CH4 premixed swirled flame enriched with a non-premixed hydrogen injection. Proc. Comb. Inst. 38. 10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.378.
      • O. Dounia, O. Vermorel, T. Jaravel, T. Poinsot, Time scale analysis of the homogeneous flame inhibition by alkali metals, Proc. Comb. Inst. 2020, 1540-7489. 10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.030
      • E. Lo Schiavo, D. Laera, E. Riber, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot. Effects of liquid fuel/wall interaction on thermoacoustic instabilities in swirling spray flames, Comb. Flame, 219, 86-101, 2020.
      • T. Schuller, T. Poinsot and S. Candel. Dynamics and control of premixed combustion systems based on flame transfer and describing functions, J. Fluid Mech. 894, JFM Perspectives P1-95, 2020. G. Oztarlik, L. Selle, T. Schuller, T. Poinsot, Suppression of Instabilities of Swirled Premixed Flames with Minimal Secondary Hydrogen Injection, Comb. Flame, 214, 266-276, 2020.
      • C. Laurent, M. Bauerheim, T. Poinsot and F. Nicoud. A novel modal expansion method for low-order modeling of thermoacoustic instabilities in complex geometries. Comb. Flame, 206, 334-348, 2019.
      • G. Daviller, G. Oztarlik and T. Poinsot. A generalized non-reflecting inlet boundary condition for steady and forced compressible flows with injection of vortical and acoustic waves. Comp. Fluids, 190, 503-513, 2019.
      • O. Dounia, O. Vermorel, A. Misdariis and T. Poinsot. Influence of kinetics on DDT simulations. Comb. Flame, 200, 1-4, 2019.
      • C.J. Lapeyre, A. Misdariis, N. Cazard, D. Veynante and T. Poinsot. Training convolutional neural networks to estimate turbulent sub-grid scale reaction rates. Comb. Flame, in press, 2019.
      • F. Tagliante, T. Poinsot, L.M. Pickett, P. Pepiot, L.M. Malbec, G. Bruneaux, C. Angelberger. A conceptual model of the flame stabilization mechanisms for a lifted Diesel-type flame based on Direct Numerical Simulation and experiments. Comb. Flame, 201, 65-77, 2019.
      • C.W. Tam, F. Bake, L.S. Hultgren and T. Poinsot. Aircraft Noise Generation and Assessment Combustion Noise: Modeling and Prediction. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, in press, 2019
      • T. Kaiser, G. Oztarlik, L. Selle, T. Poinsot. Impact of symmetry breaking on the flame transfer function of a laminar premixed flame. Proc. Comb. Inst. 37. Volume 37, 2, 2019, Pages 1953-1962.
      • C. Laurent, L. Esclapez, D. Maestro, G. Staffelbach, B. Cuenot, L. Selle, T. Schmitt, F. Duchaine, T. Poinsot. Flame wall interaction effects on the flame root stabilization mechanisms of a doubly transcritical LO/LCH4 flame. Proc. Comb. Inst. 37. 37, 4, 2019, 5147-5154.
      • N. Odier, M. Sanjose, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, S. Moreau, F. Duchaine. A characteristic inlet boundary condition for compressible, turbulent, multispecies turbomachinery flows. Computers and Fluids 2019, 178, 41-55. 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.09.014.
      • Q. Douasbin, C. Scalo, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. 2018. Delayed Time Domain Impedance Boundary Condition. J. Comp. Phys. 371, 50-66.
      • S. Courtiaud, N. Lecysyn, G. Damamme, T. Poinsot and L. Selle. Analysis of mixing in high-explosive fireballs using small-scale pressurised sphere. Shock Waves (2018).
      • O. Dounia, O. Vermorel and T. Poinsot. Theoretical analysis and simulation of methane/air flame inhibition with sodium bicarbonate particles. Comb. Flame, 193, 313-326, 2018.
      • C. Kraus, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. Coupling heat transfer and large eddy simulation for combustion instability prediction in a swirl burner Combustion and Flame, Volume 191, 2018, Pages 239-251.
      • T. Kaiser, T. Poinsot and K. Oberleithner. Stability and sensitivity analysis of hydrodynamic instabilities in industrial swirled injection systems. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 140(5), 051506, 2018.
      • P. Xavier, L. Selle, G. Oztarlik and T. Poinsot. Phosphor Thermometry on a rotating flame-holder for combustion applications. Experiments in Fluids 59, 2, 2018.
      • F. Thiesset, F. Halter, C. Bariki, C. Lapeyre, C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp, L. Selle, and T. Poinsot. Isolating strain and curvature effects in premixed flame/vortex interactions. J. Fluid Mech. 831, 618-654, 2017.
      • D. Mejia, M. Miguel-Brebion, A. Ghani, T. Kaiser, F. Duchaine, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, Influence of flame-holder temperature on the acoustic flame transfer functions of a laminar flame, Combustion and Flame, Volume 188, 2018, Pages 5-12.
      • C. Kraus, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, C. M. Arndt, H. Bockhorn. Influence of Heat Transfer and Material Temperature on Combustion Instabilities in a Swirl Burner. J. Eng. Gas Turb. and Power 139, 5, 2017.
      • O. Vermorel, P. Quillatre and T. Poinsot and Ph. Ricoux. LES of explosions in venting chamber: a test case for premixed turbulent combustion models. Comb. Flame. 2017, 183, 207-224.
      • F. Ni, M. Miguel-Brebion, F. Nicoud, and T. Poinsot. "Accounting for Acoustic Damping in a Helmholtz Solver", AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 4 (2017), 1205-1220.
      • O. Schulz, T. Jaravel, T. Poinsot, B. Cuenot, N. Noiray. A criterion to distinguish autoignition and propagation applied to a lifted methane air jet flame. Proc. Comb. Inst. 36, 2, 1637-1644, 2017.
      • A. Ghani and T. Poinsot. Flame Quenching at Walls: A Source of Sound Generation. Flow Turb. Comb. 99: 173-184, 2017.
      • T. Poinsot. Prediction and control of combustion instabilities in real engines. Hottel plenary lecture at the 36th Symp. (Int.) on Comb. . Proc. Comb. Inst. 36, 1-28, 2017,
      • Xavier, P., Ghani, A., Mejia, D., Miguel-Brebion, M., Bauerheim, M., Selle, L. and Poinsot, T. (2017) Experimental and numerical investigation of flames stabilised behind rotating cylinders: interaction of flames with a moving wall, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, pp. 127-151.
      • G. Daviller, M. Brebion, P. Xavier, G. Staffelbach, J. D. Muller and T. Poinsot. A Mesh Adaptation Strategy to Predict Pressure Losses in LES of Swirled Flows. Flow Turb. and Comb. 99, 1, 93-118, 2017.
      • D. Mejia, M. Bauerheim, P. Xavier, B. Ferret, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. Stabilization of a premixed laminar flame on a rotating cylinder. Proc. Comb. Inst. 36, in press, 2016,
      • M. Bauerheim, I. Duran, T. Livebardon, G. Wang, S. Moreau et T. Poinsot. Transmission and reflection of acoustic and entropy waves through a stator-rotor stage. J. Sound Vibration. 2016, 374, 260-278.
      • M. Miguel Brebion, D. Mejia, P. Xavier, F. Duchaine, B. Bedat, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. Joint experimental and numerical study of the influence of flame holder temperature on the stabilization of a laminar flame on a cylinder. Comb. Flame. 2016, 172, 153-161.
      • L. Labarrere, T. Poinsot, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, M. Bellenoue and B. Boust. Experimental and numerical study of cyclic variations in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber. Comb. Flame. 2016, 172, 49-61.
      • C. Lapeyre, M. Mazur, P. Scouflaire, F. Richecoeur, S. Ducruix and T. Poinsot. Acoustically Induced Flashback in a Staged Swirl-Stabilized Combustor. Flow Turb. Comb. 10.1007/s10494-016-9745-2, 2016.
      • M. Huet, F. Vuillot, N. Bertier, M. Mazur, N. Kings, W. Tao, P. Scouflaire, F. Richecoeur, S. Ducruix, C. Lapeyre et T. Poinsot. Recent improvements in combustion noise investigation: from combustion chamber to nozzle flow. Aerospace Lab. Journal. 2016.
      • T. Livebardon, S. Moreau, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, E. Bouty. Combining LES of combustion chamber and an actuator disk theory to predict combustion noise in a helicopter engine. Comb. Flame 165, 272-287, 2016.
      • Cuenot, T. Pedot, E. Riber et T. Poinsot. Coupled heat transfers in a refinery furnace in view of fouling prediction. Applied Energy, 138, 7, 072101, 2016.
      • A. Ruiz, G. Lacaze, J. Oefelein, R. Mari, B. Cuenot, L. Selle et T. Poinsot. A numerical benchmark for validation of high-Reynolds number supercritical flows with large density gradients. AIAA J. 2016.
      • M. Bauerheim, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot. Progress in analytical methods to predict and control azimuthal combustion instability modes in annular chambers. Phys. Fluids 28, 021303, 2016 .
      • A. Ghani, T. Poinsot, L. Gicquel et J. Muller. LES study of transverse acoustic instabilities in a swirled kerosene/air combustion chamber. Flow Turb. Comb., 96, 1, pp 207-226.
      • A. Misdariis, O. Vermorel and T. Poinsot. LES of knocking in engines using dual heat transfer and two-step reduced schemes. Comb. Flame. 2015, 162, 4304-4312.
      • E. Courtine, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. DNS of Intrinsic ThermoAcoustic modes in laminar premixed flames. Comb. Flame. 2015, 162, 4331-4342.
      • A. Ghani, T. Poinsot, L. Gicquel et G. Staffelbach. LES of longitudinal and transverse self-excited combustion instabilities in a bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flame. Comb. Flame 2015, 162, 4075-4083.
      • A. Robert, S. Richard, O. Colin and T. Poinsot. LES study of deflagration to detonation mechanisms in a downsized spark ignition engine. Comb. Flame. 162, 7, 2788 - 2807, 2015.
      • M. Bauerheim, Nicoud, F. and Poinsot, T. Theoretical analysis of the mass balance equation through a flame at zero and non-zero Mach numbers. Comb. Flame 2014, 162, 60-67.
      • M. Bauerheim, P. Salas, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot. Symmetry breaking and control of azimuthal thermoacoustic modes in annular chambers. J. Fluid Mech. 2014, 760, 431-465.
      • A. Misdariis, O. Vermorel and T. Poinsot. A LES methodology based on reduced schemes to compute knocking in internal combustion engines. Proc. Comb. Inst. 35, 3001-3008, 2014.
      • Koupper C., Poinsot T. J., Gicquel L.Y.M., and Duchaine F. Compatibility of characteristic boundary conditions with radial equilibrium in turbomachinery simulations. AIAA J. 136(11), 11007-1-11007-10, 2014.
      • Duchaine F., Boileau M., Sommerer Y. and Poinsot T. J. Large Eddy Simulation of the flow and heat transfer around two square cylinders in a tandem arrangement. Journal of Heat Transfer 136(10), 101702-101702-10.
      • A. Bonhomme, F. Duchaine, G. Wang, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, A parallel multidomain strategy to compute turbulent flows in fan-stirred closed vessels, Computers & Fluids, 101, 20 183-193, 2014.
      • D. Mejia, L. Selle, R. Bazile and T. Poinsot. Wall-temperature effects on flame response to acoustic oscillations. Proc. Comb. Inst. 35, 3201-3208, 2014.
      • M. Bauerheim, G. Staffelbach, N.A. Worth, J.R. Dawson, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot Sensitivity of LES-based flame transfer functions for turbulent swirled flames and impact on the stability of azimuthal modes. Proc. Comb. Inst. 35, 3355-3363, 2014.
      • M. Bauerheim, M. Cazalens and T. Poinsot A theoretical study of mean azimuthal flow and asymmetry effects on thermo-acoustic modes in annular combustors. Proc. Comb. Inst. 35, 3219-3227, 2014.
      • M. Leyko, I. Duran, S. Moreau, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot. Simulation and modelling of the waves transmission and generation in a stator blade row in a combustion-noise framework. J. Sound Vibration.33, 23-24, 6090-6106, 2014.
      • M. Falese, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, LES of bifurcation and hysteresis in confined annular swirling flows, Computers & Fluids, Vol 89, 20, 2014, Pages 167-178.
      • M. Bauerheim, J.F. Parmentier, P. Salas, F. Nicoud, T. Poinsot. An analytical model for azimuthal thermoacoustic modes in an annular chamber fed by an annular plenum, Combustion and Flame, Available online 24 December 2013, ISSN 0010-2180,
      • P. Quillatre, O. Vermorel, T. Poinsot and Ph. Ricoux. Large Eddy Simulation of Vented Deflagration. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 52, 33, 11414-11423, 2013.
      • A. Misdariis, A. Robert, O. Vermorel, S. Richard and T. Poinsot. Numerical methods and turbulence modeling for LES of piston engines: impact on flow motion and combustion. Oil & Gas Science and Technology — Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles. In press. 2013.
      • Hermeth S., Staffelbach G., Gicquel L. Y. M., Anisimov V., Cirigliano C., Poinsot T. Bistable swirled flames and influence on flame transfer functions. Comb. Flame. 2014, 161, 184-196.
      • Duran, I., Moreau, S., & Poinsot, T. (2013). Analytical and Numerical Study of Combustion Noise Through a Subsonic Nozzle. AIAA journal, 51(1), 42–52.
      • A. Bonhomme, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. Curvature and confinement effects for flame speed measurements in laminar spherical and cylindrical flames. Comb. Flame. 160, 7, 1208-1214, 2013.
      • Duran, I., Leyko, M., Moreau, S., Nicoud, F., & Poinsot, T. (2013). Computing combustion noise by combining large eddy simulations with analytical models for the propagation of waves through turbine blades. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 341(1-2), 131–140. Elsevier Masson SAS.
      • Garby, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. Large-Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a variable-length combustor. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 341, 1-2, 220-229, 2013.
      • E. Motheau, F. Nicoud, Y. Mery and T. Poinsot. Analysis and modeling of entropy modes in a realistic aeronautical gas turbine. J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power, 135(9):092602, 2013.
      • S. Hermeth, G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot. LES evaluation of non linear effects on the dynamic response in a real gas turbine combustion chamber. J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power. 2013, in press.
      • A. Eyssartier Using LES to predict ignition sequences and ignition probability of turbulent two-phase flames. Comb. Flame 160, 1191-1207, 2013.
      • W. Krebs, J. Portillo, C. Paschereit, T. Poinsot, S. Hermeth and H. Krediet. Comparison of nonlinear to linear thermoacoustic stability analysis of a gas turbine combustion system. J. of Eng. for Gas Turbines and Power, GTP-12-1491.
      • E. Motheau, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot (2012) Using boundary conditions to account for mean flow effects in a zero Mach number acoustic solver. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Journal, 134, 11, 111502.
      • S. Hermeth, G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot. (2012) LES evaluation of the effects of equivalence ratio fluctuations on the dynamic flame response in a real Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber. Proc. Comb. Inst. 34, in press.
      • P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, J.-D. Mueller, and T. Poinsot. Acoustic and Large Eddy Simulation studies of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers. Combustion and Flame, 159: 3398-3413, 2012.
      • L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach and T. Poinsot, Large Eddy Simulation of Gaseous Flames in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 38, 782-817. Review paper on LES for gas turbines. 80 pages. 2012.
      • J.F. Parmentier, P. Salas, P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot, A simple analytical model to study and control azimuthal instabilities in annular combustion chambers, Combustion and Flame 159, 7, July 2012, 2374-2387.
      • T. Boushaki,Y. Dhué, L. Selle, B. Ferret and T. Poinsot. Effects of hydrogen and steam addition on laminar burning velocity of methane-air premixed flame: Experimental and numerical analysis. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 37, 9412-9422, 2012.
      • V. Granet, O. Vermorel, C. Lacour, B. Enaux, V. Dugue and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation and experimental study of cycle-to-cycle variations of stable and unstable operating points in a spark ignition engine. Comb. Flame, 159,1562-1575, 2012.
      • P. Wolf, R. Balakrishnan, G. Staffelbach, L Gicquel and T. Poinsot. Using LES to study reacting flows and instabilities in annular combustion chambers. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, DOI: 10.1007/s10494-011-9367-7, 88:191-206, 2012.
      • J. Dombard, B. Leveugle, L. Selle, J. Reveillon, T. Poinsot and Y. D'Angelo. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55, 5-6, 2012, 1486 - 1495.
      • B. Franzelli, E. Riber, L. Giquel and T. Poinsot. Large-Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a lean partially premixed swirled flame. Comb. and Flame. 159, 2, 621-637, 2012.
      • Y. Hallez, J.-C. Jouhaud and T. J. Poinsot. On the relative impact of subgrid-scale modelling and conjugate heat transfer in LES of hot jets in cross-flow over cold plates. Int. J. Num. Methods Fluids. 67, 10, 1321-1340, 2011, DOI: 10.1002/fld.2613.
      • A. Fosso Pouangue, H. Deniau, N. Lamarque and T. Poinsot. Comparison of outflow boundary conditions for subsonic aeroacoustic simulations. in press, Int. J. Num. Methods in Fluids, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/fld.2597.
      • F. Duchaine, F. Boudy, D. Durox and T. Poinsot. Sensitivity analysis of transfer functions of laminar flames. Comb. and Flame. 158, 12, 2384-2394, 2011.
      • L. Selle, T. Poinsot and B. Ferret. Experimental and numerical study of the accuracy of flame-speed measurements for methane/air combustion in a slot burner. Comb. and Flame. 158, 1, 146-154, 2011.
      • M. Leyko, S. Moreau, F. Nicoud et T. Poinsot, Numerical and analytical prediction of the indirect noise in a supersonic nozzle, Journal of Sound and Vibration 330, 16, 1, 3944-3958, 2011.
      • M. Sanjose, J.M. Senoner. F. Jaegle, B. Cuenot, S. Moreau et T. Poinsot, Fuel Injection Model for Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange Large-Eddy Simulations of an evaporating spray inside an aeronautical combustor, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 37, 514-529, 2011.
      • L. Gicquel, N. Gourdain, J.-F. Boussuge, H. Deniau, G. Staffelbach, P. Wolf and T. Poinsot. High performance parallel computing of flows in complex geometries. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 339, 2-3, 104-125, 2011.
      • T. Poinsot, M. Garcia J.M. Senoner, L. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach and O. Vermorel. Numerical and physical instabilities in massively parallel LES of reacting flows. J. Scientific Computing. Vol 49, 1, 78-93, DOI: 10.1007/s10915-010-9432-8, 2011
      • F. Jaegle, O. Cabrit, S. Mendez, and T. Poinsot. Implementation methods of wall functions in cell-vertex numerical solvers. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, in press, 85, 2, 245-272, 2010.
      • B. Enaux, V. Granet, O. Vermorel, C. Lacour, C. Pera, C. Angelberger, and T. Poinsot. LES and experimental study of cycle-to-cycle variations in a spark ignition engine. Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 33, 3115-3122, 2011.
      • F. Jaegle, B. Cuenot, and T. Poinsot. Lagrangian and eulerian simulations of evaporating fuel spray in an aeronautical multipoint injector. Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 33, 2099-2107, 2011.
      • V. Granet, O. Vermorel, T. Leonard, L. Gicquel et T. Poinsot. Comparison of Nonreflecting Outlet Boundary Conditions for Compressible Solvers on Unstructured Grids. AIAA J. 48, 10, 2348-2364 (2010).
      • B. Franzelli, E. Riber, M. Sanjose, and T. Poinsot. A two-step chemical scheme for large eddy simulation of kerosene-air flames. Combustion and Flame, 157(7):1364-1373, 2010.
      • B. Enaux, V. Granet, O. Vermorel, C. Lacour, L. Thobois, V. Dugue, and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of a motored single-cylinder piston engine: numerical strategies and validation. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 86, 2, 153-177, 2010 doi:10.1007/s10494-010-9299-7.
      • N. Guezennec et T. Poinsot. LES and experimental study of a controlled coaxial liquid-air jet. AIAA J. 48, 11, 2596-2610 (2010).
      • A. Roux, L. Gicquel, S. Reichstadt, N. Bertier, G. Staffelbach, F. Vuillot and T. Poinsot. Analysis of unsteady reacting flows and impact of chemistry description in Large Eddy Simulations of side-dump ramjet combustors. Comb. and Flame 157, 176-191, 2010.
      • A. Dulbecco, F. A. Lafossas and T. Poinsot (2009) A 0D Phenomenological Approach to Model Diesel HCCI Combustion with Multi-Injection Strategies Using Probability Density Functions and Detailed Tabulated Chemistry. SAE Int. J. Engines 2(1): 548-568.
      • Gourdain, N., Gicquel, L., Staffelbach, G., Vermorel, O., Duchaine, F., Boussuge, J-F. and Poinsot, T., "High performance parallel computing of flows in complex geometries - part 2: applications", Comput. Sci. Disc. 2 015004 (28pp), 2009.
      • Gourdain, N., Gicquel, L., Montagnac, M., Vermorel, O., Gazaix, M., Staffelbach, G., Garcia, M., Boussuge, J-F. and Poinsot, T., "High performance parallel computing of flows in complex geometries - part 1: methods", Comput. Sci. Disc. 2 015003 (26 pp), 2009.
      • G. Desoutter, C. Habchi, B. Cuenot et T. Poinsot DNS and modeling of the turbulent boundary layer over an evaporating liquid film. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 2009, 52, 6028-6041.
      • F. Duchaine, A. Corpron, L. Pons, V. Moureau, F. Nicoud, and T. Poinsot. Development and assessment of a coupled strategy for conjugate heat transfer with large eddy simulation: Application to a cooled turbine blade. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 30:1129-1141, 2009.
      • N. Guezennec et T. Poinsot. Acoustically nonreflecting and reflecting boundary conditions for vorticity injection in compressible solvers. AIAA J. 47, 1709-1722, 2009.
      • G. Desoutter, C. Habchi, B. Cuenot et T. Poinsot DNS and modeling of the turbulent boundary layer over an evaporating liquid film. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 2009, 52, 6028-6041.
      • G. Lacaze, E. Richardsons and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of spark ignition in a turbulent methane jet. Combustion and Flame 156, 6, 1993-2009.
      • M. Leyko, F. Nicoud et T. Poinsot. Comparison of direct and indirect combustion noise in a model combustor. AIAA J. sous presse, 2009
      • G. Lacaze, B. Cuenot, T. Poinsot and M. Oschwald. Large Eddy Simulation of Laser ignition and compressible reacting flow in a rocket-like configuration. Combustion and Flame 156, 6, 1166-1180.
      • J.M. Senoner, M. Sanjose, T. Lederlin, F. Jaegle, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, L. Gicquel, H. Pitsch et T. Poinsot. Evaluation of numerical strategies for two-phase reacting flows. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 458-468, 2009.
      • E. Riber, V. Moureau, M. Garcia, T. Poinsot and O. Simonin (2009) Evaluation of Numerical Strategies for Large Eddy Simulation of Particulate Two-Phase Recirculating Flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 228, pp. 539-564.
      • T. Schmitt, L. Selle, B. Cuenot and T. Poinsot. Large-Eddy Simulation of transcritical flows. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 528-538, 2009.
      • Roux, S. Reichtadt, N. Bertier, L. Gicquel, F. Vuillot et T. Poinsot. Comparison of numerical methods and combustion models for LES of a ramjet configuration. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 352-361, 2009.
      • M. Leyko, F. Nicoud, S. Moreau et T. Poinsot. Numerical and analytical investigation of the indirect noise in a nozzle. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 415-425, 2009.
      • E. Gullaud, S. Mendez, C. Sensiau, F. Nicoud et T. Poinsot. Effect of multiperforated plates on the acoustic modes in combustors. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 406-414, 2009.
      • F. Duchaine, S. Mendez, F. Nicoud, A. Corpron, V. Moureau and T. Poinsot. Conjugate Heat transfer with Large Eddy Simulation application to gas turbine components. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 550-561, 2009.
      • G. Albouze, T. Poinsot and L. Y. M. Gicquel. Chemical kinetics modelisation and LES combustion model effects on a perfectly premixed burner. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 318-328, 2009.
      • P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, L Gicquel, T. Poinsot, V. Moureau et C. Berat. Massively parallel LES of azimuthal thermo-acoustic instabilities in annular gas turbines. Compte Rendus de Mecanique, 337, 6-7, 385-394, 2009.
      • N. Lamarque, M. Porta, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot. On the stability and dissipation of wall boundary conditions for compressible flows. Int. J. Num. Methods in Fluids, 2009.
      • Sensiau, C., Nicoud, F. and Poinsot, T. A tool to study azimuthal and spinning modes in annular combustors, International Journal Aeroacoustics, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 57-68, 2009.
      • G. Boudier, N. Lamarque, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, and T. Poinsot. Thermo-acoustic stability of a helicopter gas turbine combustor using large-eddy simulations. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 8(1):69-94, 2009.
      • G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Boudier, and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of self excited azimuthal modes in annular combustors. Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 32, 2909-2916, 2009.
      • Dulbecco A., Lafossas, F-A, Mauviot G. and Poinsot T. A new 0D Diesel HCCI combustion model derived from a 3D CFD approach with detailed tabulated chemistry. Oil Gas Science and Technology, Rev IFP, 64, 3, 259-284, 2009.
      • G. Boudier, L. Y. M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, D. Bissieres, and C. Berat. Effect of mesh resolution on large eddy simulation of reacting flows in complex geometry combustors. Combustion and Flame, 155, 1-2, 196-214, 2008.
      • Lamarque N. and Poinsot T. Boundary conditions for acoustic eigenmode computations in gas turbine combustion chambers . AIAA J. 46, 9, 2282-2292 , 2008.
      • M. Cazalens, S. Roux, C. Sensiau and T. Poinsot. Solving Combustion Instabilities Problems for High Pressure Jet Engine Cores. Journal of Propulsion and Power 24, 4, (2008).
      • S. Roux, M. Cazalens and T. Poinsot. Outlet-Boundary-Condition Influence for Large Eddy Simulation of Combustion Instabilities in Gas Turbines Journal of Propulsion and Power 24, 3, 541-546 (2008).
      • Boileau M., Pascaud S., Riber E., Cuenot B., Gicquel L., Poinsot T. and Cazalens M. Investigation of two-fluid methods for Large Eddy Simulation of spray combustion in Gas Turbines. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 80(3) 291-321, (2008).
      • Boileau M., Staffelbach G., Cuenot B. Poinsot T. and Berat C. LES of an ignition sequence in a gas turbine engine. Combustion and Flame, 154, 1-2, 2-22 (2008).
      • Senoner J.-M., M. Garcia, S. Mendez, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel, and T. Poinsot. The growth of rounding errors and the repetitivity of large eddy simulations on parallel machines. AIAA Journal, 46, 7, 1773-1781, 2008.
      • Roux A., Gicquel L., Sommerer Y. and Poinsot T. Large eddy simulation of mean and oscillating flow in a side dump ramjet combustor. Comb. Flame 152, 1-2, 154-176 (2008).
      • Devesa, A., J. Moreau, Helie J., Faivre V. et Poinsot T. (2007). "Initial conditions for Large Eddy Simulations of piston engine flows." Computers and fluids 36(4): 701-713.
      • Huls R., vand der Hoogt P., Sengissen A., Poinsot T. and de Boer A. Prediction of vibration by coupling finite elements and large eddy simulations . J. Sound Vibration. 304, 224-229, (2007).
      • Sengissen A., Van Kampen, J.F ., Huls R., Stoffels G., Kok, J.B.W. and Poinsot T., LES and experimental studies of cold and reacting flows in a swirled partially premixed burner with and without fuel modulation . Comb. Flame 150, 40-53 (2007).
      • Schildmacher, K., Hoffman A., Selle L., Koch R., Schulz C., Bauer H-J., Poinsot T., Krebs W. and Prade B. Unsteady flame and flow field interaction of a premixed model gas turbine burner. Proc. Comb. Institute 31, 3197-3205 (2007).
      • Boudier G., Gicquel L., Poinsot T., Bissieres D. and Berat C. Comparison of LES, RANS and Experiments in an Aeronautical Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber. Proc. Comb. Institute 31, 3075-3082 (2007).
      • Sengissen A., Giauque A., Staffelbach G., Porta M., Krebs W., Kaufmann P. and Poinsot T., LES of piloting effects on turbulent swirling flames. Proc. Comb. Institute 31, 1729-1736 (2007).
      • Nicoud, F., L., Benoit, L., Sensiau C. et Poinsot, T . Acoustic modes in combustors with complex impedances and multidimensional active flames AIAA J. 45, 2, 426-441 (2007).
      • Schmitt, P., Schuermans, B., Geigle, K. P. and Poinsot, T. Large-eddy simulation and experimental study of heat transfer, nitric oxide emissions and combustion instability in a swirled turbulent high pressure burner. J. Fluid Mech. 570, 17-46 (2007).
      • Massebeuf, V., Bedat, B., Helie, J., Lauvergne, R., Simonin, O. and Poinsot, T. Direct numerical simulation of evaporating droplets in turbulent flows for prediction of mixture fraction fluctuations: application to combustion simulations. J. of the Energy Institute 79, 4, 212-216 (2006).
      • Selle, L., Benoit, L., Poinsot, T and Krebs, W., ''Joint use of compressible LES and Helmholtz solvers for analysis of rotating modes in an industrial swirled burner. Comb. Flame, 145 (1-2), 194-205 (2006).
      • Martin C., Benoit L, Nicoud F. et Poinsot T. (2006) Analysis of acoustic energy and modes in a turbulent swirled combustor. AIAA J. 44, 4, 741-750.
      • Debiane, L., Ivorra, B., Mohammadi, B., Nicoud, F., Poinsot, T., Ern, A. and Pitsch, H., A low-complexity global optimization algorithm for temperature and pollution control in flames with complex chemistry, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 93-98, 2006
      • Sengissen A., Poinsot T., Van Kampen J.F. and Kok J.B. Response of swirled non-premixed burner to fuel flow rate modulation. Springer volume "Complex Effects in LES". Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 56, 337-351 (2006)
      • Staffelbach, G., Gicquel L. et Poinsot T. Highly parallel large eddy simulations of multiburner configurations in industrial gas turbines. Springer volume "Complex Effects in LES". Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 56, 326-336 (2006)
      • Mendez S., Nicoud, F. and Poinsot T. LES of a turbulent flow around a multi perforated plate. Springer volume "Complex Effects in LES". Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 56, 289-303 (2006)
      • Thobois L., Rymer G., Souleres, T., Poinsot T. et Van den Heuvel. Large-eddy Simulation for the prediction of aerodynamics in IC engines. Int. J. Vehicle Design. 39, 4, 368-382 (2006).
      • Giauque A., Selle, L., Poinsot, T., Buechner H., Laufmann P. and Krebs W. System identification of a large scale swirled partially premixed combustor using LES and measurements. J. of Turb. 6, 21, 1-20 (2005).
      • Hawkes, E.R., Chen, J.H., Poinsot, T., Kuhl, A. and Dinkelacker, F. Evaluation of models for flame stretch due to curvature in the thin reaction zones regime. Proc. Combust. Inst., 30, 1, 2005, pp. 647 - 655.
      • Nicoud F. and Poinsot, T. Thermoacoustic instabilities: should the Rayleigh criterion be extended to include entropy changes ? Comb. Flame. 142, 153-159 (2005).
      • Priere, C., Gicquel, L. Y. M., Gajan, P., Strzelecki, A., Poinsot, T. and Berat, C. Experimental and Numerical Studies of Dilution Systems for Low Emission Combustors. AIAA J. 43, 8, 1753, 1766 (2005)
      • Truffin K. and Poinsot, T.. Comparison and extension of methods for acoustic identification of burners. Comb. Flame. 142, 4, 388-400 (2005).
      • Moet, H., Laporte, F., Chevalier, G. and Poinsot, T., Wave propagation in vortices and vortex bursting. Phys. Fluids 17:5 (2005).
      • Roux S., Lartigue G., Poinsot T., Meier U. and Berat C. Studies of mean and unsteady flow in swirled combustor using experiments, acoustic analysis and Large Eddy Simulations. Comb. Flame. 141, 40-54 (2005).
      • Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Sommerer, Y., Angelberger, C., Colin, O. and Poinsot, T. High-order methods for DNS and LES of compressible multi-component reacting flows on fixed and moving grids. J. Comp. Phys. 202, 710-736 (2005).
      • Faivre, V. and T. Poinsot "Experimental and numerical investigations of jet active control for combustion applications." J. of Turb. 5: 025 (2004).
      • Sommerer Y., Galley D., Poinsot T. Ducruix S., Lacas F. and Veynante D. Large eddy simulation and experimental study of flashback and blow-off in a lean partially premixed swirled burner J. of Turbulence 5, 037 (2004).
      • Selle, L., Lartigue, G., Poinsot, T., Koch, R., Schildmacher, K.-U., Krebs, W., Prade, B., Kaufmann, P. et Veynante, D. ''Compressible Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulent combustion in complex geometry on unstructured meshes''. Comb. Flame, 137, 489-505 (2004).
      • Paoli, R., Helie, J. and Poinsot, T., ''Contrail formation in aircraft wakes'' J. Fluid Mech. 502, 361-373 (2004).
      • Desoutter, G., Cuenot, B., Habchi, C. et Poinsot, T (2004) Interaction of a premixed flame with a liquid fuel film on a wall. Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 30, 259-268.
      • Priere, C., Gicquel, L., Kaufmann, P. Krebs, W. et Poinsot T. ''Predictions of mixing enhancement for jets in Cross Flows '' J. of Turb. 5, 1, 30 (2004).
      • Selle, L., Nicoud F. and Poinsot, T., ''The actual impedance of non-reflecting boundary conditions: implications for the computation of resonators'', AIAA J. (2004) 42, 5, 958-964.
      • Bernier F., Ducruix S , Lacas, F., Cabdel S., Robart, N., Poinsot T. Transfer function measurements in a model combustor: application to adaptive instability control. Comb. Sci. Tech. 175, 993-1013 (2003).
      • Vermorel, O., Bedat, B., Simonin, O. and Poinsot, T., Numerical study and modelling of turbulence modulation in a particle laden slab flow J. of Turbulence 4, 025 (2003).
      • Dabireau, F., Cuenot, B., Vermorel, O. and Poinsot, T., ''Interaction of H2/O2 flames with inert walls,'' Combust. Flame, 135, 1-2, 123-133 (2003).
      • Paoli, R., Laporte, F., Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T., ''Dynamics and mixing in a simple configuration of Jet/Vortex interaction,'' Phys. Fluids, 15, 1843-1850 (2003).
      • Knikker, R., Dauptain, A., Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T., ''Comparison of computational methodologies for ignition in diffusion layers,'' 175, 10, 1783-1806. Comb. Sci. and Tech. (2003).
      • Poinsot, T., Kestens, T. and Nicoud, F., ''Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Study Flow Control,'' Computational Methods for Control Applications, 16, 327-346 (2002).
      • Kaufmann, A., Nicoud, F. and Poinsot, T., ''Flow forcing techniques for numerical simulation of combustion instabilities,'' Combustion and Flame, 131, 371-385 (2002).
      • Poinsot, T. Kestens, T. Nicoud, F. Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Study Flow Control. Computational Methods for Control Applications 16, 327-346 (2002).
      • Jimenez C., Cuenot B., Poinsot T . et Haworth D. (2002) Numerical Simulation and modeling for lean stratified propane-air flames. Combustion and Flame 128, 1-21.
      • De Lataillade A, Dabireau F., Cuenot B. and Poinsot (2002) Flame / wall interaction and maximum wall heat fluxes in diffusion burners Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 29, 775-780.
      • Varoquie B, Legier JP., Lacas F., Veynante D. and Poinsot (2002) Experimental analysis and LES to determine the response of non premixed flame submitted to acoustic forcing Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 29, 1965-1970.
      • Pires da Cruz A., Baritaud T. et Poinsot T. (2001) Turbulent self-ignition and combustion modeling in Diesel engines. Comb. Flame, 124, 1-2, 65-81.
      • Colin, O., Ducros, F., Veynante, D. et Poinsot T. (2000) A thickened flame model for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion. Phys. Fluids 12, 7, 1843-1863.
      • Haworth D., Cuenot, B., Poinsot T., et Blint R.J. (2000) Numerical Simulation of turbulent propane-air combustion with non homogeneous reactants. Combustion and Flame 121, 395-417.
      • Bourlioux, A., Cuenot, B. et Poinsot T. (2000) Asymptotic and numerical study of the stabilization of diffusion flames by hot gas. Combustion and Flame. 120, 1/2, 143-159.
      • Cuenot, B., Egolfopoulos, F. et Poinsot T. (1999) An unsteady laminar flamelet model . Combustion Theory and modelling 4, 77-97.
      • Bedat B., Egolfopoulos F. et Poinsot T. (1999) Direct Numerical Simulation of heat release and NOx formation in turbulent non premixed flames. Comb. Flame, 119, 1/2, 69-83.
      • Ducros, F., Ferrand V., Nicoud, F., Weber C., Darracq D., Gacherieu C. et Poinsot, T. (1999) Large Eddy Simulation of the shock turbulence interaction. J. Comp. Physics 152, 517-549.
      • Gamet, L., Ducros, F., Nicoud, F. et Poinsot, T. (1999) Compact finite difference schemes on non-uniform meshes. Application to direct numerical simulation of compressible flows. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids. 29, 2, 159-191.
      • Poinsot, T. (1998) Comments on "Flame stretch interactions of laminar premixed hydrogen air flames at normal temperature and pressure" by Aung et al. Comb. Flame 113, 279-284.
      • Etasse E., Meneveau C. et Poinsot T. (1998) Simple stochastic model for particle dispersion including inertia, trajectory-crossing and continuity effects. J. Fluids Engineering, 120, 1, 186-192.
      • Popp, P. and M. Baum (1997). "An analysis of wall heat fluxes, reaction mechanisms and unburnt hydrocarbons during the head-on quenching of a laminar methane flame." Comb. Flame 108(3): 327 - 348.
      • Vervisch, L. and Poinsot T. (1998) Direct Numerical Simulation of non-premixed turbulent combustion. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 30, 655-692.
      • Veynante, D. and T. Poinsot (1997). Effects of pressure gradients on turbulent premixed flames. J. Fluid Mech. 353, 83-114.
      • Veynante, D. and T. Poinsot (1997). Reynolds averaged and large eddy simulation modeling for turbulent combustion. in New Tools in Turbulence Modeling, Les Houches School. 105-135, O. Metais and J. Ferziger Editors. Springer.
      • Corjon, A. and Poinsot, T., (1997) 'Behavior of wake vortices near ground,'' AIAA Journal 35 , 849-855.
      • Mastorakos, E., Baritaud, T. and Poinsot, T. J., (1997) ''Numerical simulations of autoignition in turbulent mixing flows,'' Combustion and Flame, 109, 198-223.
      • Mastorakos, E., Baritaud, T. and Poinsot, T. J., (1997) ''A model for the effects of mixing on the autoignition of turbulent flows,'' Combustion Science and Technology 125, 243-282.
      • Bruneaux, G. Poinsot, T. Ferziger, J. (1997) Premixed flame-wall interaction in a turbulent channel flow: budget for the flame surface density evolution equation and modelling. J. Fluid Mech. 349, 191-219.
      • Poinsot T., Trouve, A. et Candel S. (1996) Applications of Direct Numerical Simulation to premixed turbulent combustion. Prog. Energy and Combustion Science. 21, 531-576.
      • Popp, P., M. Smooke, et Baum M. (1996). "Heterogeneous/homogeneous reactions and transport coupling during flame-wall interaction." Proc. of the Combustion Institute 26: 2693-2700.
      • Corjon, A. et Poinsot, T. (1996) "Vortex model to define safe aircraft separation distances", J. Aircraft 33, 3, 547-554.
      • Popp, P., M. Smooke, et Baum M. (1996). "Heterogeneous/homogeneous reactions and transport coupling during flame-wall interaction." Proc. of the Combustion Institute 26: 2693-2700.
      • Bruneaux G., Akselvoll K., Ferziger J. et Poinsot T. (1996) Flame wall interaction in channel flow Combustion and Flame, 107, 1/2, 27-44.
      • Baum M. et Poinsot T. (1996) The effect of mean flow speed on flame ignition. Comb. Sci. Tech. 106, 19-39.
      • Cuenot B. et Poinsot T. (1995) Asymptotic and numerical studies of diffusion flames with non-unity Lewis numbers and variable free stream temperatures. Comb. and Flame 104, 111-137.
      • Trouve A. et Poinsot T. (1994) The evolution equation for the flame surface density. J. Fluid Mechanics, 278, 1-31.
      • Baum M. , Poinsot T. et Haworth D. (1994) Direct Numerical Simulation of H2/O2/N2 flames with complex chemistry in two dimensional turbulent flows. J. Fluid Mechanics 281, p1-32.
      • Baum M., Thevenin D. et Poinsot T. (1994) Accurate boundary conditions for multispecies reacting flows. J. Comp. Physics, 116, 247-261.
      • Duclos J.-M., Poinsot T., et Veynante D. (1993) A comparison of flamelet models for turbulent premixed combustion. Combustion and Flame 95, 101-118.
      • Poinsot T., Haworth D. et Bruneaux G. (1993) A 'law of the wall' model for turbulent premixed combustion. Combustion and Flame 95, 118-133.
      • Samaniego F., Yip B., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1993) Low frequency combustion instability mechanisms in a side-dump combustor. Combustion and Flame. 94, 363-381.
      • Poinsot T., Yip B., Veynante D., Trouve A., Samaniego J.-M. et Candel S. (1992). Active control: an investigation method for combustion instabilities. Journal de Physique, 1331-1357.
      • Haworth D. et Poinsot T. (1992) Numerical simulations of Lewis number effects in turbulent premixed flames. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 204, 405-436.
      • Mcmanus K., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1992) A review of active control methods for combustion instabilities. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 19, 1-29.
      • Poinsot T. et Lele S. (1992). Boundary conditions for direct simulations of compressible reacting flows. Journal of Computational Physics. 101, 1, 104-129.
      • Poinsot T., Echekki T. et Mungal M.G. (1991) A study of the laminar flame tip and implications for premixed turbulent combustion.Combustion Science and Technology. 81, 1-3, 45.
      • Poinsot T., Veynante D. et Candel S. (1991). Quenching processes and premixed turbulent combustion diagrams. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 228, 561-606.
      • Meneveau C. et Poinsot T. (1991) Stretching and quenching of flamelets in premixed turbulent combustion. Comb. and Flame 86, 311-332 .
      • Candel S.M. et Poinsot T. (1990). Flame stretch and the balance equation for the flame area. Comb. Sci. and Tech. 70, 1-15.
      • Candel S., Veynante D., Lacas F., Maistret E., Darabiha N. et Poinsot T. (1990). Coherent flamelet model: applications and recent extensions. Recent Advances in Combustion Modelling. B. Larrouturou ed. World Scientific, Singapore.
      • Poinsot T., Lang W., Bourienne F., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1989). Suppression of combustion instability by active control. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 5, 1, 14.
      • Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1988). A non linear model for ramjet combustion instabilities. Combustion Science and Technology, 61, 121-153.
      • Poinsot T., Trouve A., Veynante D., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1987). Vortex driven acoustically coupled combustion instabilities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 177, 265-292.
      • Lang W., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1987). Active control of combustion instability. Combustion and Flame 70, 281.
      • Poinsot T., Hosseini K.M., Le Chatelier C., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1986). An experimental analysis of noise sources in a dump combustor. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics. Vol 105, AIAA New-York, 333-345.
      • Poinsot T., Le Chatelier C., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1986). Experimental determination of the reflection coefficient of a premixed flame in a duct. J. of Sound and Vibration 107, 2, 265-278.
      • Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1986). The influence of differencing and CFL number on implicit time dependant non linear calculations. J. of Comp. Physics 62, 2, 282-296.
      • Darabiha N., Poinsot T., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1985). A correlation between flame structure and acoustic instabilities. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics. Vol 105, AIAA New-York, 283-295.
      • Laverdant A., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1985). Influence of the mean temperature field on the acoustic mode structure in a dump combustor. J. of Propulsion and Power 2, 4, 311-316.
      • Poinsot T. et Huetz J. (1985). Brouillards dans les melanges vapeur - gaz incondensable. Revue de Physique Appliquee 20, 163-172.


  • A. Aniello, D. Laera, L. Berger, A. Attili and T. Poinsot. Introducing thermodiffusive effects in large-eddy simulation of turbulent combustion for lean hydrogen-air flames. Proceedings of the Summer Program. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, p 267-276, 2022.
  • E. Lo Schiavo, D. Laera, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulations of thermoacoustic instability mechanisms in swirling spray flames. 17th Int. Symp. on Numerical Combustion. Aachen, May 2019.
  • J. Kruger, H. Turkeri, X. Zhao, O. Schulz, N. Noiray, B. Cuenot, T. Poinsot, A. Konduri, J. Chen. Evaluation of turbulent combustion models for Large Eddy Simulation of flame stabilization assisted by auto-ignition in a geometrically simplified reheat gas turbine combustor. 17th Int. Symp. on Numerical Combustion. Aachen, May 2019.
  • C. Lapeyre, A. Misdariis, N. Cazard, D. Veynante, T. Poinsot. A convolutional neural network-based efficiency function for sub-grid flame-turbulence interaction in LES. 17th Int. Symp. on Numerical Combustion. Aachen, May 2019.
  • D. Laera, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulations of thermoacoustic instability mechanisms in swirling spray flames. 17th Int. Symp. on Numerical Combustion. Aachen, May 2019.
  • P. Pouech, F. Duchaine, T. Poinsot. Ignition of a premixed methane-air flow over a turbulent backward-facing step by Direct Numerical Simulation. 17th Int. Symp. on Numerical Combustion. Aachen, May 2019.
  • N. Odier, M. sanjose, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, S. Moreau, F. Duchaine. Inlet and Outlet Characteristics Boundary Conditions for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbomachinery Flows. ASME Turbo Expo conference. Paper GT2019-90747.
  • A. Gruber, N. Noiray, T. Poinsot. Evaluation of turbulent combustion models for Large Eddy Simulation of flame stabilization assisted by auto-ignition in a geometrically simplified reheat gas turbine combustor. Numerical Combustion. Aachen 2019.
  • C. Lapeyre, N. Cazard, T. Poinsot. A convolutional neural network-based efficiency function for sub-grid flame-turbulence interaction in LES. Numerical Combustion. Aachen 2019.
  • E. Lo Schiavo, D. Laera, T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulations of thermoacoustic instability mechanisms in swirling spray flames. Numerical Combustion. Aachen 2019.
  • C. Lapeyre, N. Cazard, T. Poinsot. Exploration of the potential of Deep Learning for sub-grid scale flame surface estimation. In Proc. of the summer Program. Center of Turbulence Research, Stanford University/NASA Ames, 2018.
  • N. Odier, M. Sanjose, T. Poinsot, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, S. Moreau. Inlet and outlet characteristics boundary conditions for Large Eddy Simulations of turbomachinery. ASME Turboexpo Conference 2019.
  • M. Ferand, G. Daviller, S. Moreau, C. Sensiau, T. Poinsot. Using LES for combustion noise propagation to the far-field by considering the jet flow of a dual-stream nozzle. AIAA Aeroacoustics conference 2018.
  • V. Brunet, E. Lippinois, S. Richard, J. de Laborderie, J.F. Boussuge, K. Hillewaert, V. Moureau, V. Couaillier. Comparison of Various CFD Codes for LES Simulations of Turbomachinery: From Inviscid Vortex Convection to Multi-stage Compressor. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway. GT2018-75523.
  • F. Thiesset, F. Halter, C. Bariki, C. Lapeyre, C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp, L. Selle, T. Poinsot. Experimental Assessment Of The Displacement And Consumption Speeds In Flame/Vortex Interactions. 26th ICDERS July 30th - August 4th, 2017 Boston, MA.
  • Q. Douasbin, C. Scalo, L. Selle, T. Poinsot. "Modeling Approach for Delayed Time Domain Impedance Boundary Condition", 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2017-3506)
  • C. Kraus, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, C. M. Arndt, H. Bockhorn. Influence of Heat Transfer and Material Temperature on Combustion Instabilities in a Swirl Burner. ASME Conference 2016.
  • T. Kaiser, T. Poinsot and K. Oberleithner. Stability and sensitivity analysis of hydrodynamic instabilities in industrial swirled injection systems. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. GT 2017-63649.
  • T. Poinsot. Experimental and numerical studies of active and passive control of combustion instabilities. GAMM 86th Annual Meeting, March 23-27, 2015, Lecce.
  • A. Ghani, D. Maestro, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot . LES of high-frequency transverse combustion instabilities in complex combustion chambers. GAMM 86th Annual Meeting, March 23-27, 2015, Lecce.
  • E. Courtine, L. Selle, F. Nicoud, W. Polifke, C. F. Silva, M. Bauerheim and T. Poinsot. Causality and intrinsic thermoacoustic instability modes. In Proc. of the summer Program. Center of Turbulence Research, Stanford University/NASA Ames, 169-178, 2014.
  • M. Zhu, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, J. Bodart and T. Poinsot. Wall-resolved large eddy simulation in refinery ribbed pipes. Center of Turbulence Research, Stanford University/NASA Ames, 457-466, 2014.
  • A. Misdariis, O. Vermorel and T. Poinsot. A LES methodology based on reduced schemes to compute knocking in internal combustion engines. 35th Symp. (Int.) Comb., San Francisco, August 2014.
  • D. Mejia, L. Selle, R. Bazile and T. Poinsot. Wall-temperature effects on flame response to acoustic oscillations. 35th Symp. (Int.) Comb., San Francisco, August 2014.
  • M. Bauerheim, G. Staffelbach, N.A. Worth, J.R. Dawson, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot Sensitivity of LES-based flame transfer functions for turbulent swirled flames and impact on the stability of azimuthal modes. 35th Symp. (Int.) Comb., San Francisco, August 2014.
  • M. Bauerheim, M. Cazalens and T. Poinsot A theoretical study of mean azimuthal flow and asymmetry effects on thermo-acoustic modes in annular combustors. 35th Symp. (Int.) Comb., San Francisco, August 2014.
  • T. Poinsot, (2014) Simulation methodologies and open questions for acoustic combustion instability studies. Annual Research Briefs 2013, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford Univ, 179-186.
  • V. Granet and S. Menon, O. Vermorel, G. Staffelbach and T. Poinsot. Large-Eddy Simulation of a swirled lean premixed gas turbine combustor: a comparison of two compressible codes. AIAA Conference. 2013.
  • E. Motheau, L. Selle, T. Poinsot and F. Nicoud . A mixed acoustic-entropy combustion instability in a realistic gas turbine. Proc. of Summer Program 2012, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ, 449-458.
  • P. Quillatre, O. Vermorel, T. Poinsot and Ph. Ricoux. Large Eddy Simulation of Confined Explosion. Multiscale conference, 2013.
  • J. Dombard, T. Poinsot, V. Moureau, N. Savary, G. Staffelbach and V. Bodoc . Experimental and numerical study of the influence of small geometrical modifications on the dynamics of swirling flows.?Proc. of Summer Program 2012, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ, 469-478.
  • S. Hermeth, G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot (2013) LES evaluation of the effects of equivalence ratio fluctuations on the dynamic flame response in a real Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber. ASME Turbo Expo. GT2013-95699, 2013, San Antonio.
  • V. Granet, S. Menon, O. Vermorel, G. Stafelbach et T. Poinsot (2013).Large-Eddy Simulation of a swirled lean premixed gas turbine combustor: a comparison of two compressible codes. AIAA 51st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 7-10 Jan.
  • S. Hermeth, G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot (2012) LES evaluation of the effects of equivalence ratio fluctuations on the dynamic flame response in a real Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber. 34th Symp. (Int.) Comb., Warsaw.
  • T. Poinsot, P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel and J. Muller. (2011) Identification of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers. Annual Research Briefs 2011, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford Univ, 249-258.
  • W. Krebs, H. Krediet, S. Hermeth, T. Poinsot and E. Portillo. (2012) Comparison of nonlinear to linear thermoacoustic stability analysis of a gas turbine combustion system. ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Power for Land, Sea and Air, June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. GT2012-69477.
  • J. Bibrzycki, T. Poinsot and A. Zajdel. Investigation of laminar flame speed of CH4/N2/O2 and CH4/CO2/O2 mixtures. Archivum Combustionis, Vol 30 (2010), 4, 287-296.
  • P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, R. Balakrishnan, A. Roux and T. Poinsot. Azimuthal instabilities in annular combustion chambers. Proc. of Summer Program 2010, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ, 259-269.
  • F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Sensitivity of flame transfer functions of laminar flames. Proc. of Summer Program 2010, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ, 250-258.
  • J. Amaya, E. Collado, B. Cuenot and T. Poinsot. Coupling LES, radiation and structure in gas turbine simulations. Proc. of Summer Program 2010, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ, 239-249.
  • M. Leyko, S. Moreau, F. Nicoud et T. Poinsot. Waves Transmission and Generation in Turbine Stages in a Combustion-Noise Framework, AIAA2010-4032 paper, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Stockholm. Sweden, June 2010.
  • F. Jaegle, B. Cuenot, and T. Poinsot. Lagrangian and eulerian simulations of evaporating fuel spray in an aeronautical multipoint injector. 33rd International Symposium on Combustion - Beijing, China, 2010.
  • B. Enaux, V. Granet, O. Vermorel, C. Lacour, C. Pera, C. Angelberger, and T. Poinsot. LES and experimental study of cycle-to-cycle variations in a spark ignition engine. 33rd International Symposium on Combustion - Beijing, China, 2010.
  • A. Dulbecco, F. A. Lafossas and T. Poinsot (2009) A 0D Phenomenological Approach to Model Diesel HCCI Combustion with Multi-Injection Strategies Using Probability Density Functions and Detailed Tabulated Chemistry. SAE Paper 2009-01-0678.
  • G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Boudier, and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of self excited azimuthal modes in annular combustors. 32nd Int. Symp. On Comb, Montreal, 2008.
  • M. Sanjose, E. Riber, L. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of a two-phase reacting flow in an experimental burner. In ERCOFTAC Workshop - DLES7, pages 251?263, Trieste, Italy, September 2008.
  • N. Lamarque, A. Roux, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot. Corrected Transport Method for two-phase reacting Large Eddy Simulation in complex geometries. DNS and LES of reacting flows. Combustion Technology Group at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Maastricht, 2008.
  • G. Lacaze, B.Cuenot and T. Poinsot. Experimental study and large eddy simulation of laser ignition in a rocket like configuration. Poster presentation. 32nd Int. Symp. On Comb. Montreal, 2008.
  • T. Gandhi, C. Airiau, T. Poinsot et A. Kourta. Analysis of turbulence and noise emission in open rectangular cavity and separated flows. EUCASS 2009, Versailles.
  • M. Sanjose, T. Lederlin, L. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, H. Pitsch, N. Garcia-Rosa, R. Lecourt, and T. Poinsot. LES of two-phase reacting flows. In Proc. Of the Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ., 2008, 251-263.
  • Boudier G., Staffelbach G., Gicquel L. et Poinsot T. (2007) Mesh dependency of turbulent reacting large-eddy simulations in a gas turbine combustion chamber . QLES (Quality and reliability of LES), 24-26 october, Leuven, Belgium.
  • G. Lacaze, B.Cuenot and T. Poinsot. LES of Laser ignition in a H2-O2 micro-combustor. International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems. Poitiers, 2007.
  • R.Vicquelin, B. Fiorina, O. Gicquel, G. Lartigue and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of Mild Combustion. International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems. Poitiers, 2007.
  • Thobois L., Lauvergne R. and Poinsot T. Using Large-eddy Simulation to investigate reacting flow physics in engine design process. SAE 07PFL 754 (2006).
  • Mauviot G., Albrecht A. et Poinsot T. A new 0D approach for Diesel combustion modeling coupling probability density function with complex chemistry. SAE paper 06 FFL 177 Toronto.
  • Duchaine F., Gicquel, L. et Poinsot T. Optimization loop based on a CFD RANS code. 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), 2006.
  • Giauque, A., Poinsot T., Brear M. and Nicoud F. (2006). Budget of disturbance energy in gaseous reacting flow Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 285-299, Stanford.
  • Riber E., Garcia M., Moureau V., Pitsch H., Simonin O. and Poinsot T. (2006). Evaluation of numerical strategies for LES of two-phase reacting flows Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 197-213, Stanford.
  • Paoli R., Poinsot T. and Shariff K. (2006). Testing semi-lagrangian schemes of two-phase flow applications Summer Program, 213-223, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Mendez S., Eldredge J., Nicoud F., Poinsot T., Shoeybi M. and Iaccarino G. (2006). Numerical study of a turbulent flow around a multi-perforated plate Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 57-73, Stanford.
  • Lederlin T. et Poinsot T. (2005). Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena TSFP 4.
  • Pascaud, S., Boileau, M., Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T. (2005) Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent spray combustion in aeronautical gas turbines, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on computational combustion, Lisbon, 21-24 Juin.
  • Garcia, M., Sommerer, Y., Sch\"onfeld, T. and Poinsot, T. (2005) Evaluation of Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange strategies for Large-Eddy Simulations of turbulent reacting flows, ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational combustion, Lisbon, 21-24 Juin
  • Schmitt, P., Schuermans, B., Geigle, K. P. and Poinsot, T. (2005) Effects of radiation, wall heat loss and effusion cooling on flame stabilisation and pollutant prediction in LES of gas turbine combustion, ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational combustion, Lisbon, 21-24 Juin.
  • Moureau, V., Barton, I., Angelberger, C. et Poinsot T. Large Eddy Simulation in IC engine geometries. SAE Fuel and Lubs Conf. SAE paper 2004-01-1995. Toulouse (2004).
  • Thobois, L. Rymer, G., Souleres, T. et Poinsot T. Large Eddy Simulation in IC engine geometries. SAE Fuel and Lubs Conf. Toulouse SAE paper 2004-01-1854 (2004).
  • Devesa, A., Moreau, J., Poinsot T. et Helie J. Large Eddy Simulation of jet/tumble interaction in a model engine. SAE Fuel and Lubs Conf. Toulouse (2004).
  • Martin C., Benoit L, Nicoud F. et Poinsot T. (2004) Analysis of acoustic energy and modes in a turbulent swirled combustor. Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, p 377-394, Stanford.
  • Debiane L, Ivorra B., Mohammadi B., Nicoud F., Ern A ., Poinsot T. et Pitsch H. (2004) Temperature and pollution control in flames . Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, p 367-375, Stanford.
  • Moureau V., Vasilyev O., Angelberger C. et Poinsot T. (2004) Commutation errors in LES on moving grids : application to piston engine flows . Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, p. 157-168, Stanford.
  • Kaufmann, A., Helie, J., Simonin, O. and Poinsot, T. 2004 Comparison between Lagrangian and Eulerian particle simulations coupled with DNS of homogeneous isotropic decaying turbulence Estonian Akademy of Sciences, Tallinn. (2004).
  • Faivre V. et Poinsot T. (2003) Experimental and numerical investigation of jet control for active control of combustion instabilities. Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena TSFP 3. Sendai, Japan.
  • Helie J., Bedat B., Poinsot T. et Simonin O. (2002) Analysis of mixture fraction fluctuations generated by spray vaporisation. Ninth SIAM Int. Conf on numerical combustion. Sorrento, Naples, April 7-10.
  • Cuenot B., Jimenez C. et Poinsot T. (2002) Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent partially premixed flames. Ninth SIAM Int. Conf on numerical combustion. Sorrento, Naples, April 7-10.
  • Dabireau, F., Vermorel, O., Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T., Flame wall interaction of an H2/O2 flame,'' in Proceedings of the 12th International Heat Transfer Conference Grenoble, France (2002).
  • Jimenez C., Cuenot B. et Poinsot T. (2002) Flamelet models in partially premixed combustion. Ninth SIAM Int. Conf on numerical combustion. Sorrento, Naples, April 7-10.
  • Selle L., Lartigue G., Veynante D. et Poinsot T. (2002) LES of turbulent combustion for gas turbines with reduced chemistry . Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, p 333-344, Stanford.
  • Paoli R., Helie J., Poinsot T. et Ghosal S. (2002) Large Eddy Simulations of ice formation in contrails. Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Priere, C., Gicquel, T., Schonfeld, T., Poinsot, T., Kaufmann, P. and Krebs, W., Large Eddy Simulation of Opposed Jets in Cross Flow, in Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Trends in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Turbulent Processes Darmstadt, Allemagne (2002).
  • Kaufmann A., Simonin O., Helie J. et Poinsot T. (2002) Dynamics and Dispersion in Eulerian-Eulerian DNS of Two Phase Flow. Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, p. 381-391, Stanford.
  • Helie J., Duclos JM, Baritaud T. et Poinsot, T. (2001) Influence of mixture fluctuations on combustion in direct injection spark ignition engines simulations. SAE 2001 conference. SAE paper 2001-01-1226.
  • Poinsot, T. (2001) Review of "Turbulent combustion" by N. Peters. Eur. J. Fluid Mech. 20, 427-430.
  • Ducruix S., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (2001) Large Eddy Simulations of combustion instabilities in a swirled combustor. IUTAM workshop on DNS / LES. Kingston, June 2001, poster presentation.
  • Poinsot, T. J. (2001) Large Eddy simulation of combustion instabilities in gas turbines. IUTAM workshop on DNS and LES. Kingston, Canada.
  • Haworth D., Jimenez C., Cuenot B., Poinsot T. and Blint, R.J. (2001) Numerical simulations of partially premixed combustion. IUTAM workshop on DNS and LES. Kingston, Canada.
  • Legier, J.P., Poinsot, T. J., Varoquie, B., Lacas, F. et Veynante, D. (2001) Large Eddy simulation of a turbulent diffusion burner. IUTAM workshop on DNS and LES. Kingston, Canada.
  • Cuenot, B., Egolfopoulos F. and Poinsot, T. J. (2001) Direct Numerical simulation of stagnation flow premixed flames : transition form planar to Bunsen flames and the direct measurement of laminar flame speeds. 2nd Joint meeting of the US sections of the Combustion Institute, Paper 134.
  • Bernier F., Lacas, F., Robart, N., Poinsot T. (2001) Identification of the transfer function in a model gas turbine combustor : application to active control of combustion instabilities. 18th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems. July 29-August 3, 2001, Seattle, Washington.
  • Schluter J., Schonfeld, T. , Poinsot T., Krebs, W. et Hoffmann, S. (2001) Characterization of confined swirl flows using Large Eddy Simulation ASME Turbo Expo Conference.
  • Pires da Cruz A., Baritaud T. et Poinsot T. (1999) Turbulent self-ignition and combustion modeling in Diesel engines. SAE Paper 1999-01-1176, Detroit 1-4 March.
  • Nicoud F. et Poinsot T. (1999) DNS of a channel flow with variable properties. Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena. Santa Barbara, Sept 12-15.
  • Schluter J., Angelberger, C., Schonfeld, T. et Poinsot T. (1999) LES of jets in cross flow and its application to gas turbine combustors. Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena. Santa Barbara, Sept 12-15.
  • Albrecht A., Bedat B., Poinsot T. & Simonin O. (1999) Direct Numerical Simulation and modelling of evaporating droplets in homogeneous turbulence : application to turbulent flames. 15th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray System, ILASS Europe. July 5-7 - Toulouse, France
  • Ducruix, S., Candel, S., Nicoud, F et Poinsot T. (1999) Conditions aux limites permettant l'injection d'ondes acoustiques dans une simulation numerique. Congres Francais de Mecanique, Toulouse.
  • Chalot F., Marquez B., Ravachol M., Ducros F. et Poinsot T. (1998) Large Eddy Simulation of a compressible mixing layer : study of the mixing enhancement. 14thAIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
  • Kestens T., Nicoud F. et Poinsot T. (1998) Numerical adaptive active control of aeroacoustic instabilities. 13th US National Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 21-26.
  • Veynante D. et Poinsot T. (1998) Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of flame thickening approach for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion. 7th SIAM Numerical Combustion Meeting, York.
  • Angelberger C., Veynante D., Egolfopoulos, F. et Poinsot T. (1998) Large Eddy Simulations of combustion instabilities in premixed flames. Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Haworth D., Cuenot B., Poinsot T. et Blint R. (1998) Numerical Simulation of turbulent propane-air combustion with nonhomogeneous reactants : initial results. Summer Program Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Ducros F., Nicoud F. et Poinsot T. (1998) Wall Adapting Local Eddy-viscosity models for simulations in complex geometries. ICFD Oxford Conference. In honor of Pr Morton. 31 mars-3 april.
  • Angelberger C., Poinsot T. et Delhaye B. (1997) Improving near-wall combustion and wall heat transfer modelling in SI engine computations. Int Fall Fuels & Lub. Meeting & Exposition. SAE Paper 972881.
  • Bedat B., Egolfopoulos F. et Poinsot T. (1997) Integrated Combustion Chemistry (ICC) for Direct Numerical Simulations: Application to premixed and non-premixed combustion. Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Los Angeles, Paper WSS/CI 97F-122.
  • Cuenot B., Egolfopoulos F. et Poinsot T. (1997) An unsteady laminar flamelet model for non-premixed combustion. Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Los Angeles.
  • Veynante D. et Poinsot T. (1997) Large Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities. Annual Research Briefs. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Piana, J., D. Veynante, S. Candel and T. Poinsot (1997). Direct numerical simulation analysis of the G-equation in premixed combustion. Direct and Large Eddy Simulation II. J. P. Chollet, P. R. Voke and L. Kleiser, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 321-330.
  • Veynante D. et Poinsot T. (1996) Effects of pressure gradients on premixed flames. Sixth International Conference on Numerical combustion. SIAM, New Orleans.
  • Van Kalmthout E., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1996) Direct Simulation of flame stabilization processes. Sixth International Conference on Numerical combustion. SIAM, New Orleans.
  • Poinsot T., Baum M., Trouve A; et Candel, S. (1996) Simulation directe de la combustion turbulente premelangee. Images des Mathematiques. Ed: B. Larrouturou, SPI - CNRS.
  • Veynante D. et Poinsot T. (1995) Effects of pressure gradients on premixed turbulent flamesAnnual Research Briefs. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Echekki, T. Poinsot, T. J. Baritaud, T. et Baum, M. (1995) Modeling and simulation of turbulent flame kernel evolution. 8th International Symposium on Transport Processes in Combustion. San Francisco
  • Corjon, A. et Poinsot T. (1995) Wake vortices behaviour near the ground. Second Int. Workshop on Vortex flows and related numerical methods. Montreal, Canada.
  • Corjon, A. et Poinsot T. (1995) A model to define aircraft separations due to wake vortex encounter. 13th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. AIAA paper 95-1776.
  • Hilka M., Veynante D., Baum M. et Poinsot T. (1995) Simulation of flame-vortex interactions using detailed and reduced chemical kinetics. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows. Pennsylvania State Univ.
  • Popp, P. and M. Baum (1995). Heat transfer and pollutant formation mechanisms in insulated combustion chambers. Int. Fuels and Lubricants Meet. and Exposition, Toronto. SAE paper 952387.
  • Poinsot, T., P. Popp, M. Baum, G. Bruneaux and T. Baritaud (1995). Direct numerical simulations of flame-wall interaction. Eurocenference on Premixed Turbulent Combustion: Introduction to the State of the Art, Aachen (Germany), PEPIT, Ercoftac, RWTH Aachen.
  • Mastorakos, E., Baritaud, T., Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T. J. (1995), Numerical simulations of autoignition in turbulent mixing flows. Proceedings of theTenth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows Pennsylvania State Univ.
  • Nicoud F., Poinsot T. et HaMinh H. (1995) Direct Numerical Simulation of a turbulent flow with massive uniform injection. Proceedings of theTenth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows. Pennsylvania State Univ.
  • Cuenot B. et Poinsot T. (1994) Flame vortex interaction in diffusion flames. Implications for turbulent combustion. 25 th Symp. (Int.) on Combustion, 1383 -1390.
  • Stoessel A., Baum M. et Poinsot T. (1994) Towards 3D direct numerical simulation of turbulent reacting flowsParallel CFD Conference Kyoto, Japon, Mai.
  • Bruneaux G., Akselvoll K., Ferziger J. et Poinsot T. (1994) DNS and modelling of heat flux during flame wall interaction in channel flow. Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Program. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Veynante D., Vervisch, L, Poinsot T., Ruestch, G. et Linan A. (1994) Triple flame structure and diffusion flame stabilization Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Program. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Candel S., Veynante D., Lacas F. Darabiha N., Baum M. et Poinsot T. (1994) A review of turbulent combustion modeling ERCOFTAC Bulletin 20, Mars 1994, 9-16.
  • Baritaud T., Poinsot T., Henriot S., Torres A., Bruneaux G. et Veynante D. (1994) Modelling of combustion in SI engines with the Coherent Flame Model. ERCOFTAC Bulletin 20, Mars 1994, 17-20.
  • Samaniego J.-M., Yip B., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1992) Instabilites de combustion dans une maquette de statoreacteur a entrees d'air laterales. AGARD CP526 14-1.
  • Trouve A. et Poinsot T. (1992) The evolution equation for the flame surface density. Proceedings of the 1992 Summer Program. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Baum M., Haworth D. et Poinsot T. (1992) The structure of H2-O2 turbulent flames. Proceedings of the 1992 Summer Program. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Poinsot T. et Haworth D. (1992) DNS and modelling of the interaction between turbulent premixed flames and walls. Proceedings of the 1992 Summer Program. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Baum M., Poinsot T. et Haworth D. (1993) Using numerical simulation to study H2-O2/N2 flames with complex chemistry in turbulent flows. Proceedings ofTurbulent Shear Flows, Nagoya, Japan.
  • Boudier P., Henriot S., Poinsot T. et Baritaud T. (1992). A model for turbulent flame ignition and propagation in piston engines. 24th Symp.(Int.) on Combustion, p 503-510 Sidney.
  • Montazel X., Samaniego F., Lacas F., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1992) Turbulent combustion modelling in a side dump ramjet combustor. 28th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA 92-3599.
  • Poinsot T., Veynante D. et Candel S. (1991). Diagrams of premixed turbulent combustion based on direct simulation. Twenty Third Symp. (Int.) on Combustion, 613-619, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh.
  • Dillies B., Boudier P., Veynante D. et Poinsot T. (1991). A flamelet model based on direct simulation results. Turbulent Shear Flows, Munich.
  • Trouve A. et Poinsot T. (1991) Vortex driven modifications of the structure of premixed flames with non-unity Lewis number. Fourth International Conference on Numerical combustion. SIAM, St Petersburg, Dec 2-4.
  • Samaniego J.-M., Yip B., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1991) Combustion instabilities in a side-dump combustor. International Symposium on pulsating combustion, Monterey.
  • Baum M. et Poinsot T. (1991) Using numerical simulation to study the ignition of flames in premixed turbulent flowfields. Fourth International Conference on Numerical combustion. SIAM, St Petersburg, Dec 2-4.
  • Poinsot T. (1991) Direct simulation of ignition in premixed turbulent flames. Annual Research Briefs. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford.
  • Poinsot T. (1991) Simulation directe et modelisation de la combustion turbulente premelangee. Revue Scientifique et Technique de la Defense 2, 17-22.
  • Veynante D., Poinsot T., Yip B., Trouve A., Huynh C., Lacas F., Billoud G. et Candel S. (1991) Controle actif des instabilites de combustion. Revue des Laboratoires d'Essai. Traitement du signal de l'environnement mecanique. Association pour le Developpement des Sciences et Techniques de l'Environnement, 25, Dec 90.
  • Veynante D., Lacas F. , Boudier P., Dillies B., Samaniego J.M., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1991). The Coherent Flamelet Model for propulsion applications. AGARD Conference Proceedings 510 , NATO. 40-1, 40-14.
  • Haworth D. et Poinsot T. (1990) The influence of Lewis number and nonhomogeneous mixture on premixed turbulent combustion. Proceedings of the 1990 Summer Program. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, 281-298.
  • Poinsot T. (1990) Controle actif des instabilites de combustion. Centraliens. 422, Decembre 1990.
  • Maistret E., Darabiha N., Poinsot T. , Veynante D., Lacas F., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1989). Recent developments in the coherent flame model of turbulent combustion. Third International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Antibes, Mai.
  • Poinsot T., Veynante D., Bourienne F., Esposito E., Candel S. et Surget J. (1988). Initiation and suppression of combustion instabilities. Twenty Second Symp. (Int.) on Combustion, 1363-1370. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh.
  • Poinsot T., Trouve A., Esposito E. et Candel S. (1987). Spectral imaging of premixed turbulent ducted flames. Turbulent Shear Flows, Toulouse.
  • Poinsot T., Lang W., Bourienne F., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1987). Suppression of combustion instability by active control. 23rd Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, Californie, 29 Juin - 2 Juillet.
  • Zikikout S., Candel S., Poinsot T., Trouve A. et Esposito E. (1986). High frequency combustion oscillations produced by mode selective excitation. Twenty First Symp.(Int.) on Combustion, 1427-1434. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh.
  • Laverdant A., Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1985). Influence of the mean temperature field on the acoustic mode structure in a dump combustor. presente a AIAA/ASME/SAE 21st Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, 8-10 Juillet.
  • Darabiha N., Poinsot T., Candel S. et Esposito E. (1985). A correlation between flame structure and acoustic instabilities. 10ieme congres ICDERS, Berkeley, 4-9 Aout.
  • Gaudiot J.J., Huetz J. et Poinsot T. (1982). Storage and discharge of energy in a phase change by pulverisation of molten salts: use of direct heat exchangers. 7th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Munich, 6-10 Septembre.

Invited Lectures

Plenary lectures

  • Poinsot T. (2023) Hydrogen as an energy vector for transportation? International Conference on Clean Energy for Carbon Neutrality. Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy. 7-10 mars 2023.
  • Poinsot T. (2022) Can we simulate safety scenarios linked to combustion? EPSC conference (European Process Safety Center). Antwerpen. 12-14 september 2022.
  • Poinsot T. (2021). Thermoacoustics of hydrogen enriched flames and effects of thermal boundary conditions. Plenary Thursday session. SOTIC Meeting, Munich, 6-10 sept 2021.
  • Poinsot T. (2020). Using hydrogen combustion to store renewable energies. The Fifty-Eighth Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion. 2-4 decembre. Web conference, Japon.
  • Poinsot T. (2020) Introduction to combustion. May 2020. Combustion Lectures. Tsinghua University. 1700 participants.
  • Poinsot T. (2020) Simulation and control of renewable combustion. June 2020. Combustion webinar Lectures. Georgia Tech.
  • Poinsot T. (2020) LES of reacting flows, IMPROOF Workshop, Ghent University, 27-28 January 2020.
  • Poinsot T. (2020) Flame- wall interactions. International Combustion Institute Summer School (ICISS) on Near-Wall Reactive Flows. TU Darmstadt. June 15-20th.
  • Poinsot T. (2019) High Performance Computing for aerospace propulsion. PASC19 (Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing conference series). ETH Zurich, June 12-14.
  • Poinsot T. (2019) LES of high pressure turbulent flames. Workshop on high pressure combustion. September 2019. Universitat der Bundeswehr Munich.
  • Poinsot T. (2018) Massively parallel simulation of instabilities in propulsion systems. COSAS (International Symposium on Computational Science at Scale) Meeting, FAU Erlangen, 5-7 sept 2018.
  • Poinsot T. (2017) La simulation en combustion, clef de l'energie au 21eme siecle. Conference invitee a l'Academie des Sciences, Paris. Conference-debat. Les simulations frontieres en mecanique des solides et des fluides, 9 mai 2017.
  • Poinsot T. (2016). Requirements and validations for LES tools in combustion. Invited plenary lecture, LES4ICE conference, IFPEN, 30 nov-1 dec 2016, Rueil Malmaison.
  • Poinsot T. (2016). Can we predict and control combustion instabilities in real engines ? Hottel plenary lecture at the 36th Symp. (Int.) on Comb. , Seoul, Korea.
  • Poinsot T. (2015) Unsteady combustion in gas turbines: ignition, quenching, instability and its control. Invited plenary lecture, Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2015). Melbourne.
  • Poinsot T. (2014) Control and simulation of thermoacoustic instabilities. Plenary lecture, American Physical Society meeting, San Francisco, Nov 23-25.
  • Poinsot T. (2012) Accuracy of two methods to measure laminar flames speeds : 1 Bunsen burner and 2 Bombs. INTERREG Conference LBV 2012 - New perspectives for Laminar Burning Velocity, Rouen, 21-22 May.
  • Poinsot T. (2011) What we can lean on combustion from exaflop computations. DEISA PRACE Symposium (Helsinki), 13-14 april.
  • Poinsot T. (2010) Simulation of flame-wall interaction. 1st Int. Workshop on Near Wall Reactive Flows. Darmstadt/Seeheim-Jungenheim ( Allemagne).
  • Poinsot T. (2010) Using massively parallel LES to compute reacting flows and instabilities in annular combustion chambers. Invited plenary lecture at ETMM 8, Marseille, June.
  • Poinsot T. (2009) Numerical and physical instabilities in massively parallel LES of reacting flows. QLES conference, Pisa, September 2009.
  • Poinsot T. (2008) Combustion noise. WORKSHOP ELECT (reseau Europeen des fabricants de turbines a gaz). Hyeres, Septembre.
  • Poinsot T. (2008) WORKSHOP REST ON COMBUSTION INSTABLITY MODELING. Paris, LES of instabilities in reacting flows, 1 et 2 octobre.
  • Poinsot T. (2008) LES of reacting flows on massively parallel machines. VECPAR 8th International Meeting, High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Toulouse, June 24-27, France, Springer, 444-464.
  • Poinsot T. (2008) LES of non-stationary combustion. SECOND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UNSTEADY COMBUSTION: Transport Phenomena, Chemical Reactions,Technical Systems. 10 - 11 April 2008. Bad Herrenhalb.
  • Poinsot T. (2008) Formation et recherche en calcul a haute performance en combustion. Colloque "Penser Petaflops" Institut Pasteur, Paris, 13 mai.
  • Poinsot T. (2007) LES of reacting flows. LES for Advanced design and combustion systems. Methods, Tools and applications. Action COST P20 LES-AID. Rouen, May 24-25.
  • Poinsot T. (2005) Instabilites de combustion. AAAF meeting. March 21-23, Toulouse, France.
  • Poinsot T. (2005) Simulation of combustion instabilities. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion, Lisbon 21-24 June 2005.
  • Westbrook, C., Mizobuchi, Y., Poinsot T., Warnatz J. and Smith, P. (2004) Numerical combustion. 30th Symp. (Int. ) on Combustion. Chicago, 26-30 August.
  • Poinsot T. (1999) Large Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities. Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena. Santa Barbara, Sept 12-15.
  • Poinsot T. (1999) What do we need to understand turbulent combustion ? Gordon Research Conference Laser diagnostics for combustion research. June 20-25, Il Ciocco, Italy.
  • Poinsot T. (1996) Using direct numerial simulation to understand turbulent combustion. 26th Sym. (Int.) on Comb.. Naples, p. 219-232.
  • Poinsot T. (1996) Direct numerial simulation of flame wall interaction Sixth Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion. SIAM, New Orleans.
  • Poinsot T. (1998) Controle actif des instabilites de combustion. Colloque "Control of fluids and structures" Institut Henri Poincare , Paris, 9 - 12 mars.
  • Poinsot T. (1994) Using Direct simulation to understand turbulent combustion. Physics Computing. Lugano, Aout.
  • Candel S., Huynh Hu C. et Poinsot T. (1994) Some modeling methods of combustion instabilities. Unsteady Combustion Portugal , Sep 6-17.

Other invited lectures

  • Poinsot T. (2015) Unsteady combustion in gas turbines. GAMM Meeting, Lecce, Italy, 23-27 mars.
  • T. Poinsot. LES and Multi-Physics for Engine Computations on Massively Parallel Machines. MUSAF (Multiphysics and Unsteady Simulations for Aeronautical Flows), Toulouse, 2010.
  • P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, and T. Poinsot. Massively parallel Large Eddy Simulation of combustion in annular gas turbines - invited conference. In SciDAC 2009, San Diego, USA, 2009.
  • L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, G. Staffelbach, E. Riber, A. Dauptain, N. Gourdain, M. Montagnac, J.-F. Boussuge, M. Gazaix, and T. Poinsot. High performance computing of industrial flows: Application to aeronautic and propulsion challenges - invited conference. In 1st Workshop on Complex Fluid Dynamics, Kaust campus, Saudi Arabia, 2010.
  • Poinsot, T. J. (2001) Combustion instabilities in gas turbines. Meeting of the English Section of the combustion Institute. Imperial College, April 26th.
  • Veynante, D., Boger, M., Knikker, R., Legier, J.P., Nottin, C., Poinsot T. et Varoquie B. (2000) Simulations aux grandes echelles pour la combustion turbulente; Colloque sur la combustion et sa modelisation. Marseille, 16-17 octobre.
  • Poinsot T. (1998) Active control of flow resonators. International Workshop on Control in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion. Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan. Octobre14-18.
  • Poinsot T. (1998) Using CFD to understand active control of flow resonators. Joint French / Japan workshop on computational methods for control applications, Tokyo, Japon, October 7-9.
  • Poinsot T. (1998) Les Ouvertures de l'Universite Paul Sabatier. Comment amadouer un moteur de fusee en lui jouant de la musique ?. 19 Mars.
  • Baum M. Hilka M. et Poinsot T. (1995) Using direct numerial simulation with detailed chemistry to study turbulent combustion. Bodenstein Conference on Combustion.
  • Corjon, A., Risso, F., Stoessel, A. and Poinsot, T., 3D direct numerical simulation of wake vortices : effects of atmospheric turbulence and rebound with crosswind,'' in Proceedings of the 78th fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium Trondheim, Norway (1996).
  • Poinsot T., Baritaud T., Henriot S., Torres A. et Trouve A. (1994) Direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion and implications for piston engine computations. ECCOMAS Conference Stuttgart.
  • Candel S., Huynh Hu C. et Poinsot T. (1994) Some modeling methods of combustion instabilities. Unsteady Combustion Portugal , Sep 6-17.
  • Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1994) Active control of combustion instabilities and performances. ECCOMAS Conference Stuttgart.
  • Poinsot T. (1992) Direct simulation of reacting flows. Panel on Computational Combustion (with Pr Pope and Pr Williams). Summer Program of CTR, Stanford Juillet.
  • Poinsot T. (1991) Simulation directe en combustion. Conference invitee au Mini Colloque Combustion. 10ieme Congres Francais de Mecanique, JUSSIEU. 5 Sept.
  • Poinsot T. (1991) Direct numerical simulation of turbulent premixed flames. Mini Symposium on Turbulent Combustion (Org: S. Pope), Fourth International Conference on Numerical combustion. SIAM, St Petersburg, December 2-4.
  • Candel S., Veynante D., Lacas F., Maistret E., Darabiha N. et Poinsot T. (1990). Flamelet descriptions of turbulent combustion Invited lecture, 9th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, Aout.
  • Candel S. et Poinsot T. (1988) Interaction between acoustics and combustion. Conference invitee au congres Acoustics 88, Cambridge.
  • Poinsot T., Hosseini K.M., Candel S. and Esposito E. (1986). Analyse des sources de bruit dans un foyer turbulent. Symposium Bruit and Vibrations Avignon. Mai.
  • Poinsot T. et Candel S. (1987). Non linear studies of low-frequency instabilities of turbulent combustors. Conference invitee au Symposium on Mathematical Modeling in Combustion, Ecole Centrale de Lyon.

Books, teaching and online courses

  • The CEFRC series of courses on combustion (Princeton, Tsinghua): you can watch the first lecture here and then find the others on youtube
  • The Toulouse series of courses on combustion. This is the slowest course, where you can find all the demos written on a blackboard, like in the old days... here and then find the others on the same web site. (the Elearning web site of CERFACS)

  • Theoretical and numerical combustion, CHINESE VERSION, 408 pages. Authors: T. Poinsot and D. Veynante. (2023, Edited by Chemical Industry Press, Co., Ltd.)
    Theoretical  and  numerical combustion (2023),
    Available on Chinese web site:
  • Theoretical and numerical combustion. Authors: T. Poinsot and D. Veynante. (2001, Edition: R.T. Edwards), 490 pages.
    Theoretical  and  numerical combustion (2001)
  • Theoretical and numerical combustion. Authors: T. Poinsot and D. Veynante. (2005, Second Edition: R.T. Edwards), 538 pages.
    Theoretical  and  numerical combustion (2005) ls
  • Theoretical and numerical combustion. Authors: T. Poinsot and D. Veynante. (2011, Third Edition by T. Poinsot), 603 pages.
    Theoretical  and  numerical combustion (2011)
    Coupled to the Elearning web site: https://www.cerfacs.elearning. Click here to access Elearning site
  • Theoretical and numerical combustion. Authors: T. Poinsot and D. Veynante. (2022, Fourth Edition by T. Poinsot), 603 pages.
    Theoretical  and  numerical combustion (2011)
    Now available on Amazon: Amazon link
  • Author with D. Veynante of the chapter "Combustion" in Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics. Editors : Prs T. Hughes (Stanford), R. de Borst (Delft) and E. Stein (Hannovre)
  • Editor of special issue for Flow Turbulence and Combustion : Large Eddy Simulation of reacting flows. 65, 2 (2000) (120 pages).
  • Author with Dr L. Selle of a chapter in "Combustion Phenomena: Selected Mechanisms of Flame Formation, Propagation, and Extinction " Editor : J. Jarosinski and B. Veyssiere. 2009.
  • Co author of book " Instabilities in reacting and non reacting flows" with T. Sengupta and J. Healey.
  • Direct simulation for turbulent reacting flows. Editeurs : T. Baritaud, T. Poinsot, M. Baum. Technip 1997. ISBN 2 7108 0698 3
  • Author with Dr L. Gicquel and Pr F. Nicoud of the chapter "Thermo-acoustic Instablilities" in " Lean Turbulent Premixed Flames: Physics and Modelling ". Editors: N. Swaminathan and K.N.C. Bray, Cambridge University Press, 2009.


  • Indirect active control of combustion instabilities. Patent published in France (1989), USA, Japan and Europe.
  • AIR LIQUIDE ET CNRS (2009) Bruleur a flamme a direction et/ou ouverture variable et procede de mise en oeuvre. 07823552.0 - 2301 PCT/FR2007051598.
  • AIR LIQUIDE et CNRS (2009) Appareil d'injection d'un jet de fluide direction et/ou ouverture variable. 07823551.2-2301 PCT/FR2007051597

PhD students (finished or ongoing)

  • A. Trouve 1985-89 Instabilites hydrodynamiques dans les flammes et instabilites de combustion Labo E.M2.C
  • JM. Samaniego 1987-91 Instabilites haute frequence dans les statoreacteurs Labo E.M2.C/ Aerospatiale
  • P. Boudier 1988-92 Application du modele de flamme coherente aux moteurs a piston Labo EM2C/IFP
  • M. Baum 1990-94 Simulation directe de la combustion turbulent.e Labo EM2C/CEE
  • P. Le Helley 199-094 Controle actif et etude des instabilites de combustion. GDF/Labo EM2C
  • B. Delhaye 1990-94 Simulation numerique directe des flammes de diffusion. Labo EM2C
  • F. Carbonnel 1990-94 Modelisation instationnaire pour les moteurs d helicopteres. CERFACS
  • B. Cuenot 1991-95 Simulation directe de la combustion supersonique. IMFT/1991-95
  • J.R. Angilella 1991-95 Turbulence monophasique et diphasique. CERFACS
  • G. Bruneaux 199-295 Simulation et modelisation de la combustion turbulente pres des parois. Labo EM2C/ IFP/Stanford
  • J.M. Duclos 1991-96 Modeles de flammelettes en combustion turbulente premelangee. Labo E.M2.C.
  • J. Piana 1992-96 Large Eddy Simulation pour la combustion turbulente premelangee. DRET/ Labo EM2C
  • O. Delabroy 1992-95 Utilisation du controle actif pour diminuer l emission de polluants des foyers industriels. Bertin/Labo EM2C
  • A. Durand 1993-96 Modelisation et algorithmes avances pour la combustion dans les moteurs. Labo EM2C/IFP
  • D. Sitbon 1994-97 Maillages chimere dans MATHILDA. Aerospatiale/ IMFT/ONERA
  • F. Bissieres 1994-97 Combustion diphasique. Aerospatiale/IMFT/ONERA/CERT
  • C. Angelberger 1994-97 Interaction flamme paroi et modeles pour les moteurs a piston. CERFACS/ PEUGEOT
  • A. Pires da Cruz 1994-1997 Development of a self-ignition and combustion model for Diesel engines IFP
  • P.A. Jouve 1991-96 Code de calcul parabolise pour la combustion supersonique. Aerospatiale/Labo EM2C
  • M. Hilka 1992-98 Modeles et simulation numerique directe pour les polluants. Labo EM2C
  • D. Marro 1994-98 Controle actif en combustion diphasique. IMFT/ ECP
  • C. Weber 1994-98 Techniques implicites et modeles de turbulence dans NSMB. CERFACS / AEROSPATIALE
  • N. Robart 1997-00 Controle actif dans les turbines a gaz. IMFT/CEE
  • J. Schluter 1997-00 Techniques LES pour les instabilites de combustion. CERFACS
  • J. Helie 1997-00 DNS et modeles pour la combustion turbulente partiellement premelangee. IFP
  • JP Legier 1998-2001 LES de systemes LPP pour les turbines a gaz. CERFACS/SNECMA
  • A. Albrecht 1998-01 DNS et LES d ecoulements turbulents de particules avec evaporation. IMFT
  • F. Laporte 1998-01 Large Eddy Simulation de tourbillons de sillage. CERFACS
  • F. Dabireau 1999-02 Lois de parois thermiques et interactions flamme paroi dans Vulcain. CERFACS/SEP
  • O. Vermorel 1999-03 Combustion diphasique. Application aux moteurs a piston. IMFT/CEE
  • V. Faivre 2000-03 Controle actif de la combustion en cogeneration IMFT/Air Liquide
  • L. Selle 2000-03 Effet des conditions limites en LES et interactions acoustique/ecoulement CERFACS/CEE
  • A. Kaufmann 2000-04 Developpement de modeles LES pour la combustion diphasique dans un contexte Eulerien CERFACS/IMFT
  • G. Lartigue 2000-04 Instabilites de combustion dans les turbines a gaz. Simulations LES. CERFACS/Turbomeca
  • K. Truffin 2001-05 Cientiques reduites pour la LES dans les turbines a gaz CERFACS/Snecma
  • V. Moureau 2001-05 LES dans lesmoteurs a piston. Methodes numeriques en maillage mobile IFP Rueil
  • P. Schmitt 2001-05 Calculs des instabilites dans les bruleurs etages de turbines a gaz. CERFACS/Alstom
  • C. Martin 2001-05 Calculs de polluants en LES dans les turbines a gaz. CERFACS/Alstom
  • S. Pascaud 2002-06 Modelisation de la combustion diphasique en techniques LES CERFACS
  • A. Sengissen 2002-06 Couplage fluide structure dans une turbine soumise a une instabilite de combustion CERFACS/CEE
  • G. Staffelbach 2002-06 Instabilites de combustion dans un bruleur de turbine a gaz. Calcul LES en chimie reduite CERFACS/CEE
  • A. Giauque 2003-06 Instabilites de combustion dans les turbines Couplage acoustique / LES CERFACS/CEE
  • L. Thobois 2003-06 Simulations LES pour les moteurs a piston bancs volutes et moteurs complets CERFACS/PSA
  • M. Porta 2004-07 Techniques LES en combustion appliquees au bruit de combustion CERFACS/CEE
  • V. Auffray 2004-07 Methodes numeriques sur maillages non structures en combustion CERFACS/SNECMA
  • G. Mauviot 2004-07 Modelisation systeme de la combustion Diesel pour codes zero dimensionnels IFP
  • S. Roux 2003-07 LES de foyers de turbine industrielle. Validation des modeles d interaction flamme/turbulence CERFACS/CEE
  • T. Lederlin 2003-07 Controle actif de bruleurs a jets separes. Application aux bruleurs de cogeneration IMFT/Air Liquide
  • G. Desoutter 2004-07 Modelisation de l interaction flamme / film liquide dans les moteurs a piston IFP
  • N. Lamarque 2004-07 Modelisation de l allumage en combustion diphasique CERFACS/Turbomeca
  • G. Boudier 2004-07 Ondes acoustiques et instabilites en ecoulement diphasique reactif CERFACS/DGA
  • F. Duchaine 2004-07 Optimisation de forme en combustion pour les turbines a gaz CERFACS/CEE
  • M. Garcia 2005-08 Simulations LES diphasiques avec methodes Lagrangiennes CERFACS/SNECMA
  • G. Lacaze 2006-09 Simulations de l allumage des moteurs cryogeniques CERFACS/SNECMA
  • G. Albouze 2006-09 LES en combustion dans des flammes de diffusion. Methodes de tabulation. CERFACS
  • Y. Dhue 2006-09 Etude experimentale et numerique de l effet de la vapeur d eau sur les flammes IMFT/Humirel
  • M. Leyko 2007-10 Bruit de combustion direct et indirect dans les turbines a gaz SNECMA
  • N. Guezennec 2007-10 Controle actif de la combustion diphasique Application aux bruleurs a jets separes IMFT/Air Liquide
  • A. Dulbecco 2007-10 Modeles 0D pour la combustion Diesel pour moteurs a piston IFP
  • B. Enaux 2007-10 Simulations LES pour les moteurs a piston en combustion multicycle CERFACS/PSA
  • J. Amaya 2007-10 Simulations LES couplees pour les mecanismes multiphysiques instationnaires CERFACS
  • V. Granet 2008-11 Modeles d'allumage dans les LES pour les moteurs a piston RENAULT
  • A. Eyssartier 2008-11 Simulations aux grandes echelles de configurations realistes pour les turbines a gaz SNECMA
  • R. Garby 2009-13 Instabilites de combustion dans des chambres a grande vitesse terminees par une tuyere DGA/IMFT
  • A. Bonhomme 2010-14 Combustion irrégulière dans les moteurs à piston (projet ANR ICAMDAC avec loIFP) ANR
  • G. Chaussonnet 2010-14 LES de combustion diphasique, modèles de films liquides sur parois CEE-TECC
  • E. Motheau 2010-13 Modèles acoustiques pour les instabilites Application aux turbines a gaz SNECMA
  • A. Robert 2010-13 LES de la combustion diphasique dans les moteurs à piston. Application au cliquetis et rumble. IFP/PSA
  • D. Mejia 2009-2013 Couplage thermique/ instabilités de combustion. Etude expérimentale MESR
  • A. Misdariis 2011-15 Couplage thermique / LES dans les moteurs à piston. Application au cliquetis et rumble. IFP/Renault
  • M. Bauerheim 2012-14 Methodes analytiques pour les instabilités de combustion. SNECMA
  • A. Ghani 2012-15 Modes transverses dans les chambres de combustion de turbines a gaz CEE
  • C. Lapeyre 2012-15 Stabilisation, stabilite et bruit de combustion des flammes swirlees ANR/CEE
  • T. Livebardon 2012-15 Bruit de combustion d un moteur d helicoptere Turbomeca
  • L. Labarrere 2012-15 Combustion a volume constant pour les systemes propulsifs. COMAT
  • T. Jaravel 2012-15 LES pour la conception des foyers LOWNOX SNECMA
  • M. Brebion 2013-16 Instabilites de combustion. Programme ERC Intecocis EC ERC IMFT
  • M. Ferand 2014-18 Modelisation du bruit de combustion de turbofan en champ lointain SAFRAN
  • S. Courtiaud 2015-17 Explosions dans les armes thermobariques CEA GRAMAT IMFT
  • Q. Douasbin 2015-18 Methodes analytiques pour les instabilites de combustion. SNECMA
  • T. Kaiser 2015-18 Instabilites de combustion et stabilite lineaire. ERC Intecocis at IMFT
  • D. Maestro 2015-18 LES of the interactions between flames and thermal phenomena: application to wall heat transfer CERFACS
  • R. Bizzari 2015-18 Modelisation aerodynamique et thermique des plaques multiperforees en LES SAFRAN/CERFACS
  • G. Oztarlik 2016-19 Controle actif et passif des instabilites par rotation, vibration, ajout d hydrogene EC ERC IMFT
  • C. Laurent 2016-19 Instabilites de combustion et methodes state space Bourses ENS
  • F. Dupuy 2016-19 Instabilites de combustion dans les moteurs d avion SAFRAN
  • Q. Male 2017-20 Propagation d'une flamme d'une prechambre a une chambre de combustion a travers un orifice RENAULT
  • E. Lo Schiavo 2017-20 LES of combustion instabilitiesin annular chambers EC ITN ANNULIGHT
  • J. Suarez 2018-2021 Combustion turbulente d'un melange de particules d'aluminium et de produits issus d'une detonation CEA GRAMAT IMFT
  • D. Schuster 2018-21 Lattice Boltzmann methods for aerodynamics and two-phase flows IMFT/CERFACS
  • A. Aniello 2019-22 Detection et identification des evenements extremes dans des flammes par methodes Deep Learning IMFT/ERC SCIROCCO
  • S. Marragou 2019-22 Amelioration de la stabilite de la combustion par l'hydrogene IMFT/ERC SCIROCCO
  • PA. Masset 2019-22 Combustion stationnaire de flammes dans les milieux poreux IMFT/ERC SCIROCCO
  • T. Moriniere 2019-22 Detection des anomalies et identification des evenements precurseurs des instabilites IMFT/ERC SCIROCCO
  • C. Mocquard 2020-23 Post combustion dans les moteurs d'avions de chasse CERFACS
  • F. Garnier 2021-24 Flammes jets d'hydrogene CERFACS/AIRBUS
  • L. Drozda 2020-23 Deep Learning appliquees a la resolution des EDP CERFACS
  • V. Xing 2020-23 Deep Learning appliquees a la combustion CERFACS
  • V. Coulon 2021-24 Combustion turbulente assistes par intelligence artificielle pour H2 EU/CERFACS
  • N. Detomaso 2021-24 Simulation de chambres de combustion CVC EU/CERFACS
  • P. Strempfl 2021-24 LES d'ecoulement et de combustion dans un moteur a detonation rotatif couple a une turbine EU/CERFACS
  • S. Sankurantripati 2021-24 Etude de la propagation des virus aeriens a l'aide de simulations haute fidelite CERFACS/VALEO
  • A. Dupuy 2023-26 Instabilites des flammes hydrogen air avec swirl CERFACS/HESTIA
  • J. Bertsch 2023-26 Stabilisation des flammes hydrogene air swirlees CERFACS/ONERA
  • E. Berthoumieu 2023-26 Modeles de combustion pour les flammes de diffusion CERFACS/ONERA
  • M. Chen 2023-26 Simulation d'injecteur hydrogen air RQL CERFACS/SAFRAN
  • K. Chaplet 2023-26 Flammes triples hydrogene air et systemes d'injection CERFACS/SAFRAN
  • T. Riou 2023-26 Bruit des flammes H2 air CERFACS/SAFRAN

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