Imft Cerfacs Erc


Pr Thierry SCHULLER  (Principal Investigator)                                                                      

Dr Thiery Schuller is Professor at University Toulouse III since 2017 when he joined IMF Toulouse. He started his career in 2004 at CentraleSupelec and EM2C laboratory. He was the head of the joined Chair on oxy-combustion and heat transfer between Air Liquide, CNRS and Ecole Centrale Paris from 2012 to 2018. He teaches fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

Pr Schuller's research focus on experimental aspects as well as theoretical and modelling issues in combustion.

Pr Schuller has authored more than 140 papers in refereed journals and 120 communications. He is also serving as editor for the periodical journal «Flow Turbulence and Combustion ». During the ERC SCIROCCO at IMFT (, he has designed the HYLON injector system for hydrogen/air swirled flames which is now used as the standard configuration for CFD validation of hydrogen solvers  in the TNF workshop (





Dr. Laurent GICQUEL holds a PhD in Fluid Mechanics and Energetics from the State University of New York at Buffalo (2001). He then joined CERFACS where he has recently been appointed Project Leader of the ‘Energy & Safety’ Team (past CFD Combustion Team).

During his 23 years stay at CERFACS, Dr Gicquel has contributed to the the development of Large Eddy Simulation (LES), through the tool AVBP, LES modeling of turbulence, turbulent reacting as well as turbomachinery flows and more largely the use of LES to industrial relevant problems. He has authored more than 120 papers in refereed journals and 100 conference communications. 




Dr Thierry POINSOT  (co Investigator)                                                   


Dr Poinsot is research director at IMFT CNRS, scientific advisor for the CFD group at CERFACS, senior research fellow at Stanford University, consultant for various companies and member of the French Academy of Sciences. His group has produced a significant part of recent research in the field of LES of turbulent combustion. He teaches numerical methods and combustion in many schools and universities (Ecole Centrale Paris, ENSEEIHT, ISAE, UPS, Stanford, Von Karmann Institute, CEFRC Princeton and Beijing). He has authored more than 250 papers in refereed journals and 200 communications.


He is the author of the textbook  "Theoretical and numerical combustion" with Dr D. Veynante and the editor of «Combustion and Flame ». He has received the first Cray prize in 1993, the BMW prize in 2002, the Grand Prix of French Academy in 2003, an ERC advanced grant in 2013 on thermoacoustics (INTECOCIS: and a second one in 2019 on hydrogen combustion for renewable energy storage (SCIROCCO:


In 2017, he has received the Zeldovich Gold medal of the Combustion Institute. He also gave the prestigious Hottel plenary lecture at the 35th Symposium on Comb. in Seoul (2016). In 2018 he was elected as Fellow of the Combustion Institute.


Dr Laurent SELLE  (co Investigator)                                                                       

Laurent Selle obtained his PhD in 2004 from Cerfacs where he gained his expertise in the numerical simulation of turbulent combustion. He specifically worked on the use of Large-Eddy Simulation for the prediction and mitigation of combustion instabilities.

Dr Selle's PhD work, published in 2004 was the most cited article in Combustion and Flame over the 2004-09 period. Dr. Selle then worked as a postdoc at Caltech and JPL for two years on the the DNS of two-phase and supercritical flows. Since 2006, he has been a full time researcher at CNRS, still working on high-performance computing and numerical simulations, but increasingly involved in experimental works. Dr. Selle was consultant at ONERA over the 2010-18 period, providing expertise on high-frequency combustion instabilities in rocket engines. Since 2019, he is the acting chair of the french section of the Combustion Institute and a member of the CNRS National Committee.






Sylvain MARRAGOU (Research fellow IMFT)                                                                                                          

S. Marragou received his master in Fluid Dynamics in 2019 from University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. He also graduated  as Advanced technician's certificate in Motorcycle Mechanics - Technical college Jacques Brel (St Pons de thomières) in 2015.

He was in charge of the development of hydrogen swirled flames in the previous ERC of the group (called SCIROCCO: and lead the CFD exercise of validation for hydrogen flames published in 2024 on the TNF workshop.

He graduated in 2023 and has joined KAUST for 2024 as a post doctoral student where he studies high pressure flames. He should join the IMFT team in the next years again.




Dr Omar DOUNIA (Senior research fellow CERFACS)                                         


Dr O. Dounia obtained his master in 2014 from University Paul Sabatier and received his PhD from Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT)  in 2018 on 'Numerical investigation of gas explosion phenomena' at CERFACS. Dr Dounia received the INPT PhD prize for this work.

His expertise is on CFD for reacting flows and especially on shock capturing methods, detonation, LES models for DDT, complex models for flame/metals salts interaction.

In SELECT-H, Dr Dounia will be in charge of coordinating DNS and LES for H2 flames. 




Herve MAGNES (Research fellow IMFT)                                                     

Herve Magnes studied at ISAE ENSMA and joined the SAFE-H2 team to perform experimental work on the HYLON H2 chambers. He graduated at IMFT in 2025. He is in charge of the high pressure experiments with ONERA and KAUST. He takes also care of all safety issues linked to hydrogen flames.









Lucas Bard (Engineer, IMFT)                                                  

Lucas Bard graduated at INP-ENSMAC in 2019 and after working for CEA, Lille University and KTH Stockholm, has joined IMFT  in 2024 to handle the development of all experiments dedicated to hydrogen in the three ERC grants developed at IMFT. 










Hyebin Kang (Post doc, IMFT)

Hyebin Kang earned her Ph.D. in 2024 from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in South Korea and joined IMFT in the same year as a postdoctoral fellow.

As part of the SELECT-H project, she is in charge of experimental research on hydrogen flames, with a particular focus on high-frequency combustion instabilities.









Mohamed Hamdaoui (PhD student, IMFT)


Mohamed HAMDAOUI graduated from Arts et Métiers with an engineering degree and completed a dual-degree research master's in Energy at Paris 6.

For his final-year internship, he worked on experimental combustion of H2/O2 and CH4/O2 using the Oxytec burner at Air Liquide (Les Loges-en-Josas).

In 2023, he joined IMFT to begin a PhD under the supervision of Thierry Schuller and Laurent Selle, focusing on Work Package 3 of the ERC Select H project.









Théo Riou

Théo Riou graduated at ISAE-ENSMA with an engineering degree and completed a master’s degree in combustion at ISAE-ENSMA.

For his final internship, he simulated a single-phase and two-phase centrifugal pump at CEA (Saclay). 

In 2023, he has joined IMFT within the ERC SELECT-H project to work on a PhD on the study of hydrogen flame dynamics with a particular focus on combustion noise under the supervision of Laurent Selle, Guillaume Daviller, Thierry Poinsot and Thierry Schuller.

Published on  January 8th, 2025