For more information here is the documentation.

Before starting:

Make sure you have a good version of npm and Node.js installed, otherwise you can encounter problems while installing Idyll.

To see if you already have Node.js and npm installed and check the installed version, run the following commands in your terminal:

node -v
npm -v

If you don’t have npm and Node.js installed please follow those instructions. You will need to have Homebrew installed on your mac, this is a tool that we use at Cerfacs to simplify the installation of software.

If Node.js and npm are already installed, I suggest you running the following command to make sure you have the latest version of npm.

npm install -g npm@latest
Note: You may need to prefix this commands with sudo, especially on Linux, or OS X if you installed Node.js using its default installer.

Install Idyll:

npm install -g idyll

You can now start working with the tool.

Create your first Idyll project:

You can either create a simple post or create a blog, no worries the procedure is almost the same.

Let’s create a simple post

To create a new post run :

idyll create
In this example we’ve decided to use the template “Article”. You can use any template except “Custom”

This command will create a new folder with the post all set up for you. You will have to name this folder and your post, I recommend giving the same name. You have several templates possibilities. If you want to create a simple post I suggest choosing Article from the menu, you may also use Scrollytellingor Slideshow depending on the post you want to make. The Multipage template is used for making blogs with multiple posts. (we will see that futher in the tutorial)

After answering the questions, all files and dependencies that we need will be installed.

To open and start your project just follow the instruction that are next given to you: