read_data_slave.F [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | include(
   2 | 
   3 |       SUBROUTINE read_data_slave
   4 | !       ================================================================!
   5 | !                                                                       !
   6 | !       read_data_slave.F : Reads all data from input files and         !
   7 | !                           allocates slave vectors.                    !
   8 | !                                                                       !
   9 | !       out               : Slave-side global vectors with initialized  !
  10 | !                           data obtained from *.in files.              !
  11 | !                                                                       !
  12 | !       author            : J. AMAYA & D. Poitou                        !
  13 | !                                                                       !
  14 | !       ================================================================!
  15 | 
  16 |         USE mod_inout
  17 |         USE mod_slave
  18 |         USE mod_pmm
  19 |         USE mod_ftn_c
  20 | 
  21 |         IMPLICIT NONE
  22 | 
  23 |         INCLUDE 'dom_constants.h'
  24 |         include 'pmm_constants.h'
  25 | 
  26 |         DOM_INT      :: i, j, k, icell, icoef
  27 |         DOM_INT      :: n, i_bande
  28 |         DOM_INT      :: iface, ios
  29 |         DOM_INT      :: itot, dummy, ilocal, inode, ntot_probes
  30 | 
  31 |         DOM_REAL     :: ddata, epsilon, Tw
  32 |         DOM_INT, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: buffer
  33 |         DOM_REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)   :: dbuffer
  34 |         DOM_REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: dbuffer2
  35 | 
  36 |         CHARACTER*80 :: c2cfile
  37 |         CHARACTER*80 :: normfile, volafile
  38 |         CHARACTER*80 :: kextfile
  39 |         CHARACTER*80 :: cldatfile
  40 |         CHARACTER*80 :: snbwnfile, quadfile
  41 |         CHARACTER*80 :: propfile, progfile
  42 |         CHARACTER*80 :: lspecfile , sspecfile
  43 |         CHARACTER*80 :: wsggfile, trackfile
  44 | 
  45 | !       Tabulation variables
  46 |         CHARACTER*64     :: tabfile
  47 |         DOM_REAL         :: MH2O, MCO2, MCO
  48 | 
  49 |         i_inter = i_dom_inter
  50 | 
  51 | !       --------------------!
  52 | !       Loop over all nodes !
  53 | !       --------------------!
  54 | 
  55 |         kextfile   = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
  56 |         propfile   = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
  57 | 
  58 |         OPEN(FILE_KEXT , FILE=kextfile  , FORM='UNFORMATTED')
  59 |         OPEN(FILE_PROP , FILE=propfile  , FORM='UNFORMATTED')
  60 | 
  61 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_celldata))  DEALLOCATE(s_celldata)
  62 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_k_scat))    DEALLOCATE(s_k_scat)
  63 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_kabs_gray)) DEALLOCATE(s_kabs_gray)
  64 | 
  65 |         ALLOCATE(s_celldata    (8,is_nnodes))
  66 |         ALLOCATE(s_k_scat      (is_nnodes))
  67 |         IF ( mediumtype.eq.'GRAY' ) THEN
  68 |           ALLOCATE(s_kabs_gray (is_nnodes))
  69 |         ENDIF
  70 | 
  71 |         DO itot=1,is_ntot_nodes
  72 | 
  73 |           inode = is_golo_nodes(itot)
  74 | 
  75 |           IF(inode.eq.0) THEN
  76 |             READ(FILE_PROP)
  77 |             READ(FILE_KEXT)
  78 |           ELSE
  79 | 
  80 |             READ(FILE_PROP) dummy, (s_celldata(j,inode),j=1,8)
  81 | 
  82 |             IF ( mediumtype.eq.'GRAY' ) THEN
  83 |               READ(FILE_KEXT) dummy,s_kabs_gray(inode),s_k_scat(inode)
  84 |             ELSE
  85 |               READ(FILE_KEXT) dummy,ddata,s_k_scat(inode)
  86 |             ENDIF
  87 | 
  88 |           ENDIF
  89 | 
  90 |         ENDDO
  91 | 
  92 |         CLOSE(FILE_PROP)
  93 |         CLOSE(FILE_KEXT)
  94 | 
  95 | #ifndef USEPALM
  96 |         DEALLOCATE(is_golo_nodes)
  97 | #endif
  98 | 
  99 | !       --------------------!
 100 | !       Loop over all cells !
 101 | !       --------------------!
 102 | 
 103 |         c2cfile    = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 104 |         normfile   = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 105 |         volafile   = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 106 | 
 107 |         OPEN(FILE_C2C  , FILE=c2cfile,    FORM='UNFORMATTED')
 108 |         OPEN(FILE_NORM , FILE=normfile  , FORM='UNFORMATTED')
 109 |         OPEN(FILE_VOLA , FILE=volafile  , FORM='UNFORMATTED')
 110 | 
 111 |         IF (ALLOCATED(is_nfcelt))   DEALLOCATE(is_nfcelt)
 112 |         IF (ALLOCATED(is_neighs))   DEALLOCATE(is_neighs)
 113 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_norm))      DEALLOCATE(s_norm)
 114 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_V))         DEALLOCATE(s_V)
 115 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_S))         DEALLOCATE(s_S)
 116 | 
 117 |         ALLOCATE(is_nfcelt  (is_ncells))
 118 |         ALLOCATE(is_neighs  (2*is_nfacesmax,is_ncells))
 119 |         ALLOCATE(s_norm     (3,is_nfacesmax,is_ncells))
 120 |         ALLOCATE(s_V        (is_ncells))
 121 |         ALLOCATE(s_S        (is_nfacesmax,is_ncells))
 122 | 
 123 |         is_neighs        = 0
 124 | 
 125 | !       WRITE(*,*) pmm_rank," >> SLAVE: Reading *.in files"
 126 | 
 127 |         i = 0
 128 |         DO itot=1,is_ntot_cells
 129 | 
 130 |           icell = is_golo_cells(itot)
 131 |           IF(icell.eq.0) THEN
 132 |             READ(FILE_C2C)
 133 |             READ(FILE_NORM)
 134 |             READ(FILE_VOLA)
 135 |           ELSE
 136 | 
 137 | !           print*, pmm_rank,"     reading cell", i
 138 | 
 139 |             READ(FILE_C2C) dummy,                                       &
 140 |      &                   is_nfcelt(icell),                              &
 141 |      &                  (is_neighs(j,icell),j=1,(2*is_nfcelt(icell)))
 142 | 
 143 |             ! Update neighbord cell with the local cell number ilocal
 144 | 
 145 |             DO iface = 1, is_nfcelt(icell)
 146 | 
 147 |               k = is_neighs(2*iface-1,icell)
 148 |               IF( THEN
 149 |                 ilocal = is_golo_cells(k)
 150 |                 is_neighs(2*iface-1,icell) = ilocal
 151 |                 IF(ilocal.eq.0) is_neighs(2*iface-1,icell) = -1 ! Cellule en bord de sous-domaine
 152 |               ENDIF
 153 | 
 154 |             ENDDO
 155 | 
 156 |             READ(FILE_NORM) dummy,                                      &
 157 |      &                    is_nfcelt(icell),                             &
 158 |      &                  ((s_norm(k,j,icell),k=1,3),j=1,is_nfcelt(icell))
 159 | 
 160 |             READ(FILE_VOLA) dummy,                                      &
 161 |      &                    is_nfcelt(icell),                             &
 162 |      &                    s_V(icell),                                   &
 163 |      &                   (s_S(j,icell),j=1,is_nfcelt(icell))
 164 | 
 165 |           ENDIF
 166 | 
 167 |         ENDDO
 168 | 
 169 | !        PRINT*, "Cellules en bord de domaine :", i
 170 | !        PAUSE
 171 |         CLOSE(FILE_C2C)
 172 |         CLOSE(FILE_NORM)
 173 |         CLOSE(FILE_VOLA)
 174 | 
 175 | !       ----------------------!
 176 | !       Reading boundary data !
 177 | !       ----------------------!
 178 | 
 179 |         cldatfile  = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 180 |         OPEN(FILE_CLDAT, FILE=cldatfile , FORM='UNFORMATTED')
 181 | 
 182 |         IF (ALLOCATED(ts_boundary)) DEALLOCATE(ts_boundary)
 183 |         ALLOCATE(ts_boundary(is_nbfaces))
 184 | 
 185 |         i = 1
 186 |         DO itot = 1, is_ntot_bfaces
 187 | 
 188 |           READ(FILE_CLDAT) icell, iface, epsilon, Tw
 189 |           ilocal = is_golo_cells(icell)
 190 | 
 191 |           IF( THEN
 192 |             ts_boundary(i)%icell     = ilocal
 193 |             ts_boundary(i)%iface     = iface
 194 |             ts_boundary(i)%logo_cell = itot
 195 |             ts_boundary(i)%epsil     = epsilon
 196 |             ts_boundary(i)%Tf        = Tw
 197 |             i = i + 1
 198 |           ENDIF
 199 | 
 200 |         ENDDO
 201 | 
 202 | !       Reorder boundary properties on subdomain by increasing order
 203 |         IF( CALL qsort_C(ts_boundary(1)%icell,          &
 204 |      &  is_nbfaces, sizeof(ts_boundary(1)))
 205 | 
 206 |         CLOSE(FILE_CLDAT)
 207 | 
 208 | !       ---------------------------------------!
 209 | !       Reading pathway and angular quadrature !
 210 | !       ---------------------------------------!
 211 | 
 212 |         quadfile   = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 213 |         progfile   = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 214 | 
 215 |         OPEN(FILE_QUADR, FILE=quadfile  , FORM='UNFORMATTED')
 216 |         OPEN(FILE_PROG , FILE=progfile  , FORM='UNFORMATTED')
 217 | 
 218 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_mu))        DEALLOCATE(s_mu)
 219 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_eta))       DEALLOCATE(s_eta)
 220 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_ksi))       DEALLOCATE(s_ksi)
 221 |         IF (ALLOCATED(s_w))         DEALLOCATE(s_w)
 222 |         IF (ALLOCATED(is_pathway))  DEALLOCATE(is_pathway)
 223 | 
 224 |         ALLOCATE(s_mu          (is_ndir))
 225 |         ALLOCATE(s_eta         (is_ndir))
 226 |         ALLOCATE(s_ksi         (is_ndir))
 227 |         ALLOCATE(s_w           (is_ndir))
 228 |         ALLOCATE(is_pathway (is_ncells,is_ndir))
 229 |         ALLOCATE(buffer (is_ntot_cells,is_ndir))
 230 | 
 231 |         i = 1
 232 |         j = 1
 233 |         DO WHILE (
 234 | 
 235 |           IF ( ( ) THEN
 236 |             READ(FILE_QUADR) s_mu(j), s_eta(j), s_ksi(j), s_w(j)
 237 |             READ(FILE_PROG) (buffer(n,j), n=1, is_ntot_cells)
 238 | 
 239 |             j = j + 1
 240 |           ELSE
 241 |             READ(FILE_QUADR)
 242 |             READ(FILE_PROG)
 243 |           ENDIF
 244 | 
 245 |           IF ( THEN
 246 |             i = 2000
 247 |           ENDIF
 248 | 
 249 |           i = i + 1
 250 | 
 251 |         ENDDO
 252 | 
 253 |         CLOSE(FILE_QUADR)
 254 |         CLOSE(FILE_PROG)
 255 | 
 256 | 
 257 |         DO j = 1, is_ndir
 258 |           k = 0
 259 | 
 260 |           DO itot = 1, is_ntot_cells
 261 |             ilocal = is_golo_cells( buffer(itot,j) )
 262 | 
 263 |             IF( THEN
 264 |               k = k + 1
 265 |               is_pathway(k,j) = ilocal
 266 |             ENDIF
 267 |           ENDDO
 268 | 
 269 |         ENDDO
 270 |         DEALLOCATE(buffer)
 271 | 
 272 | !       -------------------------------------------!
 273 | !       Read data for exponential band integration !
 274 | !       -------------------------------------------!
 275 | 
 276 |         IF (spascheme.eq.'EXPON') THEN
 277 |           PRINT*, "WARNING: This scheme has not been maintained"
 278 |           PRINT*, "Fix it in predatas... Then test it!"
 279 |           STOP
 280 | 
 281 |           lspecfile = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 282 |           sspecfile = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 283 | 
 284 |           OPEN(FILE_LSPEC,FILE=lspecfile,FORM='unformatted')
 285 |           OPEN(FILE_SSPEC,FILE=sspecfile,FORM='unformatted')
 286 | 
 287 |         ALLOCATE(dbuffer  (is_ntot_cells,is_ndir))
 288 |         ALLOCATE(dbuffer2 (is_nfacesmax,is_ntot_cells,is_ndir))
 289 | 
 290 |           dbuffer2 = 0.
 291 |           i = 1
 292 |           j = 1
 293 |           DO WHILE (
 294 | 
 295 |             IF ( ( ) THEN
 296 |               READ(FILE_LSPEC) (dbuffer(icell,i),                     &
 297 |      &                        icell=1,is_ntot_cells)
 298 |               READ(FILE_SSPEC)((dbuffer2(icoef,icell,i),              &
 299 |      &                        icell=1,is_ntot_cells),icoef=1,4)
 300 |               j = j + 1
 301 |             ELSE
 302 |               READ(FILE_LSPEC)
 303 |               READ(FILE_SSPEC)
 304 |             ENDIF
 305 | 
 306 |             IF ( THEN
 307 |               i = 2000
 308 |             ENDIF
 309 | 
 310 |             i = i + 1
 311 | 
 312 |           ENDDO
 313 | 
 314 |           CLOSE(FILE_LSPEC)
 315 |           CLOSE(FILE_SSPEC)
 316 | 
 317 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_maxlen))    DEALLOCATE(s_maxlen)
 318 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_ss))        DEALLOCATE(s_ss)
 319 |           ALLOCATE(s_maxlen (is_ncells,is_ndir))
 320 |           ALLOCATE(s_ss     (is_nfacesmax,is_ncells,is_ndir))
 321 |           s_ss =0.
 322 | 
 323 |           DO itot = 1, is_ntot_cells
 324 | 
 325 |             icell = is_golo_cells(itot)
 326 |             IF( THEN
 327 |               DO j = 1, is_ndir
 328 |                 s_maxlen(icell,j) = dbuffer(itot,j)
 329 |                 s_ss(:,icell,j)   = dbuffer2(:,itot,j)
 330 |               ENDDO
 331 |             ENDIF
 332 | 
 333 |           ENDDO
 334 | 
 335 |           DEALLOCATE(dbuffer)
 336 |           DEALLOCATE(dbuffer2)
 337 | 
 338 |         ENDIF
 339 | 
 340 | !       ------------!
 341 | !       Read probes !
 342 | !       ------------!
 343 | 
 344 |         trackfile  = path(1:len_trim(path))//'/'
 345 |         OPEN(FILE_TRACK, FILE=trackfile , FORM='FORMATTED', IOSTAT =ios,&
 346 |      &       STATUS='old')
 347 | 
 348 |         is_nprobes = 0
 349 |         IF(ios.eq.0) THEN
 350 | 
 351 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_norm_probe)) DEALLOCATE(s_norm_probe)
 352 |           IF (ALLOCATED(is_norm_probe)) DEALLOCATE(is_norm_probe)
 353 |           IF (ALLOCATED(is_pcells))    DEALLOCATE(is_pcells)
 354 | 
 355 |           READ(FILE_TRACK,*) ntot_probes
 356 |           ALLOCATE(s_norm_probe(3,ntot_probes))
 357 |           s_norm_probe(:,:)=0.0
 358 |           ALLOCATE(is_norm_probe(ntot_probes))
 359 |           is_norm_probe(:)=0
 360 | 
 361 | !         The 3 first row of s_norm_probe are coordinates
 362 | !         the is_norm_probe is the number of the probe cell
 363 | 
 364 |           IF( THEN
 365 |             is_nprobes = 1
 366 |             DO i=1,is_nprobes
 367 | 
 368 |               READ(FILE_TRACK,*) icell,is_norm_probe(is_nprobes),       &
 369 |      &        (s_norm_probe(k,is_nprobes) ,k=1,3)
 370 | 
 371 |               icell  = is_norm_probe(is_nprobes)
 372 |               ilocal = is_golo_cells(icell)
 373 |               IF( THEN
 374 |                 is_norm_probe(is_nprobes) = ilocal
 375 |                 is_nprobes = is_nprobes + 1
 376 |               ENDIF
 377 | 
 378 |             ENDDO
 379 | 
 380 |             i=1
 381 |             ALLOCATE(is_pcells(is_ncells))
 382 |             is_pcells(:) = 0
 383 | 
 384 | !           The probes must be shorten by incresing order
 385 |             DO i=1,is_nprobes
 386 |               DO icell=1,is_ncells
 387 |                 IF(icell.eq.is_norm_probe(i)) THEN
 388 |                   is_pcells(icell) = i
 389 |                 ENDIF
 390 |               ENDDO
 391 |             ENDDO
 392 | 
 393 |           ENDIF
 394 | 
 395 |         ENDIF
 396 | 
 397 |         CLOSE(FILE_TRACK)
 398 |         DEALLOCATE(is_golo_cells)
 399 | 
 400 | !       ---------------------------------!
 401 | !       Read spectral data for each band !
 402 | !       ---------------------------------!
 403 |         is_ngaz = 3
 404 |         ALLOCATE(is_nbandes(is_ngaz))
 405 |         is_nbandes         = 0
 406 |         is_nbandes(GAZ_CO) = 48
 407 |         is_nbandes(GAZ_C)  = 96
 408 |         is_nbandes(GAZ_H)  = 367
 409 | 
 410 |         is_nallbandes = 371
 411 | 
 412 | !       WRITE(*,*) pmm_rank," >> SLAVE: Reading spectral data"
 413 | 
 414 |         snbwnfile = pathspec(1:len_trim(pathspec))//'/SNBWN'
 415 | 
 416 |         IF ('GRAY') THEN
 417 | !         ----------------------------------------------!
 418 | !         Allocate and set properties for radiating gaz !
 419 | !         (to be changed for N gaz radiation)           !
 420 | !         ----------------------------------------------!
 421 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_KCO))       DEALLOCATE(s_KCO)
 422 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_KC))        DEALLOCATE(s_KC)
 423 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_KH))        DEALLOCATE(s_KH)
 424 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_DCO))       DEALLOCATE(s_DCO)
 425 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_DC))        DEALLOCATE(s_DC)
 426 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_DH))        DEALLOCATE(s_DH)
 427 |           ALLOCATE(s_KCO         (14,is_nbandes(GAZ_CO)))
 428 |           ALLOCATE(s_KC          (14,is_nbandes(GAZ_C)))
 429 |           ALLOCATE(s_KH          (14,is_nbandes(GAZ_H)))
 430 |           ALLOCATE(s_DCO         (14,is_nbandes(GAZ_CO)))
 431 |           ALLOCAte(s_DC          (14,is_nbandes(GAZ_C)))
 432 |           ALLOCATE(s_DH          (14,is_nbandes(GAZ_H)))
 433 | 
 434 | !         ------------------------------------!
 435 | !         Read spectral properties of gases !
 436 | !         ------------------------------------!
 437 | 
 438 | !         WRITE(*,*) pmm_rank," >> SLAVE: Reading gas properties"
 439 |           IF(('GRAY').and.('WSGG')) THEN
 440 |             CALL PARAM_SLAVE(pathspec,nb_base)
 441 |           ENDIF
 442 | 
 443 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_all_WVNB))  DEALLOCATE(s_all_WVNB)
 444 |           IF (ALLOCATED(s_all_DWVNB)) DEALLOCATE(s_all_DWVNB)
 445 |           ALLOCATE(s_all_WVNB    (is_nallbandes))
 446 |           ALLOCATE(s_all_DWVNB   (is_nallbandes))
 447 | 
 448 |           OPEN(FILE_SNBWN,FILE=snbwnfile)
 449 |           i_bande=1
 450 | 
 451 |           DO WHILE (i_bande .le. is_nallbandes)
 452 | 
 453 |              READ(FILE_SNBWN,*) s_all_WVNB(i_bande),s_all_DWVNB(i_bande)
 454 | 
 455 |              IF (s_all_WVNB(i_bande).lt.0.) THEN
 456 |                i_bande = is_nallbandes + 1 !arret de la boucle
 457 |              ENDIF
 458 | 
 459 |              i_bande=i_bande+1
 460 | 
 461 |           ENDDO
 462 | 
 463 |           CLOSE(FILE_SNBWN)
 464 | 
 465 |         ENDIF
 466 | 
 467 | !       ----------------------------!
 468 | !       Read spectral data for WSGG !
 469 | !       ----------------------------!
 470 | 
 471 |         wsggfile   = pathspec(1:len_trim(pathspec))//                   &
 472 |      &               '/WSGG_Soufiani_Djavdan_H20_CO2'
 473 | 
 474 |         IF (mediumtype.eq.'WSGG') THEN
 475 | 
 476 |           ALLOCATE(s_alpha (6,is_ngg))
 477 |           ALLOCATE(s_kwsgg (is_ngg))
 478 | 
 479 |           OPEN(UNIT=FILE_Wsgg,FILE=wsggfile,FORM='FORMATTED')
 480 |           READ(FILE_Wsgg,*)
 481 | 
 482 |           DO i=1,is_ngg
 483 |             READ(FILE_Wsgg,*) s_kwsgg(i),(s_alpha(j,i),j=1,6)
 484 |           ENDDO
 485 | 
 486 |           CLOSE(FILE_Wsgg)
 487 | 
 488 |          ENDIF
 489 | 
 490 | !       -----------------------------!
 491 | !       Read data for tabulated FSK  !
 492 | !       and set the number of points !
 493 | !       for the spectral quadrature  !
 494 | !       -----------------------------!
 495 | 
 496 |         IF ((mediumtype.eq.'TFSK').or.(mediumtype.eq.'TFSCK')) THEN
 497 |           tabfile = pathspec(1:len_trim(pathspec))//'/table.dat'
 498 |           IF (pmm_rank.eq.PMM_HOST) THEN
 499 |             PRINT*, "  -> Tabulated File : ",trim(tabfile)
 500 |           ENDIF
 501 | 
 502 |           OPEN(FILE_TAB,FILE=tabfile,FORM='FORMATTED')
 503 |           READ(FILE_TAB,*) is_nkabs
 504 |           READ(FILE_TAB,*) s_DT
 505 |           READ(FILE_TAB,*) s_DYH, MH2O
 506 |           READ(FILE_TAB,*) s_DYC, MCO2
 507 |           READ(FILE_TAB,*) s_DYCO, MCO
 508 |           CLOSE(FILE_TAB)
 509 | 
 510 |           is_nT   = INT((2900-300)/s_DT)  + 1
 511 |           is_nYH  = INT((MH2O-0.0)/s_DYH) + 1
 512 |           is_nYC  = INT((MCO2-0.0)/s_DYC) + 1
 513 |           is_nYCO = INT((MCO-0.0)/s_DYCO) + 1
 514 | 
 515 |           ALLOCATE(s_tabkabs(is_nYH,is_nYC,is_nYCO,is_nT,is_nkabs))
 516 | 
 517 |           CALL readtab(tabfile,s_tabkabs, is_nYH, is_nYC, is_nYCO,      &
 518 |      &                 is_nT, is_nkabs, mediumtype, s_dataref)
 519 | 
 520 |           IF (pmm_rank.eq.PMM_HOST) THEN
 521 |             PRINT*, "  -> Table for ", trim(mediumtype) ," model readed"
 522 |           ENDIF
 523 | 
 524 |         ELSEIF (mediumtype.eq.'GRAY') THEN
 525 |           is_nkabs = 1
 526 |         ELSEIF (mediumtype.eq.'WSGG') THEN
 527 |           is_nkabs = is_ngg
 528 |         ELSE
 529 |           is_nkabs = Nq_kabs
 530 |         ENDIF
 531 | 
 532 | !       print*, " is_ncells    : ", is_ncells
 533 | !       print*, " is_nfacesmax : ", is_nfacesmax
 534 | !       print*, " is_nallbandes: ", is_nallbandes
 535 | !       print*, " is_nbandes   : ", is_nbandes
 536 | 
 537 |       END SUBROUTINE read_data_slave