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Laurent Y.M. GICQUEL
Senior Researcher - HDR
Computational Fluid Dynamics Team
European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computing
Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique
42, avenue Gaspard Coriolis
Toulouse F-31057 Cedex 1, France
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 19 30 00
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 19 30 46
E-mail: lgicquel@cerfacs.fr
- S. Esnault, F. Duchaine, LY.M. Gicquel and S. Moreau, "Analysis of upstream turbulence impact on wall heat transfer in an acoustic liner with Large-Eddy Simulations", submitted to Special issue of Applied Sciences 'Developments in Heat Transfer', 2023, (in revision).

- P.W. Agostinelli, D. Laera, D. Chterev, I. Boxx, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "Large eddy simulations of mean pressure and H2 addition effects on the stabilization and dynamics of a partially-premixed swirled-stabilized methane flame", Combustion & Flame, 249 , pp. 112592, 2023, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112592.

- Y.H. Kwah, P.W. Agostinelli, S. Richard, G. Exilard, S. Pascaud, L.Y.M. Gicquel and J. Dawson "Effect of Strong Azimuthal Swirl on Ignition and Light-Around in an Annular Combustor", in J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 144(11):111010 , (10 pages), Nov., 2022, doi.org/10.1115/1.4055459.

- N.C.W. Treleaven, D. Laera, J. Carmona, N. Odier, Y. Gentil, J. Domabrd, G. Daviller, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "Coupling of Combustion Simulation with Atomisation and Filming Models for LES in Swirled Spray Flames", Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 109 (3) , pp. 759-789, 2022, doi:10.1007/s10494-022-00342-w.

- P.W. Agostinelli, D. Laera, D. Chterev, I. Boxx, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "On the impact of H2-enrichment on flame structure and combustion dynamics of a lean partially-premixed turbulent swirling flame," Combustion & Flame, 241 , pp. 112120, 2022, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112120.

- V. Shastry, E. Riber, L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Cuenot and V. Bodoc, "Large Eddy Simulations of complex multicomponent swirling spray flames in a realistic gas turbine combustor", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 39 , 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.059.

- S. Sengupta, S. Nadakkal-Appukuttan, P. Mohanamuraly, G. Staffelbach and L.Y.M. Gicquel "Global spectral analysis of the Lax-Wendroff-central difference scheme applied to Convection-Diffusion equation", Computers and Fluids, 242 , pp. 105508, 2022, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2022.105508.

- B. Martin, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier and J. Dombard "Accurate Inlet Boundary Conditions to Capture Combustion Chamber and Turbine Coupling with Large-Eddy Simulation," in J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Paper No: GTP-21-1355, August, 2021.

- A. Perrot, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard and T. Grosnickel "Unsteady Analysis of Heat Coefficient Distribution in a Static Ribbed Channel for An Established Flow," in J. Turbomach., 143(12):121004 (10 pages), December 2021.

- A. Colombi'e, F. Chedevergne, R. Manceau, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel "Large-Eddy-Simulation-based analysis of Reynolds-stress budgets for a round impinging jet", Physics of Fluids, bf{33} (11) , pp. 115109 , 2021, doi:10.1063/5.0064009.

- S. Blanchard, N. Odier, L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Cuenot and F. Nicoud "Stochastic forcing for Sub-Grid Scale models in Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulation", Physics of Fluids, bf{33} (09) , pp. 95123 , 2021, doi:10.1063/5.0063728.

- P.W. Agostinelli, D. Laera, I. Boxx, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "Impact of wall heat transfer in Large Eddy Simulation of flame dynamics in a swirled combustion chamber", Combustion & Flame, 234 , pp. 111728, 2021, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111728.

- B. Martin, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and N. Odier "Generation of Realistic Boundary Conditions at the Combustion Chamber/Turbine Interface Using Large-Eddy Simulation," Energies, bf{14} (24) , article number 8206 , 2021, doi:10.3390/en14248206.

- C. P'erez Arroyo, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Martin, N. Odier and G. Staffelbach "Towards the Large-Eddy Simulation of full engine: Integration of a 360 azimuthal degrees fan, compressor and combustion chamber. Part II: Comparison against stand-alone simulations", in GPPS Journal, Data-driven modelling and high-fildelity simulations Special Issue, pp. 17-33, May, 2021.

- C. P'erez Arroyo, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Martin, N. Odier and G. Staffelbach "Towards the Large-Eddy Simulation of full engine: Integration of a 360 azimuthal degrees fan, compressor and combustion chamber. Part I: Methodology and initialisation", in GPPS Journal, Data-driven modelling and high-fildelity simulations Special Issue, pp. 1-16, May, 2021.

- E. Lo Schiavo, D. Laera, E. Riber, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "On the impact of fuel injection angle in Euler-Lagrange large eddy simulations of swirling spray flames exhibiting thermoacoustic instabilities", in Combustion & Flame, Vol. 227 , pp. 359-370, May, 2021.

- P.W. Agostinelli, B. Rochette, D. Laera, J. Dombard, B. Cuenot and L.Y.M. Gicquel "Static mesh adaptation for reliable Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent reacting flows," in Physics of Fluids, Vol. bf{33} , issue 3 , 035141 (2021).

- S. Agarwal, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier and J. Dombard "Analysis of the Unsteady Flow Field Inside a Fan-Shaped Cooling Hole Predicted by Large Eddy Simulation," in J. Turbomach., 143(3):031011 (8 pages), March 2021.

- D. Dupuy, A. Perrot, N. Odier, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine "Boundary-condition models of film-cooling holes for large-eddy simulation of turbine vaes," in Internation Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 166, 120763, February 2021.

- N. Odier, A. Tacker, M. Harnieh, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Garci`a Rosa and J.-D. Muller "A mesh adaptation strategy for complex wall-modeled turbomachinery LES," in Computer and Fluids, Volume 214, 104766, 15 January 2021.

- D. Laera, P.W. Agostinelli, L. Selle, Q. Cazeres, G. Oztarlik, T. Schuller, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "Stabilization mechanisms of CH _4 premixed swirled flame enriched with a non-premixed hydrogen injection", in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 38 , Issue 4 , pages 6355-6363, 2021.

- G. Vignat, E. Lo Schiavo, E. Laera, D. Renaud, L.Y.M. Gicquel, D. Durox and S. Candel "Dynamics of Spray and Swirling Flame under Acoustic Oscillations : A Joint
Experimental and LES Investigation", in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 38 , Issue 4 , pages 6015-6024, 2021.

- S. Esnault, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and S. Moreau "Large Eddy Simulation of Heat Transfer Within a Multi-Perforation Synthetic Jets Configuration," in J. Turbomach., 142(6):061010 (9 pages), June 2020.

- F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Grosnickel and C. Koupper "Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Developing in Static and Rotating Channels," in J. Turbomach., 142(6):41003 , 2020, doi:10.1115/1.4046267.

- D. Dupuy, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier, F. Duchaine and T. Arts "Analysis of the effect of intermittency in a high-pressure turbine blade," in Physics of Fluids, Vol. bf{32} , issue 9 , 095101 (2020) - Feature Article.

- M. Queguineur, L.Y.M. Gicquel, and G. Staffelbach "Stability and control of an annular rotor/stator cavity limit cycles," submitted to Physics of Fluids, july 2020 (under review).

- D. Laera, P.W. Agostinelli, L. Selle, Q. Cazeres, G. Oztarlik, T. Schuller, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "Stabilization mechanisms of CH _4 premixed swirled flame enriched with a non-premixed hydrogen injection", submitted to Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 37 , 2020 (under review).

- G. Vignat, E. Lo Schiavo, E. Laera, D. Renaud, L.Y.M. Gicquel, D. Durox and S. Candel "Dynamics of Spray and Swirling Flame under Acoustic Oscillations : A Joint
Experimental and LES Investigation", in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 37 , 2020 (in press).

- E. Lo Schiavo, D. Laera, E. Riber, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "Effects of liquid/wall interaction on thermoacoustic instabilities in swirling flames", in Combustion & Flame, Vol. 219 , pp. 86-101, September, 2020.

- F. Dupuy, M. Gatti, C. Mira, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Nicoud and T. Schuller "Combining analytical models and LES data to determine the transfer function from swirled premixed flames", in Combustion & Flame, Vol. 217 , pp. 222-236 , July, 2020.

- F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Grosnickel and C. Koupper, "Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Developing in Static and Rotating Ribbed Channels", in Journal of Turbomachinery, 142 (4), 041003 (13 pages), 2020.

- J. de Laborderie, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and S. Moreau, "Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of a Multistage High-Pressure Compressor", in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 104, pages 725-751, 2020.

- M. Harnieh, M. Thomas, R. Bizzari, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel "Assessment of a coolant injection model on cooled high-pressure vanes with large-eddy simulation", in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 104, pages 643-672, 2020.

- M. Queguineur, T. Bridel-Bertomeu, L.Y.M. Gicquel, and G. Staffelbach "Large eddy simulations and global stability analyses of an annular and cylindrical rotor/stator cavity limit cycles," in Physics of Fluids, 31, 104109, 2019.

- M. Queguineur, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Dupuy, A. Misdariis and G. Staffelbach "Dynamic mode tracking and control with a relaxation method," in Physics of Fluids, 31, 034101, 2019.

- N. Odier, M. Sanjose, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, S. Moreau and F. Duchaine "A characteristic inlet boundary condition for compressible, turbulent, multi-species turbomachinery flows," Computers and Fluids, Volume 178, Pages 41-55, January 2019.

- R. Bizzari, D. Lahbib, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Nicoud, "A Thickened-Hole Model for Large Eddy Simulations over Multiperforated Liners", in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 101, pages 705-717, 2018.

- I. Mayo, T. Arts and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "The three-dimensional flow field and heat transfer in a rib-roughened channel at large rotation numbers," IJHMT, Vol. 123, pp. 848--866, August, 2018.

- B. Rochette, F. Collin-Bastiani, L.Y.M. Gicquel, O. Vermorel, D. Veynante and T. Poinsot, "Influence of chemical schemes, numerical method and dynamic turbulent combustion modeling on LES of premixed turbulent flames," Combustion & Flame, Vol. 191, pp. 417--430, May, 2018.

- R. Bizzari, D. Lahbib, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Nicoud, "A Thickened-Hole Model for Large Eddy Simulations over Multiperforated Liners," Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, pp. 1--13, April, 2018. doi.org/10.1007/s1049

- P. Roy, L. Segui, J.-C. Jouhaud and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Resampling strategies to improve surrogate model-based uncertainty quantification: Application to LES of LS89," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 87, Issue 12, pp. 607--627, March, 2018. doi.org/10.1002/fld.4504

- S. Berger, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine, "Bluff-body Thermal Property and Initial State Effects on a Laminar Premixed Flame Anchoring Pattern," Flow Turbulence and Combustion, Issue 2, 2018. ISSN 1573-1987, doi:10.1007/s10494-017-9841-y.

- S. Moreau, C. Becerril and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Large Eddy Simulation prediction of indirect combustion noise in the Entropy Wave Generator experiment," International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, December 11, 2017. doi:10.1177/1756827717740775

- P. Aillaud, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine, "Investigation of the concave curvature effect for an impinging jet flow," Physical Review Fluids, 2(11)} , pp. 114608 - 34 pages, 2017.

- T. Bridel-Bertomeu, L.Y.M. Gicquel and G. Staffelbach, "Large scale motions of multiple limit-cycle high Reynolds number annular and toroidal rotor/stator cavities," Physics of Fluids, 29(6) , pp. 065115, 2017.

- F. Duchaine, J. Dombard, L.Y.M. Gicquel and C. Koupper, " On the importance of the inlet boundary conditions for aerothermal predictions of turbine stages with Large Eddy Simulations," Computers and Fluids, 154 (September), pp. 60-73, 2017. 10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.05.024.

- T. Bridel-Bertomeu, L.Y.M. Gicquel and G. Staffelbach, "Unsteady Macro-Structures from Large-Eddy Simulation of Industrial Turbopump Turbine Cavity," AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 2198--2214, 2017.

- P. Aillaud, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and S. Didorally, "Secondary peak in the Nusselt number distribution of impinging fet flows: A phenomenological analysis," Physics of Fluids, 28(10) , pp. 095110, 2016.

- S. Scholl, T. Verstraete, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Conjugate Heat Transfer of rib-roughened internal turbine blade cooling channel using Large Eddy Simulation," IJHFF, 61 (October), PartB, pp. 650-664, 2016.

- B. Cuenot, R. Vicquelin, R. Riber, E. Moreau, V. Lartigue, G. Figuer, A. Mery, Y. Lamouroux, J. Richard, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Schmitt and S. Candel, "Advanced Simulation of Aeronautical Combustors," Aerospace Lab, 11 (June), pp. 1 --9, 2016.

- S. Berger, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "On the sensitivity of a helicopter combustor wall temperature to convective and radiative thermal loads," Applied Thermal Engineering, 103:1450-1459, 2016.

- T. Livebardon, S. Moreau, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot and E. Bouty, "Combining LES of combustion chamber and an actuator disk theory to predict combustion noise in a helicopter engine," Combustion & Flame, Vol. 165, issue 3, pp. 272-287, 2016.

- D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Wang and S. Moreau, "Effects of SGS modeling on the deterministic and stochastic turbulent energetic distribution in LES of a high pressure turbine stage," J. of Turbomachinery, 138(9):091005-091005-10, 2016.

- A. Ghani, T. Poinsot, L.Y.M. Gicquel and J.-D. Muller, "LES study of transverse acoustic instabilities in a swirled kerosene/air combustion chamber," Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 96:207-226, 2016.

- A. Ghani, T. Poinsot, L.Y.M. Gicquel and G. Staffelbach, "LES of longitudinal and transverse self-excited combustion instabilities in a bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flame," Combustion & Flame, 162(11):4075-4083, 2015.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel, O. Vermorel, F. Duchaine, E. Riber, A. Dauptain, G. Staffelbach, B. Cuenot and T. Poinsot, "Chapter 4: Gas turbine and industrial burners," in Best Practice Guidelines for Computational Fluid Dynamics of Turbulent Combustion, ERCOFTAC, Belgium, 2015.

- S. Scholl, T. Verstraete, J. Torres-Garcia, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Influence of the thermal boundary conditions on the heat transfer of a rib-roughened cooling channel using LES," Journal of Power and Energy, vol. 229, 5: pp. 498-507, 2015.

- M. Bauerheim, M. Cazalens, E. Riber, L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, S. Bourgois, M. Rullaud, L. Esclapez and T. Jaravel, "Multiphase flow LES study of the fuel split effects on combustion instabilities in an ultra-low NOx annular combustor," J. of Eng. for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(6):061503-061503-8, 2015.

- D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Wang and S. Moreau, "Assessment of the indirect combustion noise generated in a transonic high-pressure turbine stage," J. of Eng. for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(4):041503-041503-8, 2015.

- C. Koupper, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, , T. Bacci, B. Facchini, A. Picchi, L. Tarchi and G. Bonneau, "Experimental and numerical calculation of turbulent timescales at the exit of an engine representative combustor simulator," J. of Eng. for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(2):021503-021503-10, 2015.

- F. Duchaine, S. Jaur'e, S. Poitou, D. Qu'em'erais, G. Staffelbach, T. Morel and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Analysis of High Performance Conjugate Heat Transfer with OpenPALM coupler," Computational Science & Discovery, 8 015003, (doi:10.1088/1749-4699/8/1/015003), 2015.

- C. Koupper, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine and G. Bonneau, "Advanced combustor exit plane temperature diagnostics based on Large Eddy Simulations," Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, DOI 10.1007/s10494-015-9607-2 , 2015.

- M. Bauerheim, G. Staffelbach, N.A. Worth, J.R. Dawson, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Sensitivity of LES-based flame transfer functions for turbulent swirled flames and impact on the stability of azimuthal modes," In Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 35 , Issue 3, pp. 3355-3363, 2015.

- C. Koupper, G. Caciolli, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, G. Bonneau, L. Tarchi and B. Facchini,, "Development of an Engine Representative Combustor Simulator Dedicated to Hot Streak Generation," J. of Turbomachinery, 136(11), 111007, 2014.

- G. Wang, F. Duchaine, D. Papadogiannis, I. Duran, S. Moreau and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "An overset grids method for large eddy simulation of turbomachinery stages," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 274, pp. 333-355, October, 2014.

- D. Barr'e, L. Esclapez, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, G. Staffelbach, B. Renou, A. Vandel, L.Y.M. Gicquel and G. Cabot, "Flame propagation in aeronautical swirled multi-burners: experimental and numerical investigation," Combustion & Flame, Vol. 161, issue 9, pp. 2387-2405, September 2014.

- N. Gourdain, F. Sicot, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Large Eddy Simulations of flows in industrial compressors: a path from 2015 to 2035 ," Philosophical Transactions A., Vol. 372, 20130323 (doi:10.1098/rsta.2013.0323), 2014.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Multiscale and Multiresolution Approaches in Turbulence, LES, DNS and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods: Application and Guidelines," Book review in AIAA Journal, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 1342-1343, 2014.

- C. Koupper, T. Poinsot, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine, "Compatibility of Characteristic Boundary Conditions with Radial Equilibrium in Turbomachinery Simulations," AIAA Journal, (doi: 10.2514/1.J052915), 2014.

- M. Falese, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "LES of bifurcation and hysteresis in confined annular swirling flows," Computers and Fluids, Vol. 89, pp. 167-178, January 2014.

- E. Masi, O. Simonin, E. Riber, P. Sierra and L.Y.M. Gicquel "Development of an algebraic-closure-based moment method for unsteady Eulerian simulations of particle-laden turbulent flows in very dilute regime," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 58:257-278, 01/2014.

- S. Hermeth, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot "Bistable Flame Stabilization in Swirled Flames and Influence on Flame Transfer Functions," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 161, issue 1, pp. 184-196, January 2014.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel and S. Moreau, "Large Eddy Simulations of Aeronautical Compressible Flows," in VKI Lecture series - Accurate and Efficient Aeroacoustic prediction approaches, Von Karman Institute, Belgium, 2013.

- S. Jaur'e, F. Duchaine, G. Staffelbach and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Massively parallel conjugate heat transfer methods relying on LES applied to an aeronautical combustor," Computational Science & Discovery, 6 015008 (doi:10.1088/1749-4699/6/1/015008), 2013.

- A. Eyssartier, B. Cuenot, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Using LES to predict ignition sequences and ignition probability of turbulent two-phase flames," Combustion and Flame, 160 (7):1191-1207, 2013.

- D. Barr'e, M. Kraushaar, G. Staffelbach, V. Moureau and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Compressible and low Mach number LES of a swirl experimental burner," Les Comptes Rendus, S'erie M'ecanique, 329 (1-2):783-789, 2013.

- P. Auzillon, E. Riber, L.Y.M. Gicquel, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante and B. Fiorina, "Numerical investigation of a helicopter combustion chamber using LES and tabulated chemistry," Les Comptes Rendus, S'erie M'ecanique, 341 (1-2):257-265, 2013.

- S. Hermeth, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "LES evaluation of the effects of equivalence ratio fluctuations on the dynamic flame response in a real gas turbine combustion chamber," In Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 34 , Issue 2, p. 3165-3173, 2013.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach and T. Poinsot, "Large Eddy Simulation of Gaseous Flames in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers," Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 38, 782-817, 2012.

- E. Collado Morata, N. Gourdain, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Effects of free-stream turbulence on high pressure turbine blade heat transfer predicted by structured and unstructured LES," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55, 574-5768, 2012.

- P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, J.-D. Muller and T. Poinsot, "Acoustic and Large Eddy Simulation studies of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers," Combustion and Flame, 159 (11): 3398-3413, 2012.

- N. Gourdain, L.Y.M. Gicquel and E. Collado, "RANS and LES for the Heat Transfer Prediction in Turbine Guide Vane," Journal of Propulsion and Power, 28 (2), p. 423-433, March/April, 2012.

- A. Dauptain, L.Y.M. Gicquel and S. Moreau "Large Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Impinging Jets," AIAA Journal, Vol. 50: 1560-1574, 2012.

- P. Wolf, R. Balakrishnan, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Using LES to study reacting flows and instabilities in annular combustion chambers," Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 88:191-206, 2012.

- B. Franzelli, E. Riber, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Large-Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a lean partially premixed swirled flame," Combustion and Flame, 158 (2), pp. 621-637, February, 2012.

- T. Poinsot, P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel and J.D. Muller, "Identification of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers," Annual Research Brief of the CTR, pages 249-258, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA, 2011.
- L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot, "Simulation of thermo-acoustic instability," in Turbulent Premixed Flames, edited by N. Swaminathan KNC. Bray, Cambridge University Press, April, 2011.

- P. Palies, T. Schuller, D. Durox, L.Y.M. Gicquel and S. Candel, "Acoustically perturbed turbulent premixed swirling flames," Phys. of Fluids, 23, 037101 (15 pages), 2011.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Gourdain, J.-F. Boussuge, H. Deniau, G. Staffelbach, P. Wolf and T. Poinsot, "High Performance Computing of Flows in Complex Geometries," Les Comptes Rendus, Serie Mathematiques, 339 (2-3), pp. 104-124, 2011.

- T. Poinsot, M. Garcia, J.M. Senoner, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach and O. Vermorel, "Numerical and physical instabilities in massively parallel LES of reacting flows," Journal of Scientific Computing (DOI: 10.1007/s10915-010-9432-8), 5 November, 2010.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel and A. Roux, "LES to Ease Understanding of Complex Unsteady Combustion Features of Ramjet Burners," Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (DOI 10.1007/s10494-010-9306-z), 17 October, 2010.

- A. Dauptain, B. Cuenot and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Large Eddy Simulation of a Stable Supersonic Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate," AIAA Journal, 48 (10), pp. 2325-2338, 2010.

- M. Sanjose, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot , "Large Eddy Simulation of a two-phase reacting flow in an experimental burner," in Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VII, ERCOFTAC Series, Volume 13, Part 5, pp. 345-351, 2010.

- V. Granet, O. Vermorel, T. Leonard, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Comparison of nonreflecting outlet boundary conditions for compressible solvers on unstructured grids," AIAA Journal, 48 (10), pp. 2348-2364, 2010.

- A. Roux, L.Y.M. Gicquel, S. Reichstadt, N. Bertier, G. Staffelbach, F. Vuillot and T. Poinsot, "Analysis of unsteady reacting flows and impact of chemistry in Large Eddy Simulations of side-dump ramjet combustor," Combustion and Flame, 157, pp. 176-191, 2009.

- N. Gourdain, L.Y.M. Gicquel, M. Montagnac, O. Vermorel, M. Gazaix, G. Staffelbach, M. Garcia, J.-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot, "High Performance Computing of Industrial Flows - Part 1: Numerical Developments for Parallel Computing," Computational Science and Discovery, 2, 015003, 2009.

- N. Gourdain, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel, F. Duchaine, J.-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot, "High Performance Computing of Industrial Flows - Part 2: Applications," Computational Science and Discovery, 2, 015004, 2009.

- G. Dufour, N. Gourdain, F. Duchaine, O. Vermorel, L.Y.M. Gicquel, J.-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot, "A State of the Art: Large Eddy Simulation Applications," in VKI Lecture series - Numerical Investigations in Turbomachinery, Von Karman Institute, Belgium, 2009.

- A. Roux, S. Reichtadt, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Vuillot and T. Poinsot, "Comparison of Numerical Methods and Combustion Models for LES of a Ramjet Configuration," Les Comptes Rendus, Serie Mecanique, 337 (6-7), pp. 352-361, 2009.

- G. Albouze, T. Poinsot and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Chemical Modeling and LES Combustion Model Effects on a perfectly Premixed Burner," Les Comptes Rendus, Serie Mecanique, 337 (6-7), pp. 318-328, 2009.

- J.M. Senoner, M. Sanjose, T. Lederlin, F. Jaegle, M. Garcia, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, L.Y.M. Gicquel, H. Pitsch and T. Poinsot, "Eulerian and Lagrangian Large Eddy-Simulations of an Evaporating Two-Phase Flow," Les Comptes Rendus, Serie Mecanique, 337 (6-7), pp. 458-468, 2009.

- P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, A. Roux, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot and V. Moureau, "Massively Parallel LES of Annular Gas Turbines," Les Comptes Rendus, Serie Mecanique, 337 (6-7), pp. 385-394, 2009.

- N. Goudain, L.Y.M. Gicquel, M. Montagnac, O. Vermorel, M. Gazaix, G. Steffelbach, M. Garcia, J-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot, "High Performance Computing of Industrial Flows: Application to Aeronautic and Propulsion Challenges," in VKI Lecture series - High Performance Computing, Von Karman Institute, Belgium, 2009.

- A. Strzelecki, P. Gajan, L.Y.M. Gicquel and B. Michel, "Experimental investigation of the mixing of transverse jets in circular pipe: 1-Non-swirling flow case," AIAA Journal, 47 (5), pp.1079-1089, 2009.

- F. Duchaine, T. Morel and L.Y.M. Gicquel, "Computational Fluid-Dynamics-Based Kriging Optimization of Aeronautical Combustion Chambers," AIAA Journal, 47 (3), pp. 631-645, 2009.

- G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Boudier and T. Poinsot, "Large Eddy Simulation of self excited azimuthal modes in annular combustors," In Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 32 , pp. 2909-2916, 2009.

- G. Boudier, N. Lamarque, G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Thermo-acoustic stability of a helicopter gas turbine combustor using large-eddy simulations," International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 8 (1):69-94, 2009.

- G. Boudier, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Effects of mesh resolution on Large Eddy Simulation of real geometry combustors," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 155 (1-2), pp. 196-214, 2008.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach, B. Cuenot and T. Poinsot, "Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Reacting Flows in Real Burners: the Status and Challenges," Journal of Physics: Conference Series SciDAC 2008, Seattle, USA, July 14-17, Vol. 125, pp. 1-17 (paper 012029), 2008.

- M. Boileau, S. Pascaud, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot and M. Cazalens, "Investigation of two-fluid methods for Large-Eddy Simulation of spray combustion in Gas Turbines," Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 80 (3):291-321, 2008.

- A. Roux, L.Y.M. Gicquel, Y. Sommerer and T. Poinsot, "Large Eddy Simulation of mean and oscillating flow in a Side-Dump Ramjet Combustor," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 152 (1-2), pp. 154-176, 2008.

- J.-C. Jouhaud, L. Y. M. Gicquel and B. Enaux, "LES modeling for aerothermal predictions behind a Jet in Cross-Flow," AIAA Journal (0001-1452), 45 (10), pp. 2438-2447, 2007.

- G. Boudier, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, D. Bisssieres and C. Berat, "Comparison of LES, RANS and experiments in an aeronautical gas turbine combustion chamber," In Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 31 (2):3075-3082 , 2007.

- G. Staffelbach, L.Y.M. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, "Highly parallel large eddy simulations of multiburner configurations in industrial gas turbines," Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 56, 2006.

- C. Priere, L.Y.M. Gicquel, P. Gajan, A. Strzelecki, T. Poinsot and C. Berat, "Experimental and Numerical Studies of Dilution Systems for Low Emission Combustors," AIAA Journal, 43 (8), pp. 1753-1766, 2005.

- A. Giauque, L. Selle, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, H. Buechner, P. Kaufman and W. Krebs, "System identification of a large-scale swirled partially premixed combustor using LES and measurements," Journal of Turbulence, 6 (21):1-20, 2005.

- C. Priere, L.Y.M. Gicquel, P. Kaufmann, W. Krebbs and T. Poinsot, "LES predictions of mixing enhancement for jets in cross-flows," Journal of Turbulence, 5 (5):1-24, 2003.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel, P. Givi, F.A. Jaberi, S.B. Pope, "Velocity Filtered Density Function for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows," Phys. of Fluids, Vol. 14, # 3, pp. 1196-1213, 2002.

- L.Y.M. Gicquel, P. Givi, F.A. Jaberi, S.B. Pope, "Velocity Filtered Density Function for Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Mixing Layer," pp. 327-334, in DNS/LES - Progress and Challenges, C. Liu, L. Sakell and R. Herklotz, Greyden Press, Columbus, OH, USA, 2001.