calculatevol.F [SRC] [CPP] [JOB] [SCAN]

   1 | include(
   2 | 
   3 |       SUBROUTINE calculatevol(ndim,eltype,nnodes,nodescoor,normlist,vol)
   4 | 
   5 | !       ================================================================!
   6 | !                                                                       !
   7 | !       calculatevol.F : Calculates the volume of any given cell        !
   8 | !                                                                       !
   9 | !       in             : The number of dimensions 'ndim'                !
  10 | !                        The element type 'eltype'                      !
  11 | !                        The number of nodes of the cell 'nnodes'       !
  12 | !                        The list of the coordinates 'nodescoor'        !
  13 | !                        The list of the reduced normals at each node   !
  14 | !                        'normlist'                                     !
  15 | !       out            : The volume of the cell 'vol'                   !
  16 | !                                                                       !
  17 | !       author         : J. AMAYA (avril 2007)                          !
  18 | !                                                                       !
  19 | !       ================================================================!
  20 | 
  21 |         IMPLICIT NONE
  22 | 
  23 |         INCLUDE 'dom_constants.h'
  24 | 
  25 | !       IN
  26 |         DOM_INT  :: ndim, nnodes, eltype
  27 |         DOM_REAL :: nodescoor(ndim,nnodes)
  28 |         DOM_REAL :: normlist(ndim,nnodes)
  29 | 
  30 | !       OUT
  31 |         DOM_REAL :: vol
  32 | 
  33 | !       LOCAL
  34 |         DOM_INT  :: i, j
  35 | 
  36 |         vol = 0.0d0
  37 | 
  38 |         DO i=1,nnodes 
  39 |           DO j=1, ndim
  40 |             vol = vol + nodescoor(j,i)*normlist(j,i)
  41 |           ENDDO
  42 |         ENDDO
  43 | 
  44 |         vol = vol / (ndim*ndim)
  45 | 
  46 | !       ------------------------------!
  47 | !       Volume correction coefficient !
  48 | !       ------------------------------!
  49 | 
  50 |         IF (eltype.eq.EL_HEXA) THEN
  51 |           vol = vol * 0.75d0
  52 |         ENDIF
  53 | 
  54 |       END SUBROUTINE calculatevol

calculatevol.F could be called by:
addcell.F [TOOLS/PREDATAS/DATAS] - 216
addcell.F_bup [TOOLS/PREDATAS/DATAS] - 212
Makefile [TOOLS/PREDATAS] - 83