The last version of the coupler, OASIS3-MCT_5.0, comes with the
following novelties:
- Python, C and C++ bindings, see sections 2.3,
2.4 and 6.3.4
- A new load balancing analysis tool, see section 6.5
- An environment to use either SCRIP, ESMF or XIOS to
generate regridding weights and to analyse the quality of the
regridding, see directory examples/regrid_environment and section 6.3.3
- A new locally conservative remapping, to be used in particular
for runoffs, see LOCCUNIF, LOCCDIST and LOCCGAUS in section 4.3
- Extension of BLASNEW operation to support combination of
coupling fields, see section 4.4
- Improved and additional diagnostics in CHECKIN and CHECKOUT, see sections 4.2
and 4.4
- SCRIPR/CONSERV option for normalisation by the true area of the grid cells,
- New GSSPOS and BSSPOS options for global CONSERV (as
GLBPOS and BASPOS options respectively except that the
multiplicative term is computed separately for positive
and negative values of the field), see section 4.4
- Extension of oasis_get_intracomm to support
multiple components, see oasis_get_multi_intracomm in section 2.2.9
- Communication/exchange of simple scalars, see section 2.5.2
- Update examples in oasis3-mct/examples directory, see
section 6.3
- Update to MCT 2.11
- Update of compiling environment, see 6.1
- Migration from SVN to GIT for source management
- Migration of the OASIS3-MCT web site from DKRZ (content
manager Plone) to Cerfacs (content manager Wordpress), see the new
site at
inclusion of the number of neighbours used in the remapping file
- For SCRIPR/CONSERV, specification through the namcouple of North thresh
$NTHRESH and South thresh $STHRESH values, above
which a Lambert projection is activated
- New $NCDFTYP NetCDF file format setting through the
namcouple, see section 3.2
- Overload oasis_def_var interface to support excluding the argument id_var_shape from the argument list
- Systematic tests of NetCDF returned error code
- Update oasis_abort to also write to unit 0 (stderr)
- Bugfixes
- Component name argument in oasis_get_intercomm (ticket #2776)
- BICUBIC/BILINEAR sequence in weights generation (ticket # 2725)
- Array bounds check for cplfind (ticket # 2655)
- Fix error in maxloops/kfac computation in
oasis_mpi_reducelists (ticket # 2654)
- Exact calculation of local distance in GAUSWGT
interpolation (ticket #2500)
- Compatibility of load balancing analysis tool with CRAY
compiler (ticket # 2473)
- Problem with SCRIPR/BILINEAR periodicity (ticket # 2419)
- Problem in m_MCTWorld.F90 in the routine initm (ticket # 1321)
- Argument id_var_nodim defined as IN in mod_oasis_var.F90 to compile with NEMO_4.0 and NEMO trunk (git commit 28f4fe59)
- In SCRIPR/CONSERV , condition on coincidence
of segments is reinitialised to false for each cell (bugfix “lcoinc” ; see (Valcke and Piacentini 2019))