1 | include(dom.inc)
2 |
3 | SUBROUTINE addcell(id, eltype, nb_faces, faceslist)
4 |
5 | ! ================================================================!
6 | ! !
7 | ! addcell.F : Adds a new cell to the 'cell_list' and sets the !
8 | ! cell nodal values and calculates the nodal normals !
9 | ! !
10 | ! in : The new cell's 'id' number !
11 | ! The type of cell to construct !
12 | ! The number of faces that compose the cell !
13 | ! The faces' id list !
14 | ! nota : Be careful when using this subroutine. the pointer !
15 | ! 'current_cell' must be pointing at a previously !
16 | ! allocated memory space of type 'cell'. Take a look !
17 | ! at the examples. !
18 | ! out : the 'current_cell' and 'last_cell' pointers will !
19 | ! point at the cell !
20 | ! !
21 | ! author : J. AMAYA (avril 2007) !
22 | ! !
23 | ! ================================================================!
24 |
25 | USE datas
27 |
28 | INCLUDE 'dom_constants.h'
29 |
30 | ! IN
31 | DOM_INT :: parent, nb_faces, id, eltype
32 | DOM_INT, DIMENSION(nb_faces) :: faceslist
33 |
34 | ! LOCAL
35 | type(cell), pointer :: new_cell
36 | DOM_INT :: ierr, nbnodes, ndim, fc
37 | DOM_INT :: i, j, k, m, thisnode_id
38 | DOM_REAL :: vol
39 | DOM_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: nodescoor
40 | DOM_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: normlist
41 | type(face), pointer :: face_pt
42 | logical :: found
43 |
44 | ! ------------------------!
45 | ! Initialise the new cell !
46 | ! ------------------------!
47 |
48 | new_cell => current_cell
49 | new_cell%i_nbfaces = nb_faces
50 | new_cell%cell_id = id
51 | ALLOCATE(new_cell%cell_face(nb_faces))
52 |
53 | ! ----------------------!
54 | ! Add faces to the cell !
55 | ! ----------------------!
56 |
57 | ! print*, " >> cell: ", id
58 | ! print*, " faces: ", faceslist
59 |
60 | DO i=1, nb_faces
61 | fc = faceslist(i)
62 | current_face => faceidx(fc)%face_ptr
63 | new_cell%cell_face(i)%face_ptr => faceidx(fc)%face_ptr
64 | ENDDO
65 |
66 | ! ---------------!
67 | ! Set cell nodes !
68 | ! ---------------!
69 | new_cell%celltype = eltype
70 |
71 | SELECTCASE(eltype)
73 | ndim = 2
74 | nbnodes = 3
76 | ndim = 2
77 | nbnodes = 4
79 | ndim = 3
80 | nbnodes = 4
82 | ndim = 3
83 | nbnodes = 5
85 | ndim = 3
86 | nbnodes = 6
88 | ndim = 3
89 | nbnodes = 8
91 | WRITE(*,*) "Error: element type not recognised ", eltype
92 | STOP
94 |
95 | ! print*, "Allocating cellnodes: ", nbnodes
96 | ALLOCATE(new_cell%cellnodes(nbnodes))
97 | ALLOCATE(new_cell%nodenormals(4,nbnodes))
98 |
99 | new_cell%cellnodes = 0
100 |
101 | k = 1
102 | i = 1
103 |
104 | DO WHILE ((i.le.nb_faces).and.(k.le.nbnodes))
105 |
106 | face_pt => new_cell%cell_face(i)%face_ptr
107 | j = 1
108 |
109 | DO WHILE ((j.le.face_pt%i_nbnodes).and.(k.le.nbnodes))
110 |
111 | parent = 1
112 | IF (face_pt%parent_cell(1).ne.id) parent = 2
113 |
114 | ! print*, " >> Evaluating: face ", i,", node ",j
115 | ! print*, " parent: " ,parent, " , k: ", k
116 | thisnode_id = face_pt%face_point(j,parent)
117 | found = .false.
118 | m = k - 1
119 | ! print*, " m: ",m
120 | DO WHILE ((m.ge.1).and.(.not.found))
121 | IF (thisnode_id.eq.new_cell%cellnodes(m)) found = .true.
122 | m = m - 1
123 | ENDDO
124 | IF (.not.found) THEN
125 | ! print*, " adding to the list bcs not found"
126 | new_cell%cellnodes(k) = thisnode_id
127 | k = k + 1
128 | ENDIF
129 | ! print*, " done"
130 | ! print*, " "
131 | j = j + 1
132 |
133 | ENDDO
134 |
135 | i = i + 1
136 |
137 | ENDDO
138 |
139 | ! ----------------------------!
140 | ! Set cell's node information !
141 | ! ----------------------------!
142 |
143 | ALLOCATE(nodescoor(3,nbnodes))
144 | ALLOCATE(normlist(3,nbnodes))
145 |
146 | ! -------------------------!
147 | ! Calculate normal at node !
148 | ! -------------------------!
149 |
150 | DO i=1, nbnodes
151 | thisnode_id = new_cell%cellnodes(i)
152 | ! print*, " node ",i,": ", thisnode_id
153 | nodescoor(:,i) = node_list(:,thisnode_id)
154 |
155 | new_cell%nodenormals(:,i) = 0.0d0
156 | DO j=1, nb_faces
157 |
158 | face_pt => new_cell%cell_face(j)%face_ptr
159 |
160 | parent = 1
161 | IF (face_pt%parent_cell(1).ne.id) parent = 2
162 | ! print*, " faces parents:", face_pt%parent_cell(1), &
163 | ! & face_pt%parent_cell(2)
164 | ! print*, " parent: ",parent
165 |
166 | ! --------------------------------------!
167 | ! Detect if this face contains the node !
168 | ! --------------------------------------!
169 | ierr = 0
170 | k=1
171 | DO WHILE (k.le.face_pt%i_nbnodes)
172 | IF (face_pt%face_point(k,parent).eq.thisnode_id) THEN
173 | ierr=thisnode_id
174 | k = face_pt%i_nbnodes
175 | ENDIF
176 | k = k+1
177 | ENDDO
178 |
179 | ! ---------------------------------------------------------!
180 | ! Add current face's area weighted normal to node's normal !
181 | ! ---------------------------------------------------------!
182 | IF (ierr.ne.0) THEN
183 |
184 | new_cell%nodenormals(1,i) = new_cell%nodenormals(1,i) + &
185 | & face_pt%face_normal(1,parent)*face_pt%area
186 | new_cell%nodenormals(2,i) = new_cell%nodenormals(2,i) + &
187 | & face_pt%face_normal(2,parent)*face_pt%area
188 | new_cell%nodenormals(3,i) = new_cell%nodenormals(3,i) + &
189 | & face_pt%face_normal(3,parent)*face_pt%area
190 |
191 | ENDIF
192 |
193 | ENDDO
194 |
195 | ! ------------------------------------!
196 | ! Calculate node's normal vector norm !
197 | ! ------------------------------------!
198 | new_cell%nodenormals(4,i) = SQRT(new_cell%nodenormals(1,i)* &
199 | & new_cell%nodenormals(1,i)+ &
200 | & new_cell%nodenormals(2,i)* &
201 | & new_cell%nodenormals(2,i)+ &
202 | & new_cell%nodenormals(3,i)* &
203 | & new_cell%nodenormals(3,i))
204 |
205 | ! print*, " nx: ", new_cell%nodenormals(1,i)
206 | ! print*, " ny: ", new_cell%nodenormals(2,i)
207 | ! print*, " nz: ", new_cell%nodenormals(3,i)
208 |
209 | normlist(1:3,i) = new_cell%nodenormals(1:3,i)
210 | ENDDO
211 |
212 | ! ------------------------!
213 | ! Calculate cell's volume !
214 | ! ------------------------!
215 |
216 | CALL calculatevol(ndim,eltype,nbnodes,nodescoor,normlist,vol)
217 | new_cell%volume = vol
218 | ! print*, " >> Cell ", id, " - volume: ", vol
219 |
220 | DEALLOCATE(nodescoor)
221 | DEALLOCATE(normlist)
222 |
223 | ! -----------------------------!
224 | ! Put the new cell in the list !
225 | ! (This can provoque memory errors) !
226 | ! -----------------------------!
227 |
228 | ! IF (.not.ASSOCIATED(cell_list)) THEN
229 | ! cell_list => new_cell
230 | ! last_cell => new_cell
231 | ! ELSE
232 | ! last_cell%next_cell => new_cell
233 | ! last_cell => new_cell
234 | ! ENDIF
235 |
236 | ! -----------------------------!
237 | ! Put the new cell in the list !
238 | ! -----------------------------!
239 |
240 | IF (i_ncells.eq.0) THEN
241 | cell_list => new_cell
242 | last_cell => new_cell
243 | ELSE
244 | last_cell%next_cell => new_cell
245 | last_cell => new_cell
246 | ENDIF
247 |
248 | i_ncells = i_ncells + 1
249 |
250 | END SUBROUTINE addcell
addcell.F could be called by:
2dptrtest.F | [TOOLS/PREDATAS/EXAMPLES] | - 169 - 204 - 243 |
addcell.F_bup | [TOOLS/PREDATAS/DATAS] | - 62 |
avbp2dom.F | [TOOLS/PREDATAS/INOUT] | - 253 - 299 - 345 - 408 |
gambit2dom.F | [TOOLS/PREDATAS/INOUT] | - 128 - 174 - 211 - 258 - 296 - 342 |
Makefile | [TOOLS/PREDATAS] | - 73 |
ptrtest.F | [TOOLS/PREDATAS/EXAMPLES] | - 71 - 90 - 109 - 128 - 147 |
test2dom.F | [TOOLS/PREDATAS/INOUT] | - 124 - 160 - 200 |