User support




Computing Scientist
Global Change and Climate Modeling Team, C.E.R.F.A.C.S.
42, avenue Gaspard Coriolis, Toulouse F-31057 Cedex 1, France
E-mail: Eric.Maisonnave at
- 1994: Engineer degree (Physics), National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA), Toulouse, France
Positions Held
- 12/2000–present: Research Scientist, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France
- 06/2000–11/2000: Research Staff, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), CNRS, Paris VI University, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2023:
Is the YAXT communication library as portable as the OASIS community coupler ?
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/23/177, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., Leclair, M. & Sieber, P., 2023:
Updating the COSMO6-CLM5 coupled model
, Contract Report, CR/CMGC/23/112, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2023:
NEMO/neXtSIM-DG preliminary coupling interface
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/23/58, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2023:
Frugal computations with NEMO latest versions on a NEC vector platform
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/23/17, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2022:
A climate community coupler: OASIS
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/22/168, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2022:
OASIS Dedicated Support, 6th annual summary
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/22/139, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Berthet, S., 2022:
Biogeochemistry coarsening in NEMO 4.2
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/22/86, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2022:
NEMO performance on pre-Exascale processors : NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA and Fujitsu PRIMEHPC FX700
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/22/22, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Bourdallé-Badie, R., 2022:
Coupling NEMO global ocean with hemispheric Arctic and Antarctic ice models
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/22/18, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Irrmann, G., Masson, S., Maisonnave, E., Guibert, D., & Raffin, E., 2022:
Improving ocean modeling software NEMO 4.0 benchmarking and communication efficiency
, Geosci. Model Dev. , 15, 1567–1582, doi:10.5194/gmd-15-1567-2022
- Maisonnave, E., Berthet, S. & Séférian, R., 2021:
OASIS based grid coarsening of TOP-PISCES biogeochemistry in the NEMO ocean model: performance
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/21/201, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E. 2021:
How to interpolate atmosphere fluxes to an AGRIF zoom ? The ECHAM & OpenIFS test case (in French)
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/21/200, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Valcke, S., Craig, T., Maisonnave, E., & Coquart, L., 2021:
OASIS3-MCT User Guide, OASIS3-MCT 5.0
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/21/161, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E. & Kjellsson, J., 2021:
OASIS Dedicated Support, 5th annual summary
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/21/150, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., & d'Ast, I., 2021:
Energy consumption of the NEMO ocean model measured with the Energy Scope tool
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/21/88, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2021:
NEMO performance optimisation on NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/21/37, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Piacentini, A., & Maisonnave, E., 2020:
Interactive visualisation of OASIS coupled models load imbalance
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/20/177, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., Coquart, L., & Piacentini, A., 2020:
A better diagnostic of the load imbalance in OASIS based coupled systems
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/20/176, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2020:
Locally conservative OASIS interpolation using target grid nearest neighbours
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/20/166, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Kjellsson, J., Park, W., Martin, T., Maisonnave, E., & Latif, M., 2020:
Greatness from small beginnings: Impact of oceanic mesoscale on weather extremes and large-scale atmospheric circulation in midlatitudes
, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 17899)
- Blockley, E., Vancoppenolle, M., Hunke, E., Bitz, C., Feltham, D., Lemieux, J.-F., Losch, M., Maisonnave, E., Notz, D., Rampal, P., Tietsche, S., Tremblay, B., Turner, A., Massonnet, F., Ólason, E., Roberts, A., Aksenov, Y., Fichefet, T., Garric, G., Iovino, D., Madec, G., Rousset, C., Salas y Melia, D., & Schroeder, D., 2020:
The Future of Sea Ice Modeling: Where Do We Go from Here ?
, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101, E1304–E1311, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0073.1
- Maisonnave, E., 2020:
Ocean/Biogeochemistry macro-task parallelism in NEMO
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/20/31, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2019:
OASIS Dedicated Support, 4th annual summary
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/19/149, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2019:
persona version 2.1, how to graphically patch a mask variable
, Working note, WN/CMGC/19/107, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Piacentini, A., 2019:
Performance evaluation of the hybrid interactive placement with HIPPPO of SCRIP interpolation tasks
, Working note, WN/CMGC/19/94, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Voldoire, A., 2019:
Exchange grid & multi-ice categories coupling: comparison of two flux computation strategies
, Working note, WN/CMGC/19/93, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2019:
OASIS Gaussian interpolation with locally relative source-target distances
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/19/83, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- d’Ast, I., Maisonnave, E., & Monnier, N., 2019:
ARM CAVIUM THUNDERX2 benchmarks (in French), Internal Report
- Maisonnave, E., & Masson, S., 2019:
NEMO 4.0 performance: how to identify and reduce unnecessary communications
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/19/19, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., Lévy, C., & Masson, S., 2019:
Implementation and computing performance of NEMO ORCA-Km configuration
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/19/18, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Jonville, G., Valcke, S., Coquart, L., Maisonnave, E., & Piacentini, A., 2018:
Specific analyses of the SCRIP interpolation library for OASIS coupler
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/18/93, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Voldoire, A., 2018:
Exchange grid: implementation of a test configuration to evaluate fluxes modification
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/18/47, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Piacentini, A., Maisonnave, E., Jonville, G., Coquart, L., & Valcke, S., 2018:
A parallel SCRIP interpolation library for OASIS
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/18/34, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2018:
TerrSysMP coupled model: load balancing and further improvements
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/18/33, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Coquart, L., Maisonnave, E., & Valcke, S., 2018:
Using Open MP in OASIS3-MCT for the N-nearest-neighbor remapping
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/18/19, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Will, A., Akhtar, N., Brauch, J., Breil, M., Davin, E., Ho-Hagemann, H. T. M., Maisonnave, E., Thürkow, M., & Weiher, S., 2017:
The COSMO-CLM 4.8 regional climate model coupled to regional ocean, land surface and global earth system models using OASIS3-MCT: description and performance
, Geosci. Model Dev., doi:10.5194/gmd-10-1549-2017
- Maisonnave, E., Manubens, D., Fladrich, U., & Seland, O., 2017:
Multi-model multi-member integrated simulation: Computing performances of a demonstrator and other single high-resolution climate models
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/17/62, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., Fast, I., Jahns, T., Biercamp, J., Sénési, S., Meurdesoif, Y., & Fladrich, U., 2017:
CDI-pio & XIOS I/O servers compatibility with HR climate models
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/17/52, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2017:
ARPEGE-Climat V6 simulation in yearly chunks
, Working Note, WN/CMGC/17/38, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2017:
IS-ENES2 HighRes ESM performance resulting from OASIS updates
Technical Report, TR/CMGC/17/14, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Monerie, P.-A., Coquart, L.; Maisonnave, E., Moine, M.-P., Terray, L., & Valcke, S.,2017:
Decadal prediction skill using a high-resolution climate model
, Clim. Dyn., 48, 1-24, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3528-x
- Balaji, V., Maisonnave, E., Zadeh, N., Lawrence, B. N., Biercamp, J., Fladrich, U., Aloisio, G.,
Benson, R., Caubel, A., Durachta, J., Foujols, M.-A., Lister, G., Mocavero, S., Underwood, S., & Wright, G., 2017:
CPMIP: Measurements of Real Computational Performance of Earth System Models in CMIP6
, Geosci. Model Dev., 46, 19-34, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-19-2017
- Acosta, M.C., Yepes-Arbós, X., Valcke, S., Maisonnave, E., Serradell, K., Mula-Valls, O., and Doblas-Reyes ,F.J., 2016:
Performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2: Coupling
, BSC-CES Technical Memorandum, 2016-006, 38pp
- Piazza, M., Terray, L., Boé, J., Maisonnave, E., & Sanchez-Gomez, E., 2016:
Influence of small-scale North Atlantic sea surface temperature patterns on the marine
boundary layer and free troposphere : a study using the atmospheric ARPEGE model, Clim. Dyn.,46 1699–1717, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2669-z
- Maisonnave, E., 2016:
Realistic Output without real model: an XIOS client toy
Working Note, WN/CMGC/16/214, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Davin, E. L., Maisonnave E., & Seneviratne, S. I.,2016:
Is land surface processes representation a possible weak link in current Regional Climate Models ?
, Environ. Res. Lett., 11 074027
- Maisonnave, E., 2016:
A variable number of neighbours for OASIS-SCRIP nearest-neighbours interpolations
Technical Report, TR/CMGC/16/29508, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., Coquart, L., Fladrich, U., Fogli, P.-G.., Hill, R., Seland, O., & Voldoire, A., 2016:
IS-ENES model interface updates for compliance with new OASIS coupler
Technical Report, TR/CMGC/16/29506, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2016:
Quickening ARPEGE-Climat V6
Working Note, WN/CMGC/16/28312, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Oouchi, K., Tomita, H., Iga, S., Miura, H., Noda, A.T., Yamada, Y., Kodama, C., Hara, M., Seiki, T., Nakano, M., Chen, Y.-W., Miyakawa, T., Yashiro, H., Ikeda, M., Takigawa, M., Matsui, H., Doi, T., Maisonnave, E., Tatebe, H., Suzuki, T., Komuro, Y., Arakawa, T., Inoue, T., Fukutomi, Y., & Taniguchi H., 2015:
Study for Seamless Prediction of Weather and Climate Using Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Global Cloud-System Resolving Model
, Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center, Yokohama, Japan
- Maisonnave, E., 2015:
persona v2.0, how to graphically patch a mask variable
Working Note, WN/CMGC/15/57, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Masson, S., 2015:
Ocean/sea-ice macro task parallelism in NEMO
Technical Report, TR/CMGC/15/54, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2015:
Interpolation weights calculation distributed with OpenMP®
Working Note, WN/CMGC/15/5, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Masumoto, Y., Doi, T., Morioka, Y., Sasaki, W., Behera, S., Jayanthi, R.V., Yuan, C., Sakuma, H., Masson, S., Navarra, A., Gualdi, S., Masina, S., Bellucci, A., Cherchi, A., Delecluse, P., Madec, G., Levy, C., Foujols, M.-A., Caubel, A., Maisonnave, E., Brasseur, G., Roeckner, E., Giorgetta, M., Kornblueh, L., Esch, M., & Yamagata, T., 2014:
Study on the Predictability of Climate Variations and Their Mechanisms, Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center, Yokohama, Japan
- Fladrich, U., Maisonnave, E., 2014:
A new set of metrics for the computational performance of IS-ENES Earth System Models
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/14/73, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Caubel, A., 2014:
LUCIA, load balancing tool for OASIS coupled systems
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/14/63, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2014:
A CNRM-CM6 monitoring using Autosubmit
,Working Note, WN/CMGC/14/39, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Piazza, M., Boé, J., Maisonnave, E., Sanchez, E., & Terray, L., 2014:
High resolution modeling of small-scale air-sea interaction in the Gulf Stream region and impact on North Atlantic storm-tracks
,Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-11046, EGU General Assembly
- Maisonnave, E., 2014:
Coupling an icosahedral model with OASIS
,Working Note, WN/CMGC/14/8, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Déqué, M., Piédelièvre, J.-P., & Maisonnave, E., 2013:
Sensitivity of CNRM-CM5 seasonal predictability to horizontal resolution
,SPECS Technical Note, no 1, 12 pp, Barcelona
- Maisonnave, E., & Slavnic, V., 2013:
Resilience in an ocean model
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/13/110, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2013:
PoCO, Post-processing coupled with OASIS
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/13/70, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2013:
A regional coupling with OASIS3-MCT
,Working note, WN/CMGC/13/34, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., Valcke, S., & Foujols, M.-A., 2013:
OASIS Dedicated User Support 2009-2012, Synthesis
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/13/19, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., Hill, R., Jamil, O., & Valcke, S., 2013:
OASIS Dedicated User Support 2012, Annual report
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/13/18, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Masson, S., Hourdin, C., Benshila, R., Maisonnave, E., & Meurdesoif, Y., 2012:
Les modèles climatiques gagnent en précision,
La Recherche, 469, CAH2, pp 22-23
- Masson, S., Hourdin, C., Benshila, R., Maisonnave, E., Meurdesoif, Y., Mazauric, C., Samson, G., Colas, F., Madec, G., Bourdallé-Badie, R., Valcke, S., & Coquart, L., 2012:
Tropical Channel NEMO-OASIS-WRF Coupled simulations at very high resolution
, 11.4. 13th WRF Users’ Workshop – 25-29 June 2012, Boulder, CO
- Donners, J., Basu, C., McKinstry, A., Asif, M., Porter, A., Maisonnave, E., Valcke, S., & Fladrich, U., 2012:
Performance analysis of EC-EARTH 3.1,
Application Scalability, PRACE White Paper
- Maisonnave, E., Cassou, C., Coquart, L., Déqué, M., Ferry, N., Guérémy, J.-F., Piédelièvre, J.-P., Terray, L., & Valcke, S., 2012:
PRACE Project Access for Seasonal Prediction with a high ResolUtion Climate modEl (SPRUCE)
,Working Note, WN/CMGC/12/29, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E. and Valcke, S., 2012:
OASIS Dedicated User Support 2011, Annual report
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/12/18, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2012: A resiliency strategy for NEMO Ocean Model
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/12/13, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., Coquart, L., & Valcke, S., 2011:
PRACE preparatory access for high resolution ARPEGE-NEMO porting on Bullx TGCC platform
,Working Note, WN/CMGC/11/77, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2011:
A simple OASIS interface for CESM
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/11/63, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Jeandel, C., & Mosseri, R., 2011:
Le Climat à découvert, Outils et méthodes en recherche climatique, CNRS Edition, Paris
- Maisonnave, E. and Valcke, S., 2011:
OASIS Dedicated User Support 2010, Annual report
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/11/28, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2011:
OASIS4 coupling interface implementation on ETHZ land-atmosphere coupled model
,Working Note, WN/CMGC/11/15, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Valcke, S., Maisonnave, E., & Coquart, L., 2011:
Parallel ocean-atmosphere coupling: from OASIS3 to OASIS4
,Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère (AMA), 2011, February 8-10, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2010:
OpenMP SURFEX parallelization on a selected example (in french)
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/10/72, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., Bielli, S., & Cassou, C., 2010:
A climate model with a mixed layer based on NEMO v3.2
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/10/54, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875, France
- Maisonnave, E., & Valcke, S., 2010:
OASIS Dedicated User Support 2009, Annual report
,Technical Report, TR/CMGC/10/26, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2009:
OASIS High End Computing on NEC SX9, Proceedings of the OASIS User meeting, CERFACS, Toulouse, France
- S. Masson, G. Madec, C. Talandier, R. Benshila, P. Terray, A. Caubel, E. Maisonnave, M.-A. Foujols, J.-J. Luo, T. Izumo, C. de Boyer Montegut, T. Yamagata, & K. Takahashi, 2009:
High resolution coupled simulations on the Earth Simulator, Proceedings of the OASIS User meeting, CERFACS, Toulouse, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2009:
ARPEGE-NEMO porting on scalar plateforms IBM BG/P and SGI Altix
,(in french) Working Note, WN/CMGC/09/88, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2008:
Problematic of ARPEGE-NEMO porting on super-scalar computers,(in french) Working Note, WN/CMGC/08/98, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., & L. Terray, 2008:
How to couple runoff by anomaly conservating water flux
(in french), Technical Report, TR/CMGC/08/71, Cerfacs, France
- Caniou, Y., Caron, E., Charrier, G., Desprez, F., Maisonnave, E., & Pichon, V., 2008:
Ocean-Atmosphere Application Scheduling within DIET, APDCT, In conjunction with ISPA APDCT-08 International Symposium on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques
- Caniou, Y., Caron, E., Charrier, G., Chis, A., Desprez, F., & Maisonnave, E., 2008:
Ocean-Atmosphere Modelization over the Grid
, icpp, pp. 206-213, 2008 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing
- Maisonnave, E., 2008:
ARPEGE/NEMO porting on IBM Blue Gene/L
, (in french), Working Note, WN/CMGC/08/7, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2007:
Frontier Coupled Experiments ( Earth Simulator / Météo France ) : Performances (in french), Working Note, WN/CMGC/07/02, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2007:
Setting-Up ECHAM5-NEMO-LIM Coupled Model on Earth Simulator
(in french), Compte Rendu Mission, CRM_2006_5, IPSL, Paris, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2007:
LEGO: Grid Compliant Climate Model Analysis,
Technical Report, TR/CMGC/07/16, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., Morel, T., & Valcke, S., 2007:
ARPEGE-OPA coupled model porting and deployment on Grid'5000 distributed platform
(in french), Working Note, WN/CMGC/07/44, Cerfacs, France
- Caminade, C., Terray, L., & Maisonnave, E, 2006:
West African Monsoon System response to greenhouse gas and sulfate aerosols forcing under two emissions scenarios, Clim. Dyn.,
26(5), 531-547.
- Maisonnave, E., 2006:
Oceanic Part of OCC17 Coupled Model : Physical Interface
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/06/36, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2005:
SAFO: FA/Netcdf Converter User Guide (in french),
Technical Report, TR/CMGC/05/16, Cerfacs, France
- Cibot C., Maisonnave, E., Terray, L., & Dewitte, B., 2005:
Mechanisms of tropical Pacific interannual-to-decadal variability in the ARPEGE/ORCA global coupled model
, Clim. Dyn., 24, 823-842.
- Terray, L., Demory, M.-E., Deque, M., de Coetlogon, G. & Maisonnave, E., 2004:
Simulation of late twenty-first century changes in wintertime atmospheric circulation over Europe due to anthropogenic causes
, J. Climate, 17, No 24, pages 4630-4635
- Palmer, T. N., Alessandri, A., Andersen, U., Cantelaube, P.,
Davey, M., Délécluse, P., Déqué, M., Diez, E., Doblas-Reyes, F. J.,
Feddersen, H., Graham, R., Gualdi, S., Guérémy, J.-F., Hagedorn, R.,
Hoshen, M., Keenlyside, N., Latif, M., Lazar, A., Maisonnave, E.,
Marletto, V., Morse, A. P., Orfila, B., Rogel, P., Terres, J.-M., &
Thomson, M. C., 2004:
Development of a European Multi-Model Ensemble System for Seasonal to Inter-Annual Prediction (DEMETER)
, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 85, 853-872.
- Maisonnave, E., 2004:
ARPEGE PC: Porting Vector Code to Scalar Platform
(in french), Technical Report, TR/CMGC/04/99, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E.: 2004:
ARPEGE PC: Towards Climate Computing New Era
(in french), Working Note, WN/CMGC/04/100, Cerfacs, France
- Jouzeau, A., Maisonnave, E.,, Valcke, S.,, & Terray, L., 2003:
Climatology and Interannual to Decadal Variability diagnosed from a 200-year Global Coupled Experiment
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/03/30, Cerfacs, France
- Jouzeau, A., Maisonnave, E., Valcke, S., & Terray, L., 2003:
Decadal Predictability Study using a Global Coupled Model
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/03/83, Cerfacs, France
- Rogel, P., & Maisonnave, E., 2003:
CERFACS ocean analysis and seasonal forecasting system: unassimilated reference hindcast experiments
, Technical Report, TR/CMGC/03/87, Cerfacs, France
- Rogel, P., & Maisonnave, E., 2003:
Some results of DEMETER Seasonal Forecasts from CERFACS
(in french), Technical Report, TR/CMGC/03/88, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., Cibot, C., Delon, C., Drévillon, M., Piacentini, A., & Bari, D., 2003:
Sibylle 1.2: Vizualisation Tools Library, User Guide
(in french), Working Notes, WN/CMGC/03/94, Cerfacs, France
- Maisonnave, E., 2002:
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"Ny le trenchant du fer victorieux"