We experiment here various forms of dynamic posts in the frame of asynchronous learning:
How to convey complex concept using a dynamic blog post?

Idyll tutorial

A tutorial to install and start with Idyll, from a Cerfacs user point-of-view.

Idyll tips and tricks

A tutorial that presents some hints about Idyll that you might find useful.

Idyll first try : the acoustic modes of a box

One of the simplest application of Idyll, a dynamic computing sheet to get the first acoustinf modes of a shoe-box.

What is a code review?

Get the feeling of a code review, reading comments about a code while the lines are scrolled and zoomed, following the reviewer focus.

The lemmings jobs loop

A trip in the job submission loop of Lemmings, a Cerfacs helper tool to make chained jobs easier to monitor and move them across various machines with differnt job schedulers.

Tutorial on D3.js imbedded in Idyll

D3.js is a reference in the field of datavisualization, a library to make dynamic, fancy graphs. This tutorial shows how to create and embed such graphs with the circular packing representing all the employees of Cerfacs.

Estimating the cost of a CFD computation

Understanding the many costs of simulations is the key to stay on a sustainable path. Using an example of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), this tutorial breaks down the problem into several steps, from the problem definition to the hardware ressources involved.

Scientific Software Maturity

A -subjective- self-assessment form to discover what can be done to increase a scientific software maturity.

Solar at CERFACS

What would installing solar power at CERFACS look like?