In the component time step loop, each process sends its part of the coupling (or I/O) field.
To ensure a proper use of the oasis_put, one has to take care of the following aspects:
This will be used also for the CONSERV/SECOND for which a 1st, 2nd, 3rd set of weights should be respectively applied to the field value, its gradient with respect to the latitude () and its gradient with respect to the longitude () in that order. For CONSERV/SECOND, fld2 and fld3 are therefore mandatory.
Bicubic and higher order remapping are therefore supported given that the higher order fields are provided at each time step as oasis_put arguments. Note that if fld3, or fld4, or fld5 are passed, fld2, or fld3 and fld2, or fld4 and fld3 and fld2 must also be passed respectively.
This option does not put any constraint on the order of the related oasis_put and oasis_get in the codes.
As they appear in one single entry line, these fields must share the same coupling restart file but this restart file may contain other fields.