rcb.F [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | include(dom.inc)
   2 | 
   3 | !     ===============================================================
   4 | !     Copyright (c) CERFACS (all rights reserved)
   5 | !     ===============================================================
   6 | 
   7 | 
   8 |       subroutine rcb ( ndim, nnode, npartition, x, weight, sort,        &
   9 |      &                 rwork, newlist, ioldlist, ibegpart, ilenpart )
  10 | 
  11 | !                                                                      !
  12 | ! ******************************************************************** !
  13 | !                                                                      !
  14 | !     Purpose:  Partitions the graph of a grid using the Recursive     !
  15 | !               Coordinate Bisection algorithm.                        !
  16 | !                                                                      !
  17 | !     Input:    The number of space dimensions, `ndim';                !
  18 | !               the number of nodes `nnode'; the number of             !
  19 | !               partitions `npartition'; the coordinates of            !
  20 | !               the nodes of the graph `x'; an optional                !
  21 | !               real-valued and positive weighting function            !
  22 | !               associated with each node `weight'; an external        !
  23 | !               subroutine `sort' for sorting an array ( see           !
  24 | !               accompanying subroutine library ).                     !
  25 | !                                                                      !
  26 | !     Output:   A list `newlist' whose nth element contains the        !
  27 | !               new number associated with the nth node ; a list       !
  28 | !               `ioldlist' that gives the correspondance between       !
  29 | !               old and new nodes; begin addresses `ibegpart' and      !
  30 | !               the lengths `ilenpart' of the partitions               !
  31 | !               of `newlist'.                                          !
  32 | !                                                                      !
  33 | !     Local:    A real workspace `rwork' spanning the nodes.           !
  34 | !                                                                      !
  35 | !     Authors:  M. Rudgyard.                                           !
  36 | !                                                                      !
  37 | !     Checked:  21/4/94                                                !
  38 | !                                                                      !
  39 | !     Last modified: M. Garcia (Bug ID 152) - 26/05/08                 !
  40 | !                                                                      !
  41 | !     Changed to f90(fixed): M. Garcia (10/07/2003)                    !
  42 | !                                                                      !
  43 | ! ******************************************************************** !
  44 | !                                                                      !
  45 |       implicit none
  46 | 
  47 |       include 'dom_constants.h'
  48 | 
  49 | !     IN/OUT
  50 | !     ------
  51 |       DOM_INT, intent(in)                             :: ndim
  52 |       DOM_INT, intent(in)                             :: nnode
  53 |       DOM_INT, intent(inout)                          :: npartition
  54 |       DOM_INT, dimension(1:nnode), intent(inout)      :: newlist
  55 |       DOM_INT, dimension(1:nnode), intent(inout)      :: ioldlist
  56 |       DOM_INT, dimension(1:npartition), intent(inout) :: ibegpart
  57 |       DOM_INT, dimension(1:npartition), intent(inout) :: ilenpart
  58 | 
  59 |       DOM_REAL, dimension(1:*), intent(inout)         :: weight
  60 |       DOM_REAL, dimension(1:nnode), intent(inout)     :: rwork
  61 |       DOM_REAL, dimension(1:ndim,1:nnode), intent(in) :: x
  62 | 
  63 | !     LOCAL
  64 | !     -----
  65 |       DOM_INT    :: ibp, icount, icut, idiv, idummy, ilp
  66 |       DOM_INT    :: in_list, ipart, ireal_sort, ishift, isize, isort
  67 |       DOM_INT    :: level, n, nd, ndir, new, npart, nlevel, maxcount
  68 |       DOM_INT, dimension(1:3)  :: nmin
  69 |       DOM_INT, dimension(1:3)  :: nmax
  70 | 
  71 |       DOM_REAL                 :: cut, dxmax, totalw, tweight
  72 |       DOM_REAL, dimension(1:3) :: xmin
  73 |       DOM_REAL, dimension(1:3) :: xmax
  74 | 
  75 |       DOM_INT, dimension(:), allocatable :: idivide
  76 | 
  77 |       external sort
  78 | 
  79 | !                                                                      !
  80 | ! ******************************************************************** !
  81 | 
  82 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
  83 | !     Define number of partitions required:                            !
  84 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
  85 | 
  86 |       if (npartition > nnode) then
  87 | 
  88 |         write(6,*) '****************** Warning ******************'
  89 |         write(6,*) 'Unable to cut into required no. of partitions'
  90 | 
  91 |         npartition = npartition / 2
  92 | 
  93 |         do while (npartition > nnode)
  94 | 
  95 |           npartition = npartition / 2
  96 | 
  97 |         end do
  98 | 
  99 |         write(6,*) 'Number of partitions set to :', npartition
 100 | 
 101 |       end if
 102 | 
 103 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 104 | !     Initialise arrays:                                               !
 105 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 106 | 
 107 |       do n = 1, nnode
 108 | 
 109 |         newlist(n) = n
 110 | 
 111 |       end do
 112 | 
 113 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 114 | !     Normalise weighting functions if required:                       !
 115 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 116 | 
 117 |       if ( weight(1) > 0.0 ) then
 118 | 
 119 |         totalw = 0.0
 120 | 
 121 |         do n = 1, nnode
 122 | 
 123 |           if (weight(n) < 0.0) then
 124 | 
 125 |             write(6,*) '*************** ERROR *****************'
 126 |             write(6,*) 'Negative weight  --- program terminated'
 127 |             stop
 128 | 
 129 |           end if
 130 | 
 131 |           totalw = totalw + weight(n)
 132 | 
 133 |         end do
 134 | 
 135 |         do n = 1, nnode
 136 | 
 137 |            weight(n) = weight(n) / totalw
 138 | 
 139 |         end do
 140 | 
 141 |       end if
 142 | 
 143 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 144 | !     Define number of levels required:                                !
 145 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 146 | 
 147 |       nlevel = 1
 148 | 
 149 |       do while (2**nlevel < npartition)
 150 | 
 151 |         nlevel = nlevel + 1
 152 | 
 153 |       end do
 154 | 
 155 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 156 | !     Allocate local dynamic array:                                    !
 157 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 158 | 
 159 |       isize = 2**nlevel
 160 | 
 161 |       allocate(idivide(isize))
 162 | 
 163 |       do n = 1, isize
 164 | 
 165 |         idivide(n) = 0
 166 | 
 167 |       end do
 168 | 
 169 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 170 | !     Set initial level:                                               !
 171 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 172 | 
 173 |       npart = 1
 174 |       ibegpart(1) = 1
 175 |       ilenpart(1) = nnode
 176 |       idivide(1)  = npartition
 177 | 
 178 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 179 | !     For each level, loop over existing partitions                    !
 180 | !     and define new partitions:                                       !
 181 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 182 | 
 183 |       do level = 1, nlevel
 184 | 
 185 |         ipart = 1
 186 |         maxcount = npart
 187 | 
 188 |         do icount = 1, maxcount
 189 | 
 190 |           idiv = idivide(ipart)
 191 | !
 192 | !     Do not subdivide unit partitions:
 193 | !     ---------------------------------
 194 | 
 195 |           if (idivide(ipart) == 1) then
 196 | 
 197 |             ipart = ipart + idiv
 198 |             cycle
 199 | 
 200 |           end if
 201 | 
 202 | !
 203 | !     Find geometric bounds of the partition:
 204 | !     ---------------------------------------
 205 | 
 206 |           do nd = 1, ndim
 207 | 
 208 |             xmin(nd) = big
 209 |             xmax(nd) = -big
 210 | 
 211 |             do new = ibegpart(ipart),                                   &
 212 |      &               ibegpart(ipart) + ilenpart(ipart) - 1
 213 | 
 214 |               n = newlist(new)
 215 | 
 216 |               if (x(nd,n) < xmin(nd)) then
 217 | 
 218 |                 xmin(nd) = x(nd,n)
 219 |                 nmin(nd) = nnode
 220 | 
 221 |               end if
 222 | 
 223 |               if (x(nd,n) > xmax(nd)) then
 224 | 
 225 |                 xmax(nd) = x(nd,n)
 226 |                 nmax(nd) = nnode
 227 | 
 228 |               end if
 229 | 
 230 |             end do
 231 | 
 232 |           end do
 233 | 
 234 | !
 235 | !     Find the longest coordinate direction:
 236 | !     --------------------------------------
 237 | 
 238 |           dxmax = -big
 239 | 
 240 |           do nd = 1, ndim
 241 | 
 242 |             if (xmax(nd)-xmin(nd) > dxmax) then
 243 | 
 244 |               dxmax = xmax(nd) - xmin(nd)
 245 |               ndir = nd
 246 | 
 247 |             end if
 248 | 
 249 |           end do
 250 | 
 251 | !
 252 | !     Fill the nodal workspace to be used for sorting:
 253 | !     ------------------------------------------------
 254 | 
 255 |           do new = ibegpart(ipart),                                     &
 256 |      &             ibegpart(ipart) + ilenpart(ipart) - 1
 257 | 
 258 |             n = newlist(new)
 259 |             rwork(new) = x(ndir,n)
 260 | 
 261 |           end do
 262 | 
 263 | !
 264 | !     Sort the graph in this direction:
 265 | !     ---------------------------------
 266 | 
 267 |           ireal_sort = 1
 268 |           in_list = 1
 269 |           isort = 1
 270 |           ilp = ilenpart(ipart)
 271 |           ibp = ibegpart(ipart)
 272 | 
 273 |           call sort ( ireal_sort, isort, in_list, ilp,                  &
 274 |      &                idummy, rwork(ibp), newlist(ibp) )
 275 | 
 276 | !
 277 | !     Set up new partition:
 278 | !     ---------------------
 279 | 
 280 |           npart = npart + 1
 281 |           ishift = idivide(ipart) / 2
 282 |           idivide(ipart+ishift) = idivide(ipart) - idivide(ipart) / 2
 283 | 
 284 | !
 285 | !     Define disection point of old partition:
 286 | !     ----------------------------------------
 287 | 
 288 |           icut = ( ilenpart(ipart)/idivide(ipart) ) * ishift
 289 | 
 290 |           if ( weight(1) > 0.0 ) then
 291 | 
 292 | !
 293 | !     Disect graph when the sum of the weighted coordinates exceeds
 294 | !     the average value:
 295 | !     -------------------------------------------------------------
 296 | 
 297 |             totalw = 0.0
 298 | 
 299 |             do new = ibegpart(ipart),                                   &
 300 |      &               ibegpart(ipart) + ilenpart(ipart) - 1
 301 | 
 302 |               n = newlist(new)
 303 |               totalw = totalw + weight(n)
 304 | 
 305 |             end do
 306 | 
 307 |             cut = ( totalw * icut ) / ilenpart(ipart)
 308 | 
 309 |             new = ibegpart(ipart) - 1
 310 | 
 311 |             tweight = zero
 312 |             new = new + 1
 313 |             n = newlist(new)
 314 |             tweight = tweight + weight(n)
 315 | 
 316 |             do while (tweight < cut)
 317 | 
 318 |               new = new + 1
 319 |               n = newlist(new)
 320 |               tweight = tweight + weight(n)
 321 | 
 322 |             end do
 323 | 
 324 |             icut = n
 325 | 
 326 |           end if
 327 | 
 328 | !
 329 | !     Define start addresses and length of new partitions:
 330 | !     ----------------------------------------------------
 331 | 
 332 |           ibegpart(ipart+ishift) = ibegpart(ipart) + icut
 333 |           ilenpart(ipart+ishift) = ilenpart(ipart) - icut
 334 |           ilenpart(ipart) = icut
 335 | 
 336 |           idivide(ipart) = ishift
 337 | 
 338 |           ipart = ipart + idiv
 339 | 
 340 |         end do
 341 | 
 342 |       end do
 343 | 
 344 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 345 | !     Set up the reverse pointer:                                      !
 346 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 347 | 
 348 |       do new = 1, nnode
 349 | 
 350 |           n = newlist(new)
 351 |           ioldlist(n) = new
 352 | 
 353 |       end do
 354 | 
 355 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 356 | !     Deallocate local dynamic array:                                  !
 357 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------!
 358 | 
 359 |       deallocate(idivide)
 360 | 
 361 | 
 362 |       return
 363 |       end subroutine rcb
 364 | 

rcb.F could be called by:
Makefile [SOURCES] - 89
meshpartition.F [SOURCES/MAIN/MASTER] - 78