1 | include(dom.inc)
2 |
3 | SUBROUTINE meshpartition
4 | ! ================================================================!
5 | ! !
6 | ! meshpartition.F : Controls the partitioning of the mesh and the !
7 | ! redistribution of the connectivities. !
8 | ! out : !
9 | ! !
10 | ! author : D. Poitou (sept2011) !
11 | ! !
12 | ! ================================================================!
13 |
14 | USE mod_pmm
15 | USE mod_prissma
16 | USE mod_inout
17 |
19 |
20 | include 'pmm_constants.h'
21 | include 'dom_constants.h'
22 |
23 | ! LOCAL
24 | DOM_INT :: icell, inode, iface, ibnd, ilocal, nbnodes
25 | DOM_INT :: i, j, k, dummy, next_cell, next_face, next_local
26 | DOM_INT :: ivface
28 | DOM_REAL :: weight
29 | CHARACTER*80 :: file, file2
30 |
31 | DOM_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:) :: relwork
32 | DOM_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: x_cells
33 | DOM_INT , allocatable, dimension(:) :: ielogo
34 |
35 | DOM_INT , allocatable, dimension(:) :: cnodes, cfaces
36 | DOM_INT , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: cnnode, cnface
37 | LOGICAL , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: node_part
38 | DOM_INT , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: face_part
39 | DOM_INT , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: facenodes
40 | DOM_INT , allocatable, dimension(:) :: nfcelt
41 | DOM_INT , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: neighs
42 |
44 | external heap_sort
45 |
46 | PRINT*," Original Mesh:"
47 | PRINT*," - Ncells :", i_dom_ncells
48 | PRINT*," - Nnodes :", i_dom_nnodes
49 | PRINT*," - Nbfaces:", i_dom_nbfaces
50 | PRINT*," >>> Mesh partitionning over", i_dom_npart, "domains"
51 | PRINT*
52 |
53 | ! --------------------------------------!
54 | ! Calculate graph partitionig using RCB !
55 | ! --------------------------------------!
56 |
57 | ! Lire les coordonnées des cellules -> x_cells
58 |
59 | file = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/Centercells.in'
61 |
62 | ALLOCATE(x_cells (i_dom_ndim, i_dom_ncells))
63 |
64 | DO icell = 1, i_dom_ncells
65 | READ(FILE_CELLS) dummy, (x_cells(j,icell), j=1,i_dom_ndim)
66 | ENDDO
67 |
69 |
70 | weight = -1.0
71 |
72 | ALLOCATE(ielogo (i_dom_ncells))
73 | ALLOCATE(relwork (i_dom_ncells))
74 | ALLOCATE(ip_beg (i_dom_npart))
75 | ALLOCATE(ip_len (i_dom_npart))
76 | ALLOCATE(ip_partition(i_dom_ncells))
77 |
78 | CALL rcb(i_dom_ndim, i_dom_ncells, i_dom_npart, x_cells, weight, &
79 | & heap_sort, relwork, ip_partition, ielogo, ip_beg, ip_len)
80 |
81 | MAX_CELL_PART = MAXVAL(ip_len)
82 |
83 | DEALLOCATE(x_cells)
84 | DEALLOCATE(relwork)
85 | DEALLOCATE(ielogo)
86 |
87 | ! -----------------------------------------!
88 | ! Distribute the vectors on the subdomains !
89 | ! -----------------------------------------!
90 |
91 | file = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/Cellnodes.in'
92 | file2 = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/Cell2faces.in'
93 |
96 |
97 | ALLOCATE(cnodes(i_dom_ncells))
98 | ALLOCATE(cfaces(i_dom_ncells))
99 | ALLOCATE(cnnode(MAX_NNODES_CELL,i_dom_ncells))
100 | ALLOCATE(cnface(MAX_NFACES_CELL,i_dom_ncells))
101 |
102 | DO icell=1,i_dom_ncells
103 | READ(FILE_CLNOD) dummy, cnodes(icell), &
104 | & (cnnode(j,icell),j=1,cnodes(icell))
105 |
106 | READ(FILE_CFACE) dummy, cfaces(icell), &
107 | & (cnface(j,icell),j=1,cfaces(icell))
108 |
109 | ENDDO
110 |
113 |
114 | ALLOCATE(node_part(i_dom_nnodes,i_dom_npart))
115 | ALLOCATE(face_part(i_dom_nfaces,i_dom_npart))
116 | ALLOCATE(ip_golo_cells(i_dom_ncells,i_dom_npart))
117 |
118 | ip_golo_cells = 0
119 | node_part = .false.
120 | face_part = 0
121 |
122 | DO i = 1, i_dom_npart
123 | DO j = 1, ip_len(i)
124 |
125 | icell = ip_partition(j+ip_beg(i)-1)
126 | ip_golo_cells(icell,i) = j
127 |
128 | ! --------------------------!
129 | ! Detect nodes in subdomain !
130 | ! --------------------------!
131 | DO k=1, cnodes(icell)
132 | node_part(cnnode(k,icell),i) = .true.
133 | ENDDO
134 |
135 | ! --------------------------!
136 | ! Detect faces in subdomain !
137 | ! --------------------------!
138 | DO k=1, cfaces(icell)
139 | face_part(cnface(k,icell),i) = 1
140 | ENDDO
141 | ENDDO
142 |
143 | ENDDO
144 |
145 | DEALLOCATE(cfaces)
146 |
147 | ! --------------------------------------------------!
148 | ! Create connections between local and global nodes !
149 | ! --------------------------------------------------!
150 |
151 | ALLOCATE(ip_nnodes(i_dom_npart))
152 | ALLOCATE(ip_logo_nodes(MAX_CELL_PART*MAX_NNODES_CELL,i_dom_npart))
153 | ALLOCATE(ip_golo_nodes(i_dom_nnodes,i_dom_npart))
154 |
155 | ip_nnodes = 0
156 | ip_logo_nodes = 0
157 | ip_golo_nodes = 0
158 |
159 | DO inode= 1,i_dom_nnodes
160 | DO i = 1, i_dom_npart
161 |
162 | IF(node_part(inode,i)) THEN
163 | ! PRINT*,inode,"is in part", i
164 | ip_nnodes(i) = ip_nnodes(i) + 1
165 | k = ip_nnodes(i)
166 | ip_logo_nodes(k,i) = inode
167 | ip_golo_nodes(inode,i) = k
168 | ENDIF
169 |
170 | ENDDO
171 | ENDDO
172 | ! PRINT*, ip_nnodes(:), sum(ip_nnodes)
173 |
174 | DEALLOCATE(node_part)
175 |
176 | ! -----------------------!
177 | ! Count faces in domains !
178 | ! -----------------------!
179 |
180 | ALLOCATE(ip_nfaces(i_dom_npart))
181 | ip_nfaces = 0
182 |
183 | DO i = 1, i_dom_npart
184 | ip_nfaces(i) = SUM(face_part(:,i))
185 | ENDDO
186 | ! PRINT*, ip_nfaces(:), SUM(ip_nfaces)
187 |
188 | i_dom_nvfaces = 0
189 | DO iface = 1, i_dom_nfaces
190 | IF(SUM(face_part(iface,:)).eq.2) i_dom_nvfaces = i_dom_nvfaces + 2
191 | ENDDO
192 |
193 | ! -----------------------------------------------------------!
194 | ! Create connections between local and global boundary faces !
195 | ! -----------------------------------------------------------!
196 |
197 | ALLOCATE(facenodes(MAX_NFACES_CELL+1, i_dom_nfaces))
198 | facenodes = 0
199 |
200 | file = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/Facelist.in'
202 |
203 | DO i=1, i_dom_nfaces
204 | READ(FILE_FC) dummy, nbnodes, &
205 | & (facenodes(j,i),j=2,nbnodes+1)
206 | facenodes(1,i) = nbnodes
207 | ENDDO
209 |
210 | ALLOCATE(ip_bface_nnode(i_dom_nbfaces,i_dom_npart))
211 | ALLOCATE(ip_bface_nodes(MAX_NNODES_CELL,i_dom_nbfaces,i_dom_npart))
212 | ip_bface_nnode = 0
213 | ip_bface_nodes = 0
214 |
215 | ALLOCATE(ip_nbfaces(i_dom_npart))
216 | ALLOCATE(ip_logo_bfaces(i_dom_nbfaces*i_dom_npart,i_dom_npart))
217 | ip_nbfaces = 0
218 | ip_logo_bfaces = 0
219 |
220 | file = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/CLdata.in'
222 |
223 | DO ibnd = 1, i_dom_nbfaces
224 |
225 | READ(FILE_CLDAT) icell, iface
226 | iface = cnface(iface,icell)
227 |
228 | DO i = 1, i_dom_npart
229 |
230 | IF(face_part(iface,i).eq.1 ) THEN
231 | ! print*, " Bndface",ibnd, i_bface,"is in part",i
232 |
233 | ip_nbfaces(i) = ip_nbfaces(i) + 1
234 | k = ip_nbfaces(i)
235 |
236 | ! Connectivity face-node at boundary for gather_face
237 | ip_bface_nnode(k,i) = facenodes(1,iface)
238 | DO inode = 1, facenodes(1,iface)
239 | ilocal = ip_golo_nodes(facenodes(inode+1,iface),i)
240 | ip_bface_nodes(inode,k,i) = ilocal
241 | ENDDO
242 | ip_logo_bfaces(k,i) = ibnd
243 | ENDIF
244 |
245 | ENDDO
246 | ENDDO
247 | ! PRINT*, ip_nbfaces(:), SUM(ip_nbfaces)
248 |
250 |
251 | DEALLOCATE(face_part)
252 | DEALLOCATE(cnface)
253 | DEALLOCATE(facenodes)
254 |
255 | ! -------------------------------------------------------!
256 | ! Reconstruction of local connectivities and !
257 | ! create virtual faces on boundaries between subdomains !
258 | ! -------------------------------------------------------!
259 |
260 | ALLOCATE(nfcelt (i_dom_ncells))
261 | ALLOCATE(neighs (2*MAX_NFACES_CELL,i_dom_ncells))
262 |
263 | file = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/Cell2cells.in'
265 |
266 | DO icell=1, i_dom_ncells
267 | READ(FILE_C2C) dummy, nfcelt(icell), &
268 | & (neighs(j,icell),j=1,(2*nfcelt(icell)))
269 |
270 | ENDDO
271 |
273 |
274 | ALLOCATE(ip_cnodes(MAX_CELL_PART,i_dom_npart))
275 | ALLOCATE(ip_cnnode(MAX_NNODES_CELL,MAX_CELL_PART,i_dom_npart))
276 | ip_cnodes = 0
277 | ip_cnnode = 0
278 |
279 | ALLOCATE(ip_nvfaces(i_dom_npart))
280 | ALLOCATE(i_vface(4,i_dom_nvfaces))
281 | ip_nvfaces = 0
282 | i_vface = 0
283 | ivface = 0
284 |
285 | DO i = 1, i_dom_npart
286 | DO j = 1, ip_len(i)
287 |
288 | icell = ip_partition(j+ip_beg(i)-1)
289 | ! -------------------------------------------------------------------!
290 | ! Copy node connectivity for each part with local number of the node !
291 | ! -------------------------------------------------------------------!
292 | ip_cnodes(j,i) = cnodes(icell)
293 |
294 | DO k=1, cnodes(icell)
295 | inode = cnnode(k,icell)
296 | ilocal = ip_golo_nodes(inode,i)
297 | ip_cnnode(k,j,i) = ilocal
298 | ENDDO
299 |
300 | ! --------------------!
301 | ! Count virtual faces !
302 | ! --------------------!
303 |
304 | DO iface=1, nfcelt(icell)
305 | next_cell = neighs(2*iface-1,icell)
306 | next_face = neighs(2*iface ,icell)
307 |
308 | IF (next_cell.ne.0) THEN
309 | next_local = ip_golo_cells(next_cell,i)
310 |
311 | IF(next_local.eq.0) THEN
312 | ivface = ivface + 1
313 | ip_nvfaces(i) = ip_nvfaces(i) + 1
314 |
315 | i_vface(1,ivface) = icell
316 | i_vface(2,ivface) = iface
317 | i_vface(3,ivface) = next_cell
318 | i_vface(4,ivface) = next_face
319 |
320 | ENDIF
321 | ENDIF
322 |
323 | ENDDO
324 |
325 | ENDDO
326 | ENDDO
327 |
328 | DEALLOCATE(cnodes)
329 | DEALLOCATE(cnnode)
330 | DEALLOCATE(nfcelt)
331 | DEALLOCATE(neighs)
332 |
333 | END SUBROUTINE meshpartition
meshpartition.F could be called by: