Imft Cerfacs Erc


Simulation tools used in SAFE-H2:

In SAFE-H2, multiple massively parallel simulation tools for unsteady combustion develop by CERFACS ( are used. For SAFE H2 the main code used for safety issues is AVBP (a Large Eddy Simulation code) developed and maintained by the CERFACS CFD team. The public part of the web site of AVBP gives access to most of its features:

These codes can predict the laminar and turbulent combustion of any fuel, including hydrogen in complex geometry combustors.

The tools must also address all phases of combustion: ignition, quenching, steady flames, flame acceleration, detonation.


Example of explosion computed with  the AVBP solver of CERFACS (source: CERFACS)






















Full paper in O. Vermorel, P. Quillatre and T. Poinsot and Ph. Ricoux.

LES of explosions in venting chamber: a test case for premixed turbulent combustion models. Comb. Flame. 2017, 183, 207-224.




Example of flow in a combustion chamber and turbine stage (source: CERFACS)



Published on  September 26th, 2024