The MAPPING keyword is used to specify an input file to be
read and used for remapping. The
MAPPING file must follow the SCRIPR format (see
section 5.4) but can be generated by another
library, for example ESMF or XIOS (see details in section 6.3.3). As for the other transformations
and interpolations, different mappings can be specified for the
different coupling fields. Grid data files,, and
are not needed for MAPPING.
Since OASIS3-MCT_2.0, MAPPING can be used for higher order
remapping. Up to 5 different sets of weights (see section
5.4 for the weight file format) can be applied to
up to 5 different fields transfered through the oasis_put argument
(see section 2.2.7).
This transformation requires at least one configuring line with one
filename and two optional string values:
- $MAPNAME is the name of the mapping file to read. This
is a NetCDF file consistent with the SCRIPR map file format (see
section 5.4).
- $MAPLOC is optional and can be either src or
dst. With src, the mapping will be done in parallel on
the source processors before communication to the destination
model processes; this is the default. With dst, the mapping
is done on the destination processes after the source grid data is
sent from the source model.
- $MAPSTRATEGY is optional and can be either bfb,
sum, or opt. In bfb mode, the mapping is done
using a strategy that produces bit-for-bit identical results
regardless of the grid decompositions; this is the default. With sum, the
transform is done using the partial sum approach which generally
introduces roundoff level changes in the results on different
processor counts. Option opt allows the coupling layer to
choose either approach based on an analysis of which strategy is
likely to run faster. Usually, partial sums will be used if the
source grid has a higher resolution than the target grid as this
should reduce the overall communication (in particular for conservative
remapping). By default $MAPSTRATEGY = bfb.
Note that if SCRIPR (see below) is used to calculate the
remapping file, MAPPING can still be listed in the
namcouple, for example to use it with a specific
SCRIPR gathers the interpolation techniques offered by Los
Alamos National Laboratory SCRIP 1.4 library
(Jones 1999)10. SCRIPR routines
are in oasis3-mct/lib/scrip. See the SCRIP 1.4 documentation
in oasis3/doc/SCRIPusers.pdf for more details on the
interpolation algorithms.
Since OASIS3-MCT_4.0 release, a hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallel version
of the SCRIP library is available. It relies on the MPI parallel
layout of the calling model but only uses one MPI process per
node. The number of OpenMP threads per MPI process used by SCRIP is
set by a dedicated environment variable OASIS_OMP_NUM_THREADS,
which can be different from the default number of threads per MPI
process used elsewhere in the application, set by the environment
variable OMP_NUM_THREADS ; in practice, OASIS_OMP_NUM_THREADS has
to be smaller or equal to OMP_NUM_THREADS. For optimum performance,
it is recommended to set OASIS_OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of
cores on the node. The regrid_environment directory (see
section 6.3.3) in
oasis3-mct/examples/regrid_environment gives a practical example on
how to use the SCRIP library11 in parallel to
calculate regridding weight-and-address files. The details of the
SCRIP parallelisation can be found in (Piacentini et al 2018) and
(Valcke et al 2018)12 .
When the SCRIP library performs a remapping, it first checks if the
file containing the corresponding remapping weights and addresses
exists; if it exists, it reads them from the file; if not, it
calculates them and store them in a file. In the later case, SCRIP
needs the grid data files and (see
section 5.1).
The weight-and-address file is created in the
working directory and is by default called,, or
src and tgt are the acronyms of respectively the source and the target
grids, INTTYPE is the interpolation type (i.e. DISTWGT,
Then NORMAOPT is the normalization
neighbors used for DISTWGT, DISTWGTNF, GAUSWGT,
One has to take care that the
remapping file will have the same name even if other details, like
the grid masks or the $MAPLOC or $MAPSTRATEGY options,
are changed. When reusing a remapping file, one has
to be sure that it was generated in exactly the same conditions than
the ones it is used for.
The following types of interpolations are available:
- DISTWGT performs a distance weighted nearest-neighbour
interpolation (N neighbours) with a nearest neighbor fill for non-masked target points
that do not receive a value. All types of grids are supported.
- DISTWGTNF performs a distance weighted nearest-neighbour
interpolation (N neighbours) without the nearest neighbor fill for non-masked target points.
All types of grids are supported.
The configuring line is:
- $CGRS is the source grid type (LR, D or
U)- see appendix A.
- $CFTYP is the field type: SCALAR. The option
VECTOR, which in fact leads to a scalar treatment of the
field (as in the previous versions), is still accepted.
VECTOR_I or VECTOR_J (i.e. vector fields) are not supported
anymore in OASIS3-MCT. See “Support of vector fields with
the SCRIPR remappings” below.
- $REST is a bin search restriction type: LATLON or
LATITUDE, see SCRIP 1.4 documentation SCRIPusers.pdf.
- $NBIN the number of restriction bins that must be equal to 1 for DISTWGT, DISTWGTNF, GAUSWGT, GAUSWGTNF, BILINEAR, BILINEARNF, BICUBIC or BICUBICNF (i.e. the
bin restriction is not allowed13; for details, see
(Piacentini et al 2018)).
- $NV is the number of neighbours used.
- $ASSCMP, $PROJCART: UNUSED; vector fields are not supported
anymore in OASIS3-MCT. See “Support of vector fields with
the SCRIPR remappings” below.
- GAUSWGT performs a N nearest-neighbour interpolation
weighted by their distance and a gaussian function with a nearest neighbor fill for
non-masked target points that do not receive a value. All grid types are supported.
- GAUSWGTNF performs a N nearest-neighbour interpolation
weighted by their distance and a gaussian function without the nearest neighbor fill for
non-masked target points. All grid types are supported.
The configuring line is:
where all entries are as for DISTWGT, except that:
- $VAR defines the weight given to a neighbour source grid
point as proportional to
is the distance between the source and target grid points,
is, for each target grid point, the square of average distance between its source grid points
(calculated automatically by OASIS3-MCT).
locally conservative interpolation by associating N target nearest
neighbours to every SOURCE grid point, and applying a weight
normalization taking into account the source/target mesh area ratio. Interpolation
weights can additionally be modulated by the source/target
distances (LOCCDIST) or by the source/target
distances and a gaussian function (LOCCGAUS). All
types of grids are supported. These interpolations are convenient
to transfer coupling fields from disjoints areas, such as the
river runoff flux, as studied in (Voldoire 2020).
The configuring line is:
- $CMETH $CGRS $CFTYP $REST $NBIN $NV entries are
as for DISTWGT and $VAR is as for
GAUSWGT. Note that for these interpolations, $NV represents the number of
target (and not source) neighbours. For details, see (Maisonnave 2020).
- BILINEAR performs an interpolation based on a local
bilinear approximation (see details in chapter 4 of SCRIP 1.4
documentation SCRIPusers.pdf). Logically-Rectangular (LR) and
Reduced (D) source grid types are supported. It also generates
regridded values with a nearest neighbor fill for non-masked
target points that do not receive any value with the original algorithm.
- BILINEARNF is identical to BILINEAR but without the
nearest neighbor fill.
- BICUBIC performs an interpolation based on a local
bicubic approximation for Logically-Rectangular (LR) grids (see
details in chapter 5 of SCRIP 1.4 documentation SCRIPusers.pdf),
and on a 16-point stencil for Gaussian Reduced (D) grids. Note
that for Logically-Rectangular grids, 4 weights for each of the 4
enclosing source neighbours are required corresponding to the
field value at the point, the gradients of the field with respect
to i and j, and
the cross gradient with respect to i and j in that
order. OASIS3-MCT will calculate the remapping weights and
addresses (if they are not already provided) but will not, at run
time, calculate the two gradients and the cross-gradient of the
source field (as was the case with OASIS3.3). These 3 extra fields
need to be calculated by the source code and transfered as extra
arguments of the oasis_put (see fld2, fld3, fld4 in
section 2.2.7). Finally, this interpolation will fill
non-masked target points that do not receive a value with a nearest neighbor fill.
- BICUBICNF is identical to BICUBIC but without the
nearest neighbor fill.
For BILINEAR, BILINEARNF, BICUBIC, and BICUBICNF, the configuring line
- $CGRS is the source grid type: LR or D.
- $CFTYP, $REST, $NBIN are as for DISTWGT.
- Masked target grid points: the zero value is associated to
masked target grid points.
- Non-masked target grid points having some of the source
points normally used in the interpolation
masked: a N nearest neighbour algorithm using the remaining non
masked source points is applied.
- Non-masked target grid points having all source
points normally used in the interpolation
masked: by default, the nearest non-masked source
neighbour is used (ll_nnei is set to .true. in the SCRIP run).
- Identical behavior to non-NF options but no nearest non-masked source
neighbour fill is done (ll_nnei is set to .false in the SCRIP run).
Non-masked target grid points that do not receive any interpolated value are set to 0 .
- CONSERV performs 1st or 2nd order conservative
remapping, which means that the weight of a source cell is
proportional to area intersected by the target cell (plus some
other terms proportional to the gradient of the field in the
longitudinal and latitudinal directions for the second order).
The configuring line is:
- $CGRS is the source grid type: LR, D and U. Note that
the grid corners have to given by the user in the grid data file or by the code itself in the initialisation phase
by calling routine oasis_write_corner (see section
2.2.4) ; OASIS3-MCT will not attempt to
automatically calculate them as OASIS3.3.
- $CFTYP, $REST are as for DISTWGT.
- $NBIN is the number of restriction bins that can be more than 1 as bin restriction is effectively allowed for CONSERV; for details, see (Piacentini et al 2018).
- $NORM is the normalization option:
- FRACAREA or FRACARTR: The sum of the non-masked source cell
intersected areas is used to normalise each target cell field
value: the flux is not locally conserved, but the flux value
itself is reasonable. With FRACARTR, an additional correction involving the “true" area of the grid cells
provided in the file is also applied, see details in the paragraph on the “True Area” (TR) correction below.
- FRACNNEI or FRACNNTR: as FRACAREA or FRACARTR, except that an additional unmasked source nearest neighbour is used for unmasked
target cells that intersect only masked source cells.
- DESTAREA or DESTARTR: The total target cell area is used to
normalise each target cell field value even if it only partly
intersects non-masked source grid cells: local flux
conservation is ensured, but unreasonable flux values may
result. With DESTARTR, an additional correction involving the “true" area of the grid cells
provided in the file is also applied, see details in the paragraph on the “True Area” (TR) correction below.
- DESTNNEI or DESTNNTR: as DESTAREA or DESTARTR, except that an additional unmasked source nearest neighbour is used for unmasked
target cells that intersect only masked source cells.
- $ORDER: FIRST or SECOND for first or
second order conservative remapping respectively (see SCRIP 1.4
For CONSERV/SECOND, 3 weights are needed; OASIS3-MCT will
calculate these weights and corresponding addresses (if they are
not already provided) but will not, at run time, calculate the
two extra terms to which the second and third weights should be
applied. These terms, respectively the gradient of the field
with respect to the latitude (
and the gradient of the field with respect to the
longitude (
need to be calculated by the source code and transferred
as extra arguments of the oasis_put as fld2 and fld3
respectively (see section 2.2.7). Note that CONSERV/SECOND is
not positive definite.
- $NTHRESH is the value of the northern latitude threshold in radians
where conservative area computation switches from linear boundaries in
longitude and latitude at the equator to a Lambert equivalent azimuthal projection
toward the north pole. This value is optional and the default is 2.0
radians (greater than 90 degrees) which means the Lambert projection is
never invoked. If this value is set, $STHRESH must be set as well.
- $STHRESH is the value of the southern latitude threshold in radians
where conservative area computation switches from linear boundaries in
longitude and latitude at the equator to a Lambert equivalent azimuthal projection
toward the south pole. This value is optional and the default is -2.0
radians (less than -90 degrees) which means the Lambert projection is
never invoked. If this value is set, $NTHRESH must be set as well.
Precautions related to the use of the SCRIPR/CONSERV remapping
- Lambert projection above/below north_thresh/south_thresh
For the 1st order conservative remapping, the weight of a
source cell is proportional to area of the source cell intersected
by target cell. Using the divergence theorem, the SCRIP library
evaluates this area with the line integral along the cell borders
enclosing the area. As the real shape of the borders is not known
(only the location of the corners of each cell is known), the
library assumes that the borders are linear in latitude and
longitude between two corners. This assumption becomes less valid
closer to the pole.
Therefore for latitudes above the north_thresh
or below the south_thresh values (see
oasis3-mct/lib/scrip/remap_conserv.F90), the library evaluates
the intersection between two border segments using a Lambert
equivalent azimuthal projection. However, by default, north_thresh and
south_thresh are set to 2.0 and -2.0 radians respectively and the Lambert projection is not activated.
(Note that north_thresh was set to 1.45 in previous versions prior to OASIS3-MCT_4.0.)
The value of the north and south threshhold can be defined in the
namcouple file via the $NTHRESH and $STHRESH optional settings
on the SCRIPR input line.
(Valcke and Piacentini 2019) analyses the impact of the Lambert projection for specific grids.
- Another limitation of the SCRIP 1st order conservative
remapping algorithm is that it assumes, for line integral
calculation, that
is linear in longitude on the
cell borders which again is in general not valid close to the
- For a proper consevative remapping, the corners of a cell have
to coincide with the corners of its neighbour cell, with no
“holes” between the cells.
- Overlying cells
If two cells of one same grid overlay, the one with
the greater numerical index must be masked in for a proper conservative remapping. For example,
if the grid cells with i=1 overlays the grid cells with i=imax, the latter must
be masked. If none of overlying cells is masked (given the
original mask defined in, OASIS3-MCT must be compiled with the CPP key
TREAT_OVERLAY which will ensure that these rules are
respected. This CPP key was introduced in OASIS3.3.
- Masked (non-active) target grid cells are set to 0.
- If a target grid cell intersects only masked source cells, or falls outside the source grid domain, it
will get a zero value unless the DESTNNEI, DESTNNTR, FRACNNEI, or FRACNNTR
normalisation options are used, in which case it will get the source
nearest non masked neighbour value. Note that the option of
having the value 1.0E+20 assigned to these target grid cell
intersecting only masked source cells (for easier
identification) is not yet availble in OASIS3-MCT.
The “True Area” (TR) correction: DESTARTR,
The approximations and hypotheses adopted by the SCRIP impact its estimation of the grid cell areas. Therefore, to have an exact conservation of the field surface-integrated values, a correction based on the "TRue" (TR) area of the cells can be applied by choosing DESTARTR, DESTNNTR, FRACARTR or FRACNNTR options. These are based respectively on DESTAREA, DESTNNEI, FRACAREA and FRACNNEI normalisations adding the so-called “TR correction”. The true area of the cell, i.e. the one considered by the component model itself, must be provided in the auxiliary file in square radians. Equations from (Chavas et al 2013) (eqn. (27) in particular) are implemented.
Special care is taken in the implementation for “polar" cells in the
SCRIP sense. The SCRIP detects cells encompassing a pole or cells with
a side going through a pole as “polar" cells and a specific treatment
is applied for those cells modifying its area. The resulting estimated
area serves as a normalisation factor but its value is not
representative of the surface of the cell anymore. For this reason,
the TR correction is not activated for those “polar” cells.
More details can be found in section 6 of (Valcke and Piacentini 2019). A full validation of the TR correction can be found in that report. It is noted there that the TR correction always improves the results even if, in the cases tested, the misfit between the true area and the are evaluated by the SCRIP is always small (except for “polar” cells of course).
Support of vector fields with the SCRIPR remappings
Vector mapping is NOT supported and will not be supported by
OASIS3-MCT. For proper treatment of vector fields, the source
code has to send the 3 components of the vector projected in a
Cartesian coordinate system as separate fields. The target
code has to receive the 3 interpolated Cartesian components and
recombine them to get the proper vector field.